Chapter 166 The third paragraph of the story ends! Command! The old boss… Dead? 【6 more】!!

Deablo Demon Lord!

The supreme ruler of the demon world!

How could a Strange Walker of the Otherworld’s Strange Powers ever catch it?


Su Yu looked at the gloomy eyes of the mixed characters in the audience, and after hearing Su Yu say that he could not speak, the mixed characters below seemed to light up hope, and their eyes lit up.

“The Freewalker and the Gun Spirit King are divided—”

“Two duels.”


“Both the Gun Spirit King and the Freewalker have disappeared from the Otherworldly Realm for countless years, but the Demon Lord of Diablo has returned to the Demon Realm unharmed.”


“It’s about the fourth and fifth stories, so stay tuned.”

Su Yu’s words stopped.

The light in the eyes of the bastards below was shattered, as if the hope dissipated, and instantly turned into a grudge!

“Oh my God…”

“Who is this Divine Walker and the Gun Spirit King?”

“Even the Demon Lord of Diablo could catch?!!”

The bastards below all stared wide-eyed, and their eyes were full of disbelief! Obviously!

This is a huge king blast at the end of the third story!

“Mr. Sue…”

“Don’t bury the pit anymore!”

The bastards want to cry without tears! But there is nothing you can do!

“What’s going on here?”

“This is also too shocking, what kind of existence… How could he catch the Demon Lord of Diablo? ”

“But why didn’t you kill the Demon Lord Deablo in the end?”

“And how did the two of them break up?”

The minds of the bastards are all questions! Skew!

Now there is no answer! My heart is full of torment!

The new mixed characters even want to rush to the stage to kidnap Su Yu, but Su Yu’s hands, especially the embodiment of the story scenes, make the mixed word generations helpless! I could only watch Su Yu, the abominable pit god on the stage, talking and laughing.


“As is customary, spoil the fourth story.”

On the stage, Su Yu smiled slightly: “The fourth story, the main content involved…”

“The first is the two legends of the Gun Spirit King and the Freewalker, who will appear in the follow-up story, and they also carry a secret that subverts the entire iron time and space.”

“The second one, and then the end of the third story, the old leader of the murdered Yehenara with a terrifying force will launch a dark plan against the Shalan Jingde family and Ye Siren that will last for countless years, involving the Demon Realm, the Copper Time and Space, and the Ghost Dragon, Summer, and the Extremely Yin Old…”

“This is also the last story of the end of the war between good and evil.”

“And the story of iron time and space is coming to an end.”

Su Yu’s voice faded slightly.

“In the end, what is involved has a lot to do with the regular order of the twelve space-times, and everything will gradually come to the surface.”

Iron Time and Space involves a lot of story content! Flame messenger.

The balance of good and evil. Space-time rules.

Of course.

This needs to be slowly revealed.

The in the audience are full of resentment, and after the resentment is a deep curiosity! After all, the future mentioned by Mr. Su and the content of the story mentioned have made the mixed word generation full of interest! Want to know the story of what happens next!

“Before the start of the fourth story, the ten strongest people in Iron Time and Space will also be ranked according to the convention.”


“Stay tuned.”

The in the audience were crying out again.


Fortunately, there are still ten minutes of Q&A time.

The mixed characters in the audience all opened their mouths one after another, asking some questions about the iron time and space power and the story, and Su Yu selected some of them to answer.

Many people are curious about what kind of time and space the silver time and space are, and why it is so hot to stop the war, but Su Yu did not answer too much, but simply mentioned some, the more so, the more the mixed word generation is more and more curious about the story of the silver time and space.

Soon. The Q&A time ends.

Su Yu then left the high platform.

Although Su Yu left the high platform, the mixed characters below refused to leave for a long time, but instead discussed it there.

“The list of the ten strongest people in Iron Time and Space is finally coming!” Long wait! Super looking forward to it! ”

What the mixed word generation is most looking forward to is the list of iron time and space!

“Yes! And when the time comes, once Mr. Su ranks the list, then it will definitely involve the future of iron time and space! ”

“Maybe we can predict some stories of the future of iron time and space through the future of the characters on the list!”

“However, Mr. Su seems to have mentioned before that the future ending of Iron Time and Space does not seem to be very good, and even the Ultimate Iron Man has sacrificed eh.”

And the reason why the mixed word generation is especially looking forward to the list!

It’s not just about looking forward to who the ten strongest people in Iron Time and Space are! Also look forward to Mr. Su mentioning their past, present, and future! Especially in the future, the top ten people in the Golden Time and Space List plus the character history, many mixed characters have spied a corner of the future! And now, as soon as the list is out and the characters are out, they may be able to spy a glimpse of the end of the iron space-time future!

Think about it! Just look forward to it!

“The fourth story is also very interesting…”

“It actually involves the Freewalker and the Gun Spirit King, and it feels like these two people are not simple, but they also hide the secret of subverting the iron time and space, what is the secret?”

“Yeah, what happened in the first place that made these two generations of Extraordinary Realm Sect Masters turn against each other?” Didn’t even kill the Deablo Demon Lord? ”

There are mixed characters who are also very curious about the two characters of God Walker and Gun Spirit King!

Although Mr. Su mentioned some of it, he did not introduce it in detail! Now finally in the fourth story!

“And the dark plan of countless years is finally coming, and as we know it now, the person behind this dark plan is Yehenara’s old boss, but what is his plan?” It feels super scary. ”

“The ambitions of the Yehenara family are also too great, and it is not just to rule the Iron Time and Space, but the entire Otherworld!” Even the Demon Realm has become their target! ”

“And the copper time and space, the summer, the ghost dragon, the day of the extreme yin, all of them are pits.”

“What other rules of space-time are there…”

The found that the road ahead was a pit! Fortunately, yes

These pits can be filled quickly, although each filling is to dig a bigger pit, although there are still countless pits behind them that have not come out, but at the very least, Mr. Su will slowly fill in the dug pits!

“Summer, Lanling King, Xia Yu, Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord……… And what will happen to the fate of the entire Charan Zeid family? ”

“The story has become more and more exciting, with the appearance of Lan Ling Wang, the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance League, the story has reached a climax……… It’s really exciting. ”

The mixed word generation is discussing and is very much looking forward to the next development.


Wang Dadong seemed to remember something and said, “By the way, narcissist, Xiaoyu, Rex, Tian Hongguang, have you received the news?” ”

Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex and Tian Hongguang were all a little puzzled.

“I heard that there is a film and television company called Tianji that came to the door and wanted to find us to shoot the TV series of “The Ultimate Class”, and it has been discussed with my father, and it will start shooting soon, so please ask us to be the protagonist when the time comes!”

Wang Dadong is very excited…

“Tianji Film and Television Company?”

King Arthur and the others were slightly stunned.

“Yes! Don’t you guys find that interesting? Shoot our story so that they look at the story, but they don’t know that it is the story that happened to us, and then we are the protagonists, and we are also the protagonists in the golden time and space! ”

Wang Dadong said very happily, thinking it was very interesting.

“Tianji Film and Television Company…”

“Does it have anything to do with the Heavenly Ji Pavilion?”

Ding Xiaoyu muttered to himself.

“I checked, as far as the current point of view, the book publishers on the market, Tianji Publishing House, Tianji Film and Television Company, seem to have a close relationship with Tianji Pavilion, presumably this is also the reason why my uncle should inherit it.”

Rex spoke.

Wang Arthur shrugged: “I don’t have any opinion, by the way, let them add a beautiful track to me when I speak, just like me in Mr. Su’s picture.” ”

In the picture, every time Arthur Wang speaks, a beautiful track will appear.

“There is also the combat strength bar of the soaring combat power index, which looks very interesting, if the picture of Mr. Su is filmed, maybe we will shock Mr. Su.”

Rex laughed and said that they had all been shocked by Su Yu too many times.

“Rex, don’t forget, Tianji Ge and Mr. Su have a close and inseparable relationship.”

Tian Hongguang reminded.

“That’s it, the whole ultimate class, and my mom and dad.” Class director, people with broken intestines will starve! ”

Wang Dadong said excitedly.

“That said…”

“Who will the Black Dragon play?”

Ding Xiaoyu asked.

Psychiatric hospital.

“Make a movie?”

The black dragon looked at the intestinal breaker madly.

“Yes brother, I heard that they will restore your identity as the Great Demon King in the TV series, and although you have lost all your strength, they can use special effects to help you restore your famous scenes.”

“Although the investment is not high, but Wang Dadong, they don’t need special effects, all the special effects are yours alone, how?”

“You are the super villain, the super invincible and powerful force ruling the black dragon severed the intestines and said to the black dragon very seriously.”

Dealing with the Black Dragon must be the right medicine!

What he wanted was that particularity, to show that he was not simple.

The more the black dragon listened, the brighter his eyes became.

“Then I will…”

“Reluctantly agreed!”


“I must be the most handsome!”

The black dragon opened his mouth fiercely, “Otherwise I will never do it!” ”

The bowel breaker nodded hurriedly, “Good, good, good, all depends on you.” ”


Iron space-time.

Lan Ling Wang looked at the surrounding space.

Since mentioning that he was abolished, the space around him has gradually become unstable, and the shadows on the high platform in front of him and the surrounding scenes have begun to intermittently! Seems ready to collapse!

But King Lanling still wanted to listen.

But the energy in his body didn’t seem to allow him to stay here.

He looked at the shadow of the high platform with complicated eyes.

Half ring.

He shook his head, taking it as a ridiculous story.

After all………

How could the Yehenara family have attacked themselves? Even……… Under such a vicious spell.

Not to mention

The current old boss is obviously fine, how can he be cheated to death? It’s all fake!


He withdrew from the dream.


There was a knock on the door: “Commander! ”

“The old boss…”


Lanling King: “? ”

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