Chapter 192 The Meeting Between the Old Leader of Yehenara and Su Yu——!!

“The Story of the Ultimate Family of Iron Time and Space……”

“It’s coming to an end.”

“The last doppelganger of the Golden Time and Space.”

“It will also appear.”


“Stay tuned.”

On the stage, Su Yu shook the folding fan, and the picture behind him gradually appeared in that picture.

The Charlen family suffered a major energy impact! To the end!

Brother Xiong and Xia Yu disappeared! And the dark wind…… It’s shattered to pieces! The black wind shattered into pieces! The male brother is gone! Time and space chaos! Return to chaos! A wisp of flame……… Will penetrate the universe! Bring everything to zero!

Although I don’t know what is going on, the meaning of these words has made countless people of mixed words and countless people open their eyes and feel a little uneasy! In particular, the saying that everything is zero, it makes people feel that there will be an unprecedented crisis!

“Today’s storytelling…”

“That’s it.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan.

The below have obviously not returned to God.

In the Xia Mansion, the moxibustion dance and others were even more shocked, obviously seeing the scene of the picture!

The dark wind is in pieces!

You can see the horror of that energy! Of course!

The most important thing is that sentence!

The male brother was hit by the energy and entered the gap between time and space! Her existence is judged to be wrong by time and space, and the historical restoration of the existence of time and space will be repaired by everything about the male brother!

Other words!

As long as it is involved with the male brother! All will probably be fixed! Xia Mansion.

“If so…

“It’s in trouble.”

Moxibustion Dance looked at the male brother.

The male brother blinked, “? ”


“I’m not gone yet.”

“But —

“If I go into the cracks in space-time, will things be serious?”

She was also a little puzzled.

Moxibustion Dance slowly said, “If you disappear, you will be judged by time and space as a wrong existence, and everything about you will disappear, including Summer, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei, as long as you are involved, you may disappear.” ”

“The world is inherently inextricably linked, and the disappearance of Summer, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei will also be judged as wrong, everything about them will disappear, and all the characters who disappear will be judged as wrong, and there will be all that…… It will disappear again, and in the end, the whole time and space of people may disappear. ”

“It’s like a thread, we’re implicating countless threads, and now that your thread is judged to be wrong, all the threads involved will disappear.”

“This is…”

“A crisis more terrifying than the war between good and evil.”


His eyes narrowed slightly, “That wisp of flame…”

That wisp of fire.

What is it? Golden space-time.

The bastards who have returned to God have begun to ask questions, many of which are the final ending of iron time and space, but everyone knows that this final ending will definitely not be mentioned until the fifth story!

have too many questions! For example, the scourge of time and space, back to chaos!

That flame came through the universe! This flame… What is it? What is the last doppelganger?

And most importantly! The battle between good and evil is over! The fifth story………

What’s going on?

The are all full of curiosity and want to know everything about the fifth story!


Ten minutes after answering the question.

“Foresee what will happen next—”

“Listen to the next breakdown.”


Su Yu left the storytelling cabinet, leaving only a look of anticipation on his face.

“I feel like a lot of stories…”

“First is the future of Iron Time and Space, summer, Xia Yu’s sacrifice, the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, the disappearance of Lan Ling King, the Iron Time and Space entering the Muggle Era, the Stranger Walkers are like street rats, and the emergence of the H Alliance.”

“And the fourth story actually tells the story of the great war between good and evil, the ghost puppet army, the zack, the day of the Extreme Yin, the dark plan that lasted for countless years, fate…”

“There is also a preview of the fifth story, because of the male brother, the chaos of time and space, the gap between time and space, a wisp of flame, everything is zero, and who is the last twin of the golden time and space…”

“Oh my God…”

“The story content mentioned by Mr. Su has become more and more complex and richer!”

The mixed generations have summed up the book they are talking about today! The more you summarize, the more you find!

What’s involved! Information involved! It’s all terrifying!

Even some even involve the universe! It can be said that……

This fourth story directly raises the sense of anticipation of all subsequent stories!

“And the list……”

“The Seminary will play the protagonist in other time and space!”

“And there’s the story of Silver Spacetime!”

A mixed-up generation added.

“It feels more and more exciting…

“I really hope to be able to enter the story and help them solve the crisis, or just travel through the iron time and space and help the iron time and space.”

“I can’t watch it anymore!”

The word feel more and more exciting, and even many want to cross into the story and help the people in the story solve the crisis!

Countless are discussing.

Whether it is the iron space-time future, or the fifth story, or the story of Xiu as the protagonist, they are constantly mentioned, discussed, want to explore the reason, and even make some reasonable guesses, but their own information and level are insufficient, and their speculations are random and untenable.

The ultimate class.

Wang Dadong eased up slightly, and said, “I thought that the story of Golden Time and Space was over, and we could understand a lot…”

“I didn’t think about it…”

“In the end, I found that I still didn’t understand anything.”

Wang Dadong smiled bitterly.

The fifth story.

Iron space-time future and so on………

The information and content involved in it are full of curiosity, and even make people want to speculate and infer it, but the information and level they know are insufficient, there is no way to speculate about a part, the whole puzzle, and finally can only let Mr. Su on the stage to piece it together.

“It feels that the crises encountered by iron space-time involve the entire universe, no wonder it is the main space-time.”

Ding Xiaoyu said, “I’m curious… Who will be the last doppelgänger of our golden space-time? What is that flame? ”


The old head of Yehenara looked at the high platform of the storyteller.

Su Yu’s figure.

Already in the storyteller’s cabinet.

“A wisp of flame……”

“The war between good and evil is over.”


The old head of Yehenara saw his future.

“Five hundred years ago…”

“Is it already a foregone conclusion?”

He was a little incredulous.

But whether it was the curse of departure or his plan, the future was said with unmistakable accuracy! Most importantly, it is highly likely to happen, and it is unstoppable! This is not the good side, the white side overcomes him, but fate wins him!

He stood where he was, his eyes looking straight ahead, as if he were thinking about something.

The future of iron space-time………

His death………

The decline of the Yehenara family……… The decline of the Charan Cynd family……… His grandson was killed in battle………

Iron Time and Space Future Walkers are not as good as dogs………

Everything intertwined into his mind, forming a storm, and this storm, which seemed to be constantly crashing into his cold and merciless heart, hitting his demonic nature, making him feel the emotions that had not fluctuated for many years.

Maybe it’s sadness, maybe it’s sadness, maybe it’s family affection… With Su Yu’s departure.

The bastards in front of the storyteller also left the storytelling cabinet after half a day of discussion.


Soon it was late at night.

In front of the Storyteller.

The black attic stands under the moonlight, there is a deep mysterious and unpredictable sense, the countless circles are very illusory, empty, only this attic stands under the moonlight, in the center of the radius of thousands of meters.

Under the moonlight.

In the distance, the old boss of Yehenara came slowly.

A white robe reflected in the moonlight, emitting a faint white glow.


He came to His Excellency the Storyteller.



A calm word came from the storyteller.

The words are calm!

But it landed next to the ear of Yehenara’s old boss, and in front of his eyes, it was as if a giant sword that ran through the heavens and the earth appeared, and the sword was fierce! It seems that in the next second it will be sheathed and crush the heavens and the earth!

“Yehenara’s old boss—”

“Ask to see Mr. Sue.”

He looked ahead, a little nervous under his calm eyes.

The moonlight reflects the black attic in front of you.

He couldn’t feel a hint of breath.




As if it did not exist in this world. After his voice fell.

It is a long silence.

It was as if a century had passed.



I don’t know how long it took.

The door of the storytelling cabinet in front of me slowly opened.


The voice sounded again. In the storyteller’s cabinet.


The old head of Yehenara sat on the left side.

Su Yu sat in the main seat.

“Mr. Sue.”

The old boss of Yehenara looked at Su Yu, who was not very old, and even very young, and for a while his expression was a little confused.

Su Yu in front of him, with a beautiful face, wearing a black Tang costume, holding a folding fan of ink painting, is elegant and easy-going, and there is only the breath of Confucianism around him, just like a student who reads thousands of books, that pair of eyes are clear, and it seems to contain the sea of stars.

Is…… Eccentric.

But he didn’t dare to take it lightly! Be aware!

Just walked in!

Then he saw two figures in white robes and black robes standing outside the storytelling cabinet! The sword intent on those two people seemed to be able to penetrate the heavens and the earth and smash the galaxy! Even if it does not move, it gives people a sense of oppression!

Ability Index! Definitely already 3W+ Mr. Su in front of you……… And how strong and mysterious should it be?

“Yehenara old boss…”

Su Yu smiled slightly.

He took a sip of his tea and calmly looked at Yehenara Old Rich Men: “You want to see me…”

Those eyes.

It was as if he had seen through Yehenara’s old boss at once, and seemed to know why he had come.

The old leader of Yehenara quickly nodded, “Yes.” ”

“Mr. Su, I’m here this time…”

“I wanted to ask a question.”

“Of course, I can pay the price to get an answer to that question.”

He took a deep breath and spoke slowly, “I want to ask…”

“The future…”

“Can it be changed?”

“The future of the Yehenara family.”

“My future.”

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