Chapter 158 Lan Ling King… Coming to the brink of catastrophe? 【5 more】!!

“My dad…”


Ye Siren looked at the shadow of the high platform in front of him in disbelief.


How is this possible?

How could his father’s extraordinary abilities suddenly die? It is reasonable to say that the physique of the Yehenara family is not a problem to live to hundreds of years old! How could it be possible to die?

“The old boss of Yehenara is dead?”

Xiu looked solemn.

This news was definitely very shocking to the Tekke Alliance, because once the old leader of Yehenara died, the things involved would be very terrifying, whether it was the demonic forces or the entire Otherworld, there might be turmoil with the death of the old leader of Yehenara.


“What does the death of the old boss have to do with the dark plan?”

Repair the brow furrowed.

Even Ye Siren didn’t understand.

Mr. Su mentioned before, Ye Siren’s ordinary, self-destruction of special powers, self-destruction of demonic nature, may be a dark plan that has lasted for thousands of years, but no one knows what this plan is, and now Mr. Su mentions it again, but the content mentioned is such a shocking beginning!

“The old boss…”


Lan Ling King looked at the shadow on the high platform in disbelief.

How is this possible!

The old boss is obviously fine.

How could it possibly die? It’s just unbelievable!

How did you get here? Listen to this phantom nonsense?

He wanted to leave immediately, but he wanted to continue listening, especially what was involved, and a lot of the information was very close to what he knew! For example, the eldest young master had really saved his father, and the shadow of this dream really knew, of course, what he wanted to know most was because of the name that the shadow said, Bingxin.

Is it true? No. No way. Lan Ling King shook his head.


So what exactly is the dark plan? Offstage!

Countless bastards were talking about it in an instant, Yehenara the old leader, this is the ally of the demonic forces, and his death actually involves the dark plan?

What’s going on here?

“Mr. Su, what the hell is going on, is it that the death of the old boss was planned by the dark forces~”? ”

Wang Dadong asked, it has always been the mixed word generation who opened his mouth, and he couldn’t help it, he wanted to ask.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “It is reasonable to say…”

“It should be counted.”

“This will be mentioned later in the third story.”

Su Yu did not immediately expose the matter of the old boss, completely ignoring the gloomy eyes of the in the audience.

“The story goes on… In that picture. ”

Lan Ling King and Ye Siren left the Xia family, to find a place to reminisce about the past, just happened to meet the returning Summer and Xia Mei, Summer and Lan Ling King rubbed shoulders at the moment, both of them looked back uncomfortably, respectively, felt the powerful energy between each other! Especially the Lanling King, he sensed that there was an amazing energy index in Summer’s body!

At the embankment of the river, King Lanling told Ye Siren his purpose, that is, to retrieve the Soul Search and Wash Soul Qu, and all those who had used the Soul Search and Soul Wash should all be killed to avoid the Ehenara family’s trilogy of demons.

Ye Siren interceded for everyone, King Lanling was very embarrassed, loyal and righteous, he was now loyal to the Yehenara family, but the great young master in front of him was kind to him, in the end, he could only promise that as long as a-chord and others were in the Xia family, he would not

Shoot, but once out of the Xia family, he will do it.

When the people in the audience saw this scene, they couldn’t help but sigh: “This Lanling King is still a sentient and righteous person, although he is on the side of evil, but he is not that kind of pure evil.” ”

“Yes, loyalty and righteousness are in a dilemma, and now he is loyal to the second young master of the Yehenara family, but Ye Siren has been kind to him, and he has to repay, feeling that this person is not bad, but he is used as a weapon.”

Many felt that this Lanling King’s nature was not bad, and the decisions he made were all die-hards.

The screen continues

King Lanling returned to the Yehenara family.

Yehenara Sisi, the contemporary head of Yehenara, asked King Lanling to bring back the Soul Search and Soul Washing, and at the same time gave Ye Siren the letter of the deceased old boss, and although the Lanling King felt strange, he still conscientiously carried out the order.


Su Yu on the stage shook the folding fan slightly: “At this time, the Lanling King does not know.” ”

“He’s already in a catastrophe.”

Lanling King………

The catastrophe is coming?

“Mr. Su, what’s going on?”

Some of the mixed characters immediately asked, very surprised.

Lanling King, how could a sudden catastrophe come?

The underlings were suddenly curious by this sentence, and looked at Su Yu on the stage very curiously, waiting for Su Yu to answer.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Well…”

“This involves the family of King Lanling.”

“The Gurayir family and the Yehenara family.”

The people in the audience all looked at Su Yu expectantly, and they all held their breath.

“The Gurayir family has been loyal to the Yehenara family for generations, and has been loyal to the contemporary head of the Yehenara family.”

“And the root cause of the great calamity of King Lanling……”

“From the first generation of two families.”

Su Yu’s voice was very slow, but every sentence made the mixed word generation fascinated, as if he saw the hope of an answer in front of him.

The mixed generations looked at Su Yu expectantly. But Su Yu on the stage.

But he didn’t speak again.

The bastards blinked, “? ”

That’s it?

That’s it? That’s it?

In an instant, all the mixed word generations seemed to have their brains crashed, and they only felt as if their heads were going crazy!

Xia Mansion.

“Aaaah—” Grandpa Xia Liu went mad.

“What the hell is going on?”

“How to say half and not half to say!”

“This Mr. Sue…”

This Mr. Sue………

Directly put Xia Liu’s public qi up and down the breath.

“Hey, let’s go to Golden Space?”

Ghost Feng looked at the Ghost Dragon with a very unhappy expression.

“Catch him coming back for a party—timtime, and tell us books every day?”

The ghost dragon nodded.

It was rare for the two to not quarrel once and reach a consensus.

“It’s so infuriating.”

Ye Siren was very eager to cry without tears.

“This, this is also too angry.”


Xiu was calm, “That… Habit is good to say that, but that’s it. ”

He’s also very resentful.

But……… What can be done?

“The catastrophe is coming?”

“The first generation of the family?”

“What are you kidding?”

Lan Ling Wang’s brow furrowed.

He didn’t think about it

The plot of this storytelling has become more and more outrageous! If it weren’t for the fact that the content of his previous information really made people feel very curious, the current Lanling King might have directly withdrawn from this dream, and the things made up above were simply getting more and more outrageous Sun!

What an old boss killed! The old boss is obviously fine now!

What a catastrophe! How could he have been loyal to the Yehenara family for generations, and even more so protected by the Yehenara family, how could a catastrophe come to an end?

It’s just nonsense!

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