Chapter 189: The Dark Plan That Has Lasted for Countless Years – Completely Exposed! 【5 more】!!

Su Yu’s words.

Let everyone’s heart tighten, and at the same time full of expectations! Either it’s the following!

Or the moxibustion dance of the Xia Mansion and others! Distance.

The old boss of Yehenara listened to what Su Yu was saying, and his expression became more and more wrong.

The same! Exactly the same!

What Su Yu said on that high platform was exactly the same as the plan he had prepared for the future!

Send Fire Antwoman! Send zack!

It’s all part of his plan! Right now!

Let Su Yu on that high platform tell it!

“It turns out…”

“The source of everything is here.”

Yehenara’s old boss’s eyes narrowed slightly.

From the beginning of the fourth story, he heard that something was wrong, according to the speed of iron time and space publication, it is obvious that the story of the book appears first, and then it is published, so say! Lan Ling Wang, Moxibustion Dance and others can not predict the prophet, all because of the Mr. Su in front of you! Mr. Storyteller in front of you!

Of course………

When Su Yu mentioned the fourth plan.

The old boss wanted to take a shot more than once.

But in the end he endured.

Let’s not talk about how Mr. Su’s skills really are, but what can be proved is that this Mr. Su must have a close relationship with the Tianji Pavilion, and after experiencing the previous shots, he does not want to provoke the Tianji Pavilion again, not to mention, since the Mr. Su in front of him can reveal a corner of the future, the content involved in just a few words will make the time and space order fluctuate, which is enough to prove that Mr. Su is extraordinary!

“The future…

“The future.”

“Even if you know it, what can you do?”

“Ben’s plan…”

“Even if you know can stop it?”

Yehenara’s old boss sneered.


What he wanted to know more was whether his plan had succeeded or not! On a high platform.

Su Yu continued: “After the Zack incident—”

“Yehenara Xiongbatuo dreamed of Ye Siren, hoping that he would come back and take over as Yehejia Xiaoqingji, and that he would return to the Yehenara family as soon as possible, after telling the thief of the ancestors’ mouth.

The in the audience asked incomprehensibly, “Mr. Su, what is this old boss of Yehenara going to do?” ”

“Why does it feel weird everywhere?”

“Is he really going to be the ultimate Devil’s Iron Man in the summer?”

A lot of feel something is wrong.

I feel that what is happening now is strange everywhere.

In particular, the mind of the old boss of Yehenara is completely elusive!

Ming Ming sent zack to deal with Summer, but in the story screen, he brazenly said that it was just to test Summer, which made Ye Siren, the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord and others suspect that the purpose of Yehenara’s old boss might be summer!

When Ye Siren went back this time, he wanted to understand what was going on! Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, “His purpose is indeed summer.” ”


“Not to make Summer the ultimate Tectonic of demonization.”

“The clue to everything—”

“They all pointed to the letter that the old boss of Yehenara sent to Ye Siren, and the magic words in the letter were the key.”

There was some silence below.

There is obviously no way to understand this sentence.

Not making Summer the ultimate Technocr of Demonization?

“Isn’t it……”

“And a bigger conspiracy?”

“What does that magic phrase in the letter mean?”

The are even more curious!

A huge mystery in front of you! Obviously

Now the mystery is gradually solved! Stage.

The story continues.

Xiu came to the Golden Time and Space to find the meaning of the Black Dragon asking the magic language, and on the way back, the old leader of Yehenara intercepted and killed, but in the end he was forced to retreat by the moxibustion dance with the black phoenix, but it also revealed the importance of the magic language!

And the meaning of Xiu bringing back is very simple, there is one meaning above: “Back.” ”


All the mixed characters looked intently at the picture on the high platform, waiting for the answer.

The dark plan that lasted for countless years……… Finally it’s coming!

More and more content has been revealed in the picture!

Even Scar Jason has appeared, he seems to be the key-man!

“And he is the key that closes the door of time and space.”

“Sacrifice him and you will close the gates of time and space.”

“The day of the Polar Shade……”

“It’s ready to come.”

“This battle between good and evil…

“It’s coming to the end.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Extremely Yin Day.” ”

“The gathering of demons is also the most dangerous moment in the entire iron space-time.”

“The gates of time and space are about to close.”

With Su Yu’s story.

The story is getting tighter! As the time of the Polar Yin Day advanced, the Xia family in the picture was also very nervous.

When the below saw this scene, they couldn’t help but hold their breath.


It’s getting more and more nervous!

Even Wang Dadong and Wang Arthur were the same, their eyes fixed on the high platform.

“Mr. Sue…

“What will happen on a very cloudy day?”

Some asked, wanting to know a specific.

Su Yu has mentioned some before, but it is not very specific.


Su Yu replied, “The day of the Polar Yin…”

“It is the nine stars that cause the total eclipse, the moment when the yin qi between heaven and earth is the most concentrated, and it is also the moment when the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault is opened, and the moment the total eclipse of the sun opens, the ability index of all twelve time and space will be suppressed, and the power index of the demonized power walker and the monster will be enhanced.”

“And the demons and ghosts of heaven and earth will all appear on this day.”

“The key to the battle between good and evil.”

“It’s about this battle.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Once the day of the Extreme Yin comes.” ”

“The Demon Realm will attack in full force.”

“And Yehenara’s old boss plan has also officially begun.”

“The showdown between good and evil…”

“It’s the last minute.”

Su Yu’s words.

Let the mixed characters below be even more nervous! finally

Have you come to the key to the battle between good and evil?


Suddenly, a bastard noticed that something was wrong.

“It’s only the fourth story.”

“How did you come to the final moment of good and evil?”

“Is the fourth story coming to an end?”

Some have found something wrong!


Shouldn’t the final moment, the final key, of the battle between good and evil be told in the fifth story?

Now the fourth story has appeared? Is Mr. Sue going to get stuck here? Time!

All the bastards feel bad! If really stuck here………

It’s better to live than to die! But

To the surprise of the word bastards!

Su Yu on the stage did not stop telling, but continued to tell the story.

And —

The appearance of the day of the Polar Yin has been discussed!

“The day of the Polar Yin comes to Iron Time and Space.”

“Although the key-man knife scar Jason is well protected, but in the end there is no way to resist the temptation, lost in the illusion, captured by the demon world, the demon world sacrifices the knife scar Jason, closes the door of time and space.”

“The door of time and space was closed, the protective magnetic field was also attacked by the Demon Realm, the strange energy of the Moxibustion Dance was suppressed on the day of the Polar Yin, and coupled with the attack of the Demon Realm, it was no longer possible to maintain the protective magnetic field, resulting in countless loopholes in the protective magnetic field, and the demons appeared from that loophole, attacking indiscriminately, and the east, west, south, and north city guards, and the major alien walkers of the family of Extraordinary Walkers shot one after another.”

“The showdown between Iron Time and Space and the Devil has also officially begun.”

With Su Yu’s story.

A great battle for the day of the Polar Shadow begins! But obviously!

The situation is very unfavorable for iron space-time!

The day chosen by the Demon World! It was the weakest moment for the Iron Time and Space Stranger!

“Oh my God…

“It’s also too much of a decline.”

“The gate of time and space is closed, other time and space cannot be supported, the energy index is suppressed, the protective magnetic field is broken, the main maintenance of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance is unable to protect the magnetic field, and the old boss of Yehenara is trying to move…”

“How to see—”

“I can’t seem to win.”

The word are very worried.

“But even so, the White Dao Strange Walker still has no hesitation in protecting those mortals in iron time and space.”

“I really don’t know why they will arrest the Stranger Walkers in the future, it makes people angry to see it!”

Some remembered the story of the future! In the present story

In order to fight against the Demon Realm, all the members of the White Dao Strange Walker are on the move!

Even at this dangerous moment, all the White Dao Strangers did not give up, but stood up without hesitation to protect those Muggles, those monsters were directly indiscriminate attacks, and the entire iron space-time was plunged into chaos!


Su Yu continued: “And the plan of the old leader of Yehenara……”

“It’s the last step.”

“A very cloudy day.”

“It’s the most critical part of the plan.”

Su Yu’s words.

Let the mixed word generation, the moxibustion dance of the Xia Mansion and others all be slightly stunned, and at the same time, their hearts are full of curiosity!

What a plan!

“Mr. Su……”

“What is the plan?”

A bastard asked.


Su Yu took a sip of tea.

“The dark plan of the old head of the Yehenara family.”


“Planning has been going on since the last very yin day, that is, five hundred years ago.”

“And to the generation of the old leaders of Yehenara—”

“It’s the moment of execution.”

Su Yu began to explain Yehenara’s real dark plan.

“At the heart of this plan is the day of the Polar Shade.”

“Once the day of the Polar Yin comes……”

“The Chaos Demon Vault opens.”

“Through the spell, you can absorb the energy of the Chaos Demon Library.”

“But you need a medium.”

“A medium that absorbs energy.”

“That is, the Underworld Magnet……”

In Su Yu’s narration

Yehenara’s old boss’s plan – emerge! After the protective magnetic field is broken!

Iron time and space encountered an unprecedented crisis, now the moxibustion dance energy index is getting lower and lower, even if it is summer, it is impossible to maintain the operation of the protective magnetic field, the energy of the protective magnetic field will only become weaker and weaker, waiting for the protective magnetic field to be completely broken, the demon world will attack in a big way! So now the only way is to find something that can have the energy to operate the protective magnetic field!

In this time of crisis!

The old boss of Yehenara called the moxibustion dance and told him about the Underworld Magnet!

“Once the White Dao gets the Underworld Magnet.”

“Yehenara’s old master’s plan…”

“It’s going to work.”

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