Chapter 185: The Dark Age of the Otherworld! Strangers have become street rats! 【1 more】!!

Su Yu’s words fell!

Everyone’s eyes instantly looked at the high platform! Here it comes!

It’s finally here!

The hearts of the bastards below are tense!

“Finally it began…”

“The story of the future of iron time and space is finally going to be revealed a little bit, really want to kill people curiously and unbearably dead, although they know that the ending is not good, but still want to know what really happened, how can it be so tragic.” 」

The are full of expectations.

“I just watched that part of me to die hard, I am going to be depressed, how can the future end be so tragic?” ~”

“If we knew the future and told the Charan Zede family, wouldn’t it change?”

“Traveling through time and space to destroy order is to destroy, anyway, I see it too badly –

The bastards said they couldn’t accept the ending! Even some KO list masters with combat power indexes still want to enter the door of time and space, travel to the iron time and space, and reveal future news to Xia Lanjingde!

“Final Level X Dormitory……”

“Is this the future of the ultimate family of iron space-time?”

The mixed characters all looked at Su Yu expectantly, waiting to be told.


Su Yu took a sip of tea.

“Final Level X Dormitory……”

“What is told—”

“It is the story of the future of iron time and space, and it is also the story of the ultimate future.”

“There are many things involved in this, and some of them are closely related to other time and space.”

“And the beginning of the story……”

Su Yu shook the folding fan, dressed in a black Tang costume, he looked very polite: “It starts from the end of one of the magnificent epic stories of the twelve time and space against the demon world.” ”

“When that epic story ends, it is the official beginning of the duel between the twelve time and space and the devil.”

“The twelve space-time are divided into three quadrants, of which gold, iron, copper, and silver are the X quadrants, also the X axis, and the core of the X axis is dominated by iron space-time, and the alliance master of iron space-time is the total alliance master of the X quadrant—”

“As the chapters fall, the end of each story also represents…

“The end of the first era of epic stories.”

Su Yu spoke slowly.

The following mixed characters listened to Su Yu’s narration and couldn’t help but fall into the gods.

Especially the setting told by Su Yu, the original mixed word generation did not believe it, after all, there was no story at the beginning, there was no concept of time and space, the demon world, although there was a little interest, but it was related to the martial arts world that Su Yu first told!

But after experiencing one story after another, they are full of exploration and curiosity about the twelve time and space and the demon world, and they are more and more interested in this setting, and the more they contact the setting, they all seem to be able to contact the secrets of time and space.

“The end of the first era of epic stories?”

There are mixed characters who mumble to themselves, savoring this sentence.

“How it feels.

“A sense of vicissitudes?”

There are mixed characters who feel a kind of vicissitudes in this sentence.


With the end of the story and the chapter, something is gradually passing and disappearing, just like the times that once existed in time and space, the characters who once existed, with the passage of time, will eventually dissipate, leaving only the record in the years.


Su Yu spoke slowly: “With the participation of Moxibustion Dance, Xia, Xia Yu, Lanling Wang, Xiu and others, gathering the combat strength of the rest of time and space, including Wang Dadong and others, it indicates that the protagonists of the times are changing, and the first magnificent epic era will also usher in a major change.” ”

“And the beginning of the final X dormitory is the beginning of a great war after the end of this magnificent epic era.”

“The source of this great war is that the Demon Realm led by the Demon Realm to invade the four time and space of gold, silver, copper and iron…”

“Time and space are in an unprecedented crisis.”

“Led by Moxibustion Dance himself, the Extraordinary Walkers of Iron Time and Space, the Ultimate Iron Man Summer, Xia Yu, and the four city guards of the East, West, South, and North participated in the battle, and the entire Iron Time and Space only a part of the Extraordinary Walkers were left to guard.”

“Among them are Xia Liu, the elder of the Xia Lan Jingde Family, the contemporary head of Xia Lan Jingde, the head of the Northern City Guard Regiment A-chord, and a part of the Janissaries to guard time and space to avoid the demonization of the Strange Walkers.”

Su Yu probably introduced the prelude to the story

The below all listened very carefully.

“I didn’t think about it…”

“The battle of the devils really unfolded, and the horn of the counter-offensive was blown.”

The following are surprised.

“No, isn’t a—chord a member of the East Side Guard?” How did he become the leader of the Northern City Guard? ”

Some have also found that something is wrong.

However, the crowd did not dig deeper, after all, the changes seemed to be normal.


Su Yu continued:

“But this big war……

“And it lasted for countless years.”

“After this great war has lasted for countless years, all the news about this great war has become an unsolved mystery -”

“No one knows the state of the war, no one knows the situation, and no one knows whether they have won or lost in the great war, what the situation is, and the age of the Xenomorphs associated with this great war in iron time and space has been frozen by some kind of space-time rule, and the magnetic field has frozen, resulting in the age has been frozen in the year, and the age is already a mystery.”

The origin of the story is the White Road Strange Walker from the rear of the town guard.

When Su Yu said this, his voice paused: “After the Great War did not know how many years it lasted, the situation in Iron Time and Space has undergone earth-shaking changes. ”

“Since countless high-level Xenowalkers rushed to the battlefield to fight against the darkness, the number of Xenowalkers guarding the town was very small, and at this moment, some kind of time and space rule appeared, blocking all memories of the Great War, including the names of the people of the Great War, place names, and any relevant information, all of which disappeared, and all the Xenopaths who participated in the war were like missing, without any information, and their lives were uncertain.”

“The most important thing is —

“The magnetic field of the rules of time and space changes, the ability index of the alien walkers is all suppressed, and all the former high-order alien walkers have fallen to the low-level alien walkers”…

“The only remaining highest-ranking Xeno Walker in the Zhen Shou Iron Time and Space is Xia Lan De Elder Xia Liu, with only 7,000 points left in the 25,000 point Xeno Ability Index, and the Xeno Energy Index of Xia Lan Dexiong has dropped to 5,000 points, and all the high-level Xeno Walkers of time and space no longer exist.”

Su Yu’s narration.

Let the following look more and more solemn!

Especially when it comes to telling the situation in time and space, it is even more disturbing!

“What the hell is going on?”

“What the hell is going on in Iron Space-Time?”

“Xia Liu’s 25,000 points of Extraordinary Energy Index is only 7,000 points?”

The following dare not imagine!

What really happened in the future of this iron space-time, why is it that such a high-level Xenomorph, the Xenomorph Index is only 7000 points! Most importantly, the information about the Great War was suppressed and blocked, and all the memories of the Great War were left!

“How could it be so strange? Supposedly, isn’t iron space-time a cross-space-time mobile phone? It should be possible to convey the message back to iron time and space. ”

There are confused people who are puzzled.

Isn’t a cross-space-time phone capable of delivering messages across space-time?


“The situation of the Great War is very dangerous, and may even have been lost, so it is impossible to pass on the news?”

Some have associated some bad plots.

But it seems!

That’s the most plausible explanation!

Unless the situation on the battlefield has become self-absorbed and caught in a deadly battle! The situation is very dangerous! Otherwise the information cannot be passed on!

“So say…”

“Because of the situation of the Great War, the Iron Time and Space have blocked and suppressed the power?”

Everyone sweated for that big fight.


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “All the high-level Xeno Walkers have participated in the battle, and the combat strength of the Iron Time and Space Town Guardian Xenomorphs has decreased.” ”

“Iron space-time…”

“It also entered the Muggle era.”


“It’s a dark age.”

Muggle era.

The following were slightly stunned.


What’s going on?

Su Yu continued: “The situation in the future of iron time and space. ”

“The Stranger is like a lost dog…”

“Countless Strangers have been arrested.”

“Countless Strangers have been transformed into Muggles.”

“Countless mortals are full of hostility to the Strangers, and once they find the traces of the Strangers, they will immediately make a report call, and the fate of the Strangers who are found is to be arrested and put into the Alien Control Center, and there is an alliance among the mortals, once they find the Strangers who use the Abilities, they will be arrested, and finally a body of Strangers will be abolished and transformed into Muggles.”

“The Stranger Who Used to Guard Iron Time and Space.”

“It became…”

“Street rats.”

Su Yu’s words. Make the whole scene.

Momentary silence! Xenowalker………

It has become a street rat mouth?

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