Chapter 191 Fifth Story Trailer – A flame will penetrate the universe!!


Yehenara’s old boss was also slightly stunned! variable

From the Gurayir family?

“How can that be?”

He thought of countless possibilities, but according to the above situation, his chances of success were very large! After the protective magnetic field was broken, the power index was suppressed, and he did not know his plan, and the ghost dragon in the summer body was about to become the ultimate Iron Man! But once he used the Spell of Return, the energy of the summer would be transferred to Ye Siren’s body! Although the leader of the Eastern City Guard Regiment was powerful, the power index of more than 30,000 points, plus in the case of being suppressed, could not be of great use!

And Lanling King! At the end of the unvariable it has been abolished! Logically! His plan!

This plan of countless years should be able to succeed!

“Mr. Su……”

“Didn’t King Lanling be deposed?”

“Isn’t the first king of Gulaire already dead?” How can there be variables? ”

The following mixed word generation is also very puzzled.


The Lanling King has already been abolished, how can there be any variables? Stage.

Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Everything in the world has a fate and destiny.” ”

“Karma, in this way of reincarnating the Heavenly Path.”

“Yehenara’s old master’s dark plan lasted for countless years, laid out a chessboard for countless years, and everything went according to his expectations, whether it was Ye Siren, the Xia family, or the Underworld Magnet.”

“But he didn’t expect that the only one who could enter the underworld magnet was the Lanling King.”

“The Seven Star Spell in Lan Ling King’s body was just able to resist the energy of the Extinction, but what no one expected was that the powerful energy of the Lan Ling King broke through part of the spell lock on the Lan Ling King’s body, and the spell lock was unlocked, allowing the ancestor of Gulai Yi I, who was originally suppressed and locked by the Seven Star Spell, to unlock the Seven Star Charm.”

“King Gurayel Zeus, who unlocked the Curse of the Seven Stars, appeared on the day of the Polar Cloud, a day when countless ghosts and monsters were rampant.”

“When the old leader of Yehenara cast the Spell of Return, King Gurayel Zeus asked King Lanling to cast the Spell of Renunciation, in order to use powerful energy to break through part of the Seven-Star Spell and restore the body’s power index.”

“So—” Su Yu took a sip of tea.

“When the old leader of Yehenara absorbed the demonic energy in the ghost dragon’s body.

“The Lanling King then cast the Spell of Renunciation, breaking the Curse of Return of the Old Leader of Yehenara.”

“The dark energy belonging to Yehenara’s old boss was all absorbed by the Lanling King, and even the dark energy and powerful energy index of the Yehenara old master’s body were all absorbed by the Lanling King’s Departure Spell——

“This dark plan, which lasted for countless years, ended with the dissipation of the energy of Yehenara’s old boss.”

With the narration of Su Yu!

The picture behind me appeared at the end of the day!

The old leader of Yehenara found that the energy in his body was also absorbed by the Separation Spell, and it was too late to go back, because he used the Returning Spell to continuously absorb the dark energy and blend with the Dark Energy, and the Separation Spell directly poured all the energy belonging to Yehenara into the body of the Lanling King!

The old boss of Yehenara is dead!

“The cycle of cause and effect.”

“When countless years ago, the ancestors of Yehenara cast the Seven Star Spell on the ancestors of the first ancestor of Gurayl…”

“Everything is already predestined.”

“This is karma belonging to the Yehenara family.”

Su Yu spoke slowly.

All this! All five hundred years ago! The foregone conclusion is sown! Below! A silence!

Whether it’s the rehash generation below!

Or moxibustion dance and others in the Xia Mansion! And the old boss of Yehenara in the distance! Everyone feels………

There seems to be a chill behind it! It’s chilling!

In this game five hundred years later, the Yehenara family laid out countless years, from the last extremely yin day, the dark plan that began to be laid out five hundred years ago, the grand dark plan, the plan to let the Yehenara family rule the entire universe! It was a foregone conclusion five hundred years ago!

Other words! When it comes to layout! The game is set! And everything

It’s all because of the Seven Star Spell from five hundred years ago! A terrifying sense of fatalism.

It’s chilling!

“The battle between good and evil…”

“With the death of the old boss of Yehenara, it is finally over.”

“The energy of the underworld magnet maintains the protective magnetic field.”

“The Demon Realm attack was repelled.”

“The old boss of Yehenara was killed.”



Su Yu said the good and evil ending of the ultimate family!

Although the following mixed word generations have not yet recovered from the sense of fate! But soon

Hearing that the good has won, the following have gradually returned to God.

“Good actually won…”

“Iron Time and Space actually won!”

The following went from surprise to joy, as if they had won!

“It’s amazing…… Obviously one second is still a desperate situation, and the next second is to win.

“Yes, the protective magnetic field was broken, the demon world attacked, and Yehenara’s plan to lay out for countless years was finally successful, but he did not expect that it would be destroyed by the ancestors of the Gurayir family, causing everything to disappear.”

“All this is too mysterious, it is clear that the iron time and space must lose the game, and the result is to defeat and win with such a result!”

think it’s incredible! Obviously, it is a game that iron time and space must lose!

But with such a result, he was defeated!

Exactly how to win, it seems that they have not figured it out! But the only thing that is known is that everything is a causal cycle of the Yehenara family!

Xia Mansion.

Moxibustion dance and others were also relieved.

“So mysterious…”

“It seems to have something to do with us, but it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with us.”

Summer muttered to herself and thought it was incredible.

“Gas number.”

Moxibustion dance opening.

“Countless ingenious points are connected together, and this great battle of good and evil is defeated and won.”

“And these ingenious points, like someone arranging in the dark, have a sense of fatalism.”

Although happy, but moxibustion dance to see more! There is no longer a chance of victory over this goodness!

But I won!

Won in an incredible way! Not to win with the strength of goodness! Sou

Fate let them win!

“Five hundred years ago, the Yehenara family planted the Seven Star Spell for the Gurayir family.

“Five hundred years later, part of the Underworld Magnet of Yehenara’s old master’s plan happened to be the Curse Lock that King Lanling had entered the Seven Stars Spell and taken it out, and the energy of the destruction had dispersed the Seven Star Curse.”

“In this way, the King of Gurayir Zeus appeared on the Day of the Extreme Yin, and the King of Lanling used the Separation Spell to break the spell lock of the Seven Stars Curse.”

Moxibustion dance slowly opens.

“If you say…”

“Five hundred years ago, the Yehenara family did not plant the Seven Star Spell on the Gurayir family…”

“Five hundred years from now, the Yehenara family—”

“Will it succeed?”

Moxibustion dance is thinking.


This is a question that has no answer.

At all costs! Good wins!

Win in the way of destiny!


“The story isn’t over yet.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan.

His words.

Instantly let the mixed word generation come back to God!


“It’s only the fourth story, and the battle between good and evil is over!”

“That fifth story…”

“What is it?”

There are confused people who are puzzled.


Su Yu smiled slightly, “Although the energy of the Departure Spell has cut off the Yehenara Family’s Spell of Return.” ”

“However, the energy of the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault could not be absorbed from the spell, and the Underworld Magnet became a medium to transfer these energies into the iron space-time, and these energies lingered between the heavens and the earth and could not disperse for a long time.”

“After the day of the Polar Cloud—”

The powerful dark energy of these Chaos Heaven Demon Vaults rushed towards the Su Yu of the Xia Lan Jing De Family.

Let the underlings be stunned! Unexpectedly………

And variables?!

“It’s extinction!”

Grandpa Xia Liu seemed to think of something!

Those energies were the dark energies from the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault, and after disappearing on the Polar Yin Day, it was natural to return to the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault!

And the only way to return to the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault is to return from the entrance of the Extinction!


The energy of those Chaos Heaven Demon Vaults would come towards the Xia Family!

“Powerful energy poured into the Xia family, rushing to the entrance of the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault.”

“And the brother of the Xia family, Xia Yu…”

“Instantly hit by this energy.”

Su Yu’s narration.

Let the below hold their breath! No one thought of it!

The battle between good and evil is over! There is even a follow-up!

Even a very dangerous follow-up!

Especially after hearing that both Brother Xiong and Xia Yu had been hit by that energy, whether it was the Mixed Word Generation below, or Xia Liu Gong and others in the Xia Mansion, they all felt that their heartbeats seemed to have a pause! Hold your breath and listen to Su Yu’s narration on the stage!

“After the energy dissipates……”

“Brother Xiong and Xia Yu are missing.”

“This is—” On stage. Su Yu shook the folding fan: “The beginning of the fifth story.” ”

“Brother Xiong and Xia Yu disappeared, and the ghost phoenix in Xia Yu’s body was completely revived under the condition that powerful energy was poured into the body.”

“But Brother Male…”

“But it has entered the gap between time and space.”

“Brother Xiong disappeared into nature in an unnatural way, the dark wind disintegrated, she was judged to have never existed, the history of time and space began to repair itself, and everything related to her, with the slightest connection, will be repaired.”


Su Yu’s eyes lifted slightly, and his voice was slightly heavy: “Time and space are in chaos, and they return to chaos.” ”

“A wisp of flame……”

“It will penetrate the universe.”

“Everything will go to zero.”

“This is…”

“The trailer for the fifth story.”

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