Chapter 165 The Sharpwalker and the Gun Spirit King! The big pit before leaving! 【5 more】!!

A green canopy that covers the sky! Giant claws come from the sky! Directly grab the Nalan Ling King!

The terrible sense of oppression is like a huge mountain collapsing down!

It’s not just the Lanling King in the story who feels unable to breathe!

Even the in that scene felt their hearts pounding! Even they all know that everything in front of them is nothing but illusion! But when I saw the giant claws coming from the sky dome covering the sky, it was like being there, and it was difficult for people to even breathe!

High platform picture moxibustion dance shot!

Summer with the help of ghost dragons! Fang repels the Celestial Demon King! Everything around………

Finally sunny again.

All the are finally relieved.

“This, this—that’s horrible, isn’t it?”

There are people who are gasping for breath and feeling very scared.

“I dare not imagine that we are not in the scene of the scene, if it is in the scene of the scene, how depressing should it be?” This Lanling King actually withstood the Heavenly Claw of the Outer Demon King that day! ”

“This scene…”

“I seem to have only seen it in Mr. Nasu, and the Golden Time and Space Poached Egg War…… It’s all a level of combat scenes, it’s just horrible. ”

“This is just a Demon King, stronger than the Evil Queen, weaker than the Demon Lord, I dare not imagine, if you really duel with the Demon Realm, how vast and terrifying will the picture, that scene?”

“What is even more difficult to imagine is how the ancestors of the Twelve Time and Space Walkers of the Twelve Heavens and Spaces, how they dueled with the Demon Realm, according to the Sword Crazy Ancestors, the slap that Mr. Su once dueled with the Black Dragon was the legendary Eighteen Palms of the Absolute Dragon Descending Dragon, which had been lost for a long time! The expressive super horror, if there really was a martial arts world in that year, how spectacular should the big battle scene be that year? How tragic is it? ”

All the bastards were shocked by the expressive power of the Celestial Demon King just now!

Even in the scene!

Even if you know it’s not real!

But through the scenes of this story, you can still feel the oppression from the demon world! I can feel more intimately, the powerful fighting power of the demon world! Just a Celestial Demon King broke through the Heavenly Dome and wanted to capture the Lanling King!

“Mr. Su……”

“Why is this Lanling King being targeted by the Celestial Demon King of the Demon Realm?”

There are confused people who are puzzled.

Celestial Demon King, that is a demon under the Demon Lord! Supreme! Has great territory!


Su Yu took a sip of tea: “Because…”

“The Seven Star Spell in the Lanling King’s Body.”

Another seven-star spell?

The following were stunned.

“When the Celestial Demon King took Lan Ling King, he saw the power contained in his body.”

“Once undone.”

“He will become a demon fighter in the Demon Realm, second only to the Demon Lord, and become the supreme combat power of the Demon Realm.”

“To that moment—”

“I’m afraid I can’t find a duel with him.”

Su Yu spoke slowly.

Once the Seven Star Spell is unlocked, Lan Ling King can instantly become the ultimate Iron Man, close to 50,000 points of the Extraordinary Energy Index, the entire Iron Time and Space, who can fight?

“That’s the way it is…”

“This is also too terrifying, fortunately, the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord blocked the Heavenly Demon King.”


“Shouldn’t the Heavenly Demon King give up so easily?”

The Mixed Word Generation was worried about the Lanling King.

“I feel that with the current situation of the Xia Family, I am afraid that only the Master of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance can protect the Lanling King.”

“Lanling King, it’s very dangerous, the Xia family only has the Qilin Glove and the Ke Demon King, and he may not be able to beat the Heavenly Demon King.”

Everyone felt that the Xia family had no way to protect the Lanling King now, and if it wasn’t for the appearance of the Moxibustion Dance, the Lanling King would probably be given by the Heavenly Demon King’s Heavenly Claw——


Su Yu smiled slightly, “No…”

“The Xia family, there is still a killing that has not been unveiled.”

The underlings were stunned!

Does the Xia family still have a kill?

Looking at the expectant eyes of the mixed characters below, Su Yu shook the folding fan: “This killer-”

“It’s the black wind.”

“A weapon that makes countless monsters in the demon world fear.”

Dark wind?

The bastards all looked at each other.

“Of course—”

“The former owner of this dark wind involves all the stories that follow, and will be mentioned after the end of the third story.”

“And our third story is coming to an end…”

Su Yu didn’t say much, but the more so, the more curious people felt! A handful

A weapon that can make countless monsters fearful? The screen continues

After repelling the Heavenly Demon King, Summer and Lanling King entered the 95 virtual guest house, and the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord had something important to talk to the two.

After entering the 95 virtual guest house. Xiu and Moxibustion Dance had been waiting there for a long time.

Two people

They all told the current situation of the twelve time and space to the summer and the Lanling King.

Xiu: “The great war of good and evil in the twelve time and space is now coming to an end, and except for our iron time and space, the rest of the good and evil wars in time and space have been divided into victory and defeat, except for the golden time and space that both have been defeated and injured, the rest of the time and space have been ruled by evil…”

“And now—”

“The space-time gate that links the twelve time and space is also about to close because of the conspiracy of the demon world.”

“Once the gate of time and space is closed, I am afraid that it will only be able to wait until the end of the great war between good and evil before it can be reopened, and during this period, the demon world will go all out to deal with our iron space-time and attempt to rule the entire universe…”

“The only one that can solve the crisis.”

“There is only the ultimate Tekk.”


It’s a very critical moment! Especially!

The Demon Realm is going to close the gates of time and space! Once the gates of time and space are closed!

Only Iron Time and Space are left to fight alone!

When the bastards below heard Xiu’s words, they couldn’t help but feel a heaviness and depression, a sense of urgency rushed towards them, the time left for the iron time and space was running out, if the ultimate iron man could not be born, the iron time and space might also fail, and in the end, I am afraid that only the golden time and space that are both evil and evil are left!

But with the current situation of the Golden Time and Space! How could it be possible to fight against the Demon Realm?

Even the Iron Time and Space and so on, there are so many strange and strange people, and the time and space of the high-level Strange Beings cannot deal with it, let alone the Golden Time and Space?

“The situation…”

“Has it reached such a critical moment?”

Some are upset.

“Sure enough, after these characters appeared, the story was about to reach a climax, hoping that Iron Time and Space could survive this disaster.”

The bastards all sighed!

With more and more characters appearing and more and more important identities, the battle between good and evil is ready to come to an end!

And at the same time

In the summer and after Lanling King entered the 95 virtual guest house.

Xia family

The Celestial Demon King has reappeared! He directly passed through the previously destroyed protective magnetic field and descended on the Xia family!

The people of the Xia family are like a great enemy! Male brother

Finally took out the black wind!

But thankfully……

The Celestial Demon King wandered around Naxia’s house, never finding the figure of the Lanling King, and was jealous of the power of the dark wind, so he chose to leave.

“The matter is over for now.”

“And the third story is coming to an end.”


“The real crisis of the Charlen family has emerged.”


Su Yu’s voice was slightly slight, and the mixed characters below were tight inside.


In the picture behind him, Ren Chenwen’s figure actually appeared.

But at the moment he

His eyes flashed a red light, as if he was controlled! Directly towards the Xia Lan Jing De Family, the people of the Xia Lan Xing De Family did not notice Ren Chenwen’s abnormality, after no one noticed, Ren Chenwen went directly to the Lanling King’s room, wanted to kill the Lanling King, fortunately was chased away by Xia Mei’s discovery!

The underlings are shocked to see it! More of it is curiosity!

This Ren Chenwen……… What’s going on?

How could it suddenly be controlled?

Countless are looking forward to Su Yu on the stage, waiting for the lecture “And this…”

“It’s just the first step in the beginning of the crisis.”


“The Charlen family is facing the biggest crisis ever, the fourth story to be told.”

“The third story……”


Su Yu smiled slightly: “That’s it.” ”

: “? ”

They are listening curiously! Sounds interesting! And just to the climax! outcome

You give me a card here?

Many have already taken up arms and have bad eyes.

It’s so infuriating!

Even Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, Tian Hongguang, Dao Crazy and others did not have very friendly eyes, they felt as if they had fallen into a huge pit, and now there was no way to climb out!

It felt like they were waiting in a huge pit for rescue, and then the only one who could save them came and looked at it and said I dug the pit and I was coming over five days later to pull you up.

Well……… Very angry.

But there is nothing to do! Soon.

A mixed-up person asked, “Mr. Su, this dark wind…”

“What the hell is going on?”

“Why can you scare off the Celestial Demon King?”

They thought of the pit that Mr. Su had filled earlier.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Because…”

“The master of the dark wind……”

“That is—”

“The Recognized Master of Strange Powers in the Extraordinary Realm, the Ranger Gun Spirit King.”


The sky is full of thunder rolling! On a high platform.

The golden penman’s eyes narrowed slightly.



Again it comes to the order of the rules of space-time! Iron space-time.

Convenience stores.

A white-clad Freewalker is eating potato chips and is very happy.

But suddenly.

He froze, seemed to sense something, and stood up.


“Mention some names you shouldn’t have mentioned?”

He was slightly surprised, obviously unexpected.


Golden space-time.

After the thunder rolled, it quickly dissipated again.


Su Yu continued, “He once used this weapon to kill ninety-nine demons of all kinds and levels, so there are war spirit protectors in the dark wind——”

“As for who the Gun Spirit King is……”

Su Yu smiled: “This involves the fourth paragraph, and even all the subsequent stories.” ”

“The only thing that can be spoiled…”


Su Yu seemed to think for a moment and said, “That is, he once fought the Demon Realm with another generation of Grandmaster Divine Walkers in the Extraordinary Energy Realm.” ”


“Capture the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm, that is, the supreme ruler of the Demon Realm, the Demon Lord of Diablo.”

The bastards below stared directly at each other.


There is also a big pit before leaving!

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