Chapter 194 Demon Dao White Road Cooperation – Outer Heaven Demon King, I am here to negotiate!!

“Yehenara old boss?”

Everyone present was stunned.


“How dare this old thief come?”

“I’m going to destroy him!”

As soon as Grandpa Xia Liu heard that the old leader of Yehenara was coming, he directly took out the Quemova to destroy the old leader of Yehenara.


“If he hadn’t done so many things, where would there have been so many crises?”

“It’s all this guy who made a nether magnet, back to the curse, let the male brother disappear!”

“I’m going to fight him to the death now!”

Grandpa Xia Liu had a fiery temper and wanted to fight to the death with the old leader of Yehenara.



Summer hurriedly pulled Grandpa Xia Liu.

“He hasn’t done anything bad yet.”

Xia Liu Gong was slightly stunned: “Is it? ”

Moxibustion dance, Xiu and the others nodded.


“How could this old leader of Yehenara suddenly come to the door?”

“Did he plan ahead of time?”

Xiu was a little puzzled.

According to the future, Yehenara old boss at least want them to get the nether magnet before they come to the door, after hearing about the future of the storytelling, they have not yet made a plan, this Yehenara old boss came to the door so quickly?

“Isn’t it……”

“Did he listen to the storytelling?”

Summer asked hesitantly.

“Anyway, this old devil, the old thief will definitely not have a good thing at the door, this guy will do all the bad things in the future, even his own son and grandson will have to be calculated!” It’s not a human being, oh I am angry at this, let me go over and fight with him! ”

Grandpa Xia Liu felt that there must be no good thing for this old leader of Yehenara to come to the door.

Doubtful though

However, Moxibustion Dance and others still plan to meet with them.

Tekko Alliance.

Come out of 95 virtual guest houses.

Moxibustion Dance soon received Yehenara’s old boss.

“Yehenara’s old boss, long gone.”

Moxibustion Dance smiled slightly.


The old boss of Yehenara smiled.


“I’m looking for you about the war between good and evil.”

Moxibustion Dance looked at the old boss of Yehenara with some surprise: “The battle between good and evil? ”

The old leader of Yehenara nodded and sat down with self-care.

“That’s right…”

“It is the great battle of good and evil, that is, the day of the extreme yin.”

“The time of the Polar Yin Day has been pushed forward, and the Nine Stars and Pearls are about to come, proving that the great war between good and evil has reached its end.”

“Once the day of the Extreme Yin is reached, the Demon Realm will take advantage of the breaking of the protective magnetic field to attack the Iron Time and Space.”


“I want to work with you.”

Yehenara looked at the moxibustion dance.


The moxibustion dance looks a little strange.

Yehenara’s old boss……… Looking for him to work with? Time.

He thought about the Underworld Magnet.

Could it be that because of the advance of the day of the Polar Cloud, the dark plan of the old leader of Yehenara was advanced?

“Don’t think about it…”

“I’ve personally gone to the Golden Space.”

The old boss seemed to know the idea of moxibustion dance and spoke directly.

Moxibustion Dance looked slightly stunned, but quickly returned to his senses: “You please say.” ”

The old boss groaned for a moment and said, “The story of the story…”

“I’ve listened to it all.”


“I met with Mr. Su.”

Moxibustion Dance was originally listening, but it was also very surprising to hear that the old head of Yehenara in front of him met with Mr. Su!

“Did you meet Mr. Su?”

The old leader of Yehenara nodded, “You know the future ending.” ”

“The Future of Iron Time and Space—”

“A very cloudy day.”

“It’s all about the Demon Realm.”


Yehenara looked at the moxibustion dance very seriously: “I want to change the future of iron time and space, or rather, change the future of my Yehenara family.” ”

Virtual guest house.

“Allied Lord, what do you say?”

“Yehenara that old thief, the old devil wants to cooperate with us?”

“Magic Dao wants to cooperate with Bai Dao?”

Xia Liu Gong listened to what the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Master said in front of him and was directly stunned.

“Yehenara’s old boss also knows the future.”

“He went to Golden Space.”


His eyes narrowed slightly.

“I met Mr. Su.”

He said everything the old boss of Yehenara had said to him.

That includes

Trend! Small trend! Destiny! Fortune!

These are the most relevant to the core.

After listening to it, it seemed to think of something: “So…”

“The current small trend is not enough to shake the big trend.”

“The situation of the Golden Time and Space One.”

“Already predestined.”

“And the end of the iron time and space is already predestined, in any case, if the Yehenara family wants to plan successfully, it is impossible, it is against Providence, no matter what, he will fail, unless, he can go against the sky.”

Xiu thought of the story that happened in the Golden Space.

Under the general trend!

The end of the golden time and space is already predestined!

Moxibustion nodded, “And with his small potential, he can’t shake the big trend at all, if he follows the trend and continues to carry out his dark plan, the Yehenara family will be as Mr. Su mentioned, the qi will be exhausted, and he will eventually end up with a wide body.” ”


“He couldn’t change the general trend, so he let the Yehenara family not follow the general trend and change the small trend of the Yehenara family, so as to maintain the qi of the Yehenara family and change the fate of the Yehenara family.”

Moxibustion said slowly.

According to the old leader of Yehenara, if the Yehenara family does not want to end up with the fate of the future, it can only make changes under the general trend.

The Great War of Good and Evil – the Demon World is the Big Head of Evil!


The Yehenara family……… I want to work with Bai Dao.

“So Lord Ally, what you mean is that this father’s father wants to fight the demon world with us.”

“To change the situation in the future of iron space-time?”

Summer also understood the meaning of the Allied Lord.

The situation of the iron space-time future.

It’s always been a concern! But that’s what the times are about!

Because once the Demon Realm really attacks the four time and space of gold, iron, copper and silver, Moxibustion Dance can only lead the high-level Xenomorphs to fight, and at that time, the situation of iron time and space will be like the “Final X Dormitory” mentioned by Mr. Su, towards the end of decline!


“What do you think?”

Moxibustion Dance looked at the Xia Liu Gong in front of him, Xiu, Xia, and asked.

For the proposal of the old boss of Yehenara.

The Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance summoned the leaders of the White Dao’s Extraordinary Powers to consult.


Brother Xiong, King Lanling and others also attended this meeting.

The core point of the meeting is not only the proposal of the old boss of Yehenara, but also the future of storytelling, the early arrival of the day of the Polar Cloud, the attack of the demon world, and everything else.

Compared with Xiu and others, many White Dao Strangers do not believe that the story of the book can predict the future, and the old leader of Yehenara is even more sinister and cunning, and many of the leaders of the Strange Walker Family do not believe the words of the old leader of Yehenara, thinking that this is just the conspiracy of the old leader of Yehenara!

In meetings.


In fact, all that is being discussed now is the story of the storytelling, and many of the leaders of the White Road think that this is just a scam.

But at this time “I believe.” ”


A high-ranking Stranger Family leader spoke.

“You don’t believe it either…”

“I had a dream before.”

“In a dream—”

“I was like being on a high stage, listening to the storytelling, and the story was about the Charan Zeide family, the dream was very easy to collapse at first, but recently it has become more and more stable, and the stories told in it, I have seen it myself, many of them are real and predicted.” 」

“And the alliance lord, the Charan Zede family, are all experienced people, and they will not deceive a high-ranking Extraordinary Family leader to open his mouth.”


There were other high-ranking Extraordinary Family leaders who also opened their mouths one after another, they had all dreamed of that scene, and now the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, Xia Liu Gong of the Xia Lan Jing De Family, Xiong Ge and others personally confirmed it, which also made the credibility of this storytelling prediction of the future enhanced and most importantly!

Almost all of these dreamers are high-level Extraordinary Family Leaders! The status in the Otherworldly Realm is very high!


The main force of the Moxibustion Dance League was dismissed and a decision was made.

With the Yehenara family………

Cooperate! After intending to cooperate.

Moxibustion Dance meets again with the old head of the Yehenara family.

Two people………

Something seems to be being discussed. Storytelling the next day.

The inner palace of the Yehenara family.

The old leader of Yehenara issued a notice to make full alert, monitor the White Path Strangers, and prepare to attack the White Road in preparation for the day of the Extreme Yin.

The whole Demonic Alien Realm is boiling!

Countless demonic Magicians have felt……… Something big is going to happen! The Yehenara family

It will be possible to rule the entire Otherworld! After all, the day of the Polar Cloud!

It’s the time for the demons to dance! By that day, whether it’s a monster, or

Demonize the Strange Ability Walker, the Extraordinary Energy Index is far beyond the norm, and when the time comes, it will be the best time to attack the White Dao Extraordinary Energy Realm!

Meanwhile. Demon World.

The Outer Heavens Demon King’s Territory.

“I didn’t think about it…”

“The day of the polar yin is early.”

“Nine stars ahead of time.”

“It seems…”

“Heaven help Ben Jun!”

The heavy demonic sound of the Celestial Demon King reverberated over its own territory!

“The Day of the Extreme Yin attacked the Iron Time and Space and completely reduced the Iron Time and Space to the territory of the Emperor!” At that time, Ben Jun will be the biggest Demon King in the entire Demon Realm! ”

It has endless fantasies.


It seems to have some concerns.

“This Yehenara family dog stuff, it’s a big trouble.”

“If you don’t submit to Ben Jun, when the time comes to invade Iron Time and Space, this guy and the Bai Dao guys are in big trouble.”

“Last time, I also pit Ben Jun once……”

Remembering the last time.

It’s very irritated! Dog!

What a dog!

“Dog stuff…”

“Pit Lao Tzu twice, Ben Jun believes in you again, Ben Jun is an idiot!”

The Celestial Demon King was very angry, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became!

But just then! Airplanes!

In the endless darkness of the demon world.

A white shadow emerged.

A figure that was too familiar to be familiar to the Celestial Demon King appeared.

“The Outer Demon King…”

“I’m here to negotiate.”

“Oh no…”

“It’s here to talk about cooperation.”

Look at the Celestial Demon King.

Yehenara’s old boss showed a kind smile…

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