Chapter 198 Interaction of Parallel Worlds! The day of the Polar Yin is coming!!

Demon World.

Yehenara looked into the darkness before him.

Half ring.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Yehenara’s old boss in the vast darkness.

“You want Ben Jun…”

“How can I trust you?”


The old leader of Yehenara heard the words of the Heavenly Demon King and smiled.


The Celestial Demon King was already moved.

Golden space-time.

With the fire of the two dramas of “Ultimate Class” and “Ultimate Family”, both time and space have entered the era of “Final Series”, and countless people are discussing the plot of it, especially in Golden Time and Space, there is a discussion about the fifth story of the Ultimate Family, and there is even a special forum for plot discussion!


Su Yu looked at the popularity value in front of him at this moment!

In a short time!

His popularity value went straight to 500W!



【Combat Power Index:38000】

[Wu Gong: Yi Jian Jing, Northern Meditation Divine Gong Fragment x2, Chivalrous Divine Gong Fragment x3, Descending Dragon Eighteen Palms, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Lightning and Water Strange Energy………]

[Character Fragments: Ximen Chuixue x2, Ding Xiu x3, Lonely Seeking Defeat x1, Storm Girl…]

[Items: Full Record of Final Series, Eighteen Palms of the Descending Dragon, Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Powers, Time and Space Seam Doors, etc…….]

[World: Level 1 Extraordinary World, Martial Arts World.] 】

【Infiltration Progress:】

【Iron space-time:99.99%】

After two stories are told!

His ability index has reached 38,000 points! Northern Meditation Divine Gong!

Wind and fire, thunder, earth, water and other in-situ powers! And the miraculous feats of chivalry!

All of them make his combat power index far exceed the current 38,000 points!

[Iron space-time penetration has reached 99.99, is it completely infiltrated? 】

At this time.

The system prompts.

According to the story he told, coupled with the appearance of Xiu, Yehenara’s old boss, his time and space penetration has approached 100%!

“Thoroughly penetrated.”

Su Yu directly chose to penetrate thoroughly.

【Complete penetration——】

【Projection can be visualized——】

【Projection can penetrate into ——】

[When the host tells the story, the projection will be projected to the sky above the iron space-time, and the host can shuttle through the golden and iron space-time through the projected shadow]

[The host can choose its own visibility ——] The system continues to prompt.

[Visibility: Only the Xenomorph, and the whole of time and space, a single person, a single place.] 】

“Only the Strangers.”

Su Yu directly chose that only the Extraordinary Walker could see.

According to the prompt of the system, now as long as he speaks, his shadow will be projected into the sky above the iron space-time, and once he enters the state of projection, his energy, or his whole person, is in the two space-times of gold and silver, virtual and real! He can instantly enter the iron space-time in the form of a shadow! It can also appear in the storytelling of Golden Time and Space!

It’s a very mysterious feeling!

Just like! Su Yu once the story! The space where he is!

No longer a storyteller of golden space-time!

It is in the enchantment of gold and iron time and space! Penetrate at any time!

“It’s kind of interesting.”


“Then upgrade the “Full Record of the Final Series”.”

Su Yu looked at his own item, the Ultimate Series Full Record.

Have to say!

After the item is upgraded, his popularity is getting higher and higher! In particular, the film and television broadcast of “The Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family”, the books of the “Final Class”, the “Golden List”, the “Ultimate Family” of the newspapers, and the realistic “Ultimate Class” written by the Golden Penker, in just a few days, are close to 600W popularity!

One of the biggest reasons!

It is also because of the upgrade of the items of the “Ultimate Series Full Record” that the listeners have a stronger sense of substitution, and can even be said to be immersed in the story and integrated into it.

I don’t know

What features will be added to the next upgrade.


【Upgrade Complete】

[Ultimate series full record: the first 100,000 years, the next thousand years of stories, information, intelligence, scenes, etc. are fully recorded, once the host tells the story, the scene in the story will be visualized, as well as the embodiment of the scene, the embodied scene will form a specific space, in this specific space, the listener will enter it, truly feel everything in the story, including the picture, sound, music, etc.——]

【At the same time——】

【First level of interaction is possible】

“Level 1 interaction?”

Su Yu looked at the introduction of the system.

[The first level of interaction: can interact with the story characters, environments, things, actions, etc. in the embodied scene, and can slightly affect the characters in the story——]

【Upgrade the interaction level by upgrading the full document】After the introduction of the system.

Su Yu understood a little.

Just like

Parallel worlds in general!

The ultimate series in the story becomes a parallel world!

At this moment, the Overworld can be affected through the specific space of the storytelling.

Other words

In the future, if the twelve time and space cannot duel the demon world, can the protagonist in the normal story line be summoned from the parallel time and space to participate in the battle?

“It’s kind of interesting.”

Su Yu feels that this full record is more and more interesting after upgrading! Even the interaction is made!

It’s just that

I don’t know, can the protagonist in the overworld affect the protagonist in the parallel world?

But the first level of interaction.

Obviously, there is no way to do it.

Su Yu took a look at the upgrade of “Final Series Full Record”, the next upgrade needs 1000W popularity value, of course, after the “Ultimate Family” and “Ultimate Class” film and television, 1000W popularity value can naturally be achieved in a short time, Su Yu is looking forward to the interaction after the upgrade, whether it can achieve the idea of parallel worlds.

“Conduct the Silver Ten Draw.”

“Five times the world of power.”

“A world of martial arts.”

Look at the remaining 60W popularity points.

Su Yu directly chose to finish the one-time draw.

After the draw ends.

Su Yu got the combat power index of [8000], while the Storm Female Shard, Deadpool Shard, Ximen Blowing Snow, Lone Seek Defeat, Ding Xiu and other shards were all increased by 1-2, as well as some special abilities in the Extraordinary World, such as Thor’s Thunder God’s Power, which is far beyond the energy attribute of Lei’s in-situ Xenomorph, plus some items.

[Storm Girl Shards x2, Ability Index: 43000]

[Deadpool Shards x3, Ability Index: 38000]

[Solitary Defeat Shards x2, Combat Power Index: 45000]

【Ximen Blowing Snow Shards x3, Combat Power Index: 40000】

[Ding Xiu fragment x5, combat power index: 37000]

The more fragments, the higher the character’s combat power index, the higher the ability index! Especially the lonely seeking defeat, Ximen Chuixue, Ding Xiu himself is a figure that exists in the golden time and space, the more fragments they have, it seems that even their own martial arts have been restored, and even if Su Yu does not get the lottery, he can still learn their martial arts from the lonely and lonely people and others.


Su Yu’s eyes lifted slightly, and he looked at the Heavenly Dome.

“Nine stars in a row……”

“A very cloudy day.”


It’s the day of the polar yin! Meantime! It’s also the day of storytelling! Time.

Come to the fifth day after storytelling.


Countless mixed-word generations are waiting here, and the foreshadowing of the fifth story buried by “The Ultimate Family” has made countless mixed-word generations full of curiosity, wanting to know what the iron time and space after the end of the good and evil war, the fifth story, will tell

And the last doppelgänger of Golden Time and Space!

Who the hell will it be! Of course the most important thing! That wisp of flame……… What is it!

With countless curiosities! In the morning, a ray of sunshine reflected on Your Excellency, and there were already many mixed characters sitting below!

All of them!

All waiting for the fifth story! Iron Time and Space!

Early morning.

The sun is shining.

But as time passed, the time of the nine stars approached, and a wisp of darkness gradually penetrated!

The White Path Strange Energy Realm of Iron Time and Space! Countless White Dao Strange Walkers were waiting in strict formation, looking nervous! All ready!

In the Tieke United Nations Alliance, there are more east, west, south, and north four city guard guards on standby, waiting to see the shot!

Demonize the Otherworld!

Countless demonic Alien Walkers are ready! Get ready to attack the White Path Realm! Take advantage of the extremely cloudy day! Completely suppress the White Dao Strange Energy Realm! Rule the whole Iron Time and Space!

The atmosphere of the whole iron time and space! They were all very nervous! Outside the Demon Realm.

In the darkness.

The Celestial Demon King slowly emerged.

He transformed into a young man again, surrounded by a thick black fog, and a pair of eyes stared at the iron time and space below!

Ancient Hui

He was also observing the Nine Stars! Once the Nine Star String is complete! The day of the Polar Yin officially begins! To that moment!

Time and space protection magnetic field, there will be a huge loophole, dark energy infiltration into, just by that iron time and space of the White Dao Alliance Lord Moxibustion Dance that little fart, there is no way to support the energy of the protective magnetic field, at that time, the protective magnetic field will gradually break, the Demon Realm army surged in, plus that Ye Henara old master should be outside the combination, you can completely defeat the White Dao Strange Energy Realm in the fastest time!

Complete the battle of good and evil!

After a trip to the Iron Time and Space, he naturally knew what the plan of the old leader of the Yehenara family was all about, that is to say, no matter what, the plan of the old leader of the Yehenara family would fail, no wonder he would eventually choose to cooperate with Ben Jun!

Alien Transformation House.

Moxibustion dance league master, repair, summer all appear here.

“Are you ready?”



Moxibustion dance looks summer.

Summer nodded, “The Nether Magnet is ready. ”

In his hand, a nether magnet appeared.

Xiu Ye said, “The magnetic field has been arranged to hide ordinary people.” ”

Moxibustion smiled slightly, “Good.” ”


“Just wait for the day of the Polar Shadow to come.”

He walked over to the windowsill of the Paranormal Transformation Institute and looked at the increasingly gloomy heaven and earth.


“Here we go.”

As the heavens and earth were gloomy, the cold air filled the heavens and the earth, and for a time, the yin wind gusted!

Beyond the universe! Iron time and space outside! Nine stars!

The phenomenon of total solar eclipse is beginning to appear!

With the last rays of sunlight gone! Polar Yin Day!

Here it comes!

“Polar Yin Day!”

“Here it comes!”

Countless White Dao Strangers looked up at the Heavenly Dome! rumble

With the arrival of the day of the Polar Shade!

The protective magnetic field of iron space-time was attacked by dark energy in an instant, and the protective magnetic field directly appeared a loophole!

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