Chapter 155 King Arthur Double-Commander of the Jihadist Janissaries! Lanling King! 【2 more】!!

Xia family living room.

The high platform covers the entire summer family living room! What is completely different from the first time is that every time the shadow appears, it seems to expand, previously it was only on the TV set, the TV cabinet, but now, it spreads to the entire living room of the Xia family, and the ghost dragon, ghost phoenix, Xiu, Xiongge and other people in the living room of the Xia family can feel as if a huge high platform has been erected in front of them!

And that shadow

Eat on the high platform!

“Mr. Sue?”

“Mr. Sue?”

Ghost phoenix, ghost dragon at the same time looking at the shadow of the high platform.

“You guys.”

“Don’t you like to listen to Mr. Su’s books?”

Natsumi asked cautiously and curiously.

“Just listen to it, anyway, it’s boring, and the story content that is not interesting to tell is still what you idiots want to be turned around.” 」

Ghost Feng shrugged his shoulders, and then he opened his mouth unhappily, with a look of hatred that iron is not steel: “Please, move your brains, you have such a low IQ, how can you be my family?” ”

“It’s a shame to talk about.”

“And you idiot, every day and night thinking about party-time, just thinking about drinking milk, milk is so delicious?”

Ghost Feng seemed to have a lot to say about it.

“Don’t bother with you.”


He sat down directly on the couch, waiting to tell the story.

“You like to hear it too?”

Natsumi looked at the ghost dragon.

Ghost Dragon originally wanted to spit back Ghost Phoenix, but after hearing Natsumi’s voice, he rolled his eyes: “I don’t like to listen, only you people who don’t have a little music cell, no, party cells will listen, I just feel bored.” ”

He said.

Turned around and walked to the side.

“Hey, hey, where are you going?”

Natsumi instantly wanted to block the ghost dragon.

“Listen to the book, you must go with milk!”

The ghost dragon stared at Natsumi very unhappily.

Natsumi: “…”

Brother Xiong, Ye Siren, Xiu, Xia Liu Gong: “…”

The ghost dragon ignored Xia Mei and went directly to the refrigerator to get a few bottles of milk, and then sat down next to Ghost Feng, drinking the milk on Erlang’s legs.

“I warn you, don’t drink my milk.”

The ghost dragon warns the ghost phoenix.

“Only a naïve ghost like you can drink milk, right?”

The ghost phoenix coldly glanced at the ghost dragon.


The ghost dragon instantly stared at the ghost phoenix: “Hey, hey, want to fight?” ”

Ghost Feng sneered, “Come on, idiot.” ”

The two are about to fight.

But on the high platform.

A phantom voice came.


“Long time no see.”

The ghost dragon and ghost phoenix glanced at each other and looked at the high platform.

Behind the Xia family’s living room.

Xiu, Brother Xiong, Ye Siren, Grandpa Xia Liu, and Xia Mei all looked at the scene in front of them with some slight trepidation.

“Ghost Phoenix?”

Brother Xiong looked at the ghost phoenix.

She seemed to understand why Xia Yu had chosen to let the Illusion Eye merge with him.

This phantom eye… I am afraid I did not think about it

In Xia Yu’s body, there was such a terrifying being!


The dark energy of the phantom eye awakened the sleeping ghost phoenix, so that the ghost phoenix that had not yet appeared appeared here even collided with the ghost dragon.

But no one thought that the two people who were going to fight would actually temporarily suspend because of Mr. Su’s storytelling, which was simply unbelievable, but then on thought, it seemed to understand that the two had always been sealed in the body, and the only way to entertain was probably to listen to books, so it seemed very normal to like listening to books, after all, in the sealed body, no one knew what state the two were in.

“Old Mother Darling, what to do?”

Natsumi asked.

“Let’s do it first.”

Brother Xiong said helplessly.

Summer coma.

Ghost Phoenix also needs to seal the dragon sticker, and also needs to go to the Weapons Mirror Management Bureau.

“Dongcheng Wei is in Golden Time and Space, when they come back, I will let them bring back the Dragon Sealing Sticker by the way.”

Xiu said.

Before the sealing dragon sticks back, as long as the ghost dragon and the ghost phoenix do not mess up, they will do this for the time being.


“The energy of this ghost phoenix is very powerful, I feel that his energy is gradually recovering, and the air around him may become warmer due to his appearance, and we need other methods.”

Xiu sensed that the energy of the Ghost Phoenix seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, and now it might just be that he had just appeared, so the energy and temperature were not too high, and if it went further back, I was afraid that it would be serious, and he could only think of a way.

“His potential.”

“Sure better than Ghost Dragon and Summer.”

“Once restored, the energy index will definitely exceed 35,000 points.”

“But the most deadly thing is his power, once he appears, the surrounding temperature will heat up, and it may rise to hundreds of degrees in the future, which will make everything around him burn.”

Xiu Shen opened his mouth, a little surprised by the strength of the Ghost Phoenix, of course, the most worried thing was the Ghost Phoenix’s fire in-situ ability.

“Is there no way?”

Brother Xiong was a little worried.

“I can’t help it.”


“There is also a way.”

Hugh said something inexplicable.


Looking at the shadow on the high platform to tell the third story, everyone walked over to prepare to listen to the third story, after all, the content involved, whether it was the Xia family or Xiu, was very interested, especially Ye Siren, who had been kept in the dark before, naturally wanted to see if there was such a magic in the end!

And when the Xia family members walked over.

The ghost dragon and the ghost phoenix quarreled again.

“Why are you drinking my milk?”

The ghost dragon was very upset, “Hey! Want to drink it yourself and get it, OK? ”

“It tasted good.”

Ghost Feng drank the milk and opened his mouth flutteringly, “It is your honor for me to drink your milk.” ”

“I warn you, don’t take it, there are only the last two bottles left.”

The ghost dragon was angry.


Ghost Feng instantly took another bottle.

Seeing that the two were about to fight again, Brother Xiong and the others went directly over and stopped the two.


Everyone sat down on the couch as well.

Golden space-time.


Su Yu slowly opened the folding fan.


“We’re going to tell.”

“It’s the third story.”

Su Yu smiled slightly.

“The third story is involved.”

“It’s not just the twins of Arthur Wang and Ding Xiaoyu.”

“Even involved…”

“Celestial Demon King.”

“And centuries of family feuds.”

At the beginning, Su Yu directly detonated the whole scene.

The people below were instantly stunned!

“Extraterrestrial Demon King?”

Even if Su Yu doesn’t explain!

The remixes below are well known. This is definitely the Demon Realm!

Other words!

The third story! Even involved in the Demon Realm?

“Extraterrestrial Demon King?”

Xia Mansion.

Rao is Xia Liu’s grandfather, Brother Xiong, and other people, all of whom are shocked, except for the ghost dragon and ghost phoenix who are drinking milk and arguing at the same time.

Especially repair.

His look was dignified.

Third story.

Actually involved in the demon world? This also foreshadows the Demon Realm!

Admission coming soon!

Thinking of this, his heart couldn’t help but tense up! What exactly is this third story!

Golden space-time.


Listen to the uproar below.

Su Yu smiled slightly on the stage.

“And the protagonist of the first half of the third story.”

“It is the doppelgänger of King Arthur in Iron Time and Space.”

As soon as Su Yu started, he directly exposed the protagonist of the first half!

“That is.”

“The Jihad Janissaries of the Iron Space Yehenara Family.”


Countless bastards were stunned!

In the distance, Dongcheng Wei looked shocked: “Jihad Janissaries? ”

In the Xia Mansion, Xiu, Brother Xiong and the others were even more shocked!

Jihad Janissaries! King Arthur’s doppelganger!

Was it the Yehenara family’s jihadist Janissaries?

“Mr. Sue.”

“What is the commander of the Jihad Janissaries?”

Some asked incomprehensibly.


Su Yu shook the folding fan ‘Jihadi Janissaries’.

“The target is the Janissaries of the United Ironclad Alliance.”

“And Arthur King’s doppelganger.”

“It is.”

“Commander of the Jihadist Janissaries.”


“Lanling King.”


Iron space-time.

The Yehenara family.

The Lanling King was sitting cross-legged.

But suddenly.

He seemed to sense something, and closed his eyes slightly, as if to capture the feeling of nothingness.


He fell into a deep sleep.

In the moment of falling into a deep sleep!

Then he saw the scene of that day again.

And on that high platform.

The shadow is telling.

“Jihadist Janissaries”.

“Commander of the Jihadist Janissaries.”


“Lanling King.”

Intermittent sounds sound.

But in an instant, Lan Ling King’s pupils contracted the pill.

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