Chapter 203 Flame Messengers, One One, Thirty Zeros Behind!!

“Mr. Sue, you mean.”

“The space we’re in now—

“It’s already connected to Iron Time and Space.” War? ”

“Then what we just saw is that the good and evil of the extremely yin day are very shocking.


Su Yu shook the folding fan.


“What you see…”

“It is the extremely yin day that Iron Time and Space are experiencing now.”

“One at the same time.

“It’s also our opening statement. Su Yu took a sip of tea on the stage.


“It’s also about bringing the story to life…”


“There will be different immersions.


Su Yu continued.

Will there be a different immersion?

The following are a little confused and don’t know why.

They always feel that the immersion mentioned by Mr. Su on the stage seems to have a deep meaning?

“Mr. Su’s methods are really unfathomable. Some sighed.

“I didn’t expect that when I first entered the pit, now it is out of law.” Some of the mixed characters looked at the space formed around them and quipped. Surrounded by empty space!

And such a structure has aroused the curiosity of the mixed word generation more and more! We all want to know what Mr. Su means by different immersions! Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, “We picked up the book last time.” ”

“The end of the fourth story.”

“It is the day of the extreme yin, and the male brother transforms into molecules into the gap between time and space, which leads to the disaster of time and space, returning to chaos, and a ray of flame penetrates the universe.”


“What we’re talking about is the fifth paragraph doing things.

“The core content of it.”

“The first is the birth of the ultimate Tekk.


Su Yu’s voice paused.

“It is the secret of the Freewalker and the Gun Spirit King.”

Iron Time and Space!

With the cracks gone! The Heavenly Dome Abyss dissipated!

The showdown between the Demon Realm and the Iron Time and Space Stranger has directly entered a white-hot stage! This moment! The White Dao Stranger and the Demonic Walker work together to duel with the monsters of the Demon Realm! At this moment, there is no distinction between white and demonization! Some are only the distinction between the twelve space-time and the demon world!

The number of monsters is huge! However, it was suppressed by the formation, even with the bonus of the Extremely Yin Day, the ambush around it was not so easy to break! Countless Strangers walked around the formation and slaughtered countless monsters!

And the Celestial Demon King and the old leader of Yehenara were fighting! The Celestial Demon King was almost mad!

I can’t wait to slap the old boss to death!

The current situation is very unfavorable for him!

Everything was because it was lured into a trap by the old boss’s dog thing, and Zhou Guo was all a town magic array arranged by the Iron Time and Space Strange Walker! A deadly ambush was formed!

Just now it summoned the shadow of the Demon Lord of Deablo, just to break through these ambushes and protective magnetic fields!

No magic formations and ambushes around the town!

The victory or defeat of this battle between good and evil is not certain! But what it didn’t think of was that

The Demon Lord of Diablo would actually be repelled by that shadow! Just when the war is entering a white-hot stage!


The sound of the shadow that occupies the half of the iron space-time sky reverberates throughout the iron space-time.


“What we’re going to tell is the fifth story.

“The core content of it.”

“The first is the birth of the ultimate Iron Man.”

The first huge shadow ate on the vast galaxy, and after fighting with the Nadiabro Demon Lord, there was no sound!

Suddenly speak at this moment!


Get the attention of all the Xenowalkers directly!

Even those monsters seemed to be shocked! They all thought the shadow was going to strike again!

Countless monsters looked up in horror at the half of the Heavenly Dome!

In the endless expanse of the galaxy, the shadow covers the sky and the sun, occupying half of the sky! But at this moment, the shadow was holding a folding fan, shaking slightly, as if telling a story.

“The fifth story?”

“The Ultimate Ironman?”

After the monster gazes.


It’s the turn of the Xenowalker! The Ultimate Tek?

This phantom.

What the hell are you talking about? Be aware!

The Ultimate Ironman! Iron space-time has not been born for hundreds of years! Just when the Stranger Eye is puzzled!


The voice of the shadow came again!


“It is the secret of the Freewalker and the Gun Spirit King.” The moment the words fall!

Whether it was a monster or a stranger, they were all slightly stunned! especially

Extraterrestrial Demon King! Yehenara old boss!

In a convenience store.

The Freewalker looked at the repelled Deablo Demon and ate happily but at the same time

His eyes also looked at the shadow that occupied half of the sky! In the vast cosmic galaxy, the shadow is very illusory, seems to exist, and seems to not exist, between the virtual and the real, making people feel very mysterious and unpredictable.

“Mr. Sue.”

“Who the hell are you?”

The Freewalker looked puzzled.

But soon!

His expression froze slightly.

Only to see the shadow between heaven and earth!


He actually said, “Second.” ”

“It is the secret of the Freewalker and the Gun Spirit King.”

The freewalker eating the potato chips looked stunned, and his eyebrows were tightly raised as he looked at the shadow.

Keep yourself secret

What’s the secret? I don’t know why

He always felt a little uneasy.

But before he could think about it!

That shadowy word made his expression change completely in an instant!

“As for the third…”

“It is the messenger of fire.”

In the vast universe.

A wisp of flame.

Suddenly, he floated into the darkness.


The silk accent echoed in the universe and seemed to be somewhat confused.

He seemed to sense something.

Golden space-time.


“As for the third.”

“It is the messenger of fire.”

“That’s what I said earlier —

“That wisp of flame that penetrated the universe.


Su Yu spoke slowly.

A ray of flame that penetrated the universe heard these words!

Countless bastards were slightly condensed!

“It seems that this flame messenger is not simple…

“Mr. Su mentioned earlier that it seems that it is because of the disappearance of Brother Xiong, which has led to the chaos of time and space, the return to chaos, causing this flame to penetrate the universe and come to zero, what is he going to do?”

There are mixed characters who vaguely feel uneasy.

“Mr. Sue.

“Who is this flame messenger?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.


Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Flame messenger…”

“It is a existence outside the rules of iron space-time.

“When the rules of space and space are chaotic, and good and evil are unbalanced, that flame will penetrate the universe and descend to iron space-time, returning everything to zero, which is the so-called destruction of the entire space-time.”

In a word.

Let the underlings just feel breathing in one room! Eyes wide open! Return to zero!

Destroy the entire space-time!

“When the Flame Angel appears, it means that the world is upside down in the present and there is no distinction between good and evil.

“At that moment, space-time will cause chaos, at this time, the flame messenger will intervene to eliminate chaos, whether it is the Otherworld, the Demon World, the Nature, the Biological World, the entire space-time is as if surrounded by the flame of the Sun, everything will reset to zero and restore the order of space-time.

Once the Flame Messenger appears, “it heralds the destruction of space-time.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan.

“And the time the last time the Flame Messenger appeared.

“It was the time of the extinction of the dinosaurs in the ancient era of iron space, and the disappearance of the Mayan civilization.

“The civilization of time and space has now broken down, and everything has returned to zero.

“Of course.”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“The appearance of the flame messenger.

“It’s not just because of the disappearance of the male brother.

“Rather, it is closely related to the birth of the ultimate Iron Man, the Freewalker, the secret of the Gun Spirit King.”


There was a moment of silence! Even if it is iron space-time!



All stunned! But soon!

The two sides are at war again!

And in the golden space-time! Your Excellency!

The bastards were all sluggish, stunned, and shocked!

“The extinction of the Age of the Dinosaurs…”

“And the disappearance of the Maya civilization is actually related to the flame messengers?”


In the final class, Arthur opened his mouth, and his expression was very shocked.

“That is…”

“Before that, there were many eras in the iron space-time, among which the era of the Maya civilization must also have the emergence of the Stranger Walker, what happened in the faulty civilization that led to the emergence of chaos?”

His eyes were filled with shock and curiosity! Curious about the destroyed civilization!

“Mr. Sue.”

“Is this flame messenger strong?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.

“Isn’t it one.

“Those civilizations, the times, have no way to stop him?”

“Those civilizations, the times, did not have the current iron space-time development?”

They were curious!

Is it that no one in that extinct civilization, in the era, could block the flame messengers from the moon?


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Those civilizations that once existed, the times that once existed, every civilization, every era, are far beyond iron time and space.” ”


“In those days, it was normal for the energy index to break 10W.

What he saw

It is the “Complete Record of the Final Series”, which records the events of countless years ago! This includes the record that existed hundreds of thousands of years ago!

Su Yu’s words fell!

All the bastards stared at each other again! Shocked! Obviously!

Su Yu’s words!

It’s beyond their comprehension!

And the hardest thing to be believed! How could such a powerful era, civilization, be destroyed by the flame messengers and return to zero?

But the next words!

Once again, the eyes of the bastards are even bigger!

“Pity one.

“Even if that civilization is strong, how developed the times are, no matter how strong the index of special abilities is.”

But he still couldn’t stop the flames. Stage.

Su Yu shook his head.

And according to the data recorded.

“The Flame Messenger’s Ability Index,

“It’s one back, and there are thirty zeros.

One word!

The whole place was silent!

Breathe! They all seem to have stopped!

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