Chapter 156 In the future, will Summer fight side by side with the Lanling King? 【3 more】!!


Lan Ling Wang looked at the shadow of the high platform, and his eyes were obviously a little stunned.

How come………

Mention yourself? Xia Mansion.

“Lanling King?”

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xialiu, Xiu, and Ye Siren were all very shocked!

“How can it be the Lanling King?”

Grandpa Xia Liu was very surprised, and he looked at Xiu, “Master Xiu, isn’t your friend Wang Arthur in the Golden Time and Space on the side of goodness?” ”

“Arthur the King is on the side of the good.”

Hugh nodded.

But he didn’t even think about it!

King Arthur’s doppelganger! It would be the Lanling King! Who is King Lanling?

The leader of the jihadist Janissaries of the Yehenara family! The strongest killer leader of the Yehenara family, the assassination force loyal to the Yehenara family, and also a superman who combines the essence of all the strange abilities of the Yehenara family, can be said to be the most powerful killing weapon of the Yehenara family! There is also an extremely terrifying weapon – the Spirit Slash! Of course!

The most terrifying thing is that all the people who have seen him are dead! There have been countless White Path Strangers who have died under his hands, which is the most feared existence of all White Path Strangers, just like a cold and ruthless killing machine, as long as he is targeted, it is the end of death!

Arthur King’s doppelganger……… Could it be the Lanling King? Thing.


Hugh sensed some trouble and trickiness.

If it is really the Lanling King, then the King Arthur’s combat strength index will probably never want to recover!

This Lanling King………

But how could the Yehenara family, the evil side, possibly help them?

Golden space-time.


King Arthur’s brow furrowed, “Lanling King? ”

Ding Xiaoyu shook his head: “I don’t feel that the situation is good, it is actually a member of the Yehenara family.” ”

Several people felt that the situation seemed very bad.

Arthur King’s doppelganger

It turned out to be the Yehenara family! Offstage!

Countless are very uproar!

“That is to say, the doppelgänger of King Arthur is actually a member of the Yehenara family?”

“My God, but who is this Lanling King?” But it sounds really powerful, and it is actually marked against the East City Guard. ”

“I didn’t expect that it would be the Yehenara family, but would this Lanling King be on the side of evil?”

There are mixed word guesses, I think it is hard to believe!

If this Lanling King was the jihadist of the Yehenara family, wouldn’t he be on the side of evil?

Think of this

The mixed generations couldn’t help but get worried, looking at Su Yu and waiting for Su Yu’s explanation.


Su Yu smiled slightly.

“Lanling King.”

“Commander of the Yehenara Family Jihad Janissaries.”

“And the Jihad Janissaries are the assassination forces of the Yehenara family, and all the members of them are the killers of the Yehenara family, and the Lanling King, as the commander, is the strongest killing machine of the Yehenara family, and is absolutely loyal to the existence of the Yehenara family.”

“Its body ability index ——”

“Above 30,000 points.”

After hearing Lan Ling King’s Extraordinary Energy Index, the Mixed Word Generation below was stunned!

“Oh my God…”

“Is this King Arthur’s doppelgänger in Iron Time and Space so strong?” It was actually the second place in the gold list marked with our golden time and space! ”

“I feel that the iron space-time is also too powerful! I’m looking forward to the next story of the ten strongest people in the iron space-time! ”

“That’s horrible, isn’t it?”

The people in the audience were very shocked, and at the same time, they were more and more curious about the ten strongest people in iron time and space! The characters who appear now are not low in the ability index! If it is really arranged, how many will it be arranged?

Rao is the following Wang Arthur, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, Tian Hongguang, Dao Crazy and other ultimate class students, all very shocked!

That’s more than 30,000 points! Even stronger than the second most powerful knife madness on the gold list! This king Arthur’s doppelganger is so strong?

Wang Dadong, in particular, was stunned.


Su Yu continued, “And the whole iron space-time.” ”

“No Stranger has ever seen the appearance of King Lanling…”


“All the people who have seen him are dead, as long as he strikes, there are no immortal Strangers, and after years of allegiance to the Yehenara Family, his hands are stained with the blood of countless Strangers, whether it is the White Dao or the Demon Dao, it is the strongest killing machine of the Yehenara Family, forever loyal to the Yehenara Family.”

Su Yu introduced the Lanling King a little.

When I heard Su Yu’s introduction.

The mixed characters below all looked shocked and solemn.

“That is……”

“This Lanling King is actually on the side of evil?”

“If this is the case, it is also too terrifying, such a high combat strength index, if you stand on the side of evil, is it not a great threat?”

The Mixed Word Generation was very worried, and at the same time felt that it was a pity that the Lanling King was actually on the side of evil.

“It really feels wonderful, Wang Dadong of the Golden Time and Space and Wang Arthur are good brothers, and the two people of the Iron Time and Space will actually become enemies, and they are still standing in different camps of good and evil, I am afraid that they will meet each other with swords.”

“It’s a pity, how nice it would be if you were a good brother in iron time and space.”

“It seems that Arthur Wang has no way to restore the combat power index.”

The Mixed Word Generation all felt that it was a pity that the Lanling King was actually the evil side, and it was also a killing machine.

“I’m afraid this Lanling King will be a great threat on the evil side, but what I’m curious about is what kind of intersection the Lanling King will have with the Xia Lan Jing De Family.”

“The first half of the third story is the Lanling King, is there any reversal of him?”

Some mixed characters are very curious, after all, Mr. Su said that the protagonist of the first half of the third story is Lanling King!


Will there be any reversals?

“Mr. Su……”

“Will this Lanling King become Summer’s enemy?”

The mixed generations all looked at Su Yu expectantly, waiting for the answer.

Lanling King!

Will it be the enemy of summer? Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, “King Arthur is the fate of the Lanling King.” ”

“It is destined to intersect with summer…”

“And the two…”

“In the future, we will fight side by side.”

Su Yu did not sell Guanzi.

Directly said the future relationship between the two! %


“How can that be?”

The in the audience were all stunned and shocked!


Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex looked at each other and were obviously difficult to understand.


Knife madness, knife ghosts, intestinal breakers and other people also felt very shocked.

Xia Mansion.

“How can that be?”

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xialiu, Xiu, and Xia Mei were all stunned, all looking at the Ghost Dragon who was looking at Ghost Feng unhappily.


“How could he fight alongside King Lanling?”

Natsumi was surprised.

“Will you fight side by side with King Lanling in the summer?”

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xialiu, Xiu, Ye Siren was very shocked!

Others don’t know the identity and origin of King Lanling! But they are very clear! King Lanling is a die-hard loyal to the Yehenara family, the strongest killing machine of the Yehenara family, and at the same time absolutely obedient to the Yehenara family! It can be said that the Yehenara family asked the Lanling King to kill whoever he killed!

Such a Lanling King………

How could it possibly go hand in hand with Summer? Isn’t that ridiculous?

“This starts…”

“It’s the king bombing.”

Xiu shook his head in shock, in disbelief.

“This Mr. Sue…”

“I really want to look forward to the follow-up story.”

He didn’t expect that!

This starts with King Bomb!

Directly filled with all the sense of anticipation!

With the character and identity of this Lanling King! How it is possible to fight alongside Summer and so on!

If he and Summer go hand in hand! Does that mean he’ll join the good?

But how could King Lanling, who was loyal to the Yehenara family, join Shan? In a dream

Lan Ling Wang listened to the intermittent voice, and obviously did not recover from the shock.

He is hard to understand!

What the hell is this high platform shadow! Why does the name Bingxin appear! Why does his name appear again?

And will be involved with themselves, bring themselves over, what is the means of heaven? And who is the shadow of the high platform, the figure dressed in a black Tang costume?

Countless questions have come one after another.

Just when he returned to God and wanted to think.

The next moment

The words of the shadow on the high platform made him stunned again.

“King Arthur is the fate of King Lanling.”

“It is destined to intersect with summer.”

“And the two…”

“In the future, we will fight side by side.”


Will you fight alongside others?

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