Chapter 154 The Ghost Dragon and the Ghost Phoenix Are Going to Fight? The third story begins! 【1 more】!!


Soon came the day of storytelling.

The mixed characters of Golden Time and Space had been waiting there for a long time, all looking forward to Su Yu’s appearance.

Wang Dadong: “Narcissist, Xiao Yu, your doppelganger is also going to appear, I am really curious, in the iron time and space our doppelgänger will not become brothers again.” ”

He was looking forward to the appearance of Ding Xiaoyu and Wang Arthur’s twins.

Ding Xiaoyu smiled, “I’m also quite curious.” ”

Wang Arthur raised an eyebrow: “It feels a little difficult, if our doppelganger is a Strange Walker, it is different from our Golden Time and Space University Community, if you want to become friends and brothers, I am afraid it is not so simple, the situation of Iron Time and Space is too complicated.” ”

He could see it clearly.

Iron time and space are all special families, each existing, want to meet, meet, meet, meet, are very difficult, unlike in college, a fight, and then can be married as brothers, iron time and space involves too many things, I am afraid it will be very difficult.

“It feels like the story will not be simple.”

Rex said, “According to the current situation, the next characters are probably related to the war between good and evil, and Mr. Su has said that there is also a family feud with thousands of years ago, and I am afraid that the story will get closer and closer to the climax.” ”

He was guessing.

And the surrounding are also discussing the latest story.

“The third story is finally coming, according to Mr. Su’s story, I am afraid that there are only two paragraphs left before the end, I feel that it is not enough to enjoy, I really hope to be able to enter the iron time and space to see their story for myself.”

“Yeah, the last two stories, but it doesn’t feel like it’s enough to know if there’s a story behind them or what’s next.”

“Surely there is, Mr. Su didn’t mention it before, the final ending… The Ultimate Tekker sacrificed, hoping they could change that future. ”

The following are talking about it.

“What I’m more curious about is that Mr. Su didn’t say before that there is an Iron Cross Alliance in Iron Time and Space, and it is the General Alliance of the Extraordinary Walkers of the White Path, what would happen if they knew that the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family had appeared in the Charan Thorne Family?”

“It feels like the story has just begun the climax of the prologue, I don’t know if the Tekke League and the Yehenara family will officially appear next, super expectation.”

“The doppelgangers of Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu have appeared, I don’t know what identity and what combat power index will appear, oh no, it is the ability index, will they become three brothers like the golden time and space.”

Some are looking forward to more forces and more characters, especially when it comes to the appearances of Ding Xiaoyu and Wang Arthur.

“Here it comes!”

Just when the are talking. The door to the Storyteller opens. In full view. Su Yu walked out slowly. Meanwhile. The Charlen family.

Xia Mansion.

“Why doesn’t the little brother come out yet?”

Natsumi looked worried.

Brother Xiong was also on the side, and after Grandpa Xia Liu heard about the phantom eye, he also rushed back, and Xiu Xiu was also guarding here, and at the same time, he wanted to see what was going on with the shadow in the living room of the Xia family.

Xia Mei, Brother Xiong, Xia Liu Gong, Xiu Xiu, and Ye Siren all sat down

In the living room, from time to time to look at the utility room, summer has not come out until now, and Xia Yu has not woken up now, people can’t help but be anxious.

But suddenly buzz!

Utility room, suddenly dark energy surges! Airplanes!

Xiu, Brother Xiong, and Xia Liu Ah Gong rushed to the entrance of Na Luo, the refrigerator in the utility room.

Only to see the refrigerator door do not know when it has been opened! The terrifying dark energy surged in it, and the entrance was a white expanse, as if nothing could be seen, only the violent energy fluctuated in it!

Just when the crowd was in disbelief.

Summer suddenly pounced straight out of that abyss and fell to the ground!


Everyone was very worried.

“Seal the Dragon Sticker.”

Just then, everyone noticed that the dragon seal on Summer’s neck had been torn apart a little.

Summer’s body is constantly changing, sometimes it becomes summer, sometimes it becomes Ghost Dragon Xiu and goes straight ahead.

The third generation of the speed return needle in his hand instantly stabbed into that dragon sticker! Airplanes!

With the speed also needle piercing! Moment!

That summer’s body was back to its original state! But just when everyone was relieved! Airplanes!


That summer’s body directly transformed into a ghost dragon, and in an instant, it opened its eyes and stood in front of everyone.


The ghost dragon laughed wildly.

“Mom, think I didn’t?”

His smile was very evil and arrogant, and he stared arrogantly at the people in front of him.

“Finally came out again, this idiot of the summer, inexplicably eh, absorbing so much of the energy of destruction, didn’t it just make me stronger?” As long as I slowly absorb the energy of the extinction, you will not be able to come back in the summer! ”

He was as excited as if he was showing off his power.

Xiu looked at him faintly.

“Don’t worry.”

“Summer was only temporarily stunned by the energy of the Destroyer, and his energy was not as strong as the energy of Summer and the Dragon Sealer.”

Xiu saw at a glance that the ghost dragon was just bluffing, and Summer was nothing at all.


“What are you talking about?”

The ghost dragon was exposed, and it was very unhappy.

“Flash me away!”

“I’m going to party—time!”


As soon as his figure shook, he was about to leave!

But the next second!



Brother Xiong directly performs condensation! Condensation fell on the ghost dragon.

But soon.


The ghost dragon’s body actually directly broke through the condensation technique of the male brother!

“Ghost Dragons and Summer enter the extinction, and their energy is much stronger.”

Xiu said.

“Shrug it off!”

The ghost dragon’s body shook and came directly to the living room! When Grandpa Natsuru and Correction are ready to strike! Suddenly!

“Which idiot is shouting here?”

A thick accent sound suddenly sounded on the stairs!


The ghost dragon stopped and looked at the stairs.

Brother Xiong, Xiu, Xia Liu, Xia Mei, and Ye Siren who came out of the utility room all looked at the stairs.

Under the watchful eyes of all.

A figure walked down slowly!


Natsumi’s eyes widened.

“Xia Yu?”

Brother Xiong, Ye Siren was unbelievable.

“Xia Yu?”

Xiu, Xia Liu’s eyes were a little shocked.

Only to see that figure, looks exactly the same as Xia Yu, but the difference is that his appearance is very evil, not only handsome, but also evil, his hair is tied back, wearing a fiery red shirt, there is an extremely terrifying breath surging around him, with his appearance, the temperature of the entire Xia family seems to rise, and a burning feeling is coming at him.

The ghost dragon looked at that ‘Xia Yu’ and seemed to be a little curious.


“What to see?”

Xia Yu was very upset, but then an evil smile appeared on his face.

“You guys, don’t tell me anything.”

“I’m not Xia Yu’s useless Muggle.”

“Do you want me to teach you to ridicule my disobedient brother?”

He looked straight at the ghost dragon.


The ghost dragon’s eyes glared at Xia Yu.

“What are you talking about?”

“Teach me?”


“You think you can be cool here by wearing red?”

“You figure it out, I’m the coolest, the most handsome, you know?”

The ghost dragon stared at Xia Yu very unhappily.

“It seems……”

“My ghost phoenix should also teach you a lesson and teach you how to respect your elder brother and me.”

The ghost phoenix pressed his finger and prepared to teach the ghost dragon a lesson.

“Then come and try it, my ghost dragon will be afraid of you?”

The Ghost Dragon Grate in the hands of the Ghost Dragon appeared directly, and he was going to fight with the Ghost Phoenix!

Everyone in the Xia family watched the brothers quarrel, and even about to move, trying to stop them.


“Don’t argue!”

Natsumi suddenly spoke.

“Mr. Su Speaks!”

“Here we go!”

“The third story is about to start!”

Natsumi pointed to the living room.

The ghost phoenix and ghost dragon who were about to move looked directly at the living room.

In the living room

A wisp of white mist rose up.

A high platform emerges.

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