Chapter 188 The Fourth Story! Is the plan for the layout of Yehenara’s old boss about to appear? 【4 more】!!


“Let’s just talk about this paragraph for the time being.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Follow-up after the end of the ultimate family story…”

“I’ll keep talking.”

“The story of Final Level X Dormitory is not much in the chapter of Twelve Time and Space, but the content involved is also very rich, and according to the convention, I will reveal the core of the next story to you.”


“Including the time and space train, the soul search will appear again.”

Su Yu probably revealed something.

The final level X dormitory is more of a kind of daily life, and there are not many twelve space-time main lines involved in it, but the content involved seems to be related to the secret of the twelve space-times, and the existence that appears is the core existence of the twelve space-times, such as the good and evil force, the space-time train, the space-time observer, etc.

The following mixed characters did not have the usual resentment, on the contrary, their hearts were very heavy.

For them, the most attractive story is the story of the Xia family, the future of the Xia family, followed by the time and space information involved in the final X dormitory, as for the warm daily life, for many mixed characters, they do not feel the relaxed pleasure of listening to “Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family”.

“I really hope that the Xia family can have a good ending, although I know that the ending is bad… Alas! ”

There are mixed words who sigh.

“Why would those mortals in iron space-time do this?”

“It’s just too much!”

Wang Dadong was very unhappy, and coaxed with the surrounding mixed word generation, very angry with Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, Tian Hongguang, knife madness, intestinal breaker and so on

It is a dignified face.

The surrounding are full of righteous indignation.

Especially seeing the H League’s Alien Walker Transformation House, it is even more incomprehensible!

“That a-chord was obviously to help mortals, and in the end it ended up falling into this fate!”

“It’s just too much!”

“It’s black and white at all!”

“Finally understand why the Extraordinary Walkers of Iron Time and Space do not dare to reveal their identities, they want to hide their identities, this mortal person is so repulsive to the Extraordinary Walkers, it is too chilling, if I had me, I would have long ago ignored the death or death of those idiots!”

Some of the bastards said angrily, feeling unfair for a-chord and the future White Road Strangers!

“It’s really funny, the frontline Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord led countless Xenomorphs to fight against the Demon Realm, to fight against the Darkness, so that the Demon Realm and the Dark Realm could not invade the Iron Time and Space, and all the Xenomorphs spent their whole lives protecting the twelve time and space, protecting mortals, but in the end they fell to this end.”

“How chilling would it be if the Frontline Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lords knew what was happening in Iron Time and Space?”

The were angry to see what was happening in the picture.

In particular, a-chord is destroyed to the point of being out of shape, and there are mental problems, which makes people clench their fists.

And the most excessive!

All this was because the Demon Realm attacked the four time and space of gold, iron, copper and silver, and the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance led the high-level Xenopaths to battle, resulting in the high-level Xenomorphs of the Iron Time and Space almost not

Exist! It also led to the occurrence of this tragedy, the Stranger Walker who stayed in time and space was equal to the old and weak sick and disabled in the Otherworld, and how cold would the Stranger Walker who fought on the front line know it? How angry?

Even to the end……

In the summer, in order to save Iron Time and Space, Xia Yu ended this great war, all sacrificed the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord, and the Lanling King was all missing!

“The future situation…”


“It’s almost that bad.”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

“It seems……”

“We’re going to make changes too.”

Everything that happens in the future falls on the hearts of everyone, making people’s hearts very heavy

The things that mortals do.

Even more chilling!

What stung the hearts of all the Strangers present the most was actually that scene

A-chord tried to help the grandmother, and as a result, the grandmother was even more afraid of a-chord, as if she had seen ten ghosts.

This scene.

It deeply stung the hearts of all those present.

In the future, they will fight on the front line.

And the mortals they were guarding were actually maiming their miraculous beings.

How can it not make people cold and heartache?

“A bunch of idiots.”


Yehenara’s old boss frowned.

“Being used as a knife…”

“Assassinate your own guardian.”

“So what does it mean to protect this group of mortals?”

Yehenara’s old boss sneered.

As a demonic walker, he could see better.

Those mortals were simply used as knives! The people behind it………

In any case, it has nothing to do with the demon world!

For those mortals, those behaviors, he felt disgusted when he saw them, felt worthless for the group of idiot idiot white path walkers, and even more felt ridiculous, these Muggles guarded by white path magicians, in the end, actually stabbed the magic walkers who guarded them with a knife.

It’s pathetic.

It’s ridiculous.

But there’s a lot of information involved.

“Demonize the Stranger Walker…”

Although the picture inside is daily, it also reveals some information.

For example

The location of almost all Strangers has been discovered and is monitored and controlled.

Almost all the major families are old, weak, sick and disabled, and the number of Xenopaths has dropped rapidly, which is largely related to the H Alliance.


The Yehenara family, the Demonized Strangers, is also the primary target of capture.

Other words.

The future status of the Demonic Alien Walker is not much better than that of the White Path Alien Walker!

Even the once-prestigious Yehenara family… So what?

As Mr. Nasu said……… It went into decline.

A hint of silence appeared in Yehenara’s old boss’s eyes.

Half ring.

He looked at Su Yu on the high platform.

“The ending……”

“The end of the future.”

He wanted to see what the fourth story was about.


He’s going to make a change as well.

On a high platform.

Su Yu took a sip of tea.


“I will tell you the fourth story of “Iron Time and Space – The Ultimate Family”, which is also the paragraph before the end.”

Su Yu’s words.

Let the following are slightly quieter. Although the story of what happened in the future is very infuriating.

But the content of the fourth story………

But it is also very interesting!

Especially the foreshadowing of the list told earlier makes people curious about the Freewalker……… What will happen to the shot, and what is the dark plan of Yehenara’s old boss that has lasted for countless years.

In the second story, Mr. Su mentioned it.

The third story tells everyone who is behind this dark plan.

The fourth story………

It seems like it’s time to reveal it! Stage.

Su Yu began to tell the fourth story.

“The book was picked up last time.”

“Ren Chenwen is controlled and wants to kill King Lanling.

“And all this.”

“It’s all because of the ghost puppet army sent by the old leader of Yehenara.”

Su Yu spoke slowly.

“The Ghost Spirit Puppet Army is the elite of the Demon Realm that the old leader of Yehenara went to the Demon Realm to recruit troops and horses.”

“It’s a combination of demons and goblins.”

Su Yu began to tell the fourth story.

Fire Ant Woman appears

She has thousands of fire ants, and what is even more terrifying is that these fire ants, in the process of cultivation, give all kinds of strange horror functions, be bitten, the end is unimaginable!

In order to deal with the Fire Ant Woman, the Xia Family went to the Weapons Territory Management Bureau to buy a potion to prevent the Fire Ant Woman from manipulating the ants to attack the Xia Family!

Fire Ant Woman instead tries to deal with Xia Liu, slaying the Demon Hunter and Moxibustion, but is captured by the trio

When Grandpa Shaliu captures the Fire Ant Woman, the old leader of the fake Yehenara appears and wants to kill the Fire Ant Woman without letting her reveal some key information, but is repelled by Shaliu Agong Demon.

Finally, Fire Ant Girl was captured and returned to the Xia family!

Just when the below breathe a sigh of relief! Zack appeared!

The story is told in Suyu, the picture is presented, and the story of the ultimate family that gradually emerges in front of everyone slowly unfolds.


Zack is Wang Dadong, the doppelganger of summer in copper time and space, and the evil of copper time and space has overcome the good, it is Yehenara old boss specially summoned to test the summer, after ZACK appeared, he used the ghost spirit fireball to kill the White Dao Strange Walkers, including the leader of the North City Guard, as well as many high-level Extraordinary Walkers, absorbing their powers.

The same doppelganger, ZACK can’t kill Summer, but he can use his enhanced powers to gradually absorb the abilities in Summer’s body, and finally let Summer die of exhaustion.

ZACK shot continuously, and even finally killed Bingxin! Everyone thought it was the ghost dragon who did it, and the summer was already in danger, and the crowd could not take a shot at ZACK, there was a connection between the doppelgangers, once Zack died, no matter what

Whether it is summer or Wang Dadong, it will be affected! The only way is to get stronger in the summer, use the characteristics of the doppelganger, and beat Zack!

In order to defeat Zack, Xiu passed on the in-situ power on his body to Summer, and the Summer Ability Index became stronger again, but it was still not enough!

To the end

Brother Xiong took Wu Feng to the convenience store to look for the Freewalker.

The Freewalker once owed the Gun Spirit King a favor, as long as he held the Wu Feng, he could let the Freewalker help.

Freewalker appears.

Using the nine turns of the gods, the summer and the ghost dragon spent together, the strength increased greatly, blocking Zack at the door of time and space! But Zack took advantage of the summer not to pay attention and swallowed

Under the ghost spirit fireball, the strength increased greatly, just when it was about to sneak into Summer successfully, Han appeared, indirectly passing Ray’s in-situ power to Summer, and finally defeated Zack!

“It’s finally over……”

“I didn’t expect this zack to be so vicious and terrifying!”

“Summer was almost absorbed by this zack as a special ability.”

The following are worried about Summer, and now seeing that Summer has finally repelled Zack, the Chinese people can also breathe a sigh of relief.

“What is the relationship between this Divine Walker and the Gun Spirit King?”

“Didn’t that mean they had broken up?”

“Why did the Gun Spirit King give Wu Feng to Brother Xiong after he fell into the devil?”

The following are puzzled!

The appearance of the Freewalker is very eye-catching!

But a lot of the information involved in this is not yet understood! Stage.

Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Next… Large. ”

“Moving on to the heart of the fourth story.”

“Yehenara’s old boss laid out countless years of dark plans.”

“A plan that lasts for countless years……”


Yehenara’s old boss’s eyes narrowed slightly!

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