Chapter 207 Because the Spiritwalker and the Gun Spirit King are the same person! 【4_6】!!

“How can that be?”

The Stranger Walker below, whether it was the White Path or the Demonic Walker, all had unbelievable openings.

Flame messenger! In the Book of Surprises, it is written……… Destroy the existence of time and space! How did it come?

“That’s too fake, isn’t it?”

“It’s just nonsense, isn’t it?”

“How could the Flame Messenger have arrived?”

Some of the demonic Alien Walkers spoke loudly, thinking that the shadows on the Heavenly Dome were just making things up.



Moxibustion dance alliance master opening.

“Mr. Sue…

“What is said is true.”

“The news I just received is that the contemporary leader of Charan Zende, Charan Zende Xiong has disappeared, that is, she has fallen into the gap between time and space, if you have read the ultimate family in the press, you know that time and space have now fallen into chaos.”

“To eliminate chaos……”

“Flame messenger—”

“It will come.”

The sound of moxibustion dance.

Reverberate throughout the battlefield! In an instant!

All doubts are gone! They can question the shadow!

Ke Moxibustion Dance personally made a sound, which instantly made countless white paths and demonic practitioners understand that this matter was definitely not a joke!

“The Lord…”

“What should we do?”

There is an uneasy opening of the Stranger.

Come on!

Flame messenger!

Destroy the existence of time and space………

“If it really comes……”

“Then our iron space-time…”

The Strangers were terrified.


Moxibustion Dance slowly opened his mouth and looked at the shadow.


All the Xenowalkers were confused.

Golden space-time.


Su Yu’s words fell.

The word bastards are getting more and more curious!

What the hell is going on…… Which led to the arrival of the Fire Messenger?

The screen continues.

The Freewalker appeared and told the entire Xia family that Brother Xiong had fallen into the gap between time and space, and if Brother Xiong was not found as soon as possible, the repair ability of time and space would completely erase the traces of Brother Xiong’s existence, and at that time, they would forget the existence of Brother Xiong, and even forget the matter of saving Brother Xiong.

And the only way to save the male brother! It’s summer to become the ultimate Tek! Such!

As long as he repairs the order of time and space and reopens the door of time and space, Brother Xiong can come back from the gap between time and space!

But the question is

Summer now only collected Thunder, Wind Two In-situ Abilities, and three In-situ Abilities Short!

Although it is currently known that Xia Yu has fire, the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord has rain, and the Lanling King has electricity, but now there is no way to infuse these in-situ abilities into Summer’s body, and the reason why the cultivation of the wind in situ can be transmitted is because he himself is the existence of the auxiliary ultimate Iron Man, who can infuse the in-situ energy of the wind!

But everyone else…

Only in different ways.

For example, Han, she blocked the fatal blow of zack for Summer at a critical moment, and let the thunder in her body enter Summer’s body!

And now that there are only wind and thunder in-situ abilities in the body in the summer, although I know the ownership of other in-situ abilities, how to gather the five in-situ abilities now is a huge problem!

“It feels so little hope…

“Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to gather five kinds of in-situ abilities in the summer!”

“On the contrary, it is the Lanling King, if the Lanling King continues to unlock the seal, maybe he will be able to become the ultimate Iron Man in an instant.”

When the following mixed characters saw this scene, they all felt that compared to the Lanling King, the chances of becoming the ultimate Iron Man in the summer were too slim!


“According to Mr. Sue……”

“The last to become the ultimate Iron Man was summer.”

A bastard spoke!

But the situation at hand!

Summer is still short of three kinds of in-situ powers!

If you want to become the ultimate Iron Man, it is difficult to achieve! With this huge curiosity!

The Mixed Word Generation continued to look at Su Yu on the storytelling platform, while the Extraordinary Walkers of Iron Time and Space were slightly surprised after hearing the Extraordinary Walkers, and looked at the shadows on the Heavenly Dome with some disbelief!

The Ultimate Tek? How is this possible?

The Stranger never stopped doubting the words spoken by the shadow of the Heavenly Dome.

“Of course—”

“The most important thing is.”

“Once time and space begin to repair the existence of Brother Xiong, everything about Brother Xiong will disappear, and there will be a terrible chain reaction, and when Time and Space begin to repair, everything about Brother Xiong will be repaired, all the existence of Brother Xiong, Xia Yu, Summer, Xia Mei, and Grandpa Xia Liu will be repaired, and the summer that is repaired, everything about summer, will be repaired again.”

“And so on.”

“The whole space-time……”

“All will be fixed.”

“Everything in the world is a series of threads.”

“Once it is judged to be wrong, the collateral erases and repairs countless existences.”


“Shortly after Brother Xiong disappeared, the photos of Summer, Xia Yu, and Xia Mei also began to blur along with Brother Xiong.”

Su Yu spoke slowly.

The disappearance of Brother Xiong, time and space began to repair, there are photos, names, stories about Brother Xiong, are gradually erased, and everyone begins to gradually forget the existence of Brother Xiong! And most importantly! Even Xia Yu, Xia, and Xia Mei’s photos are blurred, which also indicates that all three of them will disappear! Erased by time and space!

And there’s everything about the trio!

It will also be gradually implicated! All erased by time and space! Iron Time and Space!

Facing a crisis far beyond the day of the Polar Yin, the great battle of good and evil!

“Oh my God!”

“It’s actually true!”

“Mr. Su seems to have said before, once Brother Xiong disappears, everything about Brother Xiong will also be implicated and erased by time and space!”

“And everyone in the whole time and space is involved!”

“So over time! All will disappear……”

“The whole space-time……”

“Everybody is going to disappear?”

A bastard took a breath of cold air and felt chills! It’s not just him!

The entire Storyteller Cabinet’s, even those who didn’t believe in Su Yu’s Iron Time and Space Walkers, were shivering at this moment! I couldn’t believe it!

If it’s true – it’s scary, isn’t it?

And the most terrifying and terrifying of all!

The Strangers of Iron Time and Space just now……… Just received the message given by the Moxibustion Dance Alliance!

Brother – already missing!

Iron space-time.

Countless Strangers shivered.

According to the Moxibustion Dance Lord!

The contemporary head of the Charlen Cynd family is missing!

“That is……”

“Is it really possible?”

Some people are uneasy and think that things should not really happen, right?

“Fake it…”

“If it’s true, then aren’t we iron space-time?”

Strangers find it unlikely.


And some are not sure.

“If that story is true, then the situation is too urgent for him.”

“There are two kinds of in-situ abilities in the summer body, how to become the ultimate Iron Man?” There are strange walkers who open their mouths.

Countless Strangers looked at the shadow of the Heavenly Dome and waited for the shadow to continue speaking.

“You say…”

“Is the voice coming from inside the vast galaxy a stranger from other time and space?”

Some of the Strangers asked, curious about who made the voices coming from the vast galaxy, and they had been listening to the voices coming out of the vast galaxy, asking questions, which made people very curious.


There seems to be no answer at the moment.

The shadow around the picture continues!

After the Freewalker informed the method and the male brother fell, he disappeared, at the same time, Han found that Lan Ling King’s fiancée Bing Xin did not seem to be dead, but in the black substance, to be trained into a demon fighter, moxibustion dance, Lan Ling King, Summer together into the black substance, rescued the Ice Heart!

After rescuing Ice Heart!

King Lanling discovered the secret of the Spirit Slash, called that summer to a secret place, and he directly cast the Sword Dafa, pouring his whole body energy into it and hitting Summer, and even passed on his own electric in-situ power to Summer!

“This Lanling King……”

“Giving up the chance to become the ultimate Tekker?”

The Stranger Walker below was a little surprised to see this scene.

“This Lanling King is also too righteous enough, isn’t he?”

“Giving up the chance to become the ultimate Tekker outright?” And take such a big risk to help Summer, you know, if he fails, he will explode and die

When the following mixed characters saw this scene, they were also very surprised and were touched by the Lanling King!

“But the problem is…”

“How can the fire in the ghost phoenix’s body and the rain in the main body of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance be transmitted into the summer body?”

But there are 423 generations of mixed words who feel that even with the electricity of the Lanling King, it is still difficult for Summer to become the ultimate Iron Man!

Bi Jing

Moxibustion dance and ghost phoenix, there is no way to pass on the merit! Stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, “So—”

“Only the Freewalker strikes.”

In the picture!

The Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance found the Freewalker and hoped that the Freewalker would intervene, otherwise time and space would be destroyed.

At last

The Freewalker decided to personally use the Nine Turns of the Divine Movement to infuse the two in-situ abilities into the summer body.


It’s time for success! The moment the Freewalker leaves

Summer was hit in the chest by the Infinity Seal! Become a Muggle!


“What’s going on?”

“Why did this Gun Spirit King turn Summer into a Muggle?”

“Is the Gun Spirit King going to stop the birth of the Ultimate Iron Man?”

“And this Gun Spirit King…”

“How did you break through the Freeman’s protective magnetic field?”

Some people who are confused and find it hard to believe.


Su Yu shook the folding fan and said, “Wrong…”

“The Gun Spirit King wants to stop the Freewalker.”

The mixed characters below, the Strange Walkers of Iron Time and Space were all puzzled.

The Gun Spirit King wants to stop it……… Is it a Freewalker?


“Once the Freewalker intervenes to create the ultimate Iron Man, it will cause chaos in time and space, leading to the arrival of the Fire Messenger.”

“As for the question of how the Gun Spirit King broke through the protective magnetic field, it is the same as the answer to the previous question.”

“It’s all about the secrets of the Spiritwalker.”

But Su Yu’s next words instantly made countless mixed characters and strangers even more confused!

“Mr. Sue…”

“What is the secret of the Freewalker?”

Offstage, Wang Dadong was very puzzled and asked.


Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly: “This secret is——”

“Freewalker and the Gun Spirit King.”

“It’s actually the same person…”

Iron space-time.

Convenience stores.

A freewalker eating potato chips. Momentarily stunned.


A stunned and unbelievable…

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