Chapter 197 Yehenara Old Master is in the Demon Realm Again! The Demon World has a sound?!!

“Listen to the song?”

Ren Chenwen was slightly stunned!

“Of course it’s a stereo!”


“How do you behave like an alien?”

Ren Chenwen patted the shoulder of the Heavenly Demon King!

“Brother, it’s not me talking about you.”

“If you don’t understand, think of me as a big brother!”

“I know everything, and I can still cover you!”

Ren Chenwen patted his chest and said.

Celestial Demon King: “? ”

Ren Chenwen only felt a chill enveloping him.

He shivered, “Strange, how do you feel cold?” ”

The Celestial Demon King ignored Ren Chenwen and muttered to himself, “Hmm sound?” ”

The footage in the TV continues.

“Unquenchable in the heart – the flames!”

“Night One.

“There’s only one thunder and lightning left!”

“There’s only one moment left!”

“Full of steam—it’s already smoking!”

In the picture

There are countless pictures of the Xia family, there are summer playing, singing, there are Xiu and Han’s magical duels, there are pictures of Xiong Ge using the Kirin gloves, these pictures appear in front of everyone under the surging rock music!

“I’m one.

“Get ready—

“Let the world be ashamed!”

“This is my time, and I will give you the future—”


It’s an introduction to a bunch of characters!

Brother Xiong was holding Wu Feng——— Xia Lan Zhi Dexiong! Ghost Dragons!

Summer! Lanling King!

Moxibustion Dance!

Charan Singh De Liu!

Ye Siren!

All the characters of iron time and space have appeared, appearing in the background board of the characters in the exciting, dynamic, rock and roll surging music, appearing in the eyes of countless ordinary people in the entire iron time and space, golden time and space!

“You say—

“Why love is the opposite of hate!”

“You say.

“Why is the truth getting farther and farther away?”

“You say one.

“Why should I save the world?”

I said.

“I can’t stop!”



a—chord! Dongcheng Wei!

All appear on the character background board!

In the mall.

“Oh my God!”

“Dongcheng Wei full cast reading!”

“They had all made records before, and they didn’t expect to act on TV!” I think this TV is also very interesting to read! ”

One of the girls spoke, very excited.

“This is the hottest serial story in the press, the ultimate one!”

“In school, the company is hot, and the ultimate class of books, the ultimate class of TV series, seems to be a series, what is the ultimate series!” 」

“The Xenomorphs inside are super powerful, and they also involve twelve time and space, the demon world, and so on, and the stories inside are very interesting.”

One of the boys said that he knew a lot about it.

“Yes, the story inside is bloody, very youthful, and very interesting!

Some people have also seen the final class and say that it is worth it.

With the sound of music and the introduction of the characters! The story officially begins!

Summer will be out soon!


The Celestial Demon King looked at the TV in front of him, which was playing the story of the first episode of “The Ultimate Family”, and as soon as he appeared, he stood up the summer persona, which made people feel embarrassed and stupid, but there was a kind of pure goodness that was always persistent.

“The Stranger of Iron Time and Space.”

“It seems that I can’t resist wanting to show it in front of the world.”

“I don’t know if this time will be like the tragedy of countless years ago” The Celestial Demon King was very interested and thought it was very interesting!

The real things that have happened, the real settings, the real Xenopaths appear in front of the public in the form of TV series, movies, and books, and I have to say that this method is really very good, at least, in the current stage of iron time and space, it is almost impossible to want ordinary people to accept the existence of Xenowalkers, but after the film and television drama, the characters have fans and have acceptance

Let the Stranger Walker show up again! Under this premise!

The appearance of the Xenowalker. It won’t look abrupt!

“Tianji Film and Television Co., Ltd.”

“It seems.”

“It’s the Master of the Cabinet that day again.” The Celestial Demon King’s eyes narrowed slightly.

A masterpiece in front of you! It was from the hands of the Heavenly Cabinet!

Just that day in the machine cabinet.

Who is sacred?

Especially the last time he had a brief encounter with the Heavenly Cabinet Lord, he sensed the energy from the Mixed Element! That mixed-element energy relative to the universe’s mixed-element energy, like

More pure! But he went through the records and found that there was no such mysterious force in the records! Unless it’s from a previous, more ancient era.

But anyway!

This day the Ji Pavilion is just like the old boss of Naye Chikinara. Was a huge hassle!


I can only cooperate with the dog thing of Yehenara’s old boss.


After watching the “Ultimate Family” in front of you, let’s think about it.

The story begins before your eyes.

Each character appears! Ye Siren, Brother Xiong, Xia Mei, Xia Liu Ah Gong, Ren Chenwen, Blind Secret, Ghost Baby, etc.

“See don’t see no!”

Ren Chenwen was very excited and patted the shoulder of the Heavenly Demon King, very excited.

“I’m a celebrity now!”

“It’s a star!”

“I’ll tell you, don’t tell anyone. Ren Chenwen said quietly to Mimi.

Celestial Demon King: “…”

Eldest brother.

Can you stop tapping me on the shoulder?


But the Heavenly Demon King!

One of the Four Great Demon Lords of the Demon Realm under the Demon Realm Deablo!

Super scary good?

Xia Mansion.

Brother Xiong, Ye Siren, Grandpa Xia Liu, and the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family watched the TV series.

Looking at the interpretation of themselves inside, everyone feels very wonderful, but partial, but also gives people a warm and funny feeling, although they have experienced, but now look at the picture inside, in fact, there are many pictures they have not experienced, in another way to see, it seems to be quite interesting.


After the storytelling reveals the future, that vincent’s performance loses a lot of the plot.

“This time the alliance lord pardoned that vincent came out to perform, and I didn’t expect him to play a really good read!”

“And the snobs in your body, why are they still there?”

Natsumi looked at Natsuyu.

After the phantom eye entered Xia Yu’s body, everyone originally thought that the phantom eye might have to use special effects! But what he didn’t expect was that Xia Yu didn’t just have a ghost phoenix in his body! There is also a phantom eye, but the energy of the phantom eye is all absorbed, it can be said that only a wisp of energy is left to maintain, losing the qualification to compete for the body, and can only become a background board, when the ghost phoenix comes out, it will occasionally appear.


Phantom Eye was also dragged to play the ultimate family.

Many of the plots in it are familiar and unfamiliar to the Xia family, such as the confrontation with Vincent, according to the plot in the picture, the male brother does not come to the end

The reaction is real, but in reality, after knowing the future, he directly exposed the true face of Vincent, and at the same time arrested Dongcheng Wei!

For example

There are many, many more!

Ye Siren’s identity was revealed in advance!

The ghost phoenix in Xia Yu’s body appeared in advance and so on!

Golden space-time.

“It feels really different to read.

“Although I listened to the book before and was really immersive, many of them were not completely expressed, and watching TV dramas, I could see a lot.

Wang Dadong sighed a little.

“You see that power index, it’s a handsome explosion.”

“There is also the time when the male brother breaks the protective magnetic field with the unicorn glove.

“I don’t know if we can go to the iron time and space travel, it feels very interesting

Wang Dadong is very yearning for iron time and space and wants to go over and play.

He had already consulted with Ding Xiaoyu and the others, and when the combat strength index was restored, he pestered Xiu and asked Xiu to take them on a time and space trip.

“Indeed,” Wang Arthur smiled, “it is interesting to watch our story being brought to the screen.”

“And there are some things that we haven’t experienced, but we have actually experienced them when we were acting.”

There are many stories they have not experienced, and the future told by Mr. Su has changed the story a lot.

“Don’t say it.

Rex was helpless.

“When I was acting, I felt that it was really too much at that time, so it was aimed at you.

When he remembered playing the blackening of himself, he could be said to be very ashamed.

Arthur patted Rex on the shoulder and smiled.

The first and second episodes of The Ultimate Family aired! Detonated the entire iron space-time in one time!

Let countless ordinary people be full of interest in the story of “The Ultimate Family”! At the same time, he is also full of interest in the Stranger, the Twelve Time and Space, and the Demon Realm!


The five books of “The Ultimate Class”, the Gold List, and the newspaper series “The Ultimate Family” have once again experienced an unprecedented trend in iron time and space! It’s completely hot! Of course, a big reason is also because of Dongcheng Wei! Dongchengwei itself is in the Muggle world, and it has great popularity! Once starred in “The Ultimate Family”, it directly drove the entire trend, not only making Dongcheng Wei more popular, but also “Final Series” officially went to the front of ordinary people in iron time and space!

With the popularity of “Final Series”.

Polar Yin Day… It is also gradually coming.

In the Tekken Alliance, countless Strangers were ready.

Moxibustion Dance, Brother Xiong, Xiu and others have all begun to prepare for this upcoming battle of good and evil!

The whole Otherworld!

Whether it’s the White Path Strange Realm! Or demonize the Otherworld!

All of them have entered the atmosphere of sword-rattling! Very nervous! Especially after the announcement of the old leader of Yehenara officially declaring war on the White Dao Extraordinary Energy Realm, countless demonized Strange Walkers were even more ready to go to war at any time!


It’s getting cooler! Nine stars in a row

It’s close at hand!

Demon World.

The territory of the Celestial Demon King.

The shadow of Yehenara’s old boss appeared here.

But just appeared

He then heard the entire Outer Heaven Demon King’s territory playing an exciting, dynamic “Out of the Blue”!

“This is my era one.”

“I’ll give you the future!”

“If you want to survive!”

“Just listen to me!”

Yehenara’s old boss: “? ”

He was full of question marks.


And he saw it

In the vast and dark Demon Realm, several loud speakers appeared playing “Out of the Blue”!

After the end of “Out of the Blue”!

“Step into this place!”

“Be clear about who the boss is!”

Yehenara’s old boss: “? ”

But he soon mentioned the purpose of the trip, “Celestial Demon King”.

“How’s that considered?”

“One tomorrow.”

“But it’s a very cloudy day.”

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