Chapter 211 Above the Flame Messenger – There is really someone! 【Supplement】!!

The flame messenger was clearly facing “Summer.” ”

Moxibustion dance

Lanling King” Three!

Follow the scene!

He’s standing on a storytelling desk right now! In front of Mr. Su, in front of the Golden Pen Guest! But suddenly!

But he seemed to sense something.

Turn your head slightly.

Eyes through the vast nothingness, through the endless time and space, and even through the story! Gaze at the in front of you, Wang Dadong and the others! At this moment, all the bastards, Wang Dadong and others, felt that the eyes really fell on them for a moment!


“What’s going on?”

Wang Dadong opened his mouth in shock! Iron Time and Space!

The Freewalker seemed to sense something! Airplanes!

Only to see the scene ahead! The flame messenger seemed to be staring ahead!


The Freewalker looked shocked, as if he had found something, and his eyes widened!

Even if he knew his secret, knew the existence of the Gun Spirit King, and knew the arrival of the Flame Messenger, he was not too shocked!

But this moment!

His eyes widened slightly, revealing a look of shock! Apparently!

He seemed to sense something and was shocked! Golden Time and Space!

Storyteller! In that scene.

Standing in Su Yu, the flame messenger in front of the Golden Pen Guest glanced ahead in the void.



He turned his head again and looked at the place where Nasu Yu was sitting.

Su Yu shook the folding fan, and a pair of eyes calmly looked at the flame messenger.

But soon.

The flame messenger in that picture withdrew his gaze, and his eyes once again looked ahead at the summer, Lanling King, Moxibustion Dance.

In the summer, the Lanling King, who was a little unaware of the moxibustion dance, glanced at each other, as if he did not understand why the flame messenger suddenly looked at the empty place in front of him.


“What are you looking at?”

Summer hesitated for a moment and asked slowly.

“Time and space.”

The flame messenger slowly opened his mouth.

“Someone through endless time and space…”

“Gaze at us.”

“A quick glance.”

He spoke.


Summer seemed puzzled.

He immediately looked where the flame messenger had just looked!


His pupils constricted slightly, as if sensing something.

His eyes, like the flame messengers just now, became as deep as a galaxy, peering through time and space, staring ahead

But just for a second!

Summer is very close to the word mixers! Everyone sees! In just a moment!

In the pupils of summer, a trace of the shadow of the crowd was reflected! Moxibustion Dance and Lanling King both looked over but………

What the two men saw was a barren mountain clearing, not like the summer.


Summer turned his head directly to look at the location where Su Yu was located! Soon!


In his pupils, a faint black shadow reflected in that pupil! But it was only a flash.


Summer muttered to herself.

The moment the words fall! Airplanes!

All the bastards, Wang Dadong and others all had their eyes wide open! Even knife madness, knife ghosts, gut-breaking people, and dragon climbers!


Flame Messengers……… See us?!


“Wait a minute.”

Wang Dadong opened his mouth.

“Shouldn’t this be what Mr. Su said……”

“Different immersion?”

Wang Arthur raised an eyebrow: “Mr. Su calls this…”

“Different immersion?”

You call this a different immersion?! The people in the story

I’ve seen it all!

“The story is more real……”


Tian Hongguang nodded.

“We’re all going to get into the story.”

In this moment!

Everyone feels!

They seem to be about to enter the story scene!


“Mr. Su……”

“What’s going on?”

“The story of…”

Some couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s space-time.”

“Or rather…”

“Parallel worlds?”

Su Yu did not speak.

But Arthur the king spoke.

He looked at Su Yu on the high platform.

“Mr. Su……”

“The space around here…”

“Is it between two space-time worlds?”

“What we saw—”

“In fact, let’s talk about the scene in the story, that is, a parallel world outside of us?”

Countless only feel suffocated! Everyone looked at Su Yu on the high platform.

Su Yu smiled slightly: “Yes.” ”

The moment his words fell! The whole scene was instantly silent!


“That is!”

“We will later…”

“Maybe through this, it can be connected to that world?”

“Connected with the time and space in the stories we listen to the book?”

The bastard swallowed his throat.


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Maybe.” ”

“Stay tuned.”

His answer.

In an instant, countless opened their eyes again!

Iron Time and Space!

Moxibustion dance, Ye Henara old master, Xia Liu Gong, Xiu Jian opened his eyes widely, held his breath, after hearing Su Yu’s explanation, several people felt that their breathing was a little short!

For the average Xenowalker!

Maybe I just thought it was interesting! But

For the moxibustion dance, Yehenara old master, everything in this is not so simple!

If you can really travel through it in the future, or affect the time and space in the storytelling, that is, parallel worlds! So! On that day, if you can travel through the time and space of the storytelling, won’t you be able to change what happened in the time and space of that story! It’s as if they are changing their future right now!

And changed the time and space in the story………

The Ultimate Iron Man in Time and Space, the ‘Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord’ and others can also come here to help them fight against the Demon Realm together!

Of course! It’s just an idea!

But this idea! It is achievable!

“This Mr. Sue…”

“In the end…”

“Who is it?”

Yehenara’s old boss opened his eyes wide and his expression was shocked.

Rao is him.

Yehenara’s contemporary leader!

At this moment, I feel an unfathomable feeling!

“Being able to predict the future……”

“Being able to tell the story of the future…

“You can also construct space at will, connecting our iron space-time and golden space-time.”

Moxibustion Dance muttered to himself.

He didn’t know much, and he couldn’t see much, but he probably felt that the space constructed by Mr. Nasu seemed to have connected the iron space-time and the golden space-time! In the twelve time and space when the door of time and space was closed, he could have such a means of reaching the heavens!

It’s just… Have no bottom! Over the sky.

The Freewalker looked at the flame messenger in the picture, Summer staring ahead.

His expression fell into deep thought, as if he was thinking of something.

Golden space-time.



“Retreat as much as you can.”

“The disparity in strength is just a vain sacrifice…”

The Flame Messenger completes what he said earlier.

His voice!

Reverberate throughout iron space-time! Stress swaying!

In the summer, moxibustion dance, Lanling King withdrew his gaze.

Summer looked at the flame messenger in front of her and smiled slightly, “Since you are already going to sacrifice…”

“It’s better to get past us first.”

Countless looked at the incomparably real scene in front of them, and they couldn’t help but get closer.

“Is this summer, Lanling King, moxibustion dance?”

“And the Flame Messengers…”

“It seems that this big war is inevitable.”

“But their ability index adds up to 100,000 points, and according to the Moxibustion Dance Younger Brother, even if you add the entire time and space, the entire demon world, and the ability index is only ten million points, how can you deal with the existence of the level of the Flame Messenger?”

The word are very worried.

“Is it iron space-time……”

“Already destined to reset to zero?”

Some are worried.


In the summer, the moxibustion dance, the Lanling King confronts the flame messengers.


Ready for a duel! But

The Flame Messenger shook his head, “The order of Iron Time and Space has been restored.” ”

“The task of destruction which I have been instructed to carry out……”


“This time here —

“Remove only two-thirds of the wicked people in iron space-time.”

“Maintain the balance of good and evil in iron time and space, all three are not in my list of extremely evil people, please cherish life, and retreat as much as possible.”

The words of the Fire Messenger not only echoed throughout the Iron Space-Time! Also reverberates throughout the space!

Countless heard this conversation and were momentarily stunned! Soon!

And the crowd reacted!

“That is……”

“Freewalker, the death of the Gun Spirit King, the order of time and space has been restored!”

“The Flame Messenger’s mission of destruction has changed?”

“This time I came to kill the Demonic Walker in order to maintain the balance of space-time order?”

When the mixed generation heard this sentence, they couldn’t help but be overjoyed!

“That’s the way it is…”

“No wonder the future of iron time and space, Xia Tian, Brother Xiong and others are not dead…”

It turned out that the self-judgment of the old ancestors of the Freewalker had saved the Iron Time and Space Bastard Generation and finally understood what was going on!

Just thinking about this, everyone’s hearts couldn’t help but darken.

A generation of Extraordinary Realm masters need self-judgment to save the entire time and space.

The self-judgment of the old ancestors of the Freewalker has saved the iron time and space!

“This Priest Ancestor……”

“It is really worthy of being the head of the right path, if he does not shoot, he will not die, anyway, he has transcended time and space, but time and space will be destroyed because of the disappearance of the male brother, but if he shoots, he must cut himself off, with one person, to save time and space.” 」

The bastards all sighed.


“Wait a minute…

“What the Flame Messenger just said was—”

“Quest for destruction?”

Some of the bastards suddenly discovered the key to the words of the flame messengers.

“Do you say—”

“Someone sent a flame messenger on a mission of destruction?!”

“Behind the Flame Messenger……”

“Really someone?!”

The bastard’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth in shock! His words!

In an instant, the surrounding were slightly stunned, and then their eyes widened in shock


All speculated! But no one can believe it!

But now the Flame Messenger has arrived! Through the words he just had! It’s not hard to know behind the Flame Messenger!

There seems to be a terrifying existence!


“How can that be?”

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