Chapter 184 It’s just that they were all teenagers [6 more]!!

“Mom, I remember when I stole the guitar in the past, you angrily kicked me out of the house and asked me to live with my father, and I didn’t think anything at that time…”


“It’s because of the short time.”

“I didn’t expect to go to war as the ultimate Iron Man, and for a moment… It’s been years. ”

“I’d love to go home…”

“I miss you guys a lot.”

The sound of summer slowly appeared in that picture.

Falling in the abandoned building of the picture, Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, next to the ear of the cold.

Falling outside the picture, countless mixed characters, Wang Dadong and other people next to the ears.

Falling outside the shadows, Xia Mansion Xiongge, Ye Siren, next to Summer’s ears.

In the gray and dark picture.

When Brother Xiong heard this space-time message appear, he looked up to the left and right, but soon, she seemed to understand what was going on, the mood seemed to have some collapse, constantly breathing deeply, but still refused to give up looking left and right, in the end, she could only look ahead, tears swirling in her eyes.

When that sentence she wanted to go home and wanted your voice to fall, she couldn’t hold back any longer, and tears poured out like a broken embankment………

“I wish I had…”

“Never leave the house again.”

A space-time message sounded on the screen.

As if he already knew something, the tears kept flowing, and he collapsed and shouted: 0.


“Xia Yu……

“My son…”

“My son… The space-time message continues to play. ”


“I really want to give up being the ultimate Tekker……”

Summer’s voice is very guilty, very sad, in that picture, Summer’s eyes are faintly red, and the voice travels through time and space to send a final message to the family:

“Please forgive us for our filial piety…

“Xia Yu and I can’t be by your side with you, you…”

“Take care……”

“I already know that only by sacrificing oneself can there be a possibility of aborting the great war.

“I’m sorry.”


This moment. Countless people saw this scene.

They were all in tears.

Especially the mixed word generation under the high platform.

They saw the story of the family of the Nashalanjingde family with their own eyes, starting from the silly, pure and good summer, the first summer, not a miracle walker, just a teenager who wanted to learn guitar, was bullied but stupid did not know how to fight back, was blackmailed and thought that people needed help, young and youthful………

As the story progresses, he seems to gradually understand his responsibilities and experience one thing after another, while his abilities and his mentality have slowly grown in experience.

To the end.

Grow into the ultimate Tek.

Although the have not yet seen him become the ultimate Tekk

But the warm family in the picture is full of fights and mouths.

Male brothers with distinct personalities, Xia Liu Gong, Xia Yu, Xia Mei, Ye Siren, they usually like to fight, noisy, and joking, but at the critical moment, they can stand up for each other without hesitation, many moments, are very warm, let people laugh out involuntarily.

So to speak

Many of them have become fans of the Xia Lan Zede family, like the Xia Lan Jing De family in their hearts, like the story of the ultimate family, and have become fans of the Xia family, all want to see that this strange energy world looks strange

Family, the family of the combination of right and evil, what will happen to the story of the future.

But in the end

In the picture, Xia Yu is sacrificed.

Summer sacrifice.

Ye Siren was old and unrecognizable.

Xia Liu’s desperate and helpless eyes waited, looking forward to the return of Xia Yu in the summer.

It’s just that………

They will never come back.

Forever left on the battlefield of the Demon Realm, facing the boundless darkness, the responsibility they shouldered, the heavy responsibility they carried, so that they could only face the darkness, and the countless strangers behind them, twelve time and space.

It’s just that.

They were also teenagers.

A teenager who is guarded behind him by Brother Xiong and others.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts trembled.

“How sad it should be, how sad it should be…”

“I still vaguely remember………”

“Summer is just a teenager who has been protected.”

A bastard spoke, his voice trembling a little.

“The future of the Charan Zeide family……”

“How can it be so tragic……”

“In the summer, Xia Yu died in battle.”

“Grandpa Xia Liu is also old.”

“Ye Siren is also inexplicably old.”

“Only Brother Xiong and Natsumi are left.”

“The Xia Mansion is also gone, as if everything has changed.”

A mixed-up person looked at the picture and only felt extremely uncomfortable.

This future………

It’s also too tragic! It’s simply unacceptable!


“It’s too trance.”

“In my impression, Xia Xia and Xia Yu seem to be still staying in the Xia family, and the Xia Lan Jingde family is full of laughter and fighting, no matter what crisis they experience, what darkness, they can spend it together and survive together.”

“The result is a blink of an eye……”

“In the summer, Xia Yu died in battle, and both Grandpa Xia Liu and the leader of the Dead Man Regiment were old.”

“The whole Charan Zende family, as Mr. Su said, has gone into decline.”


“I want to go into the picture and change everything.”

The mixed characters looked solemn and depressed in their hearts.

Just like Mr. Su said!

The whole Charan Zeid family……… It’s really going down!

With Xia Yu, the two high-ranking combat forces of the Xia Lan Jingde family in the summer were killed, and without the legacy of the descendants, Xia Mei’s ability index could not take on the great responsibility, and the final result was just like the Yehenara family……… To go down!

Once two powerful families that stood at the peak of the Extraordinary Energy Realm! All inevitably go into decline!

“The decline of the Charan Zeide family……”

“It also represents the decline of the Yehenara family.”

“To the end—”

“No one seems to have won.”

Some sighed.

The two families fought for countless years.

To the end

But no one won.

In the gray picture.

With the summer that sorry abruptly stopped.

“This future…”

“What the hell is going on?”


King Arthur couldn’t help but open his mouth, Rao was him, and he felt very pressed in his heart.

“The Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance is missing.”

“King Lanling is missing.”

“Xia Yu sacrificed.”

“Summer sacrifice.”

“There are only 7,000 points left in the Xia Liu Gong Ability Index.”

“The leader of the Dead Man has become so old…”

“Space-time observers……”

“The source of good and evil.”

He opened his mouth slowly, detailing the information of the future corner! This tragic future!

More and more people want to know what is going on in the future! Xia Mansion.

The male brother looked at the picture with dead eyes.

When she heard the message of time and space in the picture after countless years, her eyes were slightly reddened Xia Yu.


All sacrificed!

Summer was obviously a little incredulous when she heard the news, but it seemed that he also understood something.

“Brother Male.”

Seeing that the male brother was so uncomfortable, the moxibustion dance alliance lord opened his mouth.

“You can rest assured…”

“We will change the future.”

He had a rare dignified look, in commitment.

“Yes, Mom, we’ll change the future.”

Summer also said, “Brother, you don’t have to worry. ”

Xia Yu patted Brother Xiong’s shoulder.

The male brother gradually eased up.

“I know……”

“Just—” She looked at the picture.

“I don’t know why, it feels bad.”


“She’s just a story.”

“But when I think about it, it’s very uncomfortable.”

Although know that it did not happen.

Although I know that is the future.

However, seeing the self-‘self’ in the picture, seeing herself in the story, and hearing the message in that time and space, she had an unspeakable discomfort.

“If I could…”

“I’d love to go in and change that.”

Brother Xiong said.

If she could, she would love to go into that picture and change everything, even if the future that didn’t happen appeared in front of her, she would be very difficult to accept, very sad, not to mention, when everything really happened……… How should she be good?

Although she is herself in the picture, she is now outside the picture, seeing everything in the picture, and she is like those mixed characters, wanting to rush into the picture and change everything.

With the end of the picture.

The fifth place in the iron list is also officially over! Next!

The sixth to tenth iron list is gradually emerging!

【Iron List 6——】

【Han Karama Han】

【Energy Index: 20,000 points】

【Iron List 7——】

【Demon Slayer Hunter】

【Energy Index: 20,000 points】

【Iron List 8…】

The three people behind the iron list are all the contemporary leaders of the famous and prestigious families of the Extraordinary Ability Family, and the Extraordinary Energy Index is as high as 20,000 points!

The arrangement behind the iron list is not very interesting to the mixed word generation! All of them.

They are all waiting for Su Yu to tell the story of the future of iron time and space! On a high platform.

Su Yu took a sip of tea.

“The top ten of the list of the strongest iron space-time is over.”

“The iron list is arranged every month.”


“I will tell you the story of the future of iron time and space.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand: “That is…”

“The Story of Final Level X Dorm.”

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