Chapter 186 H Alliance! A-chord, the head of the North City Guard regiment, became a courier? 【2 more】!!


The Xenomorph who guards the safety of iron time and space has become a street rat?

“Countless years ago.

“The Stranger Runner plays the role of guarding the twelve time and space, but the identity hidden by countless years has finally ushered in an unprecedented reversal, and this reversal almost destroyed the Extraordinary Walker who was guarding the rear.

“In all of this, a meeting of mortals and miraculous walkers arose.

“Since the demonization of the Extraordinary Walker to the mortals, the existence of the Extraordinary Walkers has been exposed one after another, the mortals are in a state of hostility to the Extraordinary Walkers, and the White Dao Extraordinary Walkers have signed the “128 Regulations on the Prohibition of Extraordinary Abilities” with the mortals in order to eliminate the hostile state.


“The darkness is not over.

“This dark age of the Stranger Eye has just arrived. Stage.

Su Yu continued to tell.

Behind him appeared the picture of “128 Disabled Columns of Strange Abilities”.

Anyone who illegally uses his powers will be punished with a penalty of 1.28 million yuan and imprisoned for 128 years, the most severe of the capital punishments.

See this picture.

There was an immediate uproar from the mixed characters below.

“This mortal man of iron time and space.”

“How dare they?!”

“Don’t you know that it is the Stranger Walker who guards time and space?”

The following simply can’t understand it.

“Isn’t this Extraordinary Ability clause meant to let the Extraordinary Walker die?”

“How can they do this to their guardians?”

The bastards were indignant when they saw this scene, and they were very angry! The terms listed above do not treat the Stranger as a human being at all! Or rather, think of the Strange Walker as a monster being! Anyone who uses a special ability will be punished! Imprisoned!


Yehenara’s old boss’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a chill poured out.

“Didn’t think of that…”

“The Xeno Walker will come to this point. He had a complicated look.

Although he was a demonic magician, he was also a magician, and seeing this clause, coupled with what had happened before, made his heart more and more uneasy.

Xia Mansion.

Moxibustion Dance, Brother Xiong, Xia Liu Gong, Xiu and others saw this scene, and Shen Xin all froze slightly.

Brother Xiong was even more incredulous: “How can this be. How can this be? ”

They are the White Dao Extraordinary Walkers Henggu who still guard the entire Iron Time and Space! Guarding the Twelve Spaces!

To the end

How could it be controlled?

“It’s not over yet.

Moxibustion Dance said.

“Listen to Mr. Sue continue.”

He looked solemn, and he did not expect that the future situation would be so dark.

Golden space-time.

On a high platform.

Su Yu continued, “But against the darkness of the Stranger. ”

“It’s not over.

The signing of the “128 Articles of Prohibition of Extraordinary Ability” was personally determined by Moxibustion Cai to allow the Extraordinary Walker and the mortal to get along normally, but in fact, the hostility of the mortal to the Extraordinary Walker has not been reduced, even after the signing of the treaty, the mortal is still arresting the Extraordinary Walker, as long as the Extraordinary Walker, will be reported by the mortal.

“Once they receive a report, the members of the underground organization alliance formed by the mortals will intervene and arrest the Strangers.

Some pictures appeared behind Su Yu.

“And the captured Stranger Runner.”

“They will be forced to become Muggles and will not dare to use their abilities for the rest of their lives…”


“Fear your identity as a Stranger Rider.”

“In that future.

“The identity of the Stranger is no longer a pride, but a lowly, lowly identity.

Su Yu shook the folding fan.

“The beginning of the story.”

“Let’s start with the Summer Man’s Apartment.

Countless mixed characters listened to Su Yu’s story.

But hearing Su Yu tell that the identity of the Extraordinary Walker was low, and the despicable moment, especially when he saw that alliance, it was so cruel, for a time, countless people’s feelings were full of anger!

“These people.”

“How dare they?”

The bastards opened their mouths again, and they couldn’t believe it!

“Actually let the Stranger Walker.”

“What have these people who have not dared to use their abilities all their lives, who are afraid of their identity as supernatural practitioners, have done?”

It’s hard for the to imagine.

What kind of things have been experienced that will make a Strange Walker dare not use the Extraordinary Ability for the rest of his life, and even feel afraid of the bloodline of his Extraordinary Walker.

Countless generations of mixed characters looked at Su Yu on the high platform and waited for the story told by Su Yu.

“Summer man apartment.

“It is the dormitory set up by Brother Xiong to protect the only remaining Strangers.

Su Yu began to slowly tell the story about the final level X dormitory.

In that story

After the moxibustion dance, summer, Xia Yu, Lanling Wang and others participated in the war, Xiongge was forced to leave the Xia Mansion and establish the Xia Ren Apartment because of his intermarriage with the Yehenara family, which led to the hostility of the Otherworldly and the mortal world, and the tenants of the apartment were Ye Sheng, the Little Deaf Woman, Xia Mei, Xia Liu Gong, Ren Xiuquan Lang Pang Guang, Hu Yan Jueluo Cangqiong, Julia, Han Karama Han.

“And the purpose of the brother building the summer man’s apartment…

“It is to wait for the return of Xia Yu and Ye Siren in the summer, and the family is reunited.”

Su Yu’s words.

It made everyone look slightly stunned.

In the picture

Brother Xiong was happily cleaning, and she seemed to be always full of hope and expectation in order to wait for the day when her family returned for a reunion, but she did not know the final outcome, and none of her two sons came back and all perched on the dark battlefield.

In the story of that picture, Brother Xiong even regarded Hu Yan Jueluo and Ye Sheng as his own child many times, and even saw the shadow of summer in Ye Sheng’s body, and loved Ye Sheng very much.

“In that long day.

Brother Xiong was waiting all the time for Summer, Xia Yu, Ye Siren to come back and reunite.

“Even though the situation in the Otherworld’s realm is critical now, Brother Xiong knows that when the Otherworld’s Strangers on the battlefield return, maybe everything will be different.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan.

The picture story is very smooth, or very relaxed, are some family trivia just like the ultimate family, but on the contrary, there are countless familiar figures, only the male brother, Xia Liu Gong, Xia Mei, Han four people feel very close, the rest of the people no matter how to see, so that the following mixed characters can not fit in.

“I feel that there is no way to integrate, I just want to see Brother Xiong, Xia Liu Ah Gong Han, and Xia Mei.”

“But Ye Sheng, Huyan Jueluo Cangqiong, is the thought of Brother Xiong, and she seems to really regard the two of them as her own sons.”

“It feels too strange, no matter how warm and funny, I can’t feel that I can’t go back to the Xia Lan Zhan De family, the Xia Mansion that kind of lightheartedness, obviously some of the future stories are also very relaxed, very funny, but it gives people a faint sense of sadness like things are not human…”

The mixed generations looked at the warm daily life in the picture.

But he couldn’t accept it at all, he couldn’t fuse.

The story of the Xia Mansion and the Xia Lan Jingde family seems to be vividly remembered, but the warmth inside gives people a very calm sense of sadness, as if everything is not very real, of course

The main thing is.

They were all used to the fights and fights of Summer, Xia Yu, Xia Mei, Ye Siren, Xia Liu’s grandfather and Brother Xiong, although in that picture, Brother Xiong and those strange faces were also very warm, but they couldn’t accept it, couldn’t fit in.

“I really hope to see Summer, Xia Yu, and the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Master again, and repair them to find Brother Xiong, eat the dark dishes made by Brother Xiong, and be happy.”

“This big battle, the front line is dangerous, the back is also in the dark, it is really too uncomfortable to see, I really hope to be able to rush into the picture to change everything.”

The mixed characters opened their mouths one after another, looking at the funny and warm daily life in the picture, but found that it was not what they wanted.


Su Yu shook the folding fan in his hand.

And the story—” “With the advent of a door, it changed.

In the picture

The second floor of the Summer Man Apartment.

A black door suddenly appeared.

A pair of hands.

Seemed to be trembling as he pushed open the door.

When the door was pushed open, the whole Xia Ren Gong left in an instant of tremor!

Under the shocked looks of countless people!

Ye Siren, who was in tatters, like a tramp, walked out with sluggish eyes.

“The leader of the Dead Man is back?”

“Could it be that there is news of the Great War?”

The following instantly tensed up! In the picture

Ye Siren appeared, but to his disappointment, he forgot all his memories.

In order to restore his memory, the crowd thought of countless associations.

To the end

Although Ye Siren recovered some sanity, but the memory was not remembered at all, and the most difficult thing to accept was that through the examination of the little deaf woman, it was found that Ye Siren’s body was aging at a very rapid pace, and it was very likely that he would die in a short time!

“What the hell is going on here…

“What exactly did Ye Siren go through?”

“Does it have anything to do with the Great War?”

Countless people below looked at the picture with a solemn look, and there was no laughter of the past

For them.

The picture is warm and everyday

Without summer, Xia Yu and Ye Siren would not be a perfect home.

Xia family

Only the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, Brother Xiong, Grandpa Xia Liu, and Ye Siren were complete.

And the ultimate family!

So be it! The story moves on.


A—Chord came out.

“What’s going on?”

“Isn’t a—Chord the leader of the North City Guard?” How do you become a courier? ”

The looked at the a-chord in the picture and turned into a courier.


“Why doesn’t he dare to recognize Brother Xiong?”

In the picture

a—Chord becomes a courier, delivering couriers for Xia Rengong, but sending

After arriving at the courier, after finding out that it was Brother Xiong and others, he began to cover up, and did not dare to recognize Brother Xiong and others at all, but when he left, he seemed to be recognized by the cold!

And this picture.

Instantaneously, countless people feel very strange.


a—Chord dare not recognize Brother Xiong and others?

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