Chapter 169: The Heavenly Machine Pavilion of Golden Iron Time and Space! Get ready to shoot The Ultimate Family! 【3 more】!!

Ye Sisi looked stunned.

“What do you say?”

He obviously did not believe the words he had just heard.

The figure below repeated again: “Yu…… Pray to the boss, Lanling King, anti. ”

“He escaped from the Yehenara family overnight with the jihadist Janissaries and the Gurayir family who followed him!”

“The whereabouts are now unknown!”

Ye Sisi: “? ”

His eyes widened.

Lanling King! The opposite?

Escape the Yehenara family overnight with the jihadist Janissaries and the Gurayir family who followed him?

Don’t know where it is?

The loyal Lanling King……… On the contrary?!!



“He turned the other?!!”

Ye Sisi finally came back to his senses, his expression was shocked, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

“Yes Lord, we have just received the news that King Lanling returned to the Gurayir family last night, and fled the Yehenara family with the Gurayir family, his fiancée, and the jihadist guards who followed him overnight.”

It seemed that he didn’t believe it, and the figure repeated it again.

Ye Sisi: “…”


“Shoot and kill now!”

“All the demonized Strangers who see the Lanling King and the clan members of the Gulaire family will shoot and kill them!”

“At the same time, send out the jihadist guards, and the Yehenara family guards will hunt down and kill the Lanling King at the same time!”

Without any hesitation, Ye Sisi directly issued a hunting order! Shoot-and-kill

Irrespective of! Wait for the figure to leave. Ye Sisi stood where he was.

In the dark.

Ye Sisi stood where he was, but at this moment, his eyes were full of gloom, as if in an instant, he had changed a person.

“What’s going on?”



The Lanling King, a die-hard loyal to the Yehenara family……… Will it rebel?

“Isn’t it……”

“Did he know about the Seven Star Spell?”

But how is this possible!

The secret of the Seven Star Spell is known only to him!

Even if the valley healer who had escaped from the Yehenara family knew, he wouldn’t dare to expose it!

But! Lanling King! How can it be the opposite? Just when he doubts!

A figure appeared again in the darkness: “The boss…”

“Something went wrong.”

Ye Sisi frowned, “What? ”

The figure voice was a little uneasy: “Lan… King Lanling sent a message to the entire Otherworld, accusing the Yehenara family of using the Seven Star Charm, and that the ancestors of our Yehenara family had killed King Gurayl Zeus and cast a Seven Star Spell on the King of Zeus, trying to destroy the Gurayir Family…”

“Now the news has spread in the Otherworld… Ye Sisi stood in the darkness and did not say a word.

Finally……… What’s going on? Otherworld!

Although the Strangers do not know each other, they can transmit messages through the radio of the Otherworld, the TV channels of the Otherworld, and know the latest news of the Otherworld, whether it is the demonization of the Stranger Walker or the White Path’s Stranger, there are exclusive broadcasts and channels! And today!

A piece of news came out that shocked the entire Otherworld!

The leader of the jihadist Janissaries of the Yehenara family! King Gurayir Lanling, with the jihadist Janissaries following him, the Gurayir family, and his fiancée fled the Yehenara family overnight!

At the moment when this news came out, whether it was the Demonization Alien Walker or the White Dao Extraordinary Walker, all of them couldn’t believe it!

After all, that was the Lanling King!

The new rising super master of the Otherworld, the killing machine of the Yehenara family, the Yehenara family, and the Gurayir family is also loyal to the Yehenara family! How could it be possible to rebel?

But soon!

The latest news came out, the Lanling King complained to the entire Otherworld, and the Yehenara family killed his ancestors and cast a seven-star spell on their family!

This made countless demonized Alien Walkers and White Dao Alien Walkers instantly realize the Yehenara Family………

How could such a vicious spell be cast on the Gurayir family?

The demonic practitioners who had been loyal to the Yehenara family were a little panicked for a while.



It’s the third day after storytelling.

The night before, King Lanling had fled the Yehenara family with the Gurayir family, and there had been no news yet.

In the lawn.

Two figures walk here.

“I didn’t think about it…”

“The future of storytelling, it’s all true.”

“When I started, I couldn’t believe it.”

A figure holds the newspaper serialized “The Ultimate Family”.

“Allied Lord.”

“I couldn’t believe it at first…”


Xiu shook his head, but also very helpless, thinking back to the original change of mood, he felt incredible, from disbelief to belief, he spent very little time, the story that Mr. Su said, very gripping, and the basic points told are the key points, slightly confirming it……… You can know the truth or falsehood!

Standing next to him.

Naturally, it is the doppelgänger of the newly appointed White Dao League, Ding Xiaoyu, moxibustion dance!

“Has this Lanling King found it?”

Moxibustion asked.

“Found it.”

“Our Northeast, Southwest, and Four City Guard Guards have already set out to take over the Lanling King’s family and settle down next to the Xia Lan Jingde family.”

“At the same time, we are on guard against the environment around the Charanthade and the Gurayir family, and if anything goes wrong, we can immediately know the news.”

Moxibustion nodded.



“It was the attack of the Yehenara family and the Celestial Demon King.”


Moxibustion Dance took a deep breath: “The closing of the door of time and space.” ”

In the news you know!


The Yehenara family will definitely have plans for the Charanthène family! meantime

The Celestial Demon King would definitely attack the Lanling King! At that time, once King Lanling is taken away to become a demon fighter and enslaved by the Demon Realm, it will be a devastating blow to the Otherworld!

And most importantly!

The Gate of Time and Space… It is also about to usher in a shutdown.

“The situation……”

“It’s already urgent.”

Moxibustion Dance looked at the eyes.

“This Mr. Sue…

“Who is sacred?”

Even now, he was in disbelief.

Xiu suddenly remembered something and said, “By the way, Allied Lord, yesterday a Tianji Film and Television Company found us and said that he wanted to shoot a TV series according to the serial “The Ultimate Family”. ”

Moxibustion Dance was slightly stunned: “TV series? ”

Xiu nodded: “Yes, the Tianji Film and Television Company of Golden Time and Space also found me and let me star in “The Ultimate Class”, while the Tianji Film and Television of Iron Time and Space let me star in “The Ultimate Family”, this Tianji Film and Television Company should all be affiliated with Tianji Pavilion, and this Tianji Pavilion…… It is related to Mr. Nasu, but I don’t know what it has to do with it. ”

“Jin Space-Time’s “The Ultimate Class” seems to have filmed the previous part, I don’t know when it will be broadcast, he gave me the script behind, all of which are filmed according to the story that Mr. Su said.”

“The Heavenly Machine Pavilion of Golden Time and Space is managed by the existence of a rich resident, and the Heavenly Machine Pavilion of Iron Time and Space, when I went to seek to suppress the ghost phoenix in Xia Yu’s body before, I met one of them, claiming to be Deadpool, from the Winston Wilson family, growing up to be a mercenary or something, in short, he has a lot of words, but his strength is unfathomable.”

“And above him, I also vaguely felt a terrible index of power, not under me.”

Tenki Pavilion! Shudu has investigated!

Especially after the appearance of the Heavenly Machine Pavilion of Iron Time and Space, Xiu immediately investigated! It was determined to be exactly the same as the Heavenly Machine Pavilion of that golden time and space!

The most mysterious thing is

These two space-time Heavenly Pavilions! None of it is simple!

Whether it’s adding money to the housekeeper! Or Deadpool!

All are amazing existence of the Ability Index! Of course

Xiu’s guess was that Tianji Pavilion and Mr. Su must have a close relationship, and it may even be the legendary Cabinet Lord, but there is no specific information, after all, they do not know and know the origin of Tianji Pavilion at all!

“It’s weird.”

“This day Jige published “The Ultimate Family”, and now it is going to shoot the TV series of “The Ultimate Family”.”

“He should be spreading the information of the power, so that ordinary people can slowly accept the news of the existence of the power, and not let ordinary people so reject our special ability walkers in iron time and space.”

“It’s just…”

“Why did he do that?”

Xiu said.

“Although it can make ordinary people accept the news of the Extraordinary Energy World, it is also destined to set off a storm, and the entire situation of the Iron Time and Space will change, and even greatly affect the Iron Time and Space World.”

He was just curious about what the purpose of the Heavenly Ji Pavilion was.


At this time, the moxibustion dance opened.

“The future that Mr. Su or Tianji Ge knows……”

“Maybe it has something to do with this?”

“I feel that now the antagonism between our Stranger Rider and ordinary people has become more and more serious, and the identity of the Stranger Rider will one day be unable to hide, and when the time comes, how ordinary people will treat us, it is difficult for me to imagine, if there is really a war, the consequences will be unimaginable.”


“This is the best way for us to blend into the world of ordinary people in iron space-time.”

Moxibustion dance slowly opens.

He guessed.

Mr. Nasu and the Celestial Pavilion seem to sense some future, and that future may be related to the relationship between the current Extraordinary Walker and ordinary people.

“Allied Lord.”

“The list of the ten strongest people in iron time and space will soon appear.”


“We can know something about the future from the people on that list.”

He told Moxibustion Dance that he saw some extremely terrifying futures in the list of that golden time and space.


Moxibustion Dance smiled slightly.

“I’m curious…”

“How exactly will this list be arranged?”

“And the characters who appear in the fourth story…”

He thought of his master.


It’s unbelievable that he would appear in the fourth story.

But the more he did so, the more curious he became!

The fourth story, as well as the list of the ten strongest people in Iron Time and Space, will reveal what the future will be, and what the Tianji Pavilion is doing now……… What exactly will be the purpose.

But at least for now

The Heavenly Machine Pavilion stands in the position of twelve time and space.

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