Chapter 199: The Old Master; That’s right, Heavenly Demon King, I betrayed you again!!

Golden space-time.

In front of the Storyteller.

In full view.

Su Yu was wearing a black Tang costume and slowly stepped out of it.


The Golden Pen has already waited.

He was holding a golden pen in his hand, as if to record what Su Yu came to the table and sat down.


Countless mixed word generations, Wang Dadong and others of the Ultimate First Class, all looked at Su Yu with anticipation, waiting for the fifth story of the Ultimate Family! After all, the fourth story has been told and completed, and the battle between good and evil has ended!

The fifth story……… What is it?

And the final end of Iron Time and Space! What will happen?


“I haven’t seen you in a long time.”


Su Yu smiled slightly, and opened the folding fan in his hand.

Open in an instant!


Only to see the storytelling cabinet as the center! A radius of thousands of meters seems to form a vast void space, and the vastness and nothingness are intertwined in the real world, and some faint bright lights are reflected around the body! But it’s a little twisted, very weird and weird!

“This is!”

The following are slightly stunned! Obviously, he didn’t expect the scene that was happening in front of him!

“This is Mr. Su’s means……”

A bastard spoke.

Wang Dadong and the others looked at Su Yu on the storyboard in shock!

Only to see Su Yu’s body around him, he also turned into a vast nothingness! Behind him, there seems to be a galaxy of the universe, endless darkness, vastness, but there are stars reflected in it, and most importantly! There is the breath of time and space permeating it! It seems to be connected with another time and space, in that vast galaxy, as if there is a picture to present a “time and space boundary!” ”

The golden penman’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“The energy and breath of time and space.”

The knife was crazy, and the knife ghost’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Several people seemed to have sensed something!

Behind Mr. Nasu

The vast cosmic galaxy picture is connected to heaven and earth, like a giant curtain of heaven and earth, and the energy that permeates there is the breath of time and space! And what the Golden Pen sufferers sense! It is the breath of the time and space boundary! The picture behind Mr. Nasu seems to be at the junction of two consecutive time and space!

What is this means? Meanwhile! Iron Time and Space! The day of the Polar Yin is coming!


The heavens and the earth are gloomy! Under that gloom! There is a loophole in the protective magnetic field that guards the iron space-time! The energy of the entire iron space-time began to appear chaotic, and the dark energy, the energy of the chaotic heavenly magic library penetrated into the iron space-time! The breath of terror and oppression pervaded the entire iron time and space!

Under the gloomy heaven and earth, the darkness was mixed with a purple glow, and countless white path practitioners reflected in the heavens and the earth only felt that the strange energy in their bodies seemed to be suppressed by something

In part, he could not display all his strength, and his heart was even more depressed! Old Ass Pub.

Grandpa Xia Liu came out of the old ass pub!

Because of the future prediction, so Brother Xiong, Xia Yu, Xia Mei all came to the old ass pub, the last exit of the dark energy must be extinction, as long as you don’t stay in the extinction, naturally it will not be shattered by energy! Of course, the male brother will not disappear! That wisp of flame……… It shouldn’t be possible either!

“The Great Wars of the Devil.”

“I haven’t killed a demon in a long time!”

A chill surged in Xia Liu’s eyes as he looked out of the dome.


Demon World.

The Celestial Demon King looked at the cracks in the protective magnetic field in front of him getting bigger and bigger, and his expression was very proud!

“The gates of space-time are closed……”

It watched the protective magnetic field in front of it gradually break open, as if it had already thought of the scene after he ruled the iron space-time territory! At that time, it will become the head of the four great demon kings! This time, in order to attack the Iron Time and Space, it even borrowed a lot of Demon Realm elite soldiers, the purpose is to win in one fell swoop! Even used the kill!

Iron Time and Space! As if it were already at your fingertips! The gates of time and space are closed! Other time and space can not support!

Yehenara’s old boss is even more compatible with it! The only variable

It was that day’s cabinet, but it was ready to deal with it!

The Celestial Demon King stood outside the sky, staring at the protective magnetic field crack in front of him, behind him, countless black fog rolled, just like the black sea swelling, spreading tens of thousands of meters, countless demons in it, cold eyes staring ahead, waiting for the instructions of the Demon King in front of him! Soon!

The crack has widened and grown!

“Iron space-time—”

“This demon is coming!”

The Celestial Demon King had a sneering smile.

“The Holy Warriors of the Demon Realm———”


Whine the horn blows!

Countless black mists turned into a black sea, and under the leadership of the Celestial Demon King, they surged out of that crack!


Iron Time and Space!

Countless White Dao Strange Beings and Demonized Strange Beings all saw that after the protective magnetic field broke, the heavens and the earth were vast, but after the crack in the protective magnetic field became larger and larger! The mighty black mist is like a black sea, gushing out of the cracks! Countless monsters roared and roared in it, and in the black mist, there was a huge monster with teeth and claws, and it was extremely vicious! From that crack straight to the ground of Iron Time and Space!

The attack horn belonging to the Demon Realm has been sounded!

“Magic Whisper: Holy War!”

“Holy Warrior of the Demon Realm!”

Magic words echo between heaven and earth! Front!

A figure in front of the countless black fog, surging black sea! The magic language comes from its mouth! It leads an army of monsters towards the ground of Iron Time and Space!

Alien Transformation House.

“Here it comes.”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

“In the summer, the Transformation of Powers is entrusted to you.”

As he spoke, he and Xiu disappeared into the same place!

Summer nodded her head to indicate that she was ready! Ground!

The Celestial Demon King led the demons to arrive!

This is the place it agreed with the old boss of Yehenara! At that time, the old leader of Yehenara will join forces with it and jointly defeat the white path! With it and Yehenara in charge, what if the moxibustion dance had a nine-step ghost catcher? Even if the Heavenly Cabinet Master strikes! Iron time and space are still going to fall!

Looking at the iron time and space in front of him that were suppressed by the energy of the Extreme Yin Day, the Celestial Demon King directly revealed a vicious smile!

“Iron space-time…”

“It’s the Demon King’s!”

With it descending to the ground!

The countless demon armies it led also descended to the ground, a total of 50,000, silently following behind it, looking at it like a black sea, and the black fog was rolling!

The entire ground building of Iron Time and Space was occupied by demons!


That’s when it happened.

The Celestial Demon King felt a little strange.


It attacked Iron Time and Space so violently, appearing with a mighty momentum, and the White Dao Strange Walkers of Iron Time and Space should have appeared in front of it long ago to block it, but now the Demon Realm army had all arrived! That didn’t even appear at all of the Strange Walkers of the White Dao Extraordinary Realm?


The White Dao Alien Realm is not prepared at all? Just when the Celestial Demon King was wondering, suddenly!

Airplanes! Airplanes!

Airplanes! Ahead! Left!

Countless White Path Walkers have appeared! Dongcheng Wei!

North City Guard! West City Guard! South City Guard!

And the Xenomorph!

All the White Road Strangers and Janissaries within the formation of the Iron Space Iron Alliance appeared!

The leader is the moxibustion dance and cultivation!

“Moxibustion dance?”

I don’t know why.

The Celestial Demon King always felt a little uneasy! Just when it’s time to speak!

Suddenly! Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes! Rear! Right!

Countless demonic Xenowalkers have appeared! Yehenara Family Jihad Janissaries! Ghost Puppet Army!

All members of the Yehenara Family’s Formation Demon Army appeared! Leading

Naturally, it was the old head of the Yehenara family who was at peace with no face.

All sides!

Directly formed a circle of encirclement! In an instant, the Demon Realm army brought by the Outer Heaven Demon King and the Outer Heaven Demon King was all surrounded in the center!

The Celestial Demon King looked at Yehenara’s old master.


He rolled in black mist, as if forming a huge question mark! meantime

It seems to have guessed something too! That black fog………

It’s already surging like a raging wave!

“Yehenara old boss you…”

It’s obviously unbelievable.

Under the gaze of the Celestial Demon King.

The old boss of Yehenara smiled, “That’s right. ”

“Extraterrestrial Demon King.

“You guessed it…”

“I betrayed you again.”

Celestial Demon King: “? ”

It didn’t get it at all! What the hell is going on here!

But obviously!

The situation at hand………





The Celestial Demon King let out a monstrous roar!

“Yehenara old boss you dog thing!”




“You pit Lao Tzu again!!!”

“You betrayed Lao Tzu again!!!!”

The Celestial Demon King’s black demonic qi was like an explosion at this moment! Crazy rampage! Obviously already angry to the extreme!

It didn’t even think of it!

Yehenara’s old boss cooperates with what it says! It’s a trap! And it’s a deadly trap! Originally, it was at most a three-way standing! But now, it was directly ambushed by all the Strangers of Iron Time and Space! There is also an enhanced Demonic Walker!

Airplanes! Suddenly!

It seemed to sense something, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked up at the sky!

Only to see that the original unstable, countless cracks appeared in the special energy protection magnetic field, at this moment it actually returned to its original appearance, and it can even be said that it is far more stable than before! The energy contained in it directly and firmly guarded the iron space-time!


“How can that be?”

The Celestial Demon King was slightly stunned!

Protect the magnetic field once it is restarted! It means…… It doesn’t even have a way to retreat!

There is a dead end in sight!

“The Underworld Magnet……”

“It’s the Underworld Magnet……”

It felt such a thick energy maintaining the protective magnetic field of iron space-time, and seemed to understand something!

To be able to do that!

Only the energy of the Underworld Magnet! originally

It couldn’t have imagined that!

After all, Yehenara’s old boss already wants to cooperate with it! What if this white path magician knew about the existence of the Underworld Magnet? If the demonic nature is not eliminated, will the Extraordinary Walkers of the White Dao dare to use the Underworld Magnet?


Now Yehenara is the old boss of this dog thing and yin his hand! So!

The magic of the Underworld Magnet…

Obviously, it has already been eliminated by that dog thing!


The Celestial Demon King only felt as if he was about to explode! It’s too much!

It’s too much! Myself……… Actually pit again?!

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