Chapter 182 Xia Yu… Sacrifice! 【4 more】!!

A picture of a corner of the future.

It seemed that all the mixed characters present, Wang Dadong and others, looked more and more solemn, and felt the darkness of the iron space-time future.


Su Yu looked at the heavy atmosphere below, and he shook the folding fan: “Since you are so curious about the story of the future of iron time and space. ”

“Wait for the list to end……”

“I’ll explain a paragraph to you.”

When the bastards below heard this scene, their eyes couldn’t help but light up!

Originally, everyone thought that this pit would take a long time to fill, according to Mr. Su’s story, the story of the future of iron time and space, I am afraid it will take a long time to fill this pit, but now Mr. Su actually has to explain it in advance?

“The first time I was moved, Mr. Su actually took the initiative to fill in the pit!”

“There seems to be a precursor before this, the timeline of the story told by Mr. Su is getting farther and farther back, and this time it must be a foreshadowing to see something.”

“Will the future story of Golden Time and Space also appear in advance?”

“Does that mean we have more stories to listen to?”

The bastards below were instantly excited.

Of course! And most importantly! Part of the pit of the future! Seems ready to fill in! Stage.

Su Yu took a sip of tea: “Twelve time and space…”

“Every time and space has a different story, and in different time and space, there are different timelines.”

“In the future, I will tell different stories in the future or other time and space according to the progress of the story.”

He felt it was time.

Although a part of the future has not yet been revealed, it can already be proposed, the development of multiple story lines, and the accumulation of more sense of anticipation.


“It’s the fourth on the list.”

He folded the fan in his hand and waved it slightly, pointing behind him

The vertical banner behind him slowly falls!

【Iron List No.4——】

【Ghost Phoenix—Xia Lan Jing De Yu】

【Ability Index: 25,000 points】The font of the golden light is reflected!

Countless have seen the name on it! A deep curiosity ensued.

“Strange, this ghost phoenix, Xia Yu is also a special energy index of 25,000 points, why is it not juxtaposed with Xia Liu’s grandfather?”

There are confused people who are puzzled.


Su Yu smiled slightly, “The situation of Ghost Feng and Xia Yu is more special. ”

“The two are in a state of coexistence.

“But Xia Yu’s own ability index is not high, the current source of combat strength comes from the war spirit ghost phoenix in the body, although the ghost phoenix can reach a power index of 40,000 points in the last few stories of the ultimate family, but its own ability index is not enough to reach the third place in the iron list.”

Of course.

Most importantly.

Although the Ability Index of Xia Liu Gong is only 25,000 points, the actual battle is fought

The force is very high! Once the Ke Mo Pak is used, the combat power is even more terrifying, far exceeding the 30,000 points of repair! One of the most obvious manifestations is in silver space-time

At that time, Xia Liu had used the Ke Mo Bao to stun Dong Zhuo, who exceeded his own power index.

Xia Mansion.

Airplanes! い “Sure enough……

“It was easy for me to make the list.”

“Handsome me, destined to shock twelve times and spaces.”

Everyone was looking at the shadow of the high platform.

But the ghost phoenix in Xia Yu’s body suddenly ran out.


It’s a lot of excitement to see my list.


He looked at Summer.

“Let that guy come out and show him that his brother is in Iron Time and Space, but he’s the big man in the platoon.”

“You told him to be careful next time he came out.”

Summer: “…”

He did not speak, but his body had the breath of a ghost dragon, and it was obvious that the ghost dragon in the summer body seemed to be impatient and wanted to come out to fight with the ghost phoenix, but it was a pity that the summer power was getting higher and higher, and it was easy to suppress the ghost dragon.

See the ghost phoenix appear.

The crowd ignored it.

The Xia Mansion just now was silent in a silence, and the appearance of the ghost phoenix actually scattered some sad clouds.

On a high platform.

Su Yu began to evaluate: “Ghost Phoenix, Xia Yu.” ”

“Xia Yu’s past—”

“Since birth, he has possessed the purest demonic physique of the Yehenara family, and Ye Siren has used countless methods to wash away his demonic nature and demonic physique, and finally turned Xia Yu into a Muggle, but he did not expect to create Xia Yu’s heart demon.”

Right now

Xia Yu had experienced the event of demonization, and the potential of the power in his body could no longer be suppressed, although he was a Muggle, he played an important role in the Xia family.

“As for Xia Yu’s future……”

Su Yu shook the folding fan:

“According to a part of Xia Yu’s original future—

“He will awaken the ghost phoenix in his body after the battle between good and evil.”

“Pass on the in-situ power of fire to the summer and achieve the ultimate Iron Man.”

“But the ghost phoenix in his body at this moment is also awakened.”

“We then tell the story of the more distant future… Su Yu took a sip of tea.

“His future.”

“It’s also closely related to that demonic war.”

Su Yu’s words made countless people slightly stunned! Didn’t expect that!

Xia Yu………

It was even closely related to the future demon war! The below all had a bad premonition!

As long as you are in contact with that great war…… It seems that there will be no good ending!

“Xia Yu…”

“Isn’t it time to disappear too?”

“According to the combat strength mentioned by Mr. Su, this Xia Yu is definitely a high-end combat power of iron time and space.”

The are worried.

That battle of the devils! Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord is missing! Lanling King is missing! Almost at war………

It seems that the ending will not be too good! Stage.

Su Yu told Xia Yu’s future: “Before that darkness comes…”

“He participated in the war with the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance and the Lanling King, entered the battlefield of the Great War of the True Demons, and fought a great war for a long time, which lasted for countless years and experienced the baptism of war.”


“He rushed into the darkness with the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, the Lanling King.”

“The ending—” Su Yu’s voice paused.


Simple two words! But it’s like a jackhammer!

Moment! Pressed against the hearts of the people, people can’t breathe at all! Everyone’s eyes are wide open!

Obviously didn’t think about it……… The end of Xia Yu! It would be a sacrifice! Xia Mansion. Quiet.


Rao was a ghost phoenix, and they were all slightly stunned.

Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xialiu, Xia, Xia Mei and the others even looked at Ghost Feng.


Natsumi was even more tearful.

“Hey, Uncle Ben isn’t dead yet.”

Ghost Feng couldn’t help but open his mouth.

That being said.

His evil eyes kept looking at the shadow of the high platform, and he seemed to be a little uneasy.

“Forget it.”

“Uncle Ben is gone.”

His body was flickering at great speed.


Xia Yu reappeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the eyes of everyone, Xia Yu was helpless: “That…”

“I’m not dead yet.”

“Don’t look at me with the eyes of what I’m already dead…… Xia Yu was a little helpless.

“The Great Wars of the Devils…”

“The Great Wars of the Devil.”

The male brother muttered to himself.

“What kind of big war is this?”

“The future…”

“How can it be so tragic.”

She obviously had no way to receive, and her eyes were slightly moist.

There was some silence in the moxibustion dance.

Half ring.

He spoke slowly, “Although I know that this one is destined to be sacrificed…”

“But I didn’t think about it.”

“It could be so tragic.”

“It seems that the situation is not as good as we thought.”

Moxibustion Dance Eyes looked at the shadow of the high platform.

“I want to see what the story of this future really is.”

He was curious.

Future……… Whether it’s the battle of the devils. Or iron space-time. None of this seems to be very good. Inside…… What the hell is going on? A golden space-time. Behind Su Yu. The screen starts playing.


Xia Yu’s Muggle life is full of desire for the Otherworld, hoping to become a Stranger Runner.

Right now

In order to become a magician, he almost fell into the magic and became a demonized magician, fortunately, in the end he lost his way and returned to the world, after washing away the demonic nature, he thought he would become a Muggle, but at the end of the picture, the ghost phoenix in his body appeared in the Xia family.

The end

Countless people’s eyes were dead watching Xia Yu’s future! His future.

Just like the Lanling King, the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance League, it was very blurry, and even he couldn’t see his face clearly, and he could only see a rough outline.

In that picture

He was full of flames, burning in that darkness, dueling with the devil, and even killing a hundred-foot-tall demon king with his own hands! Standing between heaven and earth, like a god of war, duel in that war!

To the end

He stepped into the darkness with the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance and the Lanling King! But the picture doesn’t end there!

The final ending of the picture! It’s a vast darkness!

In that endless darkness, the heavens and the earth seemed to split, and a series of figures emerged in that picture, dueling with the darkness ahead! The figure of Xia Yu in the picture was already very blurry, blurred to the extreme, but the flames around him made people recognize him at a glance, and in that dark duel, he rushed to the huge figure like a huge mountain in front of him!

That figure was connected to heaven and earth, thousands of feet high, covering the sky and the sun! And Xia Yu

But in the darkness forward! Face the figure! Countless figures also moved forward with him.

Like a faint flame.

Reflect the long darkness ahead! At last!

His figure was completely blurred! Picture!

Ending! It’s all over.

Everyone saw this.

The expression turned into silence and silence.

This is………

Xia Yu’s future?

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