Chapter 206 Wang Dadong’s Time and Space Gap Split – Wang Dongcheng? 【3_6】!!

“This time and space are caught in the cracks…

“What kind of time and space is it?”

“Although I have heard Mr. Su mention it, I always feel very strange, how did Brother Xiong go to those places.”

A bastard spoke.

Although Su Yu mentioned the gap between time and space before! But not too many submissions!

But the more so! They are getting more and more curious!

After all, this is a place beyond the twelve time and space, the demon world, and the spirit world.

“Who is this shadow of sacredness?”

A Stranger Rider whispered, he was sitting on the ground, very tired, and had experienced a great battle.

“I heard that I can predict the future, I can know the past, the content of the books I tell, the stories I tell, are actually the stories that happen in the future, and the recent appearance of “The Ultimate Family” and “The Ultimate Class” seems to have something to do with him, and even the allies have mentioned it, which seems to be true.”

A Stranger Eye replied.

“Then ‘The Ultimate Family’ and ‘The Ultimate Class’ aren’t Tianji Company? The film and television drama seems to be filmed by its Tianji Film and Television Company, right? Newspapers and books seem to be published by its Tianji Publishing House, right? How does it have anything to do with him? ”

The previous Stranger was puzzled.

They have also heard about the recent Muggle “Ultimate Class” and “The Ultimate Family”, but the name of Mr. Su is very strange, and it can even be said that they do not know, although Su Yu’s projection has entered the dream, but many high-level Xenopaths feel that it is just a coincidence, until the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord speaks, they know that everything is actually true! Those are the experiences and happenings of the Otherworld!

“It is said that this Mr. Su is involved with the Tianji Pavilion, and the publications of the Tianji Pavilion are all what Mr. Nasu once said, remember the newspapers and periodicals?” The “The Ultimate Family” serialized above is the story of the Charan Zend family, and it is real, completely predicting the future of the Charan Zend family. ”

“The fifth paragraph now seems to be the fifth story of The Ultimate Family, and it is also the story of the Charan Zeid family.”

A Stranger Walk spoke.


“So magical?”

“Impossible, right?”

A Stranger Rider came directly to ask three questions, very unbelieving.

“It started…”

Some of the Strangers signaled them to be quiet and looked up at the shadows in the heavenly dome.

Shadows all around!

Countless images have emerged! In the picture

Brother Xiong had entered the rift of time and space! In the rift of space-time

Someone seemed to be waiting for her arrival.

It was a woman with a straight hair and a manuscript in her hand.

“Brother Xiong, are you here?”

In the picture, Brother Xiong is very confused, obviously not knowing why the person in front of him knows himself.

“Who are you?” Why do you know me? ”

Brother Xiong asked.

The woman smiled slightly, pulled her and said, “I’m a screenwriter.” ”

“Long story short, you come with me.”


She dragged her brother toward the darkness ahead.


The darkness ahead gradually appeared in the picture, in the picture.

A series of photographic venues appeared, and in front of that photographic venue, it was the Xia Lan Jingde family – Xia Gong saw the picture in front of it.

Brother Xiong looked slightly stunned: “What’s going on……”

“How did my family become a drama?”

In front of her, it was the final family’s clip, and she was obviously very surprised to see the above content!

“Life is like a play.”

“It’s like life.”

“Your whole being was hit by the energy of the four great demon lords, so you fell into the gap between time and space.”

The woman explained to the male brother.

Golden space-time.

In front of the Storyteller.

When the mixed generation saw this scene, they were all shocked!

“Mr. Su……”

“This time and space are caught in the cracks…

“What the hell is it?”

“Why in the gap between time and space, the Xiong brother’s family has become a drama?”

The mixed generations are full of curiosity about this gap between time and space!

Why in that gap between time and space……… The ultimate family has really turned into a drama! Stage.

Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Time and space are sandwiched…”

“It’s the gap in twelve times and spaces.”

“This is a space between virtual and real, existing in the universe, but not in the universe, in the gap between the universe.”

Su Yu opened his mouth slowly, “But…”

“The gap between time and space, although it is a gap, is also the source.”

“What is traced back is the origin of the entire time and space, which is closely related to the times and civilizations that once happened.”

It has been mentioned in the “Complete Record of the Final Series” that the existence of this space-time gap is not only as simple as expressed in “The Ultimate Family”, according to what Su Yu knows, the space-time gap is the world he once really existed, that is, the world that crossed over, in this universe, there is a kind of existence similar to the source, that is, the origin of everything, which is closely related to the twelve time and space, the demon world, or the entire universe.

in other words

This space-time gap, the connection between the world he once really existed and the twelve time and space, the demon world, is definitely not just filming.

Inside……… There is a deeper interweaving.

“Virtual and real?”

The mixed word generation is still a little puzzled.


The surrounding picture changes again.

In that change.

Brother Xiong actually met ‘Xia Yu’, ‘Summer’, ‘Xia Mei’, ‘Ye Siren’ and others.

But in that picture, Xia, Xia Yu, Xia Mei, Ye Siren, Xia Liu Ah Gong and others did not know Brother Xiong at all, as if they regarded her as a fan, very strange and distant.

This scene, in the eyes of the mixed word generation, feels very sad.

Bi Jing

His own family suddenly became a drama, and his son and husband turned out to be actors, and they didn’t know her at all, how could this brother accept it?

“That is……”

“In this gap between time and space, there is also Wang Dadong, their doppelgänger in the summer?”

A bastard spoke.


Su Yu smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Countless looked at the picture intently.

“Wang Dadong, Summer’s doppelganger…”

“It’s called Wang Dongcheng?”

“Is it an actor?”

“It feels so wonderful.”

A bastard spoke.

“Wang Dongcheng plays Summer, but he is also a doppelgänger of Summer…”

The word bastards think it’s amazing.

“Xia Yu and Rex’s doppelgänger turned out to be Tang Yuzhe?”

“The man with the broken intestine, the doppelgänger of the leader of the dead man is actually Na Wei Xun?”

“Xia Mei, Sister Xuan’s doppelgänger is actually Huang Xiaorou?”

Some mixed-up people look at the doppelgangers in the picture and feel very strange.

“Why are these doppelgängers……”

“It doesn’t seem like there’s any energy index?”

“Are they all Muggles?”

The mixed generations are very curious, seeing Wang Dongcheng in the picture, Tang Yuzhe and others have no combat power index, they think it is very strange, after all, Wang Dadong, summer, are all have combat power index, whether it is golden time and space or iron time and space, so everyone thinks that other time and space will also have a double, but did not expect that Wang Dongcheng in other time and space did not have a combat strength index.

“What does the origin really mean?”

“Is the doppelganger in the gap between time and space the true source?”

“Or does it have a different meaning?”

There are mixed characters guessing, but they can’t guess a result 0… The picture starts to change

The picture returns to iron space-time.

Iron time and space.

Countless people began to look for male brothers.

Ye Siren is even more thoughtless, the whole person is haggard, and although Xia Liu Ah Gong stays at home, it doesn’t seem to be too sad, but this old man will always sit quietly and look at the front whenever there is no one, Summer, Xia Mei, Xia Yu The three people follow Ye Siren to find Brother Xiong, but none of them are down, but the Xia family still refuses to give up, must find Brother Xiong.


“It’s hard to watch.”

Some of the mixed characters opened their mouths and felt that the scene in front of them was very uncomfortable.

“Originally, we thought that Summer was the protagonist, but in the end we found out…”

“Brother Xiong is the core of the ultimate family, is the protagonist, with such a mother, there will be the existence of the protagonist summer, or that everyone is the protagonist, everyone in the Xia family…… All are indispensable. ”

The mixed characters opened their mouths, and in the hearts of everyone, everyone in the Xia family was the protagonist, and everyone was indispensable!

Looking at the Xia family on the screen in order to find Brother Xiong, day and night, people are sad, and Brother Xiong is in the gap between time and space, between the virtual and the real, can not find the way home, can only look at their own children’s body tears.

“The leader of the Dead Man Regiment loves Brother Xiong too much, and he can’t bear the departure of Brother Xiong at all, alas.”

Some of the mixed characters looked at Ye Siren in the picture and shook his head.

“Although Grandpa Xia Liu always scolded Ye Siren, he also wanted him to cheer up, but he did not expect that the usually most improper Grandpa Xia Liu had now become the top pillar, just like Grandpa Xia Liu said, the leader of the dead man should take the lead in becoming strong, instead of letting himself be so decadent in looking for a male brother.”

“If it weren’t for the Xia Liu Gong sitting in the Xia Family, the whole Xia Family would be messed up, Summer, Xia Yu, Xia Mei would probably be more uncomfortable, Xia Liu Grandpa looks very strong……… But the most uncomfortable thing is probably him, right? ”

The bastards couldn’t help but sigh when they looked at Xia Liu’s lonely and lonely appearance.

Obviously, it is the most uncomfortable.

But be strong and sit in the whole family.


The Xia family was probably in a mess.

“Mr. Su……”

“This male brother, how can he return to iron time and space?”

“Won’t she ever come back?”

“It’s too hard to see us.”

When the mixed characters saw this scene, they felt very uncomfortable, obviously Brother Xiong did not die, but it was like life and death.


Su Yu shook the folding fan and said, “The only way——”

“It is the birth of the ultimate Iron Man, the restoration of time and space order, and the reopening of the door of time and space.”


“Only then can the male brother return to the iron time and space.”


Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.


“That’s what happened next…”

“It also leads to…”

“The Coming of the Flame Messenger.”

Iron space-time.

Countless Strangers are listening to the book above.

It’s just that

When they heard…

The moment the Flame Angel came.

The leaders of those high-ranking Strange Walker families stood up in disbelief in an instant.


The Flame Messenger is coming?!

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