Chapter 180 The Future of Summer Stream… White-haired people send black-haired people! 【2 more】!!

Xia Mansion.

Hugh: “? ”

All eyes were on Xiu.

Xiu blinked, a little confused.

What’s going on here? Can he still play the leading role? And the most important thing is actually another space-time? Offstage.

The bastards all have question marks on their faces.

“I thought that…”

“We won’t be shocked anymore.”

“But I didn’t think about it!”

“Mr. Su……”

“Actually give us such a hand!”

The bastards didn’t expect it at all!

Su Yu would actually come to such a hand!

Although I had expected it before, I didn’t expect it to come – so intense!

“Who would have thought?”

“Didn’t Mr. Su say it before?” It is easy to travel between time and space to destroy the order and rules of time and space, and the story of Xiu should be mainly in the ultimate family, who can think of… Xiu actually went to other time and space to play the protagonist! ”

“In other words, in which time and space will Xiu Xiu play the leading role?”

After the shock.

Be curious!

Time and space travel itself is a violation of the rules of time and space, and as the commander of the Iron Guard, it is reasonable to say that he should maintain the order of time and space, how can he possibly play the protagonist in other time and space?

Therefore, the simply can’t think of such a rule unexpected thing! When Su Yu mentioned it, he was directly shocked.

“The future of repair…”

“Closely related to the epic story of twelve time and space.”

“Every scene.”

“He exists.”

Su Yu smiled slightly.

“And in these countless epic stories against darkness and against the demon world, he is also about to usher in the life of his protagonist.”


The picture behind Su Yu

Start playing Xiu of the past, present, future! Past!

Right now!

Both play in constant flashbacks of the screen! Soon!

The picture comes to the future of repair!

And the first picture of the future is actually a dim picture, in that picture, a piece of ruins stands on the top of the picture, followed by a dark hole, two women holding hands as if to go out, the picture continues to flash, constantly whisked through, a blurry figure appears in the picture, and finally the picture is frozen in the dim heaven and earth!

Xiu is holding a small wasp in his hand, wearing a light brownish yellow formal suit, and seems to be playing the little hornet.

But this picture flashed quickly! Resurface!

It was a darkness, and in that darkness, Xiu’s figure stood at the forefront, flanked by five people with weapons in their hands! No one can see their faces and figures, even weapons, only through the faint dark light, see long knives, spears, crossbows, etc.!

Those figures stood firmly at the left and right of Xiu! It seems that he wants to fight the world with him!

“Here I go!”

When the following saw this scene, they all boiled up instantly!

“I don’t know why…”

“Seeing this picture, I always feel as if the blood in my body is boiling!”




“Oh my God!”

The looked at that picture and were very excited!

“I thought it was Dongcheng Wei next to Xiu!”

“But it doesn’t seem to be at all!”

“I don’t know why…”

“It feels like in that picture, they seem to be going to conquer the world, super handsome.” The word bastards were all burned by that simple picture!

Especially at the beginning of the twilight world, the ruins stand tall! It is enough to prove the visual oppression brought about by this picture! And that sense of urgency!

“What kind of story is that?”

The mixed characters were extremely curious about the story of that scene! Just a few pictures!

Just enough to make people curious! Blood boil! Xia Mansion.

Xiu saw the picture behind the shadow of the high platform.

I don’t know why.

The moment he saw the picture, his heart seemed to be beating! The blood in the body seems to be boiling! Especially when he saw himself playing the little wasp under the dim world, and finally blending into the dark picture, the figures standing around him, for a while, he looked a little confused.


Moxibustion laughed.

“I didn’t expect that you would become the protagonist of other time and space.”

He was also curious.

“Long guns, long knives, spears, crossbows…”

“It doesn’t seem like it’s golden space-time either.”

“Look at that costume…”


“It’s weird.”

The Moxibustion Dance Alliance Master did not study anything.

“Xiu, you have become the protagonist.”

Summer was a lot of fun.

“I’m really looking forward to…”

“I don’t know what the story will happen.”

He was also looking forward to the story that was going to happen in the picture.

“Allied Lord, do you say that the ghost phoenix, the ghost dragon, in our body will be on the list?”

Xia Yu suddenly asked.

He remembered the ghost phoenix and ghost dragon in his body!

According to the current development of the ghost phoenix, the energy index has probably exceeded 25,000 points!

The ghost dragon absorbed a part of the energy of the extinction, although it was not as powerful as the ghost phoenix, but from the beginning of his encounter with cultivation, he had a special energy index of breaking 10,000 points, and after absorbing the energy of the extinction, after becoming a ghost, he already had a full 18,000 points of the ability index, plus

The cultivation during this period of time is probably also breaking through 20,000 points, not to mention, there is also the blessing of summer!

“This Mr. Sue…”

“Maybe it’ll be lined up.”

“We’ll see.”

Moxibustion danced with his hands crossed and watched with interest.

High underground.

Screen playback ends.

The following are still very excited to discuss there! Stage.

Su Yu folded the fan in his hand and waved.


“It is the third place in the list of the strongest iron space-time.”

The vertical banner behind him

Slowly falling! Golden Reflection!

The words on it are gradually emerging in front of the eyes of the mixed word generation!

【Iron List No. 3——】

【Charan Singh De Liu】

【Ability Index: 25,000 points】Xia Liu Gong!

Knife crazy doppelganger!

“I didn’t expect that the knife madman’s body would be so powerful!”

“A full 25,000 points of the Ability Index, all of which are in the top three positions on the list!”

The bastards couldn’t help but marvel at the madness of the knife and the power of its doppelganger! Whether it’s Iron Time and Space!

Or Golden Spacetime!

The combat power index or the ability index is very high! And they are all in the top three of the list!

“I don’t know how strong the doppelgangers of other time and space really are, shouldn’t every time and space be very strong?”

The was very curious about the opening.

“If every space-time is strong……”

“Isn’t it open?”

Some of the bastards laughed.

However, many feel that this may be a coincidence! After all, everyone’s doppelgänger is different, some are Muggles, some are Xenomorphs.

As for other space-times……

Shouldn’t each of them be in the top five of the list? Stage.

Su Yu commented, “Xia Lan Jing De Liu, the former head of the Xia Lan Jing De family. ”

“Hard work and high achievements, outstanding achievements.”

“His past—”

“In the years of fighting with the Demon Dao, he made great achievements in the Tieke United States Alliance, and even more in the Otherworld, he broke through the Hehewei in the Otherworld, making countless demonized Alien Walkers jealous, and his strength could rank high in the entire Otherworld.”


“After he used his weapon to defeat the magic walker, the power index was able to break through 30,000 points, reaching an extremely high point, facing the magic path, demonizing the magic walker, and the demon creatures had bonuses, even the Yehenara family was jealous of it.”

Charan Singh De Liu!

Grandpa Xialiu.

Although it was only a few simple introductions, it made the mixed characters understand that the knife madness in the iron time and space, Xia Liu Gong, was not simple! Of course, if you want to compare with the top few on the list, his ability index is indeed not high enough, but his status and strength are not worse than the sword madness of the golden time and space, but it makes the Yehenara family jealous.

“And Charlen Singh Stream’s now—”

“Although there is Alzheimer’s disease, it is the old monster of the Charan Zeide family, and the power index deters countless demonic practitioners who covet the Xia Lan Zede family, and it is the existence of the Xia Lan Zede family, and before the great war between good and evil comes, it is even more important to strike again and kill countless monsters.”

Su Yu mentioned the great battle between good and evil.


His voice paused.

“As for…”

“The Future of Charan Singh Deliu.”

His voice paused.

The heartbeat of the mixed characters below seemed to have stopped.

“It’s over…”

“Mr. Su……”

“He started!”

The following mixed word generation instantly had a bad premonition! Mr. Sue!

He’s got started! The sound stops! Sound a meal! Obviously……… Below.

Seems to be about to zoom in!

Under the frightened and expectant eyes of countless.

Su Yu slowly spoke, “The future Xia Lan Jing De Liu.” ”

“With a 7,000-point energy index.”

“The only one of the highest-ranking Alien Walkers left in Iron Time and Space.”

“At the end.”

“It’s even white-haired people who send black-haired people.”

“The famous Charan Zeid family.”

“It has also gone to the fallen abyss.”

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