Chapter 205: Time and Space Gaps? The Great War of the Polar Yin Day is over! 【2_6】!!

The Celestial Demon King felt very relaxed!

The day of the Polar Yin is coming!

The Strange Protection Magnetic Field is ready to be repaired! The most important thing

That day the dome obscured the shadow of the storyteller, although it did not look like it would be shot! Like a bystander!

But just after fighting with the shadow of the Demon Lord of Diablo, the shadow should be standing in those twelve time and space! When he may succeed! That shadow will suddenly strike to suppress everything!

Think of this

The Celestial Demon King’s eyes narrowed slightly!

Looking at the protective magnetic field that was gradually being repaired, his dark energy erupted with terrifying black mist that filled thousands of meters! Countless unjust souls roll in it, swept away in all directions! When countless Strangers saw this scene, they all thought that the Outer Demon King would treat death as if he were returning to his hands that day!

Even the old leader of Yehenara thought that the Outer Demon King would take advantage of the last time of the Extreme Yin Day to completely break through the Iron Time and Space! After all, the Outer Demon King had to look at death as if he were returning home that day, which made Yehenara’s old boss have to defend!


The Demon Emperor of Heaven echoed!

The terrifying dark energy surged up like a mighty ocean! The breath of terror overwhelmed the audience!

“Burn the source?”

Yehenara’s old boss instantly sensed that something was wrong!

This day the Outer Demon King is burning the Origin! The next blow, fear of white…

Countless Strangers had heavy faces, and they all felt the dark breath! Countless monsters are excited, even more excited to fight!

What I didn’t expect!

Endless black fog breaks through that protective net, and then!

Under the gaze of countless Xenowalkers, monsters, and Yehenara old masters!

That day, the Outer Demon King actually directly broke through the protective net and rushed directly to the place where the strange energy magnetic field had not been repaired! Escape in an instant!

Yehenara’s old boss: “? ”

Stranger: “? ”

Monster: “? ”


The scene was a little silent! But soon.

The old leader of Yehenara seemed to understand something, and looked up at the shadow on the heavenly dome!


Even if the Outer Heaven Demon King is ambushed, the strength of the Outer Heaven Demon King and the Demon Creature in the Extremely Yin Day is definitely not simple, this good and evil war, the right demon war, the odds of winning the iron time and space are very low, maybe only 40%! But at the beginning! The old leader of Yehenara felt that the Outer Heaven Demon King seemed to be restricted everywhere, as if he was jealous of something, and just now the Outer Heaven Demon King seemed to really want to see death as a homecoming!


The shadow appeared around the shadow, directly frightening the Celestial Demon King.

Yehenara’s old boss: “…”


He was crying and laughing.

But the game!

With the escape of the Celestial Demon King, the victory or defeat of this great battle has become a deposit time and space.


The surrounding scene

The scene of the story is gradually revealed!

“The great battle between good and evil on the day of the Polar Shade.”

“After the spell of return was cast by the Lanling King, it was completely over.

“It’s just this big fight…”

The ghost dragon also turned into dark energy and disappeared into Summer’s body.

And the unabsorbed Chaos Heaven Demon Vault energy between heaven and earth, after lingering between heaven and earth and unable to find its belonging, went towards the entrance of subtraction

With Su Yu’s story.

There is a scene about this story gradually manifesting! First of all, the failure of Yehenara’s old boss! Then there’s the disappearance of the Ghost Dragon!

A picture of a twist

Constantly crossing around the crowd, the surrounding scenes are very realistic, as if they really came to the story, but the scene of the story changes very quickly, after all, on the day of the extreme yin, many characters appear, each character has different scenes, and the picture changes very quickly.


The Escape of the Celestial Demon King!

The entire Iron Time and Space Demon had lost its main heart and bone, and began to retreat in the face of the attack of the Stranger Walker!

The shadow of the Heavenly Dome tells the story of countless pictures across the road!

Countless Strangers below duel with the Devil and slay the Demon! Over time.

The darkness between heaven and earth began to fade, and a faint light began to shine from the sky! The special energy protection magnetic field has also been repaired!

“Polar Yin Day.”

“It’s going to pass!”

There are strangers shouting! Fight harder! Annihilate the monster

Moxibustion Dance also got up from the cross-seated seat, looking at the receding Polar Yin Day, but his expression was a little nervous!


He looked at the shadow.

“Mr. Su…”

“It turned out to be Mr. Sue.” He sighed.

Originally, when the Diablo Demon Emperor appeared in part, the time and space on the other side were distorted, and the breath of time and space penetrated it, and he did not expect that it would be Mr. Su who descended to the iron time and space!

“What kind of means is this?”

The moxibustion dance looks solemn.

The shadow of the Heavenly Dome seemed to stand on the vast galaxy, and the surrounding pictures were blowing by

He is like a god who eats between heaven and earth, reflecting heaven and earth! Soon!

Over the Sky Dome! The darkness recedes! The day of the Polar Yin is completely gone!

The great battle between the Demon Realm and the Iron Time and Space has also completely entered the final stage! After the Polar Yin Day passed, the demons did not have the blessing of the Extreme Yin Day, and soon countless demons were slaughtered, and the remaining monsters broke through towards the protective line and fled madly! These monsters also know that they have been abandoned! Crazy escape trying to find a way to live! But under the hunt of the Stranger Walker!

Whether it is a fleeing monster or a monster that continues to fight, all of them will be slaughtered as the day of the Extreme Yin passes!

“That is.”


Moxibustion Dance, Yehenara Old Master, Xiu, Lanling King, Xia Liu Ah Gong looked above the Heavenly Dome!

Above the Sky Dome!

The energy of that extremely yin day condensed between heaven and earth, like a purple sea flowing between heaven and earth, as if looking for a place to go! But soon, with the disappearance of the Polar Yin Day! That energy is like crazy, running around!

Seeing this scene, everyone’s brows furrowed!

“Let all the Strangers stand firm.

“The energy of the Polar Yin Day is in turmoil.

Moxibustion Dance said to the leader of the North City Guard.

In the face of that chaotic Extreme Yin Day Energy, Moxibustion Dance and others were simply powerless to do anything about that Extreme Yin Day energy coming from the Chaos Heaven Demon Library, which was very thick and powerful, even if Yehenara Old Master wanted to control it, he needed to use the Nether Magnet to absorb it! Everyone could only watch as the energy of that extremely yin day scurried between heaven and earth!

“It’s because” “The breath of the Celestial Demon King and the breath of the Deablo Demon Clan.”

Ye Chi Chi Nara old boss said.

“We can only wait for the breath of the Celestial Demon King and the Demon Lord of Diablo between Heaven and Earth to dissipate.”

The energy of this extremely yin day should logically return directly to the entrance of the minus! But now!

However, because of the remnants of the Heavenly Demon King and the Demon Lord of Diablo between heaven and earth, they were running around!

The energy of the Polar Yin Day comes from the Chaos Heaven Demon Vault, which is the place where the four Great Demon Lords store dark energy, and the Outer Heaven Demon King is one of the Four Great Demon Kings! The Polar Yin Day sensed the breath of the Outer Heavenly Demon King, and naturally it was the priority to find the Outer Heavenly Demon King, as well as the more pure Demon Body Deablo Demon Lord! But the Celestial Demon King was severely damaged, and the breath energy remained everywhere!

Therefore, this extremely yin day energy is scurrying between heaven and earth!



Moxibustion dance expression slightly condensed

I saw that the energy of that extremely cloudy day seemed to be heading somewhere!

“It seems like the old ass pub! Not good! ”

Moxibustion Dance, Xia Liu Gong, Xiu, Lan Ling Wang seemed to think of something, and his expression changed slightly!

Meanwhile! Old ass Pub!

Xia Mei, Brother Xiong, Xia Yu, and Ye Siren are all here.


A terrifying purple color quickly overlays! The whole old ass shook like an earthquake in an instant! A mighty wave of energy swept by! The whole old ass of wine, the glass was all shattered!

Energy swept across the ground.

Only Xia Mei, Xia Yu, and Ye Siren were left.

Male brother.

It’s gone.

“Brother Male.”

“Or is it missing?”

Moxibustion Dance listened to the news coming from the phone and looked heavy.

“The trend is irrevocable.

That’s when it happened.

The old leader of Yehenara did not know when to come to the moxibustion dance, and slowly spoke.

“This is iron space-time…

“The catastrophe that must be experienced.


The monster has dissipated.

Countless Strangers are picking up the pieces.

“Didn’t think of that…”

“I can still catch up with this story.” The old leader of Yehenara looked up at the shadow of the Heavenly Dome.

“I thought the gates of time and space were closed.

“There is no way to hear the book in a short time.

“It’s just Mr. Sue’s means.”

“It’s really unfathomable. He sighed too.

Projection from the very beginning!


Now the shadow has descended on the iron space-time!

This is not something that projection can do! It’s already somewhere in the space-time boundary!

Even Yehenara’s old master, moxibustion dance, could not do it at all.

The two simply sat on the battlefield, looked at the shadow of Su Yu on the heavenly dome, and began to listen to books.


After the great battle, countless Strangers were very consumed and sat on the ground, and at this moment, after a moment’s relaxation, they were finally able to look at the shadows on the sky.

This ghost

Who is sacred?

“It’s Mr. Storyteller!”

There are strange walkers who speak loudly.

“The story that Mr. Storyteller tells…

“That’s what will happen in the future!”

“That’s what we’re going through now!”

“We’ve seen it in our dreams before!”

Many Strangers looked over and found that it was a high-level Stranger.


“Lords of the Allies they have personally verified!” This Mr. Su is talking about the future. ”

“But I don’t know where he exists…

“How could it have come so suddenly?”

There are Xenowalkers who speak, very curious, and at the same time inform the surrounding Xenowalkers after all

A lot of Xenopaths haven’t seen it at all!

Under the explanation of these high-level Xenopaths, the Xenopaths all looked at the shadow on the Heavenly Dome with some curiosity, of course, their curiosity was, is this shadow real? Is it really as the high-level Xenowalker said?

“The male brother disappears as a molecule.

“When the male brother opens his eyes again.”

“In front of you.

“It’s the gap between time and space.”

Su Yu told the story of Brother Xiong coming to the gap between time and space.

On the battlefield.

Countless Strangers were slightly stunned.

Time and space?

Golden space-time.

In front of the storytelling cabinet, countless mixed characters are extremely curious! Time and space!

This space-time gap…

What exactly is the place for a long time?

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