Chapter 167 The Seven Star Spell… Shouldn’t that be true?! 【1 more】!!



Lan Lingwang’s expression changed color instantly.

“Commander, we are also shocked…”

The Jihad Janissaries thought that the Lanling King in front of them had shocked the death of the old boss.

But he wasn’t finished yet.

King Lanling instantly spoke, “Now… Is the Second Young Master in the old master’s bedchamber? ”

“Last night the old boss summoned the Second Young Master?”

The Jihad Janissaries looked at King Lanling with wide eyes, “…”

“Unification… Command. ”

“Shouldn’t you doubt that…”

He thought that King Lanling suspected that the Second Young Master had killed the old master.

Out, odd

Miscellaneous, even the face can be said to be a little pale.


He shook his head.


“Did the Second Young Master summon me over?”

The jihadist Janissaries nodded with a confused expression.

How does it feel………

The leader in front of you seems to be a little different? Xia Mansion.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, Ye Siren, even Xiu Xiu, did not slow down, the third story involved too much content, not what they could figure out at once! Even the ghost dragon and the ghost phoenix were thinking.

“I want to think…”

“First we played the Zhen Devil trilogy, and then we caused King Lanling to come to the door.”

“Then Ye Siren and the Lanling King had a friendship, and returned to the Yehenara family to report that the old head of the Yehenara family, that is, the dead man, your father, gave a letter that caused you to be poisoned, and then the Lanling King was asked to bring back the “Soul Washing” and “Soul Search”, and as a result, the Yehenara family destroyed the Lanling King Manchu and deposed the Lanling King.”

“King Lanling came to our Shalanjingde family, and then I exchanged the medal for an amnesty order…”

The male brother is constantly recalling the core of the approximate of course!

There are countless pieces of information contained in it, and every message is enough to shock everyone!

“Abba, what are you doing?”

Brother Xiong was talking, but he saw that Grandpa Xia Liu was sneaking away.

“What’s up…”

“I’m definitely going to hide my medal!”

Xia Liu’a said with a straight face, “Do you have to wait until you steal my medal in exchange for an amnesty order?” ”


“Where did I hide my medals?”

Grandpa Xia Liu touched his head, and Alzheimer’s was committed.


The male brother was helpless.

“Don’t mess with my train of thought!”

“Then the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance appeared, and the Celestial Demon King appeared…”

“Ren Chenwen wants to kill King Lanling, and it seems that he is controlled by something.”


“Or so it seems?”

Brother Xiong’s mind turned quickly, and he slowly sorted out what was going to happen in the future!

“But the back story involves many, many, many and many?”

But the back story……

It seems to involve a lot of things! Think about it!

It’s all messed up again!

“The long-lost legendary Freewalker, the Gun Spirit King, will appear in the fourth story?”

“That is, he will appear?”

“Then the old demon of the Yehenara family, the dead man your father, is actually behind the dark plan, he cheated to death, but he is secretly dealing with our Charan Zeide family, and then he will also appear in the fourth story?”

“And the list of the ten strongest people in iron time and space?”

The male brother kept thinking back.

There is so much information involved in it that there is no way to react for a moment and a half!

And Ye Siren is standing in the same place, as if thinking about something, the look is very solemn, he naturally listened to the whole time, and the previous time in the old ass is not the same, he now sees is the whole high platform shadow, is the whole story, the content involved is very much.

Of course the core! The most critical!

What was the plan of his father, Yehenara Xiongba! Key points………

Seems to be inside the letter?

“What do I believe?”

Ye Siren was about to find the letter.

“Dad, are you crazy?”

Xia Yu said.


Ye Siren did not turn around for a moment and a half.

“You haven’t been poisoned yet, you still don’t know the news of the death of the old boss, that is, the old devil’s grandfather, and the Lanling King has not yet come.”

Xia Yu reminded.


Ye Siren nodded.

“So should I be poisoned now?”

All he could do was feel a mess in his head.

Of course, it wasn’t just him and his brother who were in chaos.

The same is true of cultivation, the content involved in it is related to the entire iron time and space! And the most important thing is that the newly appointed alliance lord, as well as the Lanling King, are Arthur and Xiaoyu’s doppelganger, if the Lanling King is abolished, Arthur wants to restore the combat power index is very difficult, and Xiaoyu’s doppelganger alliance lord also needs to use the special energy to maintain the space-time protection magnetic field, and there is no way to pass on the power for the time being.


Repair the opening.

“Let’s change the fate of King Lanling first…”

“If King Lanling’s abilities are not abolished, will the story behind be better?”

Hugh captures a central point.

In the later story, a lot of content is about Lanling King, among which is the entire clan was wiped out and his fiancée ‘died’? He also lost his fighting spirit, and did not understand why the Yehenara family treated the loyal and loyal him like this, which caused him to be confused and bent on death, he did not know the truth, and naturally had no desire for revenge! But even if you know the real thing

His powers have also been abolished! It’s impossible to get revenge! So

First change the fate of Lanling King……… What will happen?


“The Lanling King hasn’t come yet?”

Natsumi spoke.

She looked at herself in the picture, especially when she saw that in the story, she was so naïve, and caused her brother, Xia Liu’s grandfather, to be so uncomfortable, she felt some guilt in her heart, although she was small, but not an idiot, standing in the perspective of God, the picture and the story of herself…… It’s stupid!

“If nothing goes wrong……”

“Xiao Yu’s doppelganger, that is, the master of the Moxibustion Dance League, should take office in these few days.”


“Be prepared.”

Xiu said.

“By the way, Xiu, Ghost Phoenix…”

Brother Xiong looked at Xiu.

Earlier Xiu said that if the ghost phoenix could not control the flames, the surrounding temperature would always rise and something would happen.

“Tianji Pavilion.”

Xiu said.

“Publishing the Ultimate Class Publishing House……”

“The forces behind it.”

“He’ll have a way.”

The ghost phoenix is not involved in the story screen, but now that the ghost phoenix has appeared, they can only seek the Heavenly Ji Pavilion.


“Lanling King.”

Yehenara Sisi looked at the Lanling King, who was half-kneeling on the ground.

“The subordinates are in.”

Lan Ling Wang lowered his head, and his eyes were somewhat complicated.

“You don’t seem to be feeling very comfortable?”

Ye Sisi had some doubts.

The Lanling King in front of him seemed to be a little pale.


“It’s all right…”

The Lanling King originally wanted to ask clearly, and wanted to tell Yehenara Sisi what happened in his dream, but thinking about everything told in that story, he still resisted his inner thoughts.


“You told me to come over…”

“Is it for Soul Wash and Soul Search?”

He asked tentatively.

Airplanes! In a flash!

Ye Sisi’s eyes instantly froze as he looked at the Lanling King.


“How do you know?”

Ye Sisi sensed something was wrong in an instant, and guessed whether the Lanling King had placed someone next to him, but this Lanling King was loyal, how could he possibly do this? He wouldn’t doubt Lanling King’s loyalty at all, but how did Lanling King know?

“The subordinates guessed that……”

“The subordinates sensed the breath of some of the demon trilogy.”

Lan Ling Wang said stiffly, but he also knew that this excuse was simply untenable and could not withstand scrutiny.


Ye Sisi nodded, and actually believed the Lanling King.

After all

He still absolutely believed in the loyalty of the Lanling King, but it was a pity……… Even if you are loyal, once there is a threat to the potential and strength of the Yehenara family, the Yehenara family will not let go.

“That’s right…”

“The breath of ‘Soul Washing’ and ‘Soul Search’ has appeared, if ‘Soul Washing’ and ‘Soul Search’ are in my good brother’s hands, you will bring it back, if it is someone else, shoot and kill.”

Ye Sisi gave the order directly.

“……… Be. ”

The face of the Lanling King.

It’s even paler.

It’s exactly the same! The old boss is dead! New boss command!

It was exactly the same as what happened in that dream.


“The subordinates will retreat first.”

He withdrew to Ye Sisi.

Ye Sisi looked at the back of Lan Ling Wang’s departure, and always felt a little strange, but he couldn’t say anything strange.

“This Lanling King……”

“Shouldn’t it have been discovered?”

Ye Sisi’s brow furrowed. The Gurayir family.

King Lanling returned to the courtyard

Looking at the familiar home, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything in that dream…

It made him feel tight in his heart until now.

“The Seven Star Spell……”

He went back to his study, rummaging through the family history.

“King Gurayir Zeus……”

“I Zu…”

“The Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition…”

“Inexplicably missing, so far there is no whereabouts.”

Seeing the above relevant records, Lan Ling Wang’s heart only felt cold, very cold, and a chill surged in his back, which made him feel excited.

If it’s true.

If it’s true…… so

He will be exterminated soon! Even yourself will be abolished! Ice Heart……… Will die too!

He grasped the family history record in front of him.

“Canyon Doctor.”

Half ring.

A name appeared in his mind.

If anyone can know the Seven Star Spell, or help him find out the Seven Star Spell in his body, this canyon doctor immortal… There is definitely a way.


He left the Gurayir family.

“Canyon Doctor?”

Brother Xiong looked at Xiu in front of him, somewhat curious.

“Yes, Brother Xiong, if you want to suppress the flame temperature of the ghost phoenix, you can only go to the canyon medical immortal, and the canyon medical immortal will have a way.”

Xiu told Brother Xiong about the information he had received at the Tianji Pavilion.

“Although the Canyon Healer escaped from the Yehenara family……”

“But according to the story and the picture, if the leader of the Dead Man Regiment came forward, the Canyon Doctor Immortal would definitely help.”

Xiu said.


Brother Xiong nodded.

“Then we…”

“Let’s go as soon as possible.”

After all

In Xia Yu’s current state, it is difficult to suppress the ghost phoenix, often escaped by this ghost phoenix, and the temperature of the Xia family has been rising recently…

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