Chapter 159 traces the Seven Star Spell five hundred years ago! Unravel to become the ultimate Tekken? 【6 more】!!


“Don’t be impatient.”

Su Yu hit the discount fan.


“It will be revealed soon.”

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand, and the picture continued to play quickly.

King Lanling handed the letter to Ye Siren, but he did not expect that the letter was poisonous! Both Ye Siren and Lan Ling Wang were hit by the Wild Laughter Crack Eight Point Broken Tendon! Once you don’t find the antidote for eight hours, you will laugh to death! And the only antidote is the canyon medical immortal, in the end, summer, Xia Yu, Xia Meiduo went to the canyon medical immortal haunting place, experienced three difficulties, and finally got the antidote.

Ye Siren felt that it must be Yehenara Sisi who had poisoned him, and at the same time, he also found that there seemed to be a mystery hidden in the letter.

“And this letter……”

“It’s related to the Dark Plan.”

Su Yu mentioned a sentence.

The bastards below couldn’t sit still for an instant! Involved again?

“Could it be that the old leader of Yehenara was killed by the dark forces, and Yehenara Sisi was also one of the accomplices, and this letter is the key clue left by the old leader of Yehenara?”

“I don’t think this old boss is bad, he said in his letter, after almost a century of fighting, he actually envied Ye Siren’s leisurely life, but that Yehenara Sisi, the ambition is too terrible, he actually wants to rule the Otherworldly and Demon Realms, this ambition is also too big, right?”

“Yes! It was terrifying that the contemporary leader of the Yehenara family was targeting the Otherworldly and Demon Realms! Even the Demon Realm was within his range, and the ambitions of the Yehenara family were really beyond expectations. ”

The mixed generations speculated, and at the same time shocked the ambitions of the Yehenara family!

The ambitions of the Yehenara family are not just iron time and space! It’s the whole Otherworld! The whole demon world! That is, the twelve space-time and the demon world! How terrifying is this?

It’s hard to imagine! The screen continues.

King Lanling had already received the task, that is, to get back the Soul Search and Soul Washing, in order to complete the task, he had to attack Ye Siren, but he was loyal and righteous, but he could not do anything to Ye Siren, and in the end, he could only choose to negotiate with Ye Siren, that is, Ye Siren chose a person to duel with him, if he lost, he would go back to plead guilty, and if he won, Ye Siren would hand over the Soul Search and the Soul Wash to him for life.

Ye Siren felt that the only thing in the Xia family that could barely share the autumn color with him was his former father-in-law, but the Lanling King thought… Summer is qualified to duel with him!

In order to let Summer and Lan Ling King duel, Xiu came to the Golden Time and Space and got Wang Dadong’s Dragon Pattern Chain! And Summer’s Dragon Pattern Chain was in his hand, Summer was able to control the Ghost Dragon, and he also had the strength to duel with the Lanling King!


Soon to the Embankment Park!

Summer and Lanling King are about to duel! And the purpose of the Lanling King was to use the Burning Sword Dafa to fulfill the two sides with his own life! In this way, he has an account for Ye Siren and an account for the Yehenara family!

See this scene.

The in the audience couldn’t sit still.

“Mr. Su……”

“This Lanling King is so loyal to the Yehenara family, how can he fight side by side with Summer in the future?” And this time he actually wanted to use the same end-of-life style of play, once it was displayed, wouldn’t he die? ”

The mixed generations were completely puzzled, this Lanling King was so loyal to the Yehenara family……… How could it possibly go hand in hand with Summer?

But all the bastards are very good at the King of the Pelan Ling! Think he’s a man! Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “This duel, there will naturally be changes.” ”


The following mixed word generation is slightly stunned.


“It was the Yehenara family that took a shot at the Gurayir family.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand: “When the Lanling King was about to duel with Summer, Ye Sisi used the Lanling King’s rebellion as a reason to cut off the fifteen mouths of the Gulayir family.” ”

Quiet! Quiescence!

: “? ”

Wang Dadong: “? ”

Arthur King: “? ”

Everyone in the audience was full of question marks and disbelief! The Yehenara family cut off the Gurayl family?

What is this joke? Xia Mansion.

When Su Yu mentioned that King Lanling had been beheaded by the full door, the whole Xia Mansion was silent.

Half ring.

Xia Liu looked at Xiu, “Xiu, I said, is this Mr. Su making things up?” ”

Brother Xiong, Xia Mei both looked at Xiu.

Ye Siren was even more so, he felt that the information he received today was simply going to destroy the Three Views!

It’s outrageous!

Repair: “…”

Hugh didn’t even know what to explain! It’s not that he doesn’t want to explain!

This plot has reached an outrageous point!

The Gurayir family has been loyal to the Yehenara family for generations, and has been the leader of the Janissaries of the Yehenara family for generations, and is the strongest killing machine of the Yehenara family! It is the strongest weapon of the Yehenara family, and Mr. Su’s words are equivalent to the Yehenara family’s two arms being cut off!

It’s outrageous!

The Yehenara family………

How could it be possible to cut down the Gurayir family of the Lanling King?

Lan Ling Wang looked at the words of the shadow on the high platform.

Half ring.

He laughed.


“It’s ridiculous.”

He shook his head and laughed, obviously thinking that the words of the shadow on the high platform were very ridiculous, and the Yehenara family was full of doors to cut down the Gurayir family?

If the shadow on this stage is said to be destroyed in the next second, the Ancient Legend of the Fire Messenger destroying the world like the Dinosaur Age may have a little credibility.

As for this?

He felt that even if the old boss wanted to kill him, he would not believe that the Yehenara family would take action against the Gurayir family!

Because! It’s simply not possible!

This dream………

Lan Ling Wang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Did you think he was an idiot?

Golden space-time.

Storyteller. After a brief silence.

The bastards are boiling!

Of course, they completely believed Su Yu’s words! After all

They know the magic of Su Yu! But even so, it’s unbelievable!

After all, there are so many plots of the Gurayel family’s generations of allegiance and die-hard loyalty to the Yehenara family, and now it is suddenly said that the Yehenara family wants to destroy the Gurayel family, which is also too strange, right?

“Mr. Su……”

“Didn’t you say that the Gurayir family has been loyal to the Yehenara family for generations?” How could this Yehenara family have beheaded this Gurayir family with all their doors? ”

King Arthur couldn’t help but ask.

“Yes, Mr. Su, the most important thing is that this Lanling King is so loyal to the Yehenara family, with a 30,000-point power index, willing to become a killing machine, how could this Yehenara family attack the Gurayir family?”

The bastards opened their mouths in disbelief!


Lanling King is a 30,000 energy index!

As powerful as the second sword madness of the Golden List of Golden Time and Space! Wouldn’t the Yehenara family, the leader of the Janissaries, who were so loyal to the Yehenara family, behead the Gurayir family with all their might, become enemies of the Lanling King?

This Yehenara family……… Why? Stage.

Su Yu smiled.


“Remember what I said earlier that the root cause of King Lanling’s catastrophe was the first generation of the Yehenara family and the Gurayir family?”

“And the reason why King Lanling and the Gurayir family were beheaded by the door……”


“It is also because of the strength of the Lanling King.”

“Or rather.”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“It is because King Lanling is a member of the Gurayir family.”


The bastards were stunned.

Many people remembered the foreshadowing that Su Yu mentioned earlier about the imminent catastrophe!

“Isn’t it……”

“Is there anything involved here?”

Arthur asked curiously.

All the people who listen to the book, all are itchy, and the sense of anticipation has been pulled to the maximum!

Everyone wants to know!

Why on earth did this Yehenara family attack the Lanling King!

“The root of the matter……”

“Five hundred years ago, on the last day of the Polar Illuminati, to the ancestor of the ancient Raj.”

“That is, the divine sword and the ghost, the undefeated king of the battlefield, said the king of Gurayir Zeus.”

Su Yu took a sip of tea.

The in the audience are very excited! Event!

How can it go back so long? But………

What is the Polar Yin Day? Stage.

Su Yu continued: “At the beginning, King Gurayir Zeus and the Yehenara family fought side by side and were loyal to the Yehenara family, but… The physique of the Gurayir family is really too powerful, and it can even be said that it is far superior to the Yehenara family, and the Gurayir Zeus King is even more powerful, and it is very likely to become the ultimate Tekk. ”

“Once Gurayir becomes the ultimate Tek, it is naturally impossible to be loyal to the Yehenara family, or even rebel against the Yehenara family.”


Su Yu’s voice paused.

“On the day of the Polar Yin five hundred years ago, the contemporary head of the Yehenara family, taking advantage of the Polar Yin Day, gathered the darkest forces in the universe to strike at King Gurayir Zeus, and at the same time, cast a seven-star spell on King Gurayir Zeus.”

Seven Star Spell?

The below are simply curious to the extreme.

“The Seven Star Spell……”

“As the name suggests, it is the first level of exploitation of the goodness and virtue of the Gurayir family, and it will continue to all the people of the Gurayir bloodline, and when the Gurayir family in this life dies, the soul will be shackled to a higher level, and all the power will be sealed in the Seven Star Spell and condensed into a huge resentment.”

“Once in the seventh life, that is, the life of King Lanling, the Seven Star Spell will be locked, the Force of the Seven Ages will become a spell lock, and once locked, the Gurayir family will be enslaved by the Yehenara family for generations, and will never be able to break free, and will lose its special physique and can no longer have magical powers.”

“All the souls of the Seven Worlds of Gurayir will be shackled and will never be able to break free, and the members of the Gurayir family in the future generations will no longer have the physical potential to become the ultimate Iron Man, let alone have special powers.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Lanling King is the seventh life, as long as you kill Lanling King, the spell of the seventh life will be locked forever.” ”


“Once the Lanling King discovers the Seven Star Spell on his body, when he unlocks the Seven Star Spell, all the Force of the Seventh World will be condensed on the Lan Ling King, and the moment the Seven Star Spell is unlocked…”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“Lanling King—”

“You will instantly become the ultimate Iron Man.”

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