Chapter 153 Story Scenario! The Ghost Phoenix’s imminent appearance! 【6 more】!!

In the dark………

The wisp of fire gradually approached.

Terrible oppression!

In a frenzied suppression phantom eye!

“Your dark energy is integrated into my body…”

“Just to wake up the sleeping presence in my body…”


“You think—”

The Xia family looked at the phantom eyes in front of them and smiled.

“Who is the person with the highest IQ in the Xia family?”

That being said.

He was just very nervous! After all………

He wasn’t sure if what he was thinking would succeed! And he gambled!

It’s the phantom eye……… Not strong but not a ghost phoenix! Airplanes………

In the frightened and uneasy eyes of the phantom eyes, the figure full of flames slowly stepped out of the darkness, it was exactly the same as Xia Yu’s, but it was a very evil figure, dressed in a fiery red, full of fire, like a flame in the darkness, when he came to Xia Yu’s side, the phantom eye felt a terrifying suppressive force sweep up! A dark energy far beyond the phantom eye suddenly appeared!


“It’s my turn.”

Heavy magic sounds, echoing Xia Yu’s consciousness space.

Old ass pub outside.

Three figures appeared here.

Su Yu was dressed in a black Tang costume and held an ancient ink folding fan, followed by Ximen Chuixue and Lonely Seeking Defeat.

“It seems……”

“The emergence of the story—”

“Let the ghost phoenix also appear soon.”

In the dark.

He smiled.


“It’s getting more and more interesting.”

After observing for a moment, he left the place.


Xia Mansion.

“Summer, have you really decided?”

Xiu looked at the summer in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

“I’m ready.”

Summer nodded.

Xiu looked at the summer in front of him, and for a moment he was a little helpless, but he didn’t say anything more, but patted Summer’s shoulder: “Come back safely.” ”

Summer: “Hmm! Help me take care of my brother. ”

Xiu nodded, “His current state is a little strange, but the doctor has come to check, although there is dark energy in his body, but there is not much, there is no problem with his physical state, he has not been demonized, but he does not know when he will be able to wake up.” ”

After Xia Yu was unconscious in the old ass pub, Dongcheng Wei quickly arrived! As a matter of fact

Brother Xiong had already informed Dongcheng Wei, but Dongcheng Wei was too far away, and the time given by the Phantom Eye was simply not enough, so Brother Xiong and the others came one step ahead, and when Xiu Xiu arrived, Xia Yu fell into a coma, Professor G and the black-robed man were directly taken down, and the crisis was temporarily lifted.

The only problem was that Xia Yu, Xiu and Dongcheng Wei immediately sealed Xia Yu off, and at the same time invited Dr. Extraordinary Energy to see if Xia Yu’s body was occupied by the phantom eye, but it was very strange that Xia Yu did have a little bit of dark energy left in his body, but the other dark energy was missing!

According to the speculations of Xiu and others, that phantom eye is definitely a stingray, maybe even a half-devil-level monster, and the dark energy contained in the body is absolutely terrifying, and the energy index should have 3W point +

But now!

That dark energy… It’s like a stone sinking into the sea and disappearing without a trace.

And Xia Yu did not show signs of demonization on his body, it was very likely that Xia Yu had won the illusion in the consciousness space, but he could not wake up for a long time.

Summer after experiencing the Phantom Eye event. He decided to go inside the Extinction.


The third story is almost beginning, he wants to become stronger, not only to protect time and space, but also to protect his family!

Brother Xiong said a lot of words, even more tearful, she did not want to enter the inside of the dragon in the summer, even if there is a sealed dragon card protective body, but this is very dangerous after all, especially the energy inside the dragon, once absorbed by the ghost dragon, the energy of the ghost dragon will become stronger!

But……… Summer wants to stand up.

“Be sure to be safe.”

Brother Xiong repeatedly advised.

Summer also stepped into the abyss.

“Brother, don’t worry.”

“In the summer, there is a sealed dragon card in his body, and he also has cultivation and special abilities, which is better than not stepping into it with a little special ability.”

Xiu comforted.

In the story

In the summer, there was nothing, not even a little special ability was cultivated, so he ventured into the extinction, and now in the summer, after cultivating these days of teaching, although the ability index is still very low, it is always stronger than a little energy index, it can be said that with the current summer energy plus the sealed dragon card, as well as his special physique, he can completely pass this time of the ordeal and enhance his own strength.

And at the same time.

The second edition of the story of the Ultimate Family is also officially renewed.

“The Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family” have become popular in various schools, and even some adults will buy and watch it, and the sales are very impressive, and the purpose is still rising

And most importantly!

Some of the Strangers also bought books about “The Ultimate Class” and newspapers and periodicals with “The Ultimate Family”, and these Strangers were shocked into a cold sweat, especially after seeing the content of the cover, which even involved the Charan Zeid family.

“The Ultimate Class” and the serial “Ultimate Family” newspaper and periodicals have caught fire in a small area.

Su Yu looked at the data panel in front of him.

It’s been four days since the storytelling.

For four days

His popularity has skyrocketed again!

Especially after the content of “The Ultimate Family” was changed, the mixed word generation was full of curiosity and a sense of expectation for the special ability, coupled with the setting of the double body, countless mixed word generations wanted to listen to the follow-up story and content, and even triggered the fantasy that countless mixed word generations wanted to travel through time and space.

Just a few days! The popularity value has exceeded 100W again!

Of course the main core.

Naturally, the identities of Ye Siren and Xia Yu were exposed! This is the biggest breaking point! After this explosion, Su Yu has pulled up the next period of anticipation! That has a dark ancient plan about Ye Siren, the Shalan Jingde family! For Su Yu, after dividing the story into segments, the battle between good and evil in iron time and space is also accelerating! All of this needs to be put on the itinerary as soon as possible.

In particular, the problem of the spread of iron space-time.

In Golden Time and Space, Su Yu has published “The Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family” into books, but in Iron Time and Space, Su Yu chose newspapers and periodicals, and the spread of books is not as good as Golden Time and Space, after all, the development of Golden Time and Space and Iron Time and Space are completely different! The reason for choosing newspapers and periodicals, Su Yu’s biggest purpose is to prepare for the launch of the film and television of “The Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family”.

After waiting for film and television, the degree of spread can be opened in iron time and space, and the popularity value will naturally be higher.

And most importantly……

Let the Iron Space-Time be prepared for the appearance of the Stranger Walker.

Of course.

The film-based content Su Yu has probably finished conceiving, waiting for the Storm Girl and Deadpool of Iron Time and Space to execute.

As for the protagonist…… Su Yu thought of the simplest

It is to let the protagonist play himself directly.


When Su Yu thought of this picture, he thought it was quite interesting.


He looked at the data panel in front of him.



【Combat Power Index:32000】

[Martial Arts: Yi Jian Jing, Northern Meditation Divine Gong Fragment x2, Chivalrous Divine Gong Fragment x3, Descending Dragon Eighteen Palms, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Electricity, and Water Powers…]

[Character Fragments: Ximen Chuixue x2, Ding Xiu x3, Lonely Seeking Defeat x1, Storm Girl…]

[Items: Full Record of Final Series, Eighteen Palms of the Descending Dragon, Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Powers, Time and Space Seam Doors, etc…….]

[World: Level 1 Extraordinary World, Martial Arts World.] 】

【Infiltration progress:

【Iron space-time:26%】

After the end of the Golden Time and Space War, Su Yu’s combat strength index is 23,000 points, after the end of the Iron Time and Space Story, the first lottery increases by 3,000 points, while activating new functions, the second lottery increases by 2,000 points, activates the character fragment Storm Woman, etc., plus the strengthening of martial arts and abilities during this time, has broken through to 32,000 points +.

And in the midst of a breakthrough growth at an extremely terrifying rate!

“The final series is full of records…”

Su Yu looked at the item.

The last upgrade cost 20W of popularity, the system prompts that it takes 100W points to upgrade again, once upgraded, it can increase the immersive feeling and increase the stronger sense of substitution.


“Upgrade the Full Record of the Final Series.”

Su Yu directly chose to upgrade.


【Upgrade successful.】 】

[Ultimate series full record: the first thousand years and the next thousand years of the story, information, intelligence all recorded, once the host tells the story, will be the scene in the story embodied around the host, listen to the book, listen to the story of the people will enter the scene, truly feel everything in the scene, including the picture, sound, music, etc., the host can customize part of the content, etc.]

[e.g. music, part of the scene, picture, etc….]

Su Yu smiled slightly.

That’s a good thing.

With such a strong immersion, the sense of substitution of people listening to books will be stronger, the sense of expectation will be higher, and the popularity value will naturally be higher.

【Tip: 500W popularity required for the next upgrade】

[Tip: After the next upgrade, the system will construct a space of successive storytelling worlds during storytelling, in the space, the host, the listener of the book, can partially intersect with the scenes, screens, etc. in the storytelling, and can improve with the upgrade intersection. 】

Looking at the latest tips, Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The more this item is upgraded……

The more powerful it seems.


How can it even form a space of its own, and according to the prompt, it seems that the story line that has now changed intersects with the story line that has not changed? Of course, to know the real experience, you also need 500W of popularity.

“It seems……”

“It’s time to speed up.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand.


Also prepare the third story.

And the content of the third story appears with more characters……… The appearance of Lan Ling King and Moxibustion Dance is destined to have begun to bring the Iron Time and Space Story to a climax, especially when it also involves the Celestial Demon King and the Demon World.

This story.

Some can say…

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