Chapter 204 Above the Flame Messengers… Anyone else? 【1_6】!!


The whole scene was silent!

Rao is a knife madman, a knife ghost, a gut-breaking person, these well-informed beings, at this moment the look is also very shocking, the eyes are even wider, unbelievable!

Knife madness, knife ghost, the two are the top beings of golden time and space! Knowledgeable, so many are shocked and surprised, both of them are relatively calm, after all, they have seen the world! The only thing that could shock the two before was the ranking of the list and the existence of the immortals!

But now

The Flame Messenger appears!

Once again, the two old monsters of Golden Time and Space were shocked and shocked! Not to mention the word bastards below!

After a brief silence

The whole storytelling cabinet boiled in an instant!

One back.

“Thirty zeros?”

“What level of existence is this?”

A bastard’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Isn’t that scary?”

“I remember that when I came to Mr. Su to listen to the book earlier, the combat strength index exceeded 10,000 points enough to shock people.”

Some people remember when they first listened to books.

At that time, the emergence of the combat strength index breaking through 10,000 points and the emergence of the second place in the college KO list were enough to shock people!

Commonly known as

Never seen the world!

“Thinking back to how simple we were back then, we had never seen the world, and I felt that the top three KQ masters were very strong…”

“The result is now one.

“How many beings appear even one and the next thirty zeros?”

Many of the jerks below have been there since when they first listened to the book!

“At that time, I felt that Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, and Ding Xiaoyu were super strong, not to mention the second place in the KO list, and the first place in the KO list, and when they heard their news, they were shocked and surprised for a long time, and they didn’t know what was the twelve time and space, what was the demon world, and the result did not expect that it would become more and more terrifying.”

Many were shocked, but they remembered the beginning!

At the beginning, they advocated Wang Dadong and others as strong people! But with the appearance of these levels such as knife madness, knife ghost, black dragon, crazy dragon, etc., they have gradually realized what they think of as the twelve time and space ceiling!

“I thought so.

“Moxibustion Dance Alliance, the ultimate Iron Man is the ceiling of time and space.”

“Only now did I find out…”

“We are in a time of decline?”

But now

They just found out!

What they think of as the ceiling! It’s just underground!

“No wonder one.

“No wonder those powerful civilizations that broke the 10W combat power index were normal in the past will be wiped out by this flame messenger!” Everything goes to zero.

“It feels like we’re gradually revealing other times, other civilizations.

“Is it true that at the end of the story, other civilizations, other eras, will gradually reveal themselves along with Mr. Su’s story?”

“Then we.”

“Wouldn’t it be possible to know the history that once existed and the secrets that were hidden?”

Some mixed characters sighed, and at the same time, they were also curious, if all the secrets were really revealed! Then won’t they be able to know countless things, know countless secrets? Know what existed countless years ago, countless years, countless epochs ago?

“Iron space-time.”

“Why should you face such a catastrophe?”

“So how did they get through?”

The next sub.

Countless bastards instantly remembered the end of Iron Time and Space!

“Yes! If you have experienced the extinction of the world, then the future of iron time and space will no longer exist? ”

“That is.”

“Didn’t the Fire Messenger succeed in destroying the world in this catastrophe?”

Some speculated.

This guess!

Recognized by countless! But at the same time!

Their hearts were instantly filled with powerful curiosity! The arrival of the flame messenger

Didn’t succeed in dying?

If it’s true then then

What’s going on in there?

Of course!

Most curious!

The origin of this flame messenger! And the identity of the Fire Messenger!

“Mr. Sue.”

“Where did this flame messenger come from?”

“Why did he destroy Iron Time and Space?”

“Is he in charge of the space-time order?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.


Su Yu smiled slightly, “Flame messenger.” ”

“He is not in charge of the order of space-time—

“On the contrary.

“He’s just enforcing order.

“And where did he come from?”

“It involves existence in the deepest part of the universe.


“He is also the last doppelgänger of the Golden Time and Space as I said earlier.”

Su Yu did not mention much.

But the information contained in it is enough to shock the mixed word generation.


“Mr. Sue, you mean!”

“Flame messengers.

“There is a double body in the golden space-time?!”

The eyes of the bastards are wide-eyed!


“Mr. Su, what you just said is, to enforce order?”

“Is it?”

“Above him, there is a man in charge of order?”

Some mixed characters have grasped the key in Su Yu’s words.

“No, it’s impossible, right?”

“How can such a being be under someone else?”

“If it’s true, use him just H weapon?” Probably impossible, right? ”

But soon, this speculation was rejected!

How can it be?

This flame messenger is such a terrifying being. Or just obeying orders?

It’s simply not possible! The bastards all shook their heads, thinking that it was impossible to exist! Just random guessing!

“If that’s the case.”

“This flame messenger.”

“Will it have anything to do with our Golden Time and Space Immortals?”

“The deepest part of the universe.”

“And what’s there?”

Some guessed again and found it unbelievable.

This moment!

Their curiosity about the figure of the Flame Messenger has reached its maximum.

“And I’m most curious!”

“The appearance of the flame messenger, according to Mr. Sue.”

“It seems that it’s not just because of the disappearance of the male brother!”

“Also related to the birth of the ultimate Iron Man, the secret of the Freewalker, the Gun Spirit King, there are mixed characters who speak.

“What’s in it?” Why did the birth of the Ultimate Iron Man lead to the arrival of the Fire Messenger? ”


“What is the secret of the Gun Spirit King, the Freewalker, and why did it lead to the arrival of the Flame Messenger?”

At this moment, the bastards are simply curious to die!

“I didn’t think about it.”

“The Fifth Story of Iron Time and Space.”

“It’s the real king bombing.”

Mixed generations can’t help but sigh!

This is the fifth story of “The Ultimate Family”! This closing story can contain so much information, so many stories! Curious, want to explore even the deepest part of the universe? It even involves the two most legendary beings of Iron Time and Space – the Freewalker, the Gun Spirit King!


Su Yu smiled slightly.

“The fifth story.”

“It starts with the disappearance of the male brother.” As his words fell.

Countless only feel the nothingness around them! Instant change!

The scene around!

It gradually turned into a scene of the story!

Iron Time and Space!

This is a big battle!

It’s been a white-hot phase!

The showdown between the Demon Realm Monster and the Stranger Has reached the most critical moment! The Celestial Demon King fought against the old leader of Yehenara!

Although he was ambushed, the Outer Heaven Demon King’s own darkness index was not low! Coupled with the blessing of the extremely yin day, the energy of this extremely yin day is the energy from his source

What was absorbed from the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault, now that the Outer Heaven Demon King had personally descended on Tie Shi Guang, the energy of the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault would be continuously blessed on him!

Even the old leader of Yehenara, who was also blessed, was suppressed by his death!

After the shadow of the Demon Lord of Diablo disappeared, although he was a little uneasy, the demons he led, coupled with the blessing of the Extreme Yin Day, had already made him plan to completely attack the Iron Time and Space and complete the final battle of this great war of good and evil!


He was determined to die! But

Watch as the protective magnetic field gradually repairs!

Once the protective magnetic field is repaired, the energy of those extremely yin days will gradually be excluded! At that time, the blessing will be weakened, and at that time, the stripe dance that repairs the magnetic field of the special energy protection will join the battlefield, I am afraid that he will be finished!

Of course!

And most importantly!

The shadow on the other side of the dome that day!

That shadow eats above the vast galaxy!

Like a shrine! Occupy half of the sky! However, just now, this shadow and Nadiabro Demon Lord had not disappeared, making the Celestial Demon King himself jealous! Let him be distracted, although he is stronger than Yehenara old master, but now he does not dare to go all out!

I’m afraid I’ll be careless!

The dome occupied half of the sky, and the boundless shadows would suddenly slap it! especially

This shadow had just spoken suddenly, instantly frightening countless demons and extraterrestrial demons, thinking they were going to strike!

The result is storytelling! Even so

The Demon Army, the Outer Heaven Demon King, was also a little frightened, very jealous, deeply afraid that the shadow would suddenly strike!


“If you keep dragging on.”

The Celestial Demon King took a look at the protective magnetic field that was gradually being repaired, as well as the Polar Yin Day that was almost over, and his heart was crossed, and he planned to directly see death as a homecoming, and defeat the old leader of Yehenara in front of him as quickly as possible! Deal with that moxibustion dance again!

Just when his body was covered with black fog, hundreds of feet of body energy exploded to the extreme!

Suddenly! Metaphor!

The sky above the Sky Dome!

Seems to have changed!


The Celestial Demon King was momentarily frightened, and his eyes looked uneasily above the firmament

Countless monsters were also scared of a squirrel!

After all

The shadow of the Heavenly Dome had just slapped it was enough to make the demon and the Celestial Demon King have this reaction!

But soon!

They found out!

The energy fluctuations above the Heavenly Dome turned out to be a picture of a series of shadows appearing around the shadow, in that picture, it seemed to be connected to other time and space, and in that other time and space there seemed to be countless people sitting there, and they all turned into a certain space around them, and that space seemed to be the scene of a certain story!

With the voice of the shadow telling! The scene starts to change! Obviously!

It’s just the shadows telling the story!

Celestial Demon King: “…”

He glanced at the protective magnetic field that was about to be repaired.

Another glance at the shadow.

He feels.

This shadow is deliberate!

When he saw death as a homecoming, and was ready to fight to the death, he was suddenly shocked! Special!

Lao Tzu is no longer playing!

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