The Flame Messenger in Chapter 210 looked at us?!!

The shadow of the half of the sky dome.

The picture around me began to change.

It was a dark building, as if some secret training place was very closed, and Moxibustion Dance stood in the darkness, looking ahead.

“Whatever happens…”

“I believe it all.

“You are the flying immortal with good intentions and awe-inspiring justice.” He seemed to be talking to himself in the darkness, waiting for the Freewalker to appear. In the dark

The Freewalker came out in a white robe.

“How can that be?”

The Gun Spirit King’s brow furrowed.


Why is it still there?

According to his plan, Freewalker, a good-skinned old man, after knowing his identity, will inevitably choose to close himself off and feel guilty, and the power in his body will in turn be suppressed by him!

Just like now!

If so

The Gun Spirit King seemed to have thought of something.

Golden space-time.

“Mr. Sue.”

“This Spiriton.”

“Wasn’t he defeated?”

“How can it still appear?”

There are confused openings.

Follow the scene in the picture Freewalker!

Should be defeated!

The Gun Spirit King’s plan succeeds!

The Freewalker has been suppressed back into the body, and it is reasonable to say that it should not have appeared, but suddenly appeared?


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Because.”

“He is a Freewalker.

“He was suppressed, defeated, and only because he was a Freewalker.

At the moment when he knew that he was the Gun Spirit King, the Freewalker was doomed to be unable to accept that he was a scourge of the White Dao, and the Gun Spirit King who made the entire Strange Spirit Realm White Dao Strange Walker feared his heart insisted on justice and goodness, just like the summer, unable to accept that the other self in the body was a person who fell into the Demon Dao of the Evil Realm.

So a brief moment of guilt, uneasiness, and self-blame would make his will, his power, be suppressed and defeated by the Gun Spirit King in an instant, and may even perish on its own.

Su Yu spoke slowly.


The Gun Spirit King forgot.

“The reason why the Spiritist is the Spirited Walker is because he is always the righteous and awe-inspiring, sinless Spiritualist, who knows what he has done

He can feel guilty about self-closure, but he can also feel guilty, regain control of his body rights and give the world an account.

It was his sense of responsibility, so it was destined that the Freewalker would never disappear.

Su Yu shook the folding fan. With Su Yu’s story.


The Gun Spirit King, who was sitting in the corner of the Heavenly Dome, suddenly changed his expression slightly! His energy fluctuated eerily!


The Gun Spirit King’s eyes narrowed slightly, but the extremely terrifying energy fluctuating around him was suppressed in an instant!


His body is somewhat illusory!

Sometimes a blue coat, sometimes a white robe! The two alternately transform!


The Freewalker and the Gunslinger King engage in a fierce battle for their bodies! In the picture!

The Freewalker asked Moxibustion Dance to take out the Wu Feng and shoot at him!

It’s just that

How can moxibustion dance be done! At that end!

After all, it was the Freewalker who took the black phoenix and fired a shot at himself! After that gunshot!

Freewalker. Fall to the ground.

Completely silent.

In the picture.

The Freewalker fell to the ground, screaming in pain, his eyes glazed over.

It’s just that

This master of the White Dao Extraordinary Ability Realm completely passed away from the world in a self-determined way.

Countless were shocked when they saw this scene.

This was true even for the Stranger of Iron Time and Space.

“It turned out.”

“This is the Freewalker. The bastards muttered to themselves.

“Putting goodness at its core.”

“With the right in mind.

“Even for time and space, for the universe, sacrifice themselves, and do not allow themselves to live!”


“Is it the Freewalker?”

Iron space-time.

Moxibustion Dance, Xiu, Xia Liu Gong and others saw this scene and all applied for solemnity.



He will always be the one who is a godwalker, the one who can inhabit himself for time and space, and who can paint the demon world for time and space without hesitation.


“He can conquer the Demon Realm for time and space.”


“He can also inhabit himself for time and space.


“This end can’t help but make people feel sad. Half of the sky.

The shadow slowly opened its mouth.


At the moment when the shadow words fell! The energy in the Gun Spirit King’s body quickly receded!

A white robe appeared between heaven and earth, eating above the heavens.

A righteous Freewalker appears.

Seeing the shadow in front of him, he slowly spoke, “Mr. Su.” ”

“Thank you.

He opened his mouth very politely.

Those eyes that penetrated time and space slowly stared at the Freewalker.


“It’s not over yet.

The Freewalker was slightly stunned.

Half ring.

He sat down.

Golden space-time.

The screen continues.

Death of the Freewalker.

Space-time order restored!

But the crowd had not yet had time to rejoice!

Grandpa Xia Liu ran over, and this time, he was full of white hair and his white beard was very long!

“Flame messenger.”

“Still on the way there. He was flustered and uneasy. The source of everything!

All from the Gods Walker and the Gun Spirit King! Now both are dead!

The Flame Messenger is still on his way!


The bastards are very puzzled.

“Didn’t Mr. Su say that?”

“Did everything come from the Sharpshooter and the Gun Spirit King?”

“Are they dead, and aren’t they over yet?”

“That is…


“Can’t stop the arrival of the Fire Messenger?”

The word bastards are very uneasy!

If only the Messenger of Fire had come!

Iron space-time.

What resistance to take?

“The Coming of the Flame Messenger.”


“In the summer, the Lanling King, the three of them, finally chose the death of a young warrior.

“Even one.

“They all knew very well that they could not deal with the Flame Messenger. Storyteller.

Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

In the picture

In the summer, the three Lanling Kings decided to go to war, even if they couldn’t defeat the flame messenger, they all had to fight for time and space, for all Muggles, for all the Strangers!

Even though!

Hope is slim! Countless mixed characters saw this scene, and their expressions became more and more solemn!

“Too desperate.

“If the Black Dragon can still fight, how can this flame messenger fight?”

“Iron space-time.”

“Is it really going to be destroyed?”

The bastards are worried.

“But if destroyed.”

“Then the future ending, why are they still in the summer, brother?”

“Isn’t it one.

“There’s still a glimmer of life?”

Even if the think they may know the answer!

But still curious!

What the hell is going on!

If so, how did the Flame Messenger retreat?

If it is false, then is the future iron space-time reset? Just when the are curious and worried!

Metaphor! Suddenly!

Some of the remixers found that the surrounding scene seemed to have changed! In the story

In the summer, the king of Lanling rushed to the battlefield, which was a barren mountain clearing.

Around the Storyteller Pavilion, the spatial scene around all the Mixed Word Generation changed again, and at this moment, it seemed that they were no longer in the Storytelling Pavilion, but on the battlefield, and the surroundings, including the ground, had turned into barren mountains and open space, and everyone was like stepping on it!

And in the summer, the moxibustion dance, Lanling King, is in front of Mr. Su’s body! That is, in front of the book desk!

Mr. Su, the Golden Pen Guest sat not far away.

In the summer, moxibustion dance, Lanling King looked straight ahead as if he were dead, waiting to see the arrival of the flame blockage!

“My God.


“It seems a little different.

The bastards opened their mouths and felt something was wrong.

Although these scenes have been these before, but there is such a realistic realism in the section! Seems!

In this moment!

They were all really there!




Countless Strangers instantly sensed something was wrong! Around the battlefield!

The battlefield in that magnetic field!

It’s changing!

Directly into the scene of the story! No matter who it is, at this moment, they have entered the scene of that story, which is very real!


The Freewalker was slightly stunned, and he felt… Breath from time and space!

What’s going on?

Golden Time and Space!


Su Yu shook the folding fan.

The scene in front of you!

The ‘summer’ moxibustion dance Lanling King” in front of me began to move!


That wisp of flame penetrated the universe, broke through the clouds of that iron time and space, descended into iron time and space, and floated in front of the Lan Ling King in that summer!

“I’ll go.”

“It’s hot.”

It’s hot to have a mixed word generation!

The moment the flame messenger appeared!

Everyone felt a strange wave of energy! Very hot! And in front of the storyteller!

“Here I go!”

With the arrival of the Fire Messenger!

The one closest to the storyteller, and also the closest to the ‘Summer’ Moxibustion Dance Lanling King” and the flame messenger, the flame messenger, seemed to come down in front of them, instantly letting these mixed words fall directly!

In the front, there are also Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, Rex, Tian Hongguang and others.

Looking at the face in front of him that resembled Tian Hongguang.

Everyone was in a trance.

Wang Dadong even reached forward and touched it: “It feels so real.” I don’t know why! ”

The crowd felt an unparalleled sense of authenticity! Scene ahead!

Barren mountain clearing!

In the summer, the king of Lanling stood firmly in front of the flame messenger.


“Back off.

“There is a huge disparity in strength.”

“In vain.”

The Flame Messenger is wrapped in flames, surrounded by the source of fire that can destroy everything!

He was about to persuade the ‘summer’ in front of him to retreat from the “summer” of the Dancing Lanling King.

But in this moment.

He seemed to sense something.


The words are not finished.

He turned his head slightly.


Look ahead! This moment!

Those eyes, as if to pass through that scene, through countless time and space, truly emerged, looking at the mixed characters in front of them!

Metaphor! Rumble!

All! Wang Dadong and the others all involuntarily took a step backwards!

What’s going on?

The Fire Messenger in the story looked at us? Dry!

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