Chapter 173 This Seat, Lord of the Heavenly Cabinet Pavilion! 【1 more】!!

Outside the Tianji Pavilion.


The old leader of Yehenara seemed to hear something and looked up at the heavenly dome.

“Yehenara old boss…”

“You dog thing…”

“Pit me!”

A hoarse magic sound echoed throughout the iron space-time.

Yehenara’s old boss: “…? ”

What is this idiot called?

I can’t fake my own death, should I not be exposed by this fool?

Although he didn’t have a good heart at the beginning, this time the Outer Demon King intervened, letting Bai Dao and the Outer Heavenly Demon King dog bite the dog, but with the ability of the Heavenly Demon King, it was easy to capture the Lanling King?

But……… After the arrest

Whether or not you can unlock the Seven Star Spell is another matter.

What’s going on now?

Even if you know it’s a pit, you didn’t find it so quickly, right? Thoughts

He stared ahead, and soon found a stream of 10,000-point Extraordinary Energy Index breath erupting near the Xia Mansion.

The old boss: “…”

He was obviously slightly stunned, his eyes were slightly wide, and he was obviously frightened.

There are so many strands of Broken 10,000 Points of Extraordinary Energy Index breath bursting out! Plus the breath of the Celestial Demon King erupted!


It was the Celestial Demon King who was ambushed.

And it was an ambush for many individuals.

“How can that be?”

He was a little stunned.

How can it be?

Although this Lanling King did not know why he had entered the Xia Lan Yingde Family, according to the practices of those decent people in the White Dao, especially the old monsters of the Xia Lan Ling De Family, it would be good not to beat the Lan Ling King half to death, and also help him deal with the Heavenly Demon King?

It is impossible for decent people to tolerate a murderer in the territory of the White Dao Strange Realm, so the old boss has never thought about this stubble, at most this day, the Outer Demon King’s shot may attract the attention of the White Dao, and the two sides are at war, but according to the reaction of the White Dao, it is impossible to gather people in a short period of time, and the Lanling King is definitely going to be arrested!

But the breath he had just sensed looked at………

This day, the Outer Demon King was obviously ambushed when he captured the Lanling King? Is the white road so idle now?

But just exactly………

The old leader of Yehenara looked at the Tianji Pavilion in the distance, and a sneer appeared on his face just as he approached the Tianji Pavilion


A figure appeared out of thin air above the black attic of the Heavenly Pavilion.

It was a woman with white hair, looking coldly at the old boss of Yehenara in front of her.

The scarlet eyes of the Celestial Demon King looked at the Dongcheng Guard, the Southern City Guard, the Demon Slayer Hunter, the Moxibustion Lai, the Xia Liu Gong, and the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord

The situation at hand………

He has been completely blocked, and there is no way back at all! Airplanes!


He was very angry in his heart, and he directly exploded into the Dark Index, rolling in black mist! A powerful breath suddenly collapsed like a huge mountain! Fill the entire Summer Mansion!

“I want to keep Ben Jun…”

“Let Ben Jun see if you have this skill!”

The Demon Emperor of Heaven was full of voices, and his voice was very cold! Just when the moxibustion dance and others were about to strike!

There seemed to be an extremely terrifying wave of energy in the distance! The eyes of the moxibustion dance and the others looked into the distance for a moment.

“It’s the Tenki Pavilion!”

Xiu Yi saw the energy fluctuation place at a glance, it seemed to be the Tianji Pavilion, he had been to the Tianji Pavilion before because of Xia Yu’s matter, so he recognized it at once!

“The energy fluctuation is at least above 30,000 points……”

His eyes narrowed slightly.


Energy collision!

I could vaguely see that the weather around me seemed to have changed, the energy was very chaotic, and the energy of the wind attribute condensed between heaven and earth! Attack that front! That energy was not the same as their magical attributes, it could connect the storms between heaven and earth, forming a terrifying vortex of wild winds, and a figure stood in that vortex, with long hair fluttering, and his hands open, casting a duel of special powers!

Its powerful energy aura made Moxibustion Dance and others a little surprised! This day the machine cabinet………

Unfathomable! This figure

It seems that the cultivation mouth is no less than his existence! But

There seemed to be an extremely terrifying being in front of it, and the Extraordinary Energy Index actually fluctuated to the point that Xiu and the others could not sense the specific values!

“It’s Yehenara the old boss.”

“He shot at Tianji Pavilion.”

The moxibustion dance immediately sensed the fluctuation of that power index! Ability Index!

Not much different from him!

And the entire Iron Time and Space Extraordinary Realm! There was only one person who could not differ much from his ability index!

That’s the fake Yehenara old boss, Yehenara Xiongba! Airplanes!


Just when the moxibustion dance and others look into the distance! That day, the Outer Demon King also struck!

“Repair, create a magnetic field, hide the battlefield.”

Moxibustion dance deep opening.

The great battle of the special energy cannot be seen by ordinary people, otherwise it will cause big trouble to repair the nod and immediately start arranging the magnetic field!

And the black mist around the Celestial Demon King surged forward, directly towards the East City Guard, the South City Guard, the Demon Slayer Hunter, and the Xia Liu Ah Gong!


The Celestial Demon King is convenient for everyone to fight!

The attack of the Celestial Demon King was very fierce!

But he didn’t want to fight with the White Dao Strangers, but wanted to break through and escape!

Although the moxibustion dance with a higher energy index than him had to use the power index to maintain the protective magnetic field, and could not develop 100% strength, the strength of the Xiu and other Janissaries was definitely not vegetarian, and in the case of passing on the merits, the Heavenly Demon King could never be the opponent of the Janissaries!

Just when the moxibustion dance is about to strike!

Boom in the distance!

At the Cabinet that day, there seemed to be a huge energy fluctuation! Powerful energy fluctuations even swept over the Xia Mansion!

Terrifying energies are coming! Directly let the moxibustion dance and other people who were originally fighting hands have been greatly affected! Everyone’s eyes instantly looked at the Heavenly Ji Pavilion!

Only to see that figure fighting with the old leader of the Yehenara family! Her powers fought with the old leader of the Nayehenara Family, but the two people’s ability index was very different, under the collision of energy, the vortex exploded, and the powerful air current swept thousands of meters!

After that energy bursts

The figure standing in the machine cabinet that day fell backwards! See this scene!

Moxibustion dance and other people’s hearts instantly tensed up!

But in the next second! airplanes

There seemed to be some energy dragging down the fallen figure.


Yehenara’s old boss frowned.

Next second!

The palm of Yehenara’s old palm condensed into an extremely terrifying black flame, which quickly expanded after it emerged! The flames contained extremely thick dark energy, and the space around them seemed to have cracks! After condensing to a certain extent! The black flames slammed straight forward! Head towards the black attic of the Tenki Pavilion and the figure! Breath energy of horror!

Even spread to the side of the people!

It is enough to show the strength of this Yehenara old master!

The flame was constantly enlarging in the pupils of everyone, and it was about to explode into the Heavenly Machine Pavilion! But


A strange wave suddenly appeared above the Heavenly Cabinet! A wisp of white mist filled with a stream of energy seeped out! The moment of emergence!

Continuous interweaving and condensation!

“This is…”

In the distance, the moment Moxibustion Dance saw that energy, his look changed slightly!

Only to see that when that energy was condensed, all the energy around the heavens and the earth went towards the energy that filled the white mist!

Wind! Fire! Thunder! Earth! Water!

The energies of the five attributes between heaven and earth appear everywhere and then merge into that energy! After the attribute energy of the natural world was integrated, the white mist of energy became more and more terrifying

That cloud of energy rushed towards the black flame of Yehenara’s old master! Moment!

Under the shocked gaze of countless people, the five attribute energies between heaven and earth rushed forward along with the white mist energy!

Thunder Roll! Wrapped up in it!

Flames! Roll like a monstrous rage! Storm condenses! Endless winds sweep up!

The five attribute energies swirled in that white mist, shattering the black flame of the old leader of Yehenara in an instant!


“How can that be?!”

The shocked voice of the old boss of Yehenara sounded!

“How can that be?”

When Moxibustion Dance and others saw this scene, they were all stunned!


“Mixed element energy?!”

Moxibustion dance, the old boss at the same time to speak! That white mist energy!

It turned out to be mixed element energy! The purest energy between heaven and earth! A mixture attribute energy that only the Ultimate Iron Man can drive!

Rumble! Bang!

The Mixed Element Energy slammed into the body of Yehenara’s old boss, and the protective magnetic field of his body instantly broke! Hit the body by the energy and instantly spit out a mouthful of blood!


A calm voice sounded, “Honza…”

“Heavenly Cabinet Lord.”

Just when Moxibustion Dance was attracted by the energy in the distance! rumble

The Celestial Demon King who was surrounded by this side took advantage of the moment when the moxibustion dance and others were stunned! It actually directly broke through the blockade line of the White Road and instantly went away from the sky!

The moment his figure headed out that day!

The black mist around the Celestial Demon King rolled, and the figure expanded infinitely! The black mist surged with the shadows, and as the Celestial Demon King got closer to the Celestial Demon King, his body became more and more massive! When it was close to the sky, it had already reached hundreds of feet! It’s like a black fog piercing through the clouds! Straight to the sky!

But in the instant that is about to go out into the sky! That day, the Outer Demon King grabbed backwards!

The Claws of Optimus are pouring down!

In an instant, he grabbed the Lanling King of the Xia Mansion!

The giant claws that cover the sky and the sun are grabbing down! The mighty green energy was like a galaxy tilting, grabbing at the Lanling King with its giant claws!

But in the next second! Boom Boom!

A cloud of white mist swept across the sky like a milky way!


The calm voice sounded again! Mixed element energy surges! It’s like the Milky Way straddling the stars!

The five attribute energies between heaven and earth have come again! In an instant!

Just face off against that Heavenly Claw! rumble

The moment the Mixed Element Energy touched the Qingtian Claw, it instantly shredded the energy of the Qingtian Claw! Break through everything and head towards the Demon King of the Outer Heavens!


It was like the mixed element energy across the starry sky crashing into the body of the Outer Heaven Demon King! Moment!

The black mist on the Outer Heaven Demon King’s body had dissipated by a large margin! The black mist, which was originally incomparably thick, faded by more than half in an instant!

“Damn… Fortune. ”

The Outer Heaven Demon King, with his unwillingness, instantly entered the Outer Heavens, and at the moment of entering the Outer Heavens, he closed the Outer Heavens Entrance! Seems to be worried about the pursuit behind you!

Moxibustion Dance: “………”

Repair: “…”

Dongcheng Wei, Nancheng Wei, Demon Slayer Hunter, Xia Liu Gong: “………”

They looked out of the sky and soon looked into the distance

Tenkikaku Direction!

The eyes were shocked…

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