Chapter 187 Those Strangers Are Either Crazy or Never Appear Again! 【3 more】!!

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Han seems to have discovered the existence of a-chord, but is also curious as to why a-chord does not recognize them.

Then he mentioned this to the male brother.

It turned out that A-chord and the Nightmare Rays were dueling, but he led them

The North City Guard was killed and injured, and the White Road Stranger of the Iron Cross Alliance wanted to hold a-chord responsible, but the alliance lord knew that the duel had nothing to do with a-chord, it was the demon world that had premeditated, in order to protect a-chord, he drove a-chord out of the north city guard.

But……… Even so.

Why didn’t he dare to recognize Brother Xiong and others?

Countless are full of curiosity in their hearts, and the appearance of this a-chord seems to indicate that things are gradually different.


Han found a-chord through the receipt.

But strangely enough

After a—Chord was exposed, but still did not dare to recognize Han! To the most

Later, even in order to slip away, the excuse went to the toilet and let Han wait for him, only to find that A-chord actually wanted to slip away, and hated the cold straightness of others deceiving her

Catch up with a-chord, take out your weapon and fight with a-chord!

It’s just that!

The a-chord in the picture trembled with fright at the moment when the cold touched him, and curled up directly next to the green belt.

“Don’t hit me…

“Don’t hit me…

“Don’t hit me…

He seemed to be pleading, full of fear.

That’s what it looks like.

It seems to be suffering from 02 to cold.


“What’s going on?”

When everyone saw this scene, they all felt their hearts tremble and their brows furrowed.

They could still recall what a-chord looked like now.

A member of the East Side Guard Janissaries! Holding a ghost war tuning fork, cool, although sometimes a lot of words, but also belongs to the high-level Strange Walker, even in the face of the existence of Lan Ling King, dare to release harsh words, although in the end it is indeed beaten very badly, but in fact, he dares to stand up at the most dangerous moment.

Everyone thinks of him

It seems that it is always a look of not being afraid of heaven, and anyone who sees it can laugh twice.

But the a-chord in the picture.

It’s like a weak person who has just gone through countless tortures and is afraid of something.

Xia Mansion.

When Xiu saw this scene, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was very solemn.

Under the eyes.

It’s sadness, it’s incomprehension, and… Fury.


What’s going on?

Even the allies frowned, and their looks were very solemn.

Or rather

The whole Xia family was like this, a-chord belonged to a member of the East City Guard, they were all familiar with a-chord’s character, it was not like this at all!

“Old Mother Darling…

“Is this really a-chord?”

“Isn’t a—chord biting?”

Natsumi grabbed her brother’s clothes and felt a little uneasy.



Brother Xiong instantly stared at Natsumi.

“How old are you, classmate, you’re a girl, how can you use such a word?”

Natsumi blinked her eyes and expressed her grievance.

The atmosphere in the Xia Mansion was very solemn, since the future of the iron time and space appeared, everyone’s expression did not seem to be relaxed, and they had been frowning tightly, as if they could not believe that the future iron time and space would treat the Extraordinary Walkers in this way.

On a high platform.

The picture behind Su Yu continued.

A—Chord curled up in the green belt and watched Han with his weapon in his hand

Scared to the extreme, he even cried out, and in the end, he even made some very strange, childish movements, singing there: “I am a Muggle…”

“I’m a Muggle…

“I’m a Muggle…


“It’s Muggles during the day and Muggles at night…”

In that picture, A-chord is doing funny things and singing childish songs.

But that funny picture.

In the eyes of everyone, it is very heavy!



In the Xia Mansion, Xiu opened his mouth in a deep voice.


The a-chord in the picture has experienced a mental destruction, even a destruction

The cruelty was so serious that he was afraid, afraid, and even changed his character, changed his whole life! From a person who is not afraid of the sky, from a person who can stand up anytime and anywhere for his friends and loves to joke, to a weak person who will be afraid of everything as long as there is a little movement, afraid of everything, and unable to fight back and scold.


Xiu’s fist, not knowing when, was already clenched.

A—Chord was a member of the East Side Guard, and also his friend, his

Brother, although he usually looks really unreliable, but many years of friendship, let him see a-chord this look, he simply can not accept.


“What the hell is going on?”

The mixed word generation’s heart trembled.

“What did this a-chord go through?”

“How can it be like being destroyed by someone so much that there is a mental problem?”

“What the hell happened to him?”

The looked at the picture of a-chord doing funny, funny

The action, singing the childish song, only feels heavy inside, and I can’t believe that the person in that picture is really a-chord!

The picture turns.

A—Chord arrives at the Summer Man’s Apartment.

In the summer man’s apartment.

He said what had happened to him.

“Although I was kicked out of the North City Guard……”

“But I think of everyone participating in the Great War, fighting for justice, dueling with the devil, dueling on that dark battlefield, and I also want to do something for the Allied Lord, since I stay in the Iron Time and Space, then I will definitely maintain the peace of the Iron Time and Space.”

“One day…”

“I’m walking down the street.”

“Seeing two bullying a grandma who sells lottery tickets, and using my hands and feet on my grandmother, how could I get used to this kind of thing and directly rush up………

“Who knows, I just took out my Ghost Battle tuning fork, and those knew my identity as a Stranger Walker and just ran away.”


A—Chord recalled the beginning.

In that picture.

He wears a black cool suit and a hat, and he still looks cool

Stand up to save Grandma.


“I didn’t expect that when Grandma saw me, she was even more afraid of me…”

In the picture, Grandma sees a-chord as if she were seeing a ghost.

She walked away in a panic, shouting as she walked, “Stranger Rider, Stranger Runner!” ”

With her voice shouting, countless pedestrians around her instantly looked at a-chord with hostility.

a—chord just wanted to go………

But he didn’t know where a big net appeared, instantly surrounding him, and he couldn’t even use his powers!

After surrounding him!

Two H Alliance members in black suits appear and arrest him directly!

“That big net surrounded me…”

“I found that my powers could not be used.”

“And then…”

“I was arrested and put into the Extraordinary Transformation Center.”

In the picture.

A-chord was arrested in 060 for the Muggle Transformation Class, where he wore a kindergarten sailor uniform and sang a song that had just been childish, and all around him, there were men and women, old and young, all like him, and were caught there for transformation, wearing the sailor uniform of the kindergarten, singing childish songs.

Once you secretly use the power, you will be punished with terror in an instant! Punishment to………

He didn’t even dare to use his powers!

Don’t even dare to mention a little bit of wanting to use the heart of the power!

The transformation from the mind, the slave from the mind, directly destroyed a stranger, so that the magician felt afraid, and afraid of his own power, and did not dare to use it again for the rest of his life! It was a fear that came from the deepest part of the heart, from the slave in the depths of the heart!

The picture aborts A-chord’s memories. Back to the Summer Man Apartment.

And in the summer man’s apartment.

Grandpa Xia Liu also spoke about the H Alliance.

According to the information he knew, once the Xenowalkers were caught in the H Alliance, there were many Xenowalkers who never came out again, or even disappeared, and the Xenopaths who came out were either crazy, mentally ill, or crazy.

And a—chord… Apparently one of them! In the picture!

A-chord actually has powers, but he has a suit on him

This device makes it impossible for him to use his powers, and once it is forcibly dismantled, it will explode like a bomb directly in the heart!

“This is…”

“One of the stories of the future of iron space-time.”


Su Yu spoke calmly.

It’s just that picture, that story, but it makes people feel heavy inside.


That H Alliance exists! That a—chord experience!

The situation of the future Stranger! All disturbing and heavy!

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