Chapter 174 The Day of Storytelling is Coming! Yehenara the old boss came to the Golden Time and Space? 【2 more】!!

Tianji Pavilion

The old leader of Yehenara saw the scene in front of him, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he was obviously not lightly injured!



“Who the hell are you?”

Yehenara’s old boss looked at the Heavenly Ji Pavilion in front of him in shock! Next second!


As soon as his figure flickered, he was about to disappear! But in the void!

It seems that some energy has come through that time and space! Airplanes!

In the void, as if outlining a huge white hand, it was about to grab the old leader of the Yehenara in an instant!


Yehenara felt the energy from the chaotic element, the protective magnetic field in his body reappeared, and his body fled into the distance like a ghost!

But even so!

Although the giant hand grabbed the air, it exploded an extremely terrifying ball of mixed element energy and crashed into the body of the old leader of the Yehenara!

“Penetrate time and space……”

Moxibustion Dance and others watched this scene in shock.

“On this day, the Lord of the Cabinet……”

“How can you break through the boundaries of time and space?”

They were all shocked by the scene in front of them! Distance!

The old leader of that Yehenara fled directly, and did not dare to resist at all! Tianji Pavilion.

Once again a silence was restored.


Nothing happened.


Moxibustion dance and other talents come back to life.

“Hugh, did you sense it?”

Moxibustion asked.

“Pray to the Lord, I sensed that…

“It’s mixed-element energy.”

Repair the deep voice opening.

But Moxibustion Dance shook his head: “No, it is not the mixed element energy that we know, that energy is the other five elemental attributes, compared to our wind, fire, thunder and rain, the mixed element energy is thicker and more pure.” ”


“Probably more than the Ultimate Ironman.”

Moxibustion Dance looked at the Heavenly Ji Pavilion in the distance and was very surprised.

“The most important thing is…”

“This day the Lord of the Cabinet of Ministers.”

“It can even penetrate the space-time boundary.”

“Such means.”

Just that means! Enough to shock twelve times and spaces! Whether it’s mixed element energy!

Or a shot through time and space!

It was enough to prove the extraordinary things of the Cabinet Master that day!

Moreover, the crowd couldn’t completely capture the breath of the Ji Ge Lord’s existence that day, and the mixed element energy just now was not at all what the Extraordinary Energy Index could measure, nor could it predict the specific value! It can only be felt that it is fluctuating above 40,000 points! But there is no specific value!

“Heavenly Pavilion Lord……”

“Mr. Sue.”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

“It seems……”

“As Mr. Nasu said, as time goes on, those who are hidden in the darkness and buried in history will emerge – emerge, whether immortals or before the last era.”

“The fourth story…

“It even involves my master.”

“It seems that things are getting less and less simple.”

Moxibustion Dance feels more and more that the future of time and space has become more and more not simple! A lot of things are about to surface!

Even his master Freewalker and the legendary Gun Spirit King will appear in the fourth story, you know, a long time ago, his master and the Gun Spirit King disappeared in the Strange Energy Realm, and now they have lost their tracks, the two seem to have been beyond the twelve time and space, bound by some kind of rules, can not appear, but now, they have to appear in Mr. Su’s story and the fourth story!

This is enough to prove it! Some things………

After countless years of dust, those hidden secrets, hidden stories, hidden layers will be ——— revealed!

“The fourth story.

“Ten people on the Iron Space and Space Strongest List.”


“We’ll see.”

Moxibustion Dance smiled slightly.


This iron space-time list of the ten strongest people can give some answers.

The Yehenara family.

The figure of the old boss appeared here.

Just returned to the inner palace.

He received a message from the demon world.

“Yehenara Bully!”

“You old bastard!”

“Pit me once last time! Now come and pit me! ”

“The next time you dare to come to the Demon Realm, Lao Tzu will see you and beat you once!”

“You’re an old bastard…”

“Sinister and cunning……”

The Heavenly Demon Emperor was very mad at this moment, obviously badly damaged, and did not have the slightest appearance of being on top, scolding at the old leader of Yehenara

The corners of Yehenara’s old boss’s mouth were bleeding, his breath was a little weak, and with a slap in front of him, he felt that the moment of the mixed element energy was wrong! Most importantly, the mixed element energy seemed to penetrate the space-time boundary, and although the index fluctuated around 30,000 points at the beginning, at the moment of the explosion towards him, the energy actually broke through 40,000 points strangely, and even went higher!

Therefore, that day later, the Lord of the Ji Pavilion struck again, and the old leader of Yehenara could not raise a trace of resistance at all, and directly fled!

“This day the Ji Pavilion……”

The old leader of Yehenara did not pay attention to the scolding of the Heavenly Demon King, on the contrary, he had a deep jealousy of the Heavenly Ji Pavilion Lord!

“Being able to predict the future…

“Know all the information.”

“This guy……”

“Who the hell is that?”

“And Mr. Su of that golden time and space…”

Yehenara’s old boss looked very solemn, and now in front of him, there were two mysterious beings!

Heavenly Pavilion Lord!

Mr. Su, Mr. Golden Time and Space Storyteller! Two people………

It doesn’t seem simple!

“The future…”

“The future…

Yehenara’s old boss’s eyes narrowed slightly.


What exactly will happen? Did his plan succeed?

Now the situation is very good! However, with the appearance of the Heavenly Ji Pavilion Lord, and the appearance of Mr. Golden Time and Space Storyteller, everything seemed to be developing in an unpredictable direction


The day of the Polar Yin is also coming!

The showdown between the Demon Realm and Iron Time and Space is also about to appear.

He’ll be in this timeframe! Carry out his plan for countless years of the Yehenara family!

Can it succeed……

He had 100 percent confidence.

But I still want to know if I can succeed in the future.

In his heart, in addition to his deep jealousy of the Heavenly Ji Pavilion Lord, there was also a kind of curiosity, that is, he wanted to know whether his future plan would succeed in the end, and whether the future Yehenara family would really be able to rule the twelve time and space and the demon world as he wished.

Just as he was thinking.



The black robe reappeared.

“The latest issue of the newspaper is out.”

He handed over the latest newspapers and periodicals. The old boss took over.

Look at the above.

“As it were…

He finally knew why the Outer Demon King had been ambushed that day.

It turned out that they had long known that the Outer Demon King was coming that day! Other words………

Moxibustion Dance, Lanling King and others seemed to be able to know in advance than him!

“Golden space-time.”

“Mr. Sue.”

The old boss’s eyes narrowed slightly, as if he thought of something.

It is reasonable to say that the date of publication of this newspaper and periodical is not the same as the date of Lanling King’s defection, and after Lanling King’s defection, the newspaper published by Tianji Publishing House revealed the Seven Star Curse! Therefore, people like Moxibustion Dance and Lanling King can know everything in advance!


The last time I saw the King of Nalanling……… Something seems wrong.

Judging from the “Ultimate Class” and “Golden List Ranking”, the person who annotated it seems to be Mr. Su from the Golden Time and Space Storyteller.


He was also going to go to that golden time and space.

Golden space-time.

Time. Come to the fifth day.

After the fifth day, the book cabinet was in the library.

Countless mixed word generations gathered here, with the popularity of “The Ultimate One”, the entire golden time and space is unprecedentedly lively, especially in the university world, after the “Ultimate Class” hit, there is a story about storytelling once again ushered in a fermentation! Coupled with satellite TV, the channel is popular, and countless ordinary people in the golden time and space have noticed this drama, which is very one meter

But most importantly!

With the popularity of “Golden Time and Space – The Ultimate Class”, a comic book has also come out! The published comics, led by the golden pencil of the year, tell a completely different story from “The Ultimate Class”! The story mentioned in it is the story plot of “The Ultimate Class” that has been changed, but many people feel a little strange after watching it.


Inside, it seems to be missing a lot of things! The most important content

It’s the storyteller!

The content of the “Ultimate Class” drawn by Jin Bike is still based on Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu as the protagonists, and what is told is the story that has happened in Jin Time and Space now, but in it, there is no mention of a trace of content about Mr. Su, so the content inside makes people feel very strange!

For example

In the first act, the duel between Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur, Wang Dadong seems to have found Ding Xiaoyu in an omniscient way, revealed Ding Xiaoyu’s identity, and even knew what happened next to Wang Arthur!

The second act, the story of Rex, the plan of Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu, seems to lead someone to appear, but there is no logical explanation, let alone why the three people are doing this………

There’s a lot more to it.

Of course, the who have experienced that story know what the missing content is, but if they have not experienced it, I am afraid that they will look confused and feel inexplicable.


High underground.

Mixed characters, students, and even some ordinary people came to listen to books.


Nearly 50,000 or 60,000 people! In front of the Storyteller. All eyes are on you. The door to the Storyteller opens.

The foundation of Igo Kagashi.

As he walked out.

Countless eyes were fixed on him.

Xia Mansion.

Moxibustion Dance, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, Ye Siren, Lan Ling Wang, Xiu, Brother Xiong, Xia Liu and others sat here very early.

A wisp of white mist filled the high platform and the shadow condensed and formed!

“Space projection…”

“But it’s biased.”

“There is a kind of space-time energy that seems to have penetrated the space-time boundary.”

“This Mr. Sue…”

“It’s really unfathomable.”

Moxibustion Dance looked at the scene in front of him and muttered to himself.

In front of the high platform shadow.

Su Yu’s voice rang out: “Everyone—”

“I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

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