Chapter 157 Yehenara’s old boss… He’s dead?! 【4 more】!!

Who is he?

Commander of the Yehenara Family Jihad Janissaries! How could it be possible to fight alongside others? But the more so…

The more curious his heart became.


He seemed somewhat lucky.

The energy structure of the dream in front of him seemed to be more stable than the last time, although it was still somewhat intermittent, but he could hear many key contents.

Golden space-time.

On a high platform.

Looking at the shocked mixed word generation in front of him, Su Yu just smiled slightly: “Story…”

“It starts with playing the Soul Wash to wash away Xia Yu’s demonic nature.”

“Both the ‘Soul Washing’ and the ‘Soul Search’ are the treasures of the Yehenara family, and once played, they will be known to the people of the Yehenara family, and whether it is the player or the target of the two songs, they will be contaminated with the breath of the Zhendevil Trilogy, as long as they are not from the Yehenara family, once they are found to play and use, the Yehenara family will be killed.”

And so—” On stage. Su Yu shook the folding fan.

“The Yehenara family.”

“The Lanling King was sent to kill those who played and used the Zhen Devil Trilogy, and at the same time, to retrieve the Soul Wash and Soul Search.”


The bastards looked slightly stunned! None of them expected that playing “Soul Washing” and “Soul Search” would cause such an incident, and even provoke the legendary Yehenara family! It involves the Lanling King!

Xia Mansion.

Everyone looked down

If the king Arthur’s doppelgänger is the Lanling King, then now the Lanling King is going to deal with those who have used the Soul Search and the Soul Washing, that is, next! The crisis they have to face may be this legendary extremely terrifying killing machine – Lanling King!


I’m afraid it’s serious!

“I feel like this is a serious crisis, a full 30,000 energy index!” Brother Xiong and others are probably not opponents. ”

“Most importantly, this Lanling King is an assassination force, a silent one, absolutely a super terrifying figure, and the power index is so high, who can stop it?”

The underlings are very worried.

This Lanling King………

But that’s a full 30,000 energy index!

Such a powerful power index, male brother, how can they resist in the summer? Stage.

Su Yu continued, “The Xia family. ”

“A-chord and Xiu noticed that there seemed to be Stranger Walkers wandering around and felt a strong sense of hostility.”

Behind Su Yu, the picture emerged.

A—Chord and Xiu were investigating, but the hostility flashed and quickly disappeared.

But at night

The two sensed the appearance of the Stranger again, a-chord offering

Ghost war tuning fork, but the ghost war sound did not bounce back, according to the characteristics of the ghost war tuning fork, after the ghost war tuning fork is issued, it will rebound soon after, if there is no rebound, it proves that there are super high-level Xenowalkers wandering nearby, and at the same time the protective magnetic field on the two people is lifted, both of them feel uneasy.

The mixed characters who watched this scene in the audience even felt the horror from the Lanling King from that picture! It was actually able to quietly lift the protective magnetic field of Xiu and a-chord, which showed the strength of this Lanling King!

“And King Lanling’s first goal……”

“It’s the a-chord who plays Soul Search.”

Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

In the picture

A—Chord was in a long corridor and seemed to notice the hostility re-emerging, holding the Ghost Battle tuning fork.

“The mysterious gentleman hiding in the shadows—”

“Just show up.”

He looked ahead,

“Little Brother Tekker Chief Combat Regiment a-chord, what has offended Your Excellency?”

The strange energy in his body was surging, and his eyes were very indifferent, waiting for the appearance of the mysterious guest

In that picture.

A wisp of white mist surged from that distance.

A—Chord sensed this, and ten sneers appeared at the corners of his mouth.

“I’m going, a—chord so sassy?”

“I feel a-chord is so good!”

“I don’t know if this a-chord will be the opponent of this Lanling King.”

When the in the audience saw this scene, they were all looking forward to the confrontation of a-chord.


Under the expectations of countless.

The picture turns! I came straight to my brother’s truck.

In the picture

The a-chord, who was supposed to be looking forward to, was lying half-dead in the truck, and seemed to be very frightened, hiding from anyone’s pursuit.

: “…”

Wang Dadong and others: “…”

The Ultimate Class of Sharks: “…”

And at the same time!

Dongcheng Wei, who was practicing the regiment, also seemed to sense something, Xiu’s eyes looked into the darkness, and the figure wearing a black robe flashed by.

Xia home

The Charan Cynd family summoned a doctor with special powers, but the doctors did not dare to save them at all!


“A—chord is dead.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan: “It’s not that A-chord’s injuries can’t be saved, what Doctor Strange said is dead.” ”

“It means that whoever injures a-chord will die as long as he provokes him, and even those who save him will die.”


“The Doctor has left here and doesn’t even dare to save A-chord.”

With Su Yu’s story.

Brother Xiong and others in the picture also guessed that this was most likely the cold-blooded killer Lan Ling King, who had risen in the Strange Energy Realm for a short time in recent years!

The Mixed Word Generation gradually appeared in front of their eyes a Death God of the Strange Energy Realm! Just as Brother Xiong said in the picture, it is a god of death in the Strange Energy Realm, which makes people feel frightened, and all the people who have seen him are dead! As long as the prey he was eyeing did not have a single living mouth, it could be seen that the terror of this Lanling King was there! Even Grandpa Xia Liu was a little jealous.

“This Lanling King……”

“It’s also horrible.”

“Just a name, it makes people feel frightened, and even people dare not even save al-chord.”

The Mixed Word Generation couldn’t help but sigh at the horror of this Lanling King! Just a name!

Let the orthodox doctors be afraid of fear! In the picture

Dongcheng Wei knew that a-chord had an accident and rushed to the Xia family! At the same time, a protective magnetic field is established.

But what I didn’t expect was that! Lanling King!

It actually directly broke through the protective magnetic field and entered the Charan Zeid Family!

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu blocked the Lanling King in the backyard, and Dongcheng Wei came down from the second floor! The six of them confronted the Lanling King, but the Lanling King directly took out the Spirit Chopper! A big fight

It’s about to be triggered!

“It feels like this big fight…… It may be a river of blood, this Lanling King is so powerful, and there are also blocking spirit slashes, male brothers, Xia Liu Grandfather, can the Eastern City Guards really stop him? ”

“The only one who can hold the equal combat strength is probably only Xiu, but Xiu shuttles through time and space, the special energy index scene is under normal circumstances, and the Xia Liu Ah Gong Extraordinary Energy Index does not know how high, but it should not be 30,000 points, this Lanling King and the Xia Family, do you want to die today to die?”

Countless are very worried.

But on stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “But…”

“This one fights.”

“There was no fighting.”

The people in the audience were slightly stunned.

This fight, there was no fight?


“Ye Siren has arrived.”

“And Ye Siren once saved the life of Lan Ling Wang’s father, so Lan Ling King and Ye Siren borrowed a step to speak.”

“And the arrival of King Lanling……”

“It also brought a message to Ye Siren.”

On the stage, Su Yu spoke slowly, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, after all, this fight started, the Xia family was afraid that it would be seriously damaged.

But the next second

What Su Yu told made countless mixed words bring up their hearts!

“This news is related to the dark forces plan against the Charan Zeid family.”

“That’s what I mentioned…”

“A dark plan for countless years.”


The bastards all held their breath, and their eyes were shocked! Unexpectedly………

Involved in this dark plan again?

“Mr. Su……”

“What the hell is the news?”

A bastard couldn’t help but open his mouth.


Su Yu smiled slightly.

“The news is…”

“Yehenara’s old boss… He’s dead. ”

: “?!! ”

Wang Dadong and others: “?!! ”

Yehenara old boss! Although do not know its strength! But this identity!

Enough to represent his position! You know, the Yehenara family is a benchmark against the Tekko Alliance! Yehenara’s old boss is like the allies of the Tekken Alliance! Such a big man actually died? Of course, most importantly, his death, seems to have something to do with the peace and the dark plan?

In the Xia Mansion, Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xialiu, Xiu: “!! ”

Ye Siren looked at the shadow of the high platform in front of him and couldn’t believe it for a moment.

His dad………

He’s dead?

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