Chapter 181 Xia Liu Gong He is waiting for someone who will never come back! 【3 more】!!

The famous Charan Zeid family………

It has also gone to the abyss of decline.

One word.

Let the whole world seem to be silent for a while! Xia Mansion.

Xia Liu’s grandfather, male brother, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family! Moxibustion Dance, Xiu, Ye Siren, Lanling King!

Everyone was a little incredulous, their eyes wide open, obviously unable to believe what the shadow on the high platform in front of them said!

The shadow of the high platform filled the entire living room of the Xia family! Mr. Nasu……

It seemed to be sitting right in front of them.


“Will this happen?”

Xia Liu’s brow furrowed and his expression solemn.

When he was introduced earlier, he was still very happy and very proud, after all, it was his glorious past! But these glorious past events are not known to many people at all, and there is a sense of helplessness that heroic things are not known to the world, but now, everyone knows the scenery of his Xialiu past!

It’s just that

Not many seconds of happiness yet.

A bad news ensued.


Pull him into the abyss all at once! The Charan Cynd family! Also going to decline?

This is the Charan Zeid family! The orthodox White Road Alien Family in the Tekke Alliance, which can be compared with the Yehenara Family, has existed for countless years, guarding the entrance to the Dragon Card and the Extinction for generations, and it is…… Will it fall?

Of course……… The real point is.

It’s the white-haired man who sends the black-haired man! This in the end……… What’s going on? What the hell is going on? Golden space-time.

The mixed characters in the audience all looked sluggish, and it was difficult to relax their minds.

Even the old head of Yehenara in the distance.

His expression was dignified.

“The Yehenara family……”

The Yehenara family.

“The Charan Zedd family… The Charlen family.

These two generations of rival families can even be said to be feuds, black and white, but now, his Yehenara family will decline in the future, and his opponent, the Charan Sander family, will also decline, and even in the end, the white-haired people will send the black-haired people.

White-haired people send black-haired people.

The meaning is self-evident.

That is……… The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family.


Also his grandson, granddaughter.

The body that had originally been occupied by that ambition, but at this moment, he did not know why, and suddenly trembled.

Maybe it was that he was injured by the Mixed Element Energy of the Heavenly Cabinet Lord, causing the demonic energy to disperse a little and restore a trace of emotion, or other reasons, in short, his heart that had not had a ripple for countless years was uncomfortably trembling at this moment.

That emotion.

For many years……… None of them appeared.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Mr. Su……”

“What the hell is going on?”


The ultimate class.

Wang Dadong couldn’t help but ask.


Su Yu took a sip of tea: “This is the general trend of the future of iron time and space.” ”

“Closely related to the story of the future of iron space-time……”

“Whether it’s a white path walker.”

“Or a demonized Stranger.”

“The final course will be a long dark road.”

He didn’t say much, but the words in it made many people feel the dark situation in the future of iron time and space!

Very dark! Very scary!

Just a little bit of information from the front!

It is enough for them to have a certain understanding of the situation in the future of iron space-time! As Su Yu said

It was a long dark road, with no direction, no end in sight, only a long dark company.

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand slightly.

The screen behind him began to play the past, present, and future of Grandpa Xialiu.


Holding the Devil’s Trek in your hand, facing countless demonized Strangers, you are jealous and hateful! All the demonic walkers who encountered him were very afraid of him! Slaughtered countless demonic scum of the Yehenara family! Admired by countless white path practitioners! The scenery is infinite!

Right now

Even now, he sits in the Charan Zeid family, and all the darkness is coming, and he must be jealous of his existence!

The end

But the picture of the future suddenly turned gray.

In that picture, Grandpa Xialiu’s hair was all gray and his face was full

Wrinkles, the picture kept flashing, in that picture, the crowd captured some, the future Xia Liu Gong lived in the location, it seems not to be the Xia Mansion, but a brand new place, there seems to be no trace of the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family next to it.

At last.

The picture is frozen in an abandoned building.

It was an empty place.

But countless figures came out from the front, as if they had returned from somewhere, armed with weapons and supporting each other, all with solemn faces, returning from the unknown place.

Grandpa Xia Liu stood there, his hair gray, and his vicissitudes of eyes looking forward expectantly, as if he was waiting to see whose return.

But in the end

He didn’t seem to have waited for the people he was expecting.

In that gray picture.

He seemed to be frozen there, his eyes were red, and under his eyes was invisible sorrow and despair.

That thin body seemed to be frozen in the gray world forever.


Countless people see this picture and only feel a tremor in their hearts.

That future picture of the old man standing in an empty place, seems to be in the ultimate family, always loves to joke, has Alzheimer’s disease, likes to play with treasure, eats pizza, drinks milk tea Xia Liu Grandpa seems to be not a person at all!

Especially the despair and sorrow under those eyes.

Even if he had experienced a desperate battle in the past, he had never had such a look!

But this look.

But it stayed in that invisible future.

Forever frozen in the gray world.

“That seems to be…”

“Is the heart dead?”

“What a despair and sadness that was.”

A mixed-up person’s voice was trembling, and it was difficult to accept.

“As if…”

“It’s waiting for someone who will never come back.”

“How sad it should be…”

When the mixed generation saw this scene, their expressions were very silent.


What happened?

Can this old man who has fought all his life show such desperate eyes?

“The future of iron space-time……”

“What the hell is going on?”

A bastard couldn’t help but ask again.

The end of iron space-time

What the hell is going on?

“It’s about to emerge slowly…”

High underground.

Even Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex and others, when they saw this scene, their hearts trembled.

“A corner of the future has gradually emerged.”

King Arthur opened his mouth in a deep voice.

“The situation in the future of iron space-time…”

“It must be tough.”

“It’s even tough to a certain point.”

“And we overlooked one point…”


Arthur Wang’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Xia Liu’s 25,000-point Ability Index, in the future, only 7,000 points remain, and it is still the only highest-order Alien Walker left in iron space-time.”


“How can that be?”

When countless people were so shocked by that picture that they could not return to their senses… But he found the most shocking thing about it!

That is

Xia Liu’s 7,000-point Ability Index has become the strongest Strange Walker left in Iron Time and Space!


It is enough to prove that the situation in the future of iron space-time has reached a certain point of darkness.

“I’m afraid…”

“Is it related to the decline of the Stranger Walker mentioned by Mr. Su earlier?”

Ding Xiaoyu opened his mouth in a deep voice.

“I really dare not imagine that such a powerful iron time and space will fall to this point in the future.”

Rex shook his head.

“Even the Charan Zeid family and the Yehenara family, two long-lasting families, are going to decline.”

“What about our golden space-time?”

He felt a little depressed and uncomfortable.


Wang Dadong clenched his fists even more.

“There must be a way to change it.”

“As long as we know the story Mr. Su said.”

“You can rely on information to change.”

Wang Dadong said.

“I just don’t know if Mr. Su will tell these stories in advance.”

Although they can know in advance, many stories are bordered by reality.

“Dadong, haven’t you found out yet?”

Ding Xiaoyu said.

Wang Dadong: “Huh? ”

Ding Xiaoyu looked at Su Yu on the high platform: “Mr. Su has been revealing the story of the future, and this future will be at least five or six years, or even eight or nine years, but Mr. Su has now revealed it, proving that he will definitely tell the future story now.” ”

And every time Mr. Su tells a story that borders reality for a longer and longer time, unlike the beginning, it will happen almost immediately after the end of the story, and now the story told has become longer and longer, and the time spanned has become longer.


“Just like Mr. Su said.”

“He is the flame that reflects the dark road ahead.”

“Reflect the darkness ahead of us.”

Ding Xiaoyu said so many words for the first time.

Arthur Wang nodded, “Mr. Su’s story is getting earlier and earlier…”

“Although he did not participate in the duel between the twelve time and space and the devil, the content of the book he spoke directly affected the direction of the entire time and space.”

“Maybe someday…”

“We can also see Mr. Su shooting.”

“Mr. Su’s level is far above us, although it has not appeared, but it is the existence that really dominates the situation in time and space.”

King Arthur had a guess.

“Do you feel…”

“It’s like we’re like a pawn, dueling against the dark pawn in front of us.

“And Mr. Su is the chess master, and what he wants to duel is the chess player of the dark chessboard in front of him, and he is a higher-level being.”


“He’s going to shoot.”

King Arthur spoke.

They are fighting against the crisis ahead, the demon world, the demonic magician, the darkness, the great battle between good and evil.

What about Mr. Sue……… Immortals? Outside the rules of space-time? Or something else?

They don’t know, but they can only guess the slightest hint.

“Next list…”

“Maybe we can slowly uncover the corner of this future.”

“Master of the Moxibustion Dance League, they may be able to change the dark pattern of the future through this corner of the future.”

Rex spoke.

“If the old boss of Yehenara saw it, maybe it would change from a distance.”

Look at the picture in front of you.

Yehenara’s old boss’s expression became more and more solemn.

“In the end…”

“What happened?”

He asked…

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