Chapter 160 Scene Realization! The Lanling King saw the scene of the extermination with his own eyes! 【7 more】!!

At the moment when Su Yu’s words fell!

The whole storyteller! Another silence! Whether it’s a storyteller. Xia Mansion. Dreamland.

There was silence!

Words are short! But the content involved in it is directly stunned and shocking! The stories traced, the grievances involved, the roots involved, especially the seven-star spell! These contents, each of which is singled out, are enough to shock people~!

Together today!

Plus the foreshadowing that was laid earlier! Construct an unimaginable story! Those feelings of anticipation exploded in an instant! All catered for! But after satisfaction, it is a greater sense of anticipation!

Xia Mansion.

Brother Xiong: “…”

Xia Liu’s grandfather: “………”

Repair: “…”

Ye Siren: “………”

The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family: “………”


After the silence.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, Xiu and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family looked at Ye Siren.

Ye Siren: “? ”

Ye Siren was confused. Don’t look at me! I don’t know! If……… It’s true.

The male brother was very shocked.

“Then, the ultimate Tekken candidate mentioned by Mr. Su earlier, plus the family’s century-old feud, is this Lanling King and the Gulaire family?”

“Abba, does this seven-star spell really exist?”

Brother Xiong looked at Grandpa Xialiu.

“Yes, Grandpa Xialiu.”

Although Xiu was the leader of the Janissaries, he did not know as much as Xialiu Ah Gongduo.

“No, no, no.”

Grandpa Xia Liu shook his head.

“I’m not vulgar.”

“This dead man and the Yehenara family are only in the summer.”

Xia Liu pointed to Ye Siren.

Ye Siren’s eyes widened: “…”

“The Seven Star Spell…”

“It really exists.”

“And the most vicious spell!”

Ye Siren’s face was heavy. He couldn’t believe it.

Is this true?

Dream screen.

Lan Ling Wang listened to everything that Gao Tai’s shadow said.

It was as if there was a long silence.


At last.

He shook his head.

But his eyes were a little hesitant.

Golden space-time.


The in the audience experienced a long period of shock!

What is involved in it makes their brains turn around yet!

“That is… The ultimate Tekken candidate and family feud mentioned by Mr. Su earlier is the Lanling King, and the feud between the Yehenara family and the Gurayir family? ”

“This Yehenara family is also too vicious, isn’t it?” If this is the case, the Lanling King is also too miserable! The Gurayir family is even more miserable, and the Yehenara family, which has been loyal for generations and die-hard loyalties, turned out to be a vicious plan! Even a conspiracy to exterminate the Gurayir family! ”

“Just because it was too powerful, it caused the fear of the Yehenara family, which turned out to be the root cause of the extinction of the Gurayir family and the imminent catastrophe of the Lanling King, which really made people sigh.”

The people below all felt a chill after returning to God! At the same time, there is grief and anger!

The experience of the Gurayir family is simply tragic!

Wang Dadong sighed: “It is really difficult to imagine that the Gurayir family has been loyal to the Yehenara family for generations, and even to the Yehenara family, but in exchange for such a tragic end.” ”

Wang Arthur’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Just because their physique is too terrible, they are worried that they cannot control it, I really don’t know if this is a gift from heaven to the Gurayel family, or a disaster from heaven to the Gurayir family.” ”

Ding Xiaoyu said in a deep voice, “The most cruel thing is that the Gulaire family has been kept in the dark for generations, and they do not know that the soul of their ancestors in the previous life has been imprisoned, and they still carry the most vicious incantations on their bodies, and they are still loyal and loyal to the family that placed the curse.” ”

The most miserable

Or Lanling King!

Until death, to the extermination of the clan, they may not even know the truth! Blind die-hard Yehenara family!


Su Yu folded the fan and shook, “Lanling King…”

“The candidate for the ultimate Tekki.”


“It’s very difficult to solve the Seven Star Spell, and it involves the Polar Yin Day of the fifth story.”

Su Yu mentions the Polar Yin Day of the fifth story.

The word “Polar Yin Day” officially appeared.

But Su Yu did not say too much, but continued to tell the story picture

Summer and Lanling King are about to strike!

Forty-nine darts of loyal servants loyal to the Gurayir family ran to the Lanling King, “Master…”

“The host!”

“The boss is going to kill you…”

The loyal servant died tragically in front of the Lanling King, and before he died, he told the Lanling King that the leader had imprisoned all the family members of Gulaire, and at the same time carried out a liquidation of the jihadist Janissaries, and all the Janissaries of the Lanling King had finally been killed!

The Lanling King didn’t believe it at all!

Ye Siren was well aware of Ye Sisi’s ambitions and means, so he planned to bring the Soul Wash and Soul Search to the Lanling King to see if he could keep the Lanling King’s life.

“Really, I can’t see that this Ye Siren is the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family, no wonder Summer is really stupid, stupid, and good, and it is completely out of Ye Siren.”

“The ‘Soul Wash Song’ and ‘Soul Search’ that the old boss gave Ye Siren to save his life were actually handed over easily because of the Lanling King, and I didn’t know whether to call him stupid or too righteous.”

The mixed word generations were all infected by Ye Siren’s kindness, and their hearts could not help but be moved!

“Yes, the Xia family, really every scene has a scene that makes people feel very warm, very moving, whether it is friendship, family affection, it makes people feel really warm.”

“In the face of danger, I stand up without hesitation, although I am a decent person, but my thinking is not pedantic.”

“I really want to visit Xia Jia Yi in Iron Time and Space, I have become a fan of the Xia Lan Jing De Family!”

The mixed generation feels very warm and likes the Xia family very much, and even some mixed characters want to visit the Xia family and become fans of the Xia family.

The picture continues on stage.

Su Yu also slowly spoke, “King Lanling originally thought that if he brought back the Soul Wash and Soul Search Songs, he would be able to change the lives of his family.” ”

“But what he didn’t expect was…”

“When I go back to the Yehenara family—”

“His tragic fate is already doomed.”

Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

He swung the folding fan forward in his hand!


“Let’s go into the story.”



Under the shocked eyes of countless people!

A wisp of white mist in Su Yu’s hand spread out from the folding fan, instantly turning into a monstrous fog, covering the entire storytelling cabinet! But the white fog soon dissipated, and as it dissipated, the surrounding spatial scene seemed to change!

Only to see that with the high platform as the center, the pictures around the storytelling cabinet were constantly changing, and everyone seemed to be standing in the vast darkness

But with the sound of Su Yu!

They found themselves standing in the scene where King Naran Ling met Yehenara’s boss! It was pitch black all around, only the front, behind the high platform, faint

The light was pervasive, and King Lanling stood in front of that light, his face was sad and indignant, but he had no choice.

“Here I go!”

All the were startled, and the sitting were almost frightened and fell to the ground together with their chairs.

“What a means!”

Even the knife madness and others looked at this scene with some shock.

The surrounding space seems to be transformed into the scene in the story, and the scenes around it seem to be very real! It makes people look at it as if they are in that story!

“It’s awesome!”

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex and others were even more shocked by the scene in front of them!

Directly beyond everyone’s imagination!

The surroundings seem to have become a space of their own! They seem to be in the scene of the story!

Countless word were shocked to look at Su Yu on the stage, and this hand directly shocked the whole mixed word generation!

“The Lanling King originally thought that handing over the Soul Search and the Soul Wash could be exchanged for the homecoming.”

“But the Yehenara family……”

“I will not let go of Lan Ling King at all.”

Su Yu spoke slowly.

Scene changes.

Only to see that the King of Nalanling was about to hand over the Soul Search and the Soul Washing, but his condition was to spare his family, but Yehenara Sisi simply ignored it.

“It’s just…”

“The family of King Lanling.”

“It’s all dead.”

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and waved.

The surrounding scene changes instantly!

The bastards looked around in horror, only to see that they seemed to have entered a courtyard, and countless cries and shouts were constantly ringing there, accompanied by the sound of crying, and they saw the guards of the Yehenara family enter the Gurayir family——

The flames burned, and in that fire, the whole family of Gurayir was fifteen mouths up… They all died at the hands of the Yehenara family guards!

And that ice heart was also directly captured.

The bastards all stood up, and at this moment, they seemed to be standing in this slaughterhouse, watching the guards of the Nayehenara family slaughter all the men, women, and children of Nagulaire! Don’t leave a living mouth! Blood spilled on the ground, they could even clearly see the cries of the Nagulayir family, some people wanted to reach out, but found that their eyes were empty, and they could not touch them at all!

The flames soared into the sky, burning everything, representing the bloodline of this Gurayir family, gradually annihilated.

In a dream.

Lan Ling Wang saw the scene around him change.

In front of you is the shadow of a high platform.

But the high platform is around the shadows

It was all turned into his family’s yard! When he saw his loved ones……

In the light of the fire, he was brutally killed by the guards of the Nayehenara family, and even if he knew that it was false, at this moment he could not help but open his eyes and shake his head continuously: “No…”


“Not really!”

The sky is full of fire.

Fifteen bodies of the Gurayir family.

His fiancée, Bingxin, was taken away.


“It’s all fake!”

He roared. Golden space-time.

In front of the high platform.

Countless looked at the scene around them and showed an angry look.

“This Yehenara Sisi is also so disgusting!”

“It’s so cruel!”

“The means are too cruel!”

These bastards can’t stand it anymore! But on the high platform.

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly: “Wrong.” ”


The mixed characters looked at Su Yu in puzzlement.

“Plan it all…”

“Not Yehenara Sisi.”


“Yehenara is the old boss.”

“Did Yehenara die of old master?”

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