Chapter 164 – The Demon Realm – Shot! The expressiveness of horror! 【4 more】!!

“It feels pretty interesting…”

Some mixed characters laughed after the shock: “In the golden time and space, Wang Dadong is KO.3, and is the first person whose combat strength index breaks 10,000 points, and at the same time is the boss of the ultimate class, King Arthur is KO.3, but the normal combat power seems to be weak Wang Dadong, while Ding Xiaoyu is KO.4, and the normal combat strength is also weaker than Wang Dadong and King Arthur.” ”

“The result—”

“The first appearance of Wang Dadong’s body, the result is actually the weakest at this stage, although he can become the ultimate Iron Man, there are ghost dragons in his body, but compared to the Arthur King who appeared later, the Lanling King, the Extraordinary Energy Index simply cannot be spelled, and the origin and identity of the Lanling King are also very amazing, and the physique is the strongest physique in iron time and space, and once it is solved, it can become the ultimate Iron King.”

“Now Ding Xiaoyu’s doppelganger……”

“It turned out to be the Lord of the White Dao Alliance, the Extraordinary Energy Index was super terrifying, and he had legendary experience, and was the strongest existence at this stage.”

The mixed word generation found it very interesting.

“I feel that the later I appear, the stronger I become…”

“Now it’s KO.1 Tian Hiromitsu who doesn’t have a doppelganger, right?” But at present, it seems that Ding Xiaoyu’s body should be the most shocking, and at the same time, the highest identity of iron time and space, the most shocking existence, there should be nothing more shocking than him, right? ”

The mixed generations are speculating whether Tian Hongguang has a double body in the end!

After all, now KO.2 Rex, KO.3 Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur, KO.4 Ding Xiaoyu’s doppelganger have all appeared! And the later it appears, the more terrifying it is! Now it seems that only KO.1 has no body for the time being, and everyone is very curious about whether Tian Hongguang has a double body in the iron time and space.

The story continues.

The main Meng went to the Xia Lan Jingde family, the crowd hurriedly let Ye Siren hide, in the picture, the moxibustion dance rode to the uphill intersection of the Xia Mansion on a motorcycle, stopped there, Xia and Xia Yu had been waiting there for a long time, when they saw the appearance of the moxibustion dance, both of them were obviously stunned.


“Laughing at me, it is estimated that Xia Xia and Xia Yu did not expect that this White Dao Alliance Lord would be so young, especially the comparison chart of moxibustion and moxibustion dance was also placed on the screen, and the difference was too terrible.”

“However, I feel that this Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord is also very easy to get along with, and he shouldn’t blame the Xia Family, right?”

The following all smiled when they saw it.

Of course, the most important thing is that they all think that this dance leader seems to be very easy to get along with.

“I found that many people in the iron space-time speak with an accent, and it seems that only the black dragon in our golden space-time has?”

“Anyway, listening to Mr. Su say that the biggest realization to me is that as long as the speech brings back the voice, it must be very good!” And the thicker the echo, the more awesome it is! ”

The mixed word generation all discussed the echo thing, and they all found that the thicker the echo, the more powerful it seemed to be, and even the main body of the Ding Xiaoyu Moxibustion Dance Alliance appeared with an echo.

“I’m going…”

“What do I see?”


A bastard exclaimed.

“This moxibustion moxibustion and moxibustion dance alliance lord actually ate the dishes made by Brother Xiong?!”

“And you feel relish?!”

“Still think it’s delicious?!”

A scene that stunned the appeared!

Only to see that the moxibustion dance alliance master, surprisingly very fond of eating the dishes made by the male brother! The ultimate class.

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Rex, and Tian Hongguang all looked at Ding Xiaoyu.

Ding Xiaoyu: “? ”

“I don’t have such a heavy taste.”

He shook his head.

“This moxibustion dance alliance master…… It was extraordinary. ”

Wang Dadong shook his head, very impressed.

In the picture

The owner of the moxibustion dance alliance was eating the meal made by Brother Xiong, very happy, and Brother Xiong was even happier, feeling that he had finally met Zhiyin.

The mixed generations looked at the name of the dish in the picture – [curry corn milk ribs, virgin fried concubine, braised duck mouse, cold mix centipede, gecko minced meat Mercedes Benz pie]

This is no longer something that can be described as dark cuisine! But partial!

The Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord actually ate with relish.


Just as the master of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance was eating, suddenly, he slapped the table and looked solemn: “Yehenara Siren.” ”



The atmosphere was immediately tense!

The people below, Wang Dadong and others saw this scene and their hearts were tight.

“This Moxibustion Dance Alliance…”

“Isn’t it time to liquidate Yehenara Siren?”

“I feel troubled, and looking at his expression, it is obvious that he will not let Ye Siren go.”

The bastards all felt a sense of urgency! especially

When the Master of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance said, “Ye Siren hiding in the backyard, you are going to die if you take a step forward.” ”


Ye Siren walked out, his feet were about to step in the living room, and when the Moxibustion Dance Master said it, he stopped in an instant.

The Master of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance stood up and walked slowly towards Ye Siren.

Everyone’s heart is tight!

“Your father, Yehenara, is the old boss…”

“The only one who can escape from my nine-step ghost hand.”

“But today you—”

The Moxibustion Dance Master looked at Ye Siren.

“Hugh wants to get out of here alive.”

One word!

It made the Xia family all look shocked!

Let the mixed word generation also have a tight heart, look nervous.


More and more nervous!

Ye Siren

It was as if in the next second he would die at the hands of the Nine-Step Ghost! Xia Mansion.

“It’s over, Dad, you run.”

Natsumi looked at Ye Siren, “The Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord will not let you go.” ”

Brother Xiong and Grandpa Xia Liu both looked at Ye Siren and then at the picture.

“It’s pretty strong! I want to fight this guy! ”

The ghost dragon sneered.

“I happen to have a little itchy hand, and if he dares to do it, I don’t mind playing with him.”

Ghost Feng’s expression was very indifferent, but his words were very arrogant.

Ye Siren looked at the picture behind the shadow of the high platform, and for a moment he looked confused………

Is he really unable to be accommodated by the Moxibustion Dance Alliance? In the picture

The Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord asked everyone in the Xia family to let go and walk step by step towards that Ye Siren! Five steps!

Seven steps! Eight steps! Soon.

He walked over to Ye Siren.

Airplanes! He held out his hand!

Whether it is Ye Siren in the picture or Ye Siren outside the picture, at this moment, the heart is buzzing!

Moxibustion dance takes a step forward and grabs forward with his hand.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Siren was going to die at the hands of the Nine-Step Ghost! Ye Siren dodged it with a single spirit.

Next second.

A smile appeared on Moxibustion’s face, “You are now the second person to escape from my nine-step ghost.” ”

Ye Siren: “? ”

Others are confused.

Moxibustion smiled and squinted, “Just kidding! Don’t get so excited. ”

Ye Siren: “…? ”

Out of picture.

Ye Siren: “? ”

Brother Xiong: “? ”

Xia Liu’s grandfather: “? ”

Natsumi: “? ”

Even the Ghost Phoenix and the Ghost Dragon were a little stunned.

High underground.

: “…? ”

Wang Dadong and the others looked at Ding Xiaoyu: “? ”

Ding Xiaoyu: “……… It’s okay with me. ”

The screen continues

The Master of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance did not intend to take Ye Siren’s life at all, for him, Ye Siren had wasted his abilities and demonic nature and entered the Yuxia family when he was born, as long as Ye Siren did not want to restore his magic and magic abilities to return to the Yehenara family

He wouldn’t care, and this time, he mainly came to meet with the Lanling King.

The Mixed Word Generation, Wang Dadong and others, Brother Xiong of the Xia Mansion and others could not help but cry and laugh when they saw this scene

This ally……

Why do you like to make cold jokes so much? And

Not funny at all!

“Mr. Su……”

“This Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord came to find Lan Ling King, shouldn’t he want to destroy Lan Ling King?”

The bastards asked curiously.


Su Yu shook his head slightly, “The reason why Moxibustion Dance came to find Lan Ling King…”

“It’s because of the seven-star spell on King Lanling’s body.”

“Once the Seven Star Spell is unlocked—”

“King Lanling can become the ultimate Iron Man.”

Su Yu’s words made the mixed word generation slightly stunned, but the next words made the mixed word generation instantly boil: “And this…”

“It also led to—”

“The Demon Realm’s Shot.”

The Demon Realm…… Shot?

The mixed word generation instantly opened their eyes and looked at Mr. Su on the high platform.


Su Yu continued, “When King Lanling and Xia Mei are going to return to the Xia family——”


“Heaven and earth change color.”

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and waved! Airplanes!


The scene around everyone instantly turned into the place where Lan Ling Wang and Xia Mei were, and the two were not far away from the Xia family!

Everyone could clearly see the surrounding scenery and environment, especially in front of the high platform, Lan Ling King and Xia Mei were about to return to the Xia family, but in an instant, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the originally bright sky dome suddenly became gloomy, and the gloomy and dark green glow filled the sky! And more and more terrifying!

It was originally a faint shade of green, but it quickly turned into a deep green! That’s the sky!

There seems to be some terrifying energy breaking through! Moment!

The day is earthquake-shaking! Great Shock! And at the same time! The picture behind Su Yu turned!

The Xia Mansion also experienced a terrifying shock!

The Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord seemed to have noticed that something was wrong, and immediately appeared in the backyard of the Naxia family and directly held out his hand

A terrifying golden yellow energy quickly covered the entire Xia Family! And in that scene

The mixed characters did not have to look at the picture, but also saw that the Xia Mansion not far in front of them was quickly covered with a golden yellow light!

At the same time, the voice of the moxibustion dance sounded: “What a demonic spirit!” ”

“This seat is here—”

“Hugh has to be arrogant!”

And at the moment when his voice fell!

Countless bastard generations saw that Lan Ling King seemed to have suffered some terrible attack, and suddenly his face became very ugly and pale!




A bastard pointed to the sky dome of the scene! The pupils are wide open!

Only to see that on the scene of the heavenly dome they were in, above the dark green heavenly dome, a terrifying giant claw broke through the heavenly dome and came, like a mountain, like a broken bamboo, instantly breaking through the clouds, directly towards the bottom!

The breath of terror and oppression fills the air!

Even in the scene of the story, all the mixed characters felt a sense of depression, even Wang Dadong and others! Everyone looked at the giant claw above the dome in horror, and the giant claw slowly went down, like a mountain pressing down, majestic and vast! It’s full of eerie and cold atmosphere!


“Is this a monster in the Demon Realm?”

Everyone felt this terrible expressive power, and their hearts were trembling!

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