Chapter 190 Variables – Is it the Gurayir Family?! 【6 more】!!


The old leader of Yehenara looked at Su Yu.



Originally he still doubted.

But at the moment.

With Su Yu’s narration, his plan for countless years of layout……… A plan that only he knows! It’s all ready to be exposed!

The mixed characters below listened to the story and gradually understood the ins and outs.

“That is……”

“The underworld magnet is the medium—that’s the key.”


“Even if Bai Dao gets the Underworld Magnet, it seems that it has nothing to do with Yehenara’s old boss.”

Some asked incomprehensibly.

Even if Bai Dao got the Underworld Magnet and put it into the Extraordinary Energy Transformation House, it didn’t seem to have anything to do with Yehenara’s old boss.

“Yes, is Yehenara the old boss going to attack the Extraordinary Transformation House?” Do you use the Nether Magnet to absorb the energy of the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault? ”

There is speculation among the mixed word generations.

“As if that’s all there is to it?”

“That is to say, the old leader of Yehenara wants to attack the Extraordinary Transformation House?”

“But it’s not easy for the old boss of Yehenara to attack him, right?”

“The Master of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance has Wu Feng, and the Extraordinary Energy Conversion Institute is the core of the White Dao, there should be a lot of White Dao Extraordinary Walkers, and it is difficult to break in, right?”

Some mixed characters feel that this plan seems to be too risky, although Yehenara old boss is the first in the iron list, but the moxibustion dance is also ranked first in the iron list, although because of the continuous protection of the magnetic field of the special energy energy can not exert full strength, but there is a black phoenix, plus the existence of summer, Xiu and other people, Yehenara old boss wants to fight in It seems not so simple, right?


“What is the Underworld Magnet?”


Su Yu shook his head: “No. ”

Seeing Su Yu’s veto, the following mixed characters were stunned! Guess………


Su Yu saw the stunned eyes of the mixed characters below, shook the folding fan, and smiled.


“The key point is on the Underworld Magnet.”

“And the Underworld Magnet……”

“When Nuwa first made up the heavens, she used this stone, which contained infinite mysterious force, and the energy contained in it was enough to support countless protective magnetic fields.”

Nuwa make up for the day?

The eyes of the bastards below instantly widened!


“Do myths really exist?”

“That is the immortal god that Mr. Su mentioned?”

The following seem to have found a key point! The appearance of the Underworld Magnet!

Seems to prove that myths and stories really exist! once

There really is a nuwa to make up for the heavens!

“Could it be that the stories of the twelve time and space and the demon world all originate from previous mythological stories?”

“But why did it end up becoming the Twelve Space-Time and the Demon Realm?”

The mixed generations speculated constantly, thinking that the twelve time and space and the demon world might be related to the myths of the past.


“So what’s the key point?”

But soon, the cared about the present.

The key point of the Underworld Magnet………

What is it? Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, “Because the Underworld Magnet has been in the Void for many years, it is contaminated with great demonic nature, and once it is touched, that demonic nature will penetrate into the body.” ”

“And the key point……”

“It lies in the demonic nature contained in the magnet of the underworld.”

“Once the Underworld Magnet used for the Extraordinary Energy Transformation, the moxibustion dance of the Extraordinary Energy Protective Magnetic Field will be affected by the Underworld Magnet, thus being contaminated with demonic nature and becoming a demonic Alien Walker.”

“The longer it lasts, the more demonic nature of the moxibustion dance will be contaminated, and in the end, it will completely become a demon.”

Su Yu’s words once again stunned the mixed word generations! Originally

This is the key to the moxibustion dance alliance to become a demon!

“And Yehenara’s old boss…

“He will take this exit to help Bai Dao absorb the demonic nature of the underworld magnet, but in fact, when he absorbs the demonic nature, he will manipulate the underworld magnet and make the underworld magnet a medium for absorbing the chaotic heaven magic library.”

“In order to gain trust, he will use the body of the Soul Tour Dafa in the summer, and he will not touch the Underworld Magnet himself.”

The more the mixed words below listened, the stranger they became.

“It feels so strange, that Yehenara old boss does not touch the underworld magnet, even if he makes the underworld magnet a medium, he has no way to absorb the energy of the underworld magnet?” Even if he used the Nether Magnet to absorb the energy of the Chaos Heaven Demon Library, the energy he absorbed was also in Summer’s body? ”

“So what is his purpose in doing this?”

The word bastards have found a very strange point! It just couldn’t figure it out!

Yehenara did so much, but in the end he did not touch the Underworld Magnet to win trust, but if so, why did he bother to do so many things?


Su Yu smiled slightly: “So…”

“Plans from countless years ago, layouts from countless years ago, at this moment, come in handy.”

“The real beginning of this dark plan layout that has lasted for countless years began twenty-three years ago.”

“Twenty-three years ago, the Yehenara family attacked the Charan Zeid family, and with this great war of the Otherworld, Yehenara Siren was taken to the battlefield, and although he did not let him go to the battlefield, he met Shahranzende Xiong on the battlefield and finally fell in love with Sharanjingde Xiong.”


“The plan is going very well, if Ye Siren hadn’t fallen in love with Xia Lan Jing Dexiong, the old leader of Yehenara would still have thought of a way to let the high-ranking Bai Dao family intermarry with the Yehenara family, so as to give birth to a half-demon and half-right supernatural physique.”

Su Yu slowly revealed a big secret that shocked the earth!

A secret that is enough to subvert everyone’s perception!

All the in the audience suddenly widened their eyes!



“What Mr. Su said earlier that Ye Siren is a chess piece, is that what he means?”

The are incredible! If so! Ye Siren’s fate!

It was already arranged!

“The appearance of the half-demonic and half-positive physique, the combination of the physique of the Charan Zeid family and the Yehenara family, the physique cultivated is naturally beyond the ancient and modern, and the energy contained in it is enough to make the person with this physique become a final ironclad.”


“The plan of the Yehenara family, or rather, the plan of Yehenara Xiongba, is not to cultivate the ultimate Tekk! Not the Ultimate Ironman. ”

“His plan…”

“It is to find the most perfect physique, use this physique, absorb the energy of the Chaos Heaven Demon Library, have the physique of the Ultimate Iron Man to absorb the energy of the Chaos Heaven Demon Library, and the energy absorbed and transformed is far beyond the energy of the Mixed Heaven Demon Vault absorbed by Yehenara Xiongba’s own physique, and when these energies are absorbed, Summer will become the Ultimate Iron Man of Demonization in an instant.”

Su Yu’s voice is different from the weight, and countless mixed characters are staring wide-eyed, holding their breath, listening to this shocking chess game! Stunning layout!

“And there is one of the most important key points in the plan.”

“It is the magic words of Yehenara Xiongba’s letter to Ye Siren.”

“The meaning of the magic word is to return—”

“That is, the spell of return.”

“When the Father casts the spell, all the powers in the Son, all the powers in the Son, all the powers will return to the Father.”


“On the day of the Extreme Yin, Yehenara Xiongba will meet Ye Siren’s body, and after the ghost dragon absorbs the energy of the Chaos Demon Vault of the Extreme Yin Day to become the Ultimate Iron Man, he will cast the Spell of Return, suck all the energy into Ye Siren’s body, and then return to his body to cast the Spell of Return…”

The eyes of the in the audience opened wider again! Xia Mansion.

Rao is Moxibustion Dance, Xiu, Brother Xiong, Ye Siren, Grandpa Xialiu, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, and the Lanling King, all of whom were shocked by the information received!

After Su Yu’s last words fell!

All the things! All the weirdness!

All of them have been able to unravel!

“That is……”

“When using the Underworld Magnet in the summer, the Ghost Dragon will definitely absorb these energies directly, and once the absorption is completed, the Ghost Dragon will become the Ultimate Iron Man of Demonization, and the old leader of Yehenara will control Ye Siren to cast the Spell of Return and absorb all the energy!”

“And then…”

“He’s casting the spell of return.”

The male brother muttered to himself.

“He, how could he do this!”

“The dead man is his son, and the summer is his grandson!”

The male brother collapsed directly after listening to it!

This Yehenara old boss……… How can this be?

“As it were…

“So, everything is explained clearly.”

Moxibustion nodded, finally understanding the intention of this old leader of Yehenara!

“It is indeed a layout that has lasted for countless years.”

“This Yehenara family……”

“It’s ambitious.”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

This Yehenara family………

Sure enough, it was ambitious! In the end, the son, the grandson, are just a pawn!

“This old leader of Yehenara has completely demonic into the body, and he does not recognize his relatives at all.”

Xiu said quietly.

“My dad he……”

Ye Siren was even more sad and unbelievable.


The old boss of Yehenara listened to Su Yu’s story, and a shock appeared in his eyes.

But soon.

It’s a deep sense of pride.

“That’s right…”

“That’s my plan for countless years.”

“I didn’t think of it…”

“He actually predicted the future.”

“Know everything.”

The old boss of Yehenara looked at Su Yu, but there was not much change in mood, perhaps from the beginning, he knew that this matter was unstoppable, and at this moment, he seemed to have a different idea.


“It’s also inhumane!”

“No wonder Mr. Su said……”

“The ordinary life that Ye Siren wants to live is only part of the dark plan!” No wonder Ye Siren… It’s all just ten pieces! ”

The bastards below all felt a chill! It’s horrible!


It’s all a dark plan!

Whether it is the Xia Lan Jingde Family or Ye Siren, it is just a chess piece! Can only say!

The layout of this Yehenara old boss……… It’s horrible!

“Mr. Su……”

“Did this old Yehenara boss succeed in the end?”

All the mixed characters looked at Su Yu, and their eyes were full of worry! Stage.

Su Yu shook his head.


“And the variables…”

“From the Gurayir family.”

“King Gurayir Zeus and King Gurayir Lanling.”


All the bastards are stunned! Variable!

Is it the Gurayir family?

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