Chapter 168 Report… Lanling King! The opposite! 【2 more】!!

Canyon Doctor Fairy Residence.

The canyon doctor immortal is frying the medicine packet.


A black figure appeared behind the canyon doctor.

“Lanling King?”

The Canyon Doctor turned back.

Half ring.

He smiled, “It seems that the Yehenara family is not going to let me go, and they have sent you to kill me.” ”

“We haven’t seen each other in a long time since we left the Yehenara family, and we didn’t expect to meet in this situation.”

He thought that King Lanling had come to kill him.

“Doctor Immortal, you misunderstood.”

King Lanling spoke.

“I came here by myself, and I want to ask the doctor for help.”

The Canyon Doctor Immortal was slightly stunned: “Oh? ”

Lan Ling King hesitated for a moment and said, “I would like to ask, if there is a curse in the body, can it be checked out?” ”

“For example…”

“Seven Star Spell.”

The Canyon Medicine Immortal heard Lan Ling Wang mention the Seven Star Spell, and his expression changed slightly:,

“The Seven Star Spell……

This time, it was Lan Ling’s turn to be stunned.

“I didn’t think about it…”

“The old leader of Nayehenara did not hide from you after all, but was discovered by you.”

The Canyon Medicine Immortal did not notice Lan Ling King’s look, but sighed.

“I can’t do anything about the Seven Star Spells contained in your body, and this is not within the scope of my own ability.”


“How do you know?”

The Canyon Doctor Immortal looked at the Lanling King curiously.

“This is a secret in the Yehenara family, and as a whole, I’m afraid only the old leader of Yehenara knows, how will you know?”

“I also saw the secret by chance……”

“No, Lanling King, how do you know?”

“It’s a top secret secret.”

The Canyon Doctor Immortal looked at the Lanling King in front of him, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it was, how did the Lanling King know?

Moreover, according to the character of the Lanling King, he was completely loyal to the Yehenara family, and it was reasonable to say that this secret was known to the old head of the Yehenara family, but he would not tell the Lanling King, and with the loyalty of the Lanling King, it was impossible to doubt the Yehenara family

That’s the problem! Lanling King……… How do you know?

Lan Lingwang’s look was already very pale, and his face was even more complex and uneasy.


Is it true? How do you know?


Lan Ling King muttered to himself and looked pale.

“Hey, hey, hey…”

“Don’t say it, don’t say it, why are you cursing?”

The canyon doctor immortal said he was very upset.

But Lan Ling Wang’s mind at the moment was all about the Seven Star Spell.

King Lanling asked, “This… If only the old boss of Yehenara knows, if only the old boss of Yehenara knows, it means that… If Ye Sisi really wanted to destroy the Gulaire family, in fact, the old boss was behind it? ”

The Canyon Doctor Immortal nodded, “Yeah, I know something by chance because I’m the Imperial Physician of the Yehenara Family.” ”

“This is not a rotten street secret, the Yehenara family certainly does not want me to bring out, but unfortunately the old head of the Yehenara family does not dare to move me easily.”

“But how on earth do you know?”

The Canyon Doctor Immortal sighed, and at the same time his heart was more curious.

It’s top secret!

Super top secret!

Only the old head of the Yehenara family and himself knew that the Lanling King in front of him… How exactly do you know?

The canyon doctor immortals were all a little anxious, itching inside, wanting to know the answer but just at this moment.

“Canyon Doctor?”

The Canyon Doctor Immortal was talking to the Lanling King, but a voice came from behind him.

The Canyon Doctor Immortal and the Lanling King looked behind them.

“Great Young Master?”

Lan Ling King saw Ye Siren at a glance!

Behind the canyon doctor immortal, it was Ye Siren, Xia, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei.

“Lanling King?”

Ye Siren, Xia, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei were all surprised and did not expect to meet the Lanling King here.

Lan Ling Wang and Ye Siren and the others looked at each other.

Although I have never met

But in that picture!

Several people seemed to have known each other for a long time.

“We actually met King Lanling!”

“Do we want to tell Lan Ling Wang about the Seven Star Curse?”

Natsumi said directly.

The Canyon Doctor Immortal suddenly looked at Natsumi, “? ”

His head seemed to have a huge question mark.

“Seven Star Spell?”

King Lanling looked at Ye Siren and the others, “Senior Young Master, do you know?” ”

“You know?”

Ye Siren, Summer, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei all looked at King Lanling in surprise.


Everyone looked at each other and seemed to understand something.

“Oh —

Everyone nodded.

King Lanling asked, “Senior Young Master, are you dreaming too?” ”

Ye Siren shook his head: “Dreaming, dreaming this is too shallow, we all watch live broadcasting.” ”

Lan Ling Wang was stunned: “Is it not only a dream, but also a live broadcast?” ”

Ye Siren nodded, “Yes, you don’t know, this is super powerful, directly concrete, and there are many scenes around, and the story is good…”

Both men talked.

The Canyon Doctor Immortal was on the sidelines: “? ”

Ye Siren asked, “So you haven’t been exterminated yet, have you?” ”

Lan Ling King shook his head, “Not yet, but… Almost there. ”


Ye Siren took a breath: “I didn’t expect that our Yehenara family would actually make these mistakes and actually put the seven-star spell on your ancestors, and it would be very difficult for you to undo the seven-star curse, and now you are still encountering such a disaster, exterminating the clan, and the fiancée being arrested. ”

He was dissatisfied with his father’s behavior.

King Lanling hurriedly spoke, “Senior Young Master, you don’t care about these things, you saved my father, and even advised me not to go back, but unfortunately I still didn’t listen, resulting in the abolition of the special ability, and the two things that the Great Young Master saved their lives, “Soul Washing” and “Soul Searching”, were also taken away by me, which is the shame of my subordinates…”

What the two men mentioned is what they see in the picture and the story.

The Canyon Doctor Immortal was on the sidelines: “? ”

His eyes were wide open.

It was as if I had heard some incredible news.


Fiancée taken away?

Persuaded to go back? “Soul Washing” and “Soul Search”?

“You guys…”

“How did you know the news of the Seven Star Spell?”


The Canyon Doctor Immortal looked at the five people in front of him.

“What are you talking about, and why, I don’t understand it at all?”

His head seemed to be full of big question marks.

He felt that he was not a world with the few people in front of him.

What was being talked about

It’s like a book of God! I don’t understand it at all!

“Doctor Immortal.”

Ye Siren looked at the Canyon Doctor Immortal.

“Great Young Master.”

The Canyon Doctor Immortal laughed hurriedly.

Ever since he left the Yehenara family, he had been looking for Ye Siren’s whereabouts and wanted to follow Ye Siren, but he didn’t expect to meet him here.

“I have something to ask you for help.”

Ye Siren said with a deep sigh.

“Rest assured—”

“I also brought the news you want to know.”

The canyon doctor was stunned: “What news do I want to know?” ”

What news would I like to know?

Why don’t I know?

The small eyes of the canyon doctor fairy, as if there were a huge question mark.

“Isn’t it the tender thing of the canyon……”

“I helped you out!”

Ye Siren waved a big hand and gave the Canyon Medical Immortal a note, and he patted the Canyon Medical Immortal’s shoulder: “However, the next thing is up to you.” ”

“By the way, help me find the Ice Hoop Charm…”

The Canyon Doctor Blinked.

Are you all so arrogant in your medical treatment? Come straight over and prescribe drugs? Don’t need me to see it? And what is it?

He took the note, but when he saw the words on it, his look changed, and a pair of eyes looked directly in disbelief at Ye Siren and the others in front of him.

“It happens……

“What’s the matter?”

His head, a daze. The Yehenara family.

Ye Sisi looked into the darkness.

“What about King Lanling?”

he asked.

In the darkness, a figure came out: “Tell the boss, the Lanling King should have gone to find the whereabouts of the Soul Search and the Soul Wash Song, and left the territory of the Demonization Family yesterday.” ”

Ye Sisi nodded, “So…”

“Then the plan is going to speed up as well.”

“You prepare.”

He was already making preparations to eradicate the Gurayir family.

“What a pity…”

“This Lanling King’s mistake is that he is a member of the Gurayir family.”

“Even if you are a die-hard, it is difficult to feel at ease.”

Ye Sisi shook his head.

It was a pity that the Lanling King, who was loyal to the heart and guts, was loyal to the killing machine of the Yehenara family, and if it were not for the fact that the physique of the Gurayir family was too strong, the Yehenara family would not have done such a desperate thing.

But it’s all for the ambitions of the Yehenara family! The Gurayir family must be wiped out! The Lanling King, who is loyal to the Yehenara family, must also die!

Lanling King……… It can’t be left anymore.


Once the matter of the Seven Star Spell in the body was discovered by the Lanling King, the Yehenara family would have one more terrifying enemy.


The day of the polar yin is approaching!

It is necessary to completely eliminate the Lanling King before the day of the Extreme Yin!


The figure is about to disappear.

But suddenly.

A figure dressed in black hurried into the bar.

“Palm…… Master! ”

“Lanling King…”

“The opposite!”

Ye Sisi was stunned: “What? ”

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