Chapter 175 The first two people on the list of strange abilities? Yehenara dominates the future… A darkness? 【3 more】!!

Golden space-time.


The whole storytelling cabinet was crowded with people, countless mixed characters were looking at Su Yu on the high platform, seeing Su Yu come out, the mixed word generations below were quiet, but soon boiled up in an instant!

“Finally waiting for the fourth story! We’re all going to die of curiosity! ”

“The third paragraph of the story involves so much content, I don’t know what the fourth paragraph will involve! But what I’m most interested in is the list of the ten strongest people in iron time and space! Who is on this list? I don’t know if it is as powerful as our golden space-time! ”

“But what I’m most curious about is that the top ten of the list mentioned by Mr. Su may be able to fill the pit of the future of the ultimate Iron Man?”

The following mixed word generations are full of curiosity, very much looking forward to Su Yu’s list of the ten strongest people in iron time and space!

In particular, the iron space-time itself is different from the golden space-time, and it has special powers, and the content and information involved are so much, the more this is the case, the more people feel curious, want to see, this iron space-time the strongest ten people are really sacred!


When the old leader of Yehenara saw this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly.

“This golden space-time…”

“It’s really interesting.”

“These Muggles are so interested in the Otherworld.”

He sneered.

“The ten strongest people in iron space-time…”

“It’s kind of interesting.”

He looked at Su Yu in the distance.

“Past, present, future.”

“I’d like to see…”

“How would you rate it?”

He would like to see how Mr. Storyteller in the distance will evaluate the top ten of the strongest list of iron time and space, and how he will evaluate their past, present, and future! On a high platform.

Su Yu smiled slightly.


“Before telling Iron Time and Space, the ultimate family story…

“First of all—”

“Iron space-time.”

“Top 10 on the Strongest List!”

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and waved it slightly! Airplanes!

Only behind him!

Ten huge vertical banners appeared, hanging horizontally above the attic, all ink-colored, all rolled up, hanging outside the attic, standing in the middle of the air!

Just like the gold list!

“The ten strongest people in iron space-time…”

“In the arrangement, there are supernatural walkers who have not transcended time and space except the immortals.”

“Referred to as the Iron List, and the Extraordinary Ability List.”


Su Yu took a sip of tea.

The following also heard some special information.

“What Mr. Su just said…”

“Is it beyond space-time?”

“Is there an iron space-time and a stranger who is beyond space-time?”

There are shocked openings of the.

Beyond space-time!

Although do not know what it means! But with these few words alone, you can feel the gold content in it!


The top ten iron lists in front of them were about to be revealed, and the mixed word generations temporarily resisted their curiosity and all looked at the high platform, in front of the black attic

Ten vertical banners! All waiting to be revealed! Then under the expectation of countless eyes.

Su Yu opened the folding fan in his hand: “Today…”

“Our first to be revealed—”

“It is the list of special abilities, the first of the iron list!”

The moment Su Yu opened the folding fan in his hand

The ten vertical banners behind him, the first vertical frame slowly opened and rolled down, and the golden light reflected out, as dazzling as the galaxy, and a series of golden engraved words appeared behind Na Su Yu!

“Yehenara Xiongba.”

Su Yu said the first place in the iron list! Distance.

A sneering smile appeared at the corner of the old head of Yehenara’s mouth.


The bastards are ready to exclaim in surprise as a sign of shock! But.


“Moxibustion Changshu Dance.”

Su Yu’s voice once again resounded throughout the Storyteller! Below the word memorabilia!

Before the shock exit, his eyes widened in an instant!



The following exclaimed! The strongest list of iron time and space is the first in the top ten iron list!

Two people on the list?

“Oh my God…”

In the following ultimate class, Wang Dadong and others were also shocked.

“The iron list of iron time and space is the first, and there are actually two people on the list?”

Wang Arthur was shocked, and then looked at Ding Xiaoyu.

And one of them!

It was still a double of light rain!

“It’s worthy of iron time and space.”

The severed intestine’s eyes were shocked and muttered to himself.

The mixed characters were all silent because they were too shocked, the whole scene was very silent, and all the mixed characters all opened their eyes to see the words on the huge vertical banner behind Su Yu on the stage!

【Strange Energy List——】

[Yehenara old boss – Yehenara Xiongba! 】

【Energy Index: 45,000 points】

【Lord of the Tekke Alliance—————————————— 】

【Ability index: 45,000 points!] 】

Two Powers Index!

All up to 45,000 points!

Looking at the first list above, the below were in an uproar.

“Oh my God…”

“First place in the list of the strongest iron space-time……”

“Up to 45,000 energy index?”

“That’s horrible, isn’t it?”

The mixed word generation is very shocked! First place!

That’s 45,000 points!

This is a full 5,000 points higher than the first place in the gold list of Golden Time and Space!

“And most importantly……”

“It’s the two of them who are at the top of the list of special abilities!”

The unbelievable opening of the.

“Ding Xiaoyu’s doppelganger……”

“It turned out to be the first place in the iron time-space iron list.”

“Ding Xiaoyu is only eighteen years old this year, and his doppelgänger seems to be only 17 years old, right?”

Some mixed characters are even more surprised, this Ding Xiaoyu’s doppelganger is actually the first in the iron list of iron time and space!


Moxibustion long soda dance! By age!

Only seventeen years old!

The entire golden time and space, the existence of the top ten in the gold list, which is not the existence of over thirty years old?

“We’ll talk about it first…”

“It is the number one in the list of special abilities, Yehenara Xiongba, that is, the old head of the Yehenara family.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand.

“The people on the list……”

“We all evaluate from the three stages of the past, the present and the future.”

“And Yehenara Xiongba’s past—”

“The present, the future, are closely related to the Yehenara family.”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“The Yehenara family, as the largest family of demonized Strangers in Iron Time and Space, the power of this family… Once comparable to the Demon Realm, even the Demon Realm was jealous of the Yehenara Family. ”


Su Yu’s words.

In an instant, the people in the audience swallowed their throats involuntarily.

How could a family be compared to the Demon Realm? even

Even the demon world is jealous of the Yehenara family? Thus!

This is the strength of the Yehenara family! Be aware!

Demon World!

That’s the power of the universe! It’s a duel with twelve space-times! Even now, it has reached the point where the twelve time and space are about to be destroyed! Its strength and horror level make people desperate and powerless! Especially when Mr. Su talked about the situation between the twelve time and space and the demon world, all the mixed characters knew that now that the twelve time and space were in full swing, the demon was about to win! Darkness envelops twelve times and spaces! It’s scary!

But the Yehenara family was able to match the power of this giant of the Demon Realm!

Thus! The horror of its power!

“It’s also horrible…… We still underestimate the Yehenara family, we thought that the Yehenara family was very powerful in iron time and space, but it was beyond our cognition at all! ”

“Yes! Originally, I thought that the Yehenara family was a demonic family belonging to the Iron Time and Space, just like the Black Dragon’s Armed Judgment House, but now that I look at it, it seems that it is not the same thing at all! There is no comparison! ”

“What can be compared with the Demon Realm, its strength, is already standing on the opposite side of time and space, and this Yehenara family is indeed powerful.”

The Bastards found that their perception of the Yehenara family was very wrong!

Everyone thought that the Yehenara family existed in the same way as the Armed Judgment House, but now it seems that the place where the Armed Judgment is located in front of the Yehenara Family is simply not enough to be compared! Neither is on the same level!

But the more so!

The more the mixed word generation is very curious!

The head of such a powerful Yehenara family, past, present, what will happen to the future!

And the Yehenara family……… What does the future hold?

“Yehenara Xiongba’s past—”

“As the legitimate successor of the Yehenara family, he is like Yehenara Siren, but unlike Yehenara Siren, he has great ambitions.”

“When he was young, his power index was as high as 30,000 points, and he led the Yehenara family’s jihadist Janissaries to conquer the entire demonization world, and conquered countless demonic alien walkers and territories, in order to fix the position of the Yehenara family.”

“After he entered middle age, the Extraordinary Energy Index cultivated to 40,000 points.”

“When the Yehenara family was in the middle of the day, he entered the demon world, recruited troops and horses with heavy money, gathered the demon spirits of the demon world for his use, and raised them in the inner palace to counter the demon world.”

“And he controls the trilogy of demons in his hands, and the demon world is very jealous of him.”

“During his countless years of reign, his ability index exceeded 45,000 points, and the Yehenara family was even more prosperous, becoming a force that both the demon world and the special energy world were afraid of.”

“But his ambition……”

“Not only that.”

“Or rather, from ancient times to the present, the ambitions of the Yehenara family are not only that.”

“A dark plan that lasted for countless years was laid out by the Yehenara family from a very early age.”

Su Yu mentions the past of Yehenara Xiongba! This passed!

It can be described as brilliant! Distance.

Yehenara Xiongba was very proud.

That’s right!

That’s the boss! Splendor! Powerful!

But when he heard Su Yu mention the dark plan, his expression changed slightly.


And Yehenara Xiongba’s now—” On stage.

Su Yu smiled.

“For the sake of layout and dark plans, fake death is carried out.”

“At a critical moment…”

“Will appear.”

“This is mentioned in the fourth and fifth stories.”


Su Yu took a sip of tea: “As for the future of Yehenara Xiongba…”


The old leader of Yehenara looked at Su Yu expectantly in an instant.

“His future……”

“It’s dark.”

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