Chapter 163 Ding Xiaoyu Split Up – Is it actually the White Dao Alliance Lord? Only a double of KO.1? 【3 more】!!

Follow the situation of the Charlen Zeid family in the story!

It’s just an internal and external problem! Hard to imagine!

The Charan Zeid family that has come to that step, how to turn defeat into victory!

Ye Siren was still shocked……… He also has news of his younger brother, but is now also uneasy and worried about the situation of the Charan Zeid family.

The screen continues.

“Because of the relationship between the Lanling King……”

“The Yehenara family has issued a hunting order, and everyone is worried that the Yehenara family will attack the Charannard family again, and the great war between the white road and the demonization will break out again.”

“Just as the Yehenara family attacked the Charanzender family twenty-three years ago, when the two families collide, one side will always die.”

“And that is also one of the largest wars in the Otherworld, that war, there are already a lot of people dead, and everyone is worried that this great war in the Otherworld, because of the Shalanjingde and the Yehenara family—”


Su Yu spoke slowly.

Twenty-three years ago, the Great War was when the Yehenara Family attacked the Xia Lan Jingde Family, and it was also because of that war that Ye Siren fell in love with Brother Xiong, self-destructing his demonic nature, and destructing his abilities into the Xia Xia Family, and now it has been a full twenty-three years, and a great war of this scale has never broken out again!

But now

As the situation gets more and more tense! Everyone is worried that the big war of that year may break out again!

To protect the Charan Zeide family!

Xiu’s East City Guard, as well as the West City Guard, the North City Guard, and the South City Guard’s three major Janissaries are on guard around the Xia Family, after all, the Xia Lan Xingde Family guards the Extinction and the Sealing Dragon Card, which is the entrance to the Nether Realm, and the Sealing Dragon Card is even more related to the fate of the entire Iron Time and Space Iron Clan, once an accident occurs, the consequences are unimaginable!


What people didn’t expect!

The Yehenara family actually sent Faceless Peace and two retinues to enter the Charan Zeid family, not to declare war on the Sharanzende family, but to choose peace, hoping that there would be no more war between the two sides!

Thing! It’s getting weirder!

“It feels so strange, this Yehenara family is so calculated?” Didn’t even plan to attack the Lanling King again? Lan Ling King’s Gulaire Extraordinary Physique was the strongest in iron time and space, wasn’t the Yehenara family afraid of being retaliated against? ”

The behavior of the Yehenara family made the mixed generations feel very strange!

“What I am most curious about is how old the newly appointed alliance leader really is, that the elder of the moxibustion is thirteen years old, and he is as old as fifty or sixty years old, and the new alliance leader is seventeen years old, is not he seventy years old and eighty?”

“The physique of the Moxibustion Six Long Leaf Family is also too strange, and the most worrying thing now is… What will the new alliance leader do, and will he question the Charan Zeid family? ”

“Now that the Yehenara family is elusive and feels dangerous, would it be that they want to use the new allies to attack Shahranzende?” After all, everyone knows that the Yehenara family and Shalanjingde are feuds, and after fighting for so many years, they suddenly seek peace, maybe the alliance lord will feel that the Xialanjingde family is a collaborator! ”

There are mixed characters who are speculating, but at the same time, they are very curious about the new alliance leader

Captain Lai is thirteen years old, so isn’t his brother even more terrifying? Everyone’s mind………

They had already imagined the appearance of a figure of seven or eighty.

The story of the picture continues.

In that picture, the alliance lord seems to want to imprison Lanling King, and Xia Mei is delusional and wants to save Lan Ling Wang, thus involving the entire Xia Lan Ling De family, seeing this scene, the following mixed characters are very tired of Xia Mei, especially Xia Mei in the picture, but also to save Lan Ling Wang, even at the expense of helping Lan Ling King escape, very disregarded, making people very helpless and bored.

“Although I know that she doesn’t understand anything, Natsumi is really annoyed from God’s point of view.”

The bastard said very unhappily.

“But from the perspective of the Xia Lan Jingde family, Xia Mei is young and does not understand anything, naturally there is no way to consider the family, it is simply a naïve ghost who has not grown, but it is the smallest in the family, and the male brother himself was the same when he was young, but he grew up, but now Xia Mei’s personality is really annoying.”

The all hated Natsumi as a person, thinking that she hated and didn’t understand things.


“The Allied Lord already wants to imprison King Lanling, and if the Xia Lan Jingde family wants to shield King Lanling, I am afraid that there will be a big problem.”

“But now that Xia Mei has escaped with King Lanling, I don’t know if the alliance lord will anger the Xia Lan Jingde family.”

The mixed generations were worried about the Charan Zeid family.

“In fact, it is also very helpless, just like a small child, it will definitely make mistakes, if it is really so perfect, it is a little unreal.”

“This is also the reason why the family of the Charan Zend family feels very real and warm, they will also make mistakes, there will be wrong things, and there is no way to be perfect, everyone is irreplaceable at home, just because they are the people of this family, so the Charan Zede family will not give up everyone.”

The mixed generations are very impressed, which is also the reason why people feel that the Charan Jingde family is real, and it also makes people feel very substitutionary.

As the story progresses.

The Northern City Guard who captured Lanling King found Xia Mei and Lan Ling Wang, and at the critical moment, Brother Xiong arrived and exchanged his merit for the pardon order of the alliance lord, so that the Northern City Guard suspended the pursuit of Lan Ling King and temporarily saved the life of Lan Ling King!

“And the White Path Lord of the Tekken Alliance—”

“It’s coming soon.”

“Go to the Charan Zeid family in person.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan and slowly opened his mouth.

“Mr. Su……”

“Who is this White Dao Alliance?”

“Yes, according to the Xia family, no one has ever seen his true face.”

The are very curious.

“Lord of the White Path, it feels terrible to hear it, controlling the death of the White Dao Stranger.”


Su Yu smiled slightly.

“Lord of the White Path…”

“The older brother of the moxibustion chief, Tsubasa Lai.”

“At the age of nine, he was able to repel the evil kings of the demon world and enter and exit the demon world.”

“Thirteen years old…”

“Then he fought with Yehenara’s old boss.”

“And Yehenara’s old boss was the only one who was able to escape under his nine-step ghost.”

Su Yu introduced the newly appointed White Dao Alliance Lord, and the mixed characters under the Moxibustion Changshu Dance were stunned!


“That’s horrible, isn’t it?”

“At the age of nine, he can repel the evil king, and at the age of thirteen, he can fight with the old leader of Yehenara, and listening to Mr. Su’s mention, it seems that the old boss of Yehenara is also jealous of his nine-step ghost catcher.”

The bastards below were all shocked by this new White Dao Alliance Lord! Yehenara old boss!

The legendary behind-the-scenes of the Dark Project, whose ambitions involve the Demon Realm, the Twelve Spaces, and the entire Otherworld! Even if Mr. Su never mentioned his ability index, it would certainly not be lower than 30,000 points, or even stronger! But that’s the number one person! The thirteen-year-old White Dao Alliance Lord dared to fight him! And it seems to have played a draw?

This experience

It can only be summed up in legend!

“I didn’t expect it to be so powerful…”

“Then how much should his power index have?”

The Mixed Word Generation was full of curiosity, and at the same time, they were shocked by this White Dao Alliance Lord who was preparing to appear, and they wanted to see who the Divine Spirit was and how strong the Extraordinary Energy Index really was!


Su Yu smiled slightly.

“And this…”

“The new leader of the White Road Alliance of the Iron Space Space——。”

“It is…”

Su Yu looked ahead.

“Ding Xiaoyu’s doppelganger.”

“Moxibustion Changshu Dance.”


“Moxibustion Dance.”

Su Yu’s words fell! Countless eyes instantly looked at Ding Xiaoyu.

All shocked!

Even Ding Xiaoyu was a little confused………

“My doppelganger…”

“Is it the White Dao Alliance Lord of Iron Time and Space?”

He had no idea that his doppelgänger was actually the newly appointed White Dao Alliance Lord! Wang Dadong was even more stunned.

King Arthur, Rex is also very shocked.

Tian Hongguang was even more amazed: “I didn’t expect that your doppelganger was so powerful, my doppelgänger has not come out yet, and I don’t know if there is any.” ”

Saying that, Tian Hongguang was a little helpless, his combat strength index had also been lost, and he wanted to recover, it seemed that there was no way but to wait for the appearance of the twin, but the problem was that Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex’s twins had all appeared!

Even the people who cut off their intestines, the knife crazy body also came out! The most egregious is

Muggle Jia Yong, the director of the discipline of Bale High School, has a doppelgänger slaying demon hunter, and the instructor Su Buqi also has a doppelgänger and a fang, the shark of the ultimate class, and the sister of the fire has appeared in the doppelganger, but he does not, and it is impossible to say that he is not envious.

“It’s horrible, too!”

Some of the bastards exclaimed.

“Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex’s identities are more shocking than one!”

“Wang Dadong’s doppelganger originally thought it was a Muggle, but as a result, there was a super terrifying existence of the ghost dragon in his body, and he could become the ultimate iron guest in the future!”

“Rex’s doppelganger also thought it was a Muggle, and it turned out to be the purest demonic physique of the Yehenara family, and there was a ghost phoenix even more terrifying than the ghost dragon hidden in his body!”

“The most terrifying thing is—”

“It is the doppelgänger of King Arthur, in the iron time and space, it is actually the strongest power family physique of the iron time and space, and it is also the holy war guard of the Yehenara family, which makes the entire special energy world feel frightened, and the power index is super high, even exceeding the existence of the sword madness——— Lan Lord!” The identity is amazing, the history is amazing, and the strength is amazing! ”

The bastards were shocked.

The identity of this foursome!

It’s scarier than the other!

“The most terrifying thing right now…”

“It’s Ding Xiaoyu’s doppelganger!”

“It turned out to be the White Dao Extraordinary Alliance!” The experience is legendary! Nine years old to fight the evil queen, thirteen years old to fight Yehenara old boss! That’s outrageous! Or the leader of the Tekken Alliance! The status is equal to that of the old boss of Nayehenara! ”

The mixed characters were even more amazed at Ding Xiaoyu’s doppelganger.

“But the outrageous thing is… Use. ”

“Wang Dadong’s doppelganger seems to be somewhat inferior at this stage compared to the doppelgangers of King Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu.”

Some mixed characters think it is very interesting, in the iron time and space, Wang Dadong’s doppelganger is currently the most inferior.

“Now that it seems that Tian Hongguang of KO.1 has no body, right?” Now that powerful people have appeared, he should not be very shocking. ”

The mixed characters were all shocked by the flange, and felt that Tian Hongguang’s doppelgänger should not be too shocking.

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