Chapter 193 is unshakable! That flame is the messenger of the flame?!!

The future of the Yehenara family!

The future of Yehenara’s old boss! Decline!


Yehenara’s old boss looked at Su Yu in front of him with some nervousness.

“Mr. Su, what you mean by the future…”

“I laid out countless years of planning, but in the end it failed.”


“Can we change the final game?”

Follow the trend of the future!

He thought about countless possibilities! To the end

He found that the future that Su Yu was talking about in front of him! It is very likely to happen! Coupled with the stories mentioned earlier, those futures, those plans, what Su Yu told in front of him, it is clear that this is the real future!

On the Lord’s seat.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “Yehenara old leader…”

“Did you know—”


he asked.

Yehenara’s old boss was slightly stunned: “Fate? ”

Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Everything in the world is balanced by good and evil. ”

“Whether it’s the rules of space-time or the order of space-time.”

“Evil cannot be greater than good.”

“Good cannot be greater than evil.”

“The great war of good and evil in twelve times and space has long been predestined in the underworld.”

“And your destiny, the fate of the Yehenara family, has long been predestined.”

Su Yu’s words were profound.

Yehenara’s old boss was frowning and thinking.

“The big trend determines the small trend.”

“The number of lives determines the fate.”

“You can choose your destiny, but you can’t choose your destiny, and you can’t decide the general trend.”

Su Yu’s eyes gradually became deeper.

“Everything in this world is like this, the general trend is difficult to shake, and good and evil will eventually maintain a balance under the order and rules set by time and space.”

“This is destiny.”

The old head of Yehenara was somewhat silent.

But he seemed to catch something.

Half ring.

He asked again:

“Mr. Sue…

“According to what you say…”

“Everything in the world has long been predestined, and fate has long been arranged.”


The old leader of Yehenara hesitated for a moment and asked, “The general trend.” ”

“Can’t you really shake it?”

He didn’t think about his future.

It was a sense of fate that came from fate, which made him feel very heavy.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “The general trend is not unshakable. ”

“When countless small trends are changed, and countless fates are moved, we can trace them back to the most fundamental truth.”

“Countless small trends, countless fates gathered together, can shake the general trend.”


“You can also change your life against the sky.”

Su Yu’s words.

In an instant, the rules between heaven and earth seemed to fluctuate! Yehenara’s old boss looked slightly shocked.

“That’s right…”


“That’s the way it is.”

He seemed to understand something! What is the general trend?

The general trend is the ultimate direction of time and space, the twelve time and space, the ultimate direction of the universe, or ruled by evil, or good wins evil, but the general trend balances good and evil, so under the premise of this general trend, everything cannot be shaken

Just as good can never triumph over evil, evil cannot completely annihilate good, even in that darkest moment, even if only the last flame of good remains, it can still rise in that darkness, and in the general situation, that flame can gradually burn the plains, even if it is annihilated in the end and returned to a flame, but the balance of good and evil in this world, the rules and order are the same! No one can escape the rules of space-time that have been made! unless

The rules of space-time can be changed, and the rules of space-time are called the general trend.

Only to change countless small trends! Change countless fates! to shake the trend! to change the number of lives!


“The evil of iron time and space is doomed to be invincible.”

“My plan…”

“Doomed to failure.”

Yehenara slowly opened his mouth and understood a lot.

“Mr. Su……”

“Thank you.”

He stood up and said goodbye to Su Yu.

Iron space-time.


Grandpa Xia Liu was rummaging through the shock codes.

“A wisp of flame……”

“A wisp of flame.”

He was muttering to himself.

“Time and space are chaotic, and chaos is returned.”

“Everything goes to zero.”

He was constantly rummaging through the shock codes.


“I found it!”

He looked very pleased.

But the next second.

His expression instantly turned pale.


“Flame Messenger!”

He looked at the four big characters above, and his face turned pale! Following.

95 virtual guest houses.

Moxibustion dance, cultivation, summer, and Xia Liu Gong all appeared here.

“Grandpa, you mean…”

“That flame…”

“Is it the Flame Messenger?”

Moxibustion Dance looked at Grandpa Xia Liu, and his expression was very solemn.

Xia Liu nodded.

“That’s right! I watched it all last night, the only fit! ”

“This is it!”

“It’s the Flame Messenger!”

“As long as there is chaos in space-time, the flame messenger will appear to destroy chaos and bring everything in space-time to zero!” That is, let the whole iron space-time, let the whole iron space-time…”


Grandpa Xia Liu was very anxious, and even all his hair was white overnight!

“The arrival of the last flame messenger led to the extinction of Mayan culture, the age of the dinosaurs.”

Xia Liu’s words made Xia, Xiu and others look stunned! Mayan culture!

Age of Dinosaurs Extinction!

It’s all related to the Flame Messenger!

Moxibustion danced with his hands crossed: “So…”

“Mr. Su’s lectures…”

“It’s a warning to us.”

Summer asked, “So what should we do?” ”


Moxibustion dance opening.

“The day of the Polar Shade……”

“There must be some time left, right?”

The day of the polar yin………

Supposedly there should be another month.


Xia Liu shook his head, “Pray to the Lord, I was looking at the stars last night and found…”

“The time of the nine stars is much earlier.”

“It is very likely to be related to the recent changes in the rules of time and space and order.”

“The day of the Polar Shade……”

“Most likely, it will be early.”

His words.

In an instant, the moxibustion dance and others looked slightly frozen.

Xiu said, “That is to say, the great battle between good and evil…”

“It’s like golden space-time—”

“Is it possible to be early?”

Xiu had observed the golden space-time.

Follow the original story

The battle of good and evil in Golden Time and Space is at least a month away! But because of the change!

Good and evil battle ahead!

“According to the original story line……”

“The black dragon should be taming the sword demon in the stone, taking a shot at the sword mad knife ghost, capturing the earth dragon, and letting the battle of good and evil enter the final battle.”

“But the storyline is ahead of time—”

“After the sword mad knife ghost discovered the black dragon conspiracy, he pursued the black dragon before the black dragon did not cycle the sword demon in the stone, but after many times of pursuit, the black dragon used the untamed stone sword to escape many times, and in the end, the black dragon was invaded by the stone sword demon, and it is reasonable to say that……… He should be a demon. ”

“But in the end—”

“He in turn controlled the sword demon in the stone and let the ending of the golden time and space go in the right direction.”

Xiu said.

Although the front has changed! But the final result!

Still going to the end of Mr. Su’s story! The Black Dragon Becomes a Demon and Fails!

Wang Dadong and others lost all their combat strength index!

Although there have been changes! Among them are added Rex and others! But the ending of Golden Time and Space is still the original ending!


“We’re going to be ready.”

“Both Zack and Fire Ant Woman will appear early.”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

“Now that we know what can happen on a very cloudy day.”


“Let’s change it.”

Moxibustion said slowly.

Xia Liu’s head was confused at this moment, and he asked, “Does the Alliance Lord have any ideas?” ”

Moxibustion smiled, “Since we know that the energy of the Heavenly Demon Vault will enter the entrance of the Chaos Demon Vault, and Brother Xiong will be struck and disappear into the gap between time and space, then we will let Brother Xiong, Xia Yu and others go to the Old Ass Pub in advance, or go to other places to hide from these ten disasters.” ”

His idea is simple!

Since that dark energy is going to rush back to extinction! so

Let the people in the Xia family evacuate in advance! Such!

That dark energy would not lead to the occurrence of male brothers, let alone let the chaos of time and space appear, and the flame messenger would naturally not appear!


“My hair is still white!”

Grandpa Xia Liu also seemed to think of it, very excited.

“Just the allies…”

“Is it really possible?”

Hugh asked.

“Why do you ask that?”

Summer puzzled.

I thought about it.

“I have experienced the great battle of good and evil in the golden time and space……”

“After the knife mad knife ghost knew the ending, they had all made a change and hunted down the black dragon in order to end the war between good and evil.”


“The end doesn’t change.”

Xiu said, shaking his head: “Or maybe I think too much uncle.” ”

Just when everyone is discussing.


Hugh received the message.

He took out his phone and looked at it, obviously surprised.

“Repair, what’s wrong?”

Moxibustion asked.

Xiu opened his mouth with some surprise: “Yehenara old boss…”

“I want to see the Lord.”

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