Chapter 162 Silver Time and Space! Stop the war with the war! The Xia family is facing a crisis of extinction? 【2 more】!!


Su Yu smiled slightly: “That’s right…”

“Ye Siren, in fact, has a twin brother.”


“All because of a curse from the Yehenara family, the Yehenara family is the largest demonic family of iron time and space, once the family has twins, the foundation of the Yehenara family will collapse, in order to protect the Yehenara family, forty-seven years ago, Yehenara’s old leader exiled his brother Ye Siren to Silver Time and space, arranging his life.”

“This also indirectly led to the third act of the magnificent epic of these twelve time and space against the demon world and the subsequent story of the golden time and space.”

“Of course—”

“It’s all an afterthought.”

The in the audience were stunned! Soon!

Some reacted!


“I’ve fallen into the pit again!”

They felt as if they had fallen into the pit again!

Originally, the old boss of Yehenara was a pit when he was killed! But now the third act story mentioned by Mr. Su, and Ye Siren’s brother, is another pit! And the eye is still a deep crater! At least in a short period of time, it can’t be made up!

“Mr. Su……”

“That can tell us…”

“Is the story of the next act silver space-time?”

“Silver space-time, will it be the same as iron space-time?”

The retreated to ask less important questions.

They have a lot of questions, such as why exactly why it causes the story of silver time and space, and it will involve the future gold time and space, but they know that this pit will definitely not be filled for a while and a half!


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Yes.” ”

“The story of the third act is Silver Time and Space.”

“And the story of Silver Time and Space—”

“It is 01 is completely different from iron space-time and golden space-time, but a magnificent war, in the silver space-time, there is bound to appear a figure who stands on top of the heavens and the earth, standing under the heavens and the earth, and the devil will be dueled, and the silver space-time is also the beginning of the duel between the demonic war, which involves the entire demon world and the four space-times of gold, iron, copper, and silver in the X quadrant.”

“In the simplest terms, there is a story about silver space-time.”

“That is—”

Su Yu’s eyes lifted slightly.

“Until dawn—”

“Stop the war with war, end the cycle of reincarnation.”

A few simple words, but let the in the audience instantly feel that the blood seems to be boiling faintly!


Until the dawn comes! Stop the war with the war!

End the cycle of reincarnation!

The people in the audience all let out shocked exclamations.

“Oh my God…”


“It will be a story with war as the core, stop the war with war, and listen to it and make people feel blood boiling!” End the battle with a fight! I dare not imagine what kind of battle story it is, just listening to it makes people’s blood boil! ”

“I don’t know what kind of protagonist it will be, but it will end the war with war!”

“It seems that this silver time and space is not simple!”

“However, it feels like gold, iron, and silver are all connected, and the story of iron space-time involves silver space-time and gold-space-time, and even involves the future of gold-space-time, so I am really curious about the follow-up story.”

The mixed characters below were all very shocked, and they were all curious about the story of the silver time and space, and at the same time, they were even more curious about the story told behind Su Yu!

“Stop the war with war.”

Wang Dadong took a deep breath and felt that his blood was boiling.

“That must be a time and space that fought fiercely.”

King Arthur guessed.

“It’s really curious to know what kind of story to start with.”

Ding Xiaoyu sighed.

“It should have something to do with iron space-time, right?” It doesn’t feel like it has much to do with our golden space-time, after all, it doesn’t matter. ”

Rex felt that it should not have much to do with Golden Time and Space.

“Maybe we started again?”

Wang Dadong laughed.

“Please, megalomaniac, don’t fantasize, although the story of Iron Time and Space begins with us, Silver Time and Space have nothing to do with us at all.”

King Arthur opened his mouth helplessly.

The surrounding mixed characters were very curious after Su Yu mentioned the silver time and space.

“How to end up, on the contrary, I feel that the story of our golden time and space is the weakest, there are so many characters in iron time and space, and they are all so powerful, and Mr. Su of silver time and space has also mentioned that there will be a figure who stands tall in the sky, on the contrary, we have only appeared in this character of golden time and space…”

“Yes! There are so many characters in the iron time and space, I am more and more curious about who is the list of the ten strongest people in the iron time and space, and the silver time and space…”

The following mixed characters all feel that the golden time and space are too weak compared to the other two time and space, and there are too few characters on the scene!

Now let’s talk about iron space-time alone! There are already a lot of characters on the scene! And both are very powerful!

And that’s why!

Mixed-up generations are becoming more and more interested in the story of iron time and space! meantime

I am also full of expectations for the ranking of the top ten people in iron time and space! Wait for the list before the fourth story starts!

“Back to the story of King Lanling – on stage.”

Su Yu knew that the Mixed Word Generation below was already full of expectations for the Silver Time and Space Story, and in the eyes of the countless Mixed Word Generation, he led the story back to Lan Ling King’s body!

Although the mixed characters are interested in silver time and space, the story line of Lanling King is also very attractive! All the bastards wanted to know what the future of King Lanling would be, and after knowing the truth of the matter, this King of Lanling could not fight against the Yehenara family!

“The Lanling King originally thought that handing over the Soul Search and Soul Wash would exchange for the life of the Gurayir family.”

“But I didn’t think of it—”

“The Yehenara family must be eradicated.”

Su Yu’s voice sounded slowly in the darkness.

The scene turned into a dialogue in the darkness of the old leader of Lanling King, Nayehenara.

When the head of Yehenara said that the Gurayir family did not have a living mouth, the Lanling King was angry! Want to ask the truth!

But soon!

That Ye Sisi actually appeared with a ghost spirit fireball in his hand! Lan Lingwang’s powerful abilities actually had no power to resist under this ghost spirit fireball! Of course, although it was also related to his use of the Sword Dafa in front of him, he was like an ant at the moment, falling to the ground!

He was not willing.

He obviously did nothing wrong!

And Yehenara said only one word.

“To blame……”

“Just blame you for being a member of the Gurayir family.”

The scene freezes.

A picture appeared behind Su Yu.

In the picture, the story continues “The power of King Lanling is abolished…”

“He fled the Yehenara family—”

“But the Yehenara family issued a wanted order, declaring that King Lanling had rebelled against the Yehenara family, and anyone who encountered it could be killed without mercy.”

“The Lanling King who fled with serious injuries……”

“Eventually discovered by Summer and Xiu and brought back to the Charan Zeid family.”

When the mixed characters saw this story, their hearts were all tight, worried about the fate of Lan Ling King’s next fate.

The story in the picture continues.

After King Lanling woke up, he was bent on death, his family was destroyed, thinking that Bingxin was also dead, and the remaining life did not know what to do, and even the special abilities were abolished, and even revenge could not be done, of course, the most important reason was because he could not understand at all, in the end, why the boss wanted to attack him as a loyal person, and even slandered him.

And he had been loyal to Yehenara for so many years, and before he knew the truth of the matter, he could not even raise the heart to take revenge, but only wanted to die, because he felt that he must have made a mistake.

When all the bastards saw this scene, they couldn’t help but sigh, and at the same time, they were very anxious, hoping that the Lanling King would know the information as soon as possible, otherwise, this Lanling King would not even have the heart to avenge and was bent on death.

And the Lanling King returned to the Xia Lan Jingde Family!

The Charan Cynd family was also in a state of readiness.

According to Grandpa Xia Liu

The Charan Zeid family has been hiding their whereabouts for a long time in order to protect the Dragon Card and seal the Dragon Card, but now that their whereabouts have been exposed, they are afraid that they will have to face the attack of the Yehenara family next.


After the Doctor came to examine the Lanling King, he also revealed an important news.

That is.

The Iron Time and Space Alliance Alliance is about to take office!

After the death of the previous Old Alliance, the position of the Iron Knight Alliance Leader has been vacant, but now, the new Ally Lord has taken office! At that time, the new official will take office with three fires, and the Shalan Zeid family will have the great young master of the Yehenara family, and the commander of the jihadist Janissaries of the Yehenara family, and at that time, I am afraid that this alliance lord will be Shalan

The Cyde family asks for guilt! The whole Charan Zeid family……… They can all be implicated!

Ye Siren, the Lanling King, may be arrested and beheaded! Offstage.

The bastards couldn’t help but get nervous.

“The situation……”

“I’m getting nervous.”

“This alliance lord, shouldn’t he take a shot at the Charan Zeide family?”

The are nervous.

“I feel that the Lord of the White Dao Extraordinary Ability will definitely question the Shah Lan Gund Family, after all, there is the Great Young Master of the Yehenara Family, and the Lanling King, the killing machine that killed the Yehenara Family, and the Charan Zende Family and the Yehenara Family have a relationship, and maybe they will be convicted of collaborating with the enemy.”

“I feel so nervous, this situation… Now everything is not good for the Charan Zeid family, there is the Yehenara family on the outside, and the new lord of the White Dao Alliance inside, who may have to be questioned. ”

“There are more and more things, the story is getting more and more compact, there are so many characters who appear, it feels like more and more things will happen.”

The bastards all sweated for the Charan Zeide family.

Xia Mansion.

When the new alliance leader is heard.

Everyone looked stunned!

Especially Ye Siren, Brother Xiong, Xia Liu Ah Gong and Xiu! They all know!

Once the White Way Stranger takes office next………

What will happen!

The son-in-law of the Xia Lan Jingde Family is the Great Young Master of the Ye Henara Family, and no matter whether Ye Siren hurts people or not, at that time, Bai Dao will not tolerate the Xia Lan Jing De Family! Or rather, Ye Siren will not be tolerated!

Plus the Yehenara family is out there looking at the tiger! The Charan Cynd family………

I’m afraid I’m going to encounter the most terrible crisis! What is the possibility of being exterminated!

How is this good?

In front of the high platform, an intermittent voice sounded: “Mr. Su…”

“Then isn’t this Charan Zeide family facing a great crisis?” Or even exterminate? After all, if the White Dao Alliance Lord knew, he would definitely not let go of the Xialan Jingde Family. ”

On a high platform.

The shadow shook the folding fan, “But…”

“Everything has a turnaround.”


Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xialiu, Xiu and Ye Siren all looked nervously at the shadow of the high platform………

Will there be a turnaround?

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