Chapter 212 This Summer… Why would you want to do something to the Flame Messenger? 【Supplement】!!

The bastards were shocked.

Above the Flame Messengers! There seems to be another statue!

And it sent the Flame Messenger over? This………

How is this possible?


“Goosebumps are going to get up!”

The bastard opened his mouth and couldn’t help but shiver!

“Flame messengers…”

“One one, the existence of the next thirty zeros…”

“Above him, there is even a being!”

“And the Existence sent him?”

“The deepest part of the universe…”

“What’s the secret?”

There are shocked openings of the.

Look at the flame messenger in front of you!

The scene in front of you is too real! And even through this time and space, they can feel the terrible feeling of heat! And the energy and strength to destroy everything! This is the ability to destroy the entire time and space with the help of a hand! What a terrifying guy who zeroed out the entire time and space!


“It’s a relief that there was no fight at all.”

“The situation in front of you is still good, the Flame Messenger does not need to destroy time and space, but only preserves two-thirds of the extremely evil people in Iron Time and Space, that is, those who demonize the Strange Ability, and still help Summer, the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance They eh.”

Although it was very shocking, the situation in front of them made everyone breathe a sigh of relief! Since the Flame Messenger is not on a mission of destruction!

Then iron time and space, nature does not need to be destroyed! otherwise

Such a terrifying power index with the Fire Messenger! The whole iron space-time, how to duel with the flame messenger? Or rather! Even if the Iron Time and Space and the Demon Realm were united, they could not be the opponents of the Fire Messenger!

“The only pity…”

“Is that the ancestor of the Freewalker?”

There are people who think of the Freewalker, and their hearts are dark.

If it were not for the self-judgment of the Freewalker, I am afraid that the entire time and space would be destroyed.

“But in the end, the ending is good.”

“Otherwise, even if in the summer, the Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, the Lanling King, and the Flame Messenger duel, there is no way to save the Iron Time and Space.”

After knowing the purpose of the flame messenger.

All the Xeno Walkers breathed a sigh of relief and felt that this fight finally did not have to be fought!


With the strength of the Fire Messenger! Who can stop it?

But just when everyone was relieved! Airplanes!

But I saw that Summer suddenly turned around and directly fixed the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord and the Lanling King!

: “Huh?! ”

Iron Space-Time Walker: “Huh? ”

Wang Dadong and others: “Huh? ”

Everyone was stunned!

Obviously don’t know what summer is going to do! Just when everyone doesn’t know what summer is going to do!

After fixing the two of them, Summer turned directly to face the flame messenger in front of her.

His eyes were pure, and he looked firmly at the flame messenger in front of him.

“Whoever you are…”

“There is no right to decide the life and death power of good and evil!”


To the Fire Messengers……… Declare war?

Everyone was stunned and didn’t understand Summer’s brain circuitry.

The Flame Messenger looked at Wang Dadong in front of him and slowly said, “You are a benevolent child with a kind heart, and you are also the ultimate Iron Man.” ”

“You still have a lot of things to do, so why sacrifice for a bunch of wicked people?”

It’s just that

Summer’s hand reached forward, and the ghost dragon in his hand appeared!

“Tekko Wuji!”

Tekke Wuji floated in his hands! After getting the Iron Electrode.

“Their lives are in their own hands.”

“I believe that good and evil will eventually be rewarded.”

“You are not the only one who can decide whether they live or die.”

Summer eyes are firm.

The Flame Messenger shook his head helplessly, “You will regret it.” ”

Summer hands on the Natec Infinity.

“I’m not stopping you……”

“I will regret it!”


He just started playing Tek-Wuji! Moment!

Countless vast green energies condensed! All the power of the Nature, the Demon Realm, and the Extraordinary Energy Realm between Heaven and Earth was condensed on that summer’s body! As Summer plays, a terrifying breath erupts in Summer!

This is the first real shot in Summer after becoming the ultimate Iron Man! It’s just that.

“What are you doing this summer?”

“How could he be so stupid?”

Wang Dadong looked at the summer in front of him and shot at the flame messenger, and couldn’t help but speak.


“What are you doing this summer?” Why protect this group of wicked people? ”

“Wouldn’t it be better to let the Flame Messengers kill them?”

Countless don’t understand why Summer is doing this! But that’s when it happened.



King Arthur shook his head.


Wang Dadong looked at Arthur Wang.

“You forgot……”

“Who is Summer?”

King Arthur opened his mouth slowly.

“He’s the ultimate Tek.”

“The Ultimate Iron Man is the savior of the universe, but also the savior of the Iron Time and Space, from the moment he becomes the Ultimate Iron Man of Time, what he wants to guard is the Iron Time and Space and the entire universe, even if it is the demonic Alien Walker in the Iron Time and Space, the extremely evil person, is still under his protection.”

“Just because—”

“Those people, those demonized magicians, are all people of iron time and space.”

“It’s his belief and his responsibility.”

“That’s probably why he was able to become the ultimate Tek.”

Arthur Wang seemed to understand Summer’s thoughts.

“From the very beginning, he was already different from ordinary people.”

As Arthur the King’s words fell.

Countless were silent.


According to their identities, from their standpoint, they would like these extremely evil people to die all the demonized magicians! But Summer is the ultimate Iron Man, the reason why he can become the Ultimate Iron Man is because of his character, at the same time, he also meets the characteristics of the Ultimate Iron Man, is to guard the iron time and space, to protect the entire universe and was born! In his position, in his faith!

Iron Time and Space! Universe! It’s all he wants to protect! So.

He’s going to strike.

Maybe! This is the belief and responsibility of the ultimate Tekker.

In the eyes of countless people, it looks like an idiot, a very stupid move, but it is also the reason why Summer can become the ultimate Iron Man!

From this moment on!

The level on which summer stands is already the whole time and space, the whole universe.

What he wants to guard – all the people of the Iron Time and Space!

This moment.

All the bastards were silent.

Although they can’t understand and can’t agree, they are still touched by the stubborn spirit of choosing the good in the summer, those who have long disappeared, who have long disappeared, and the kindness seems to be touched by the summer in front of them.

Iron Time and Space!

Countless demonic Alien Walkers looked at this scene and were all slightly stunned! Especially Yehenara’s old boss, his expression was even more stunned! Demonize the Stranger!

The most wicked man!

They thought they were demons, the evil side, and when the Flame Messenger wanted to eliminate two-thirds of the most evil people, all the demonic magicians felt that the end was coming!

But what no one expected was that! That summer!

That ultimate Tekker! It would be for them! Don’t hesitate to stand up!

Face the invincible Flame Messenger! Stubborn teenager!

Guarding time and space! This moment!

All Demonic Walkers……… They all felt that some of the emotions in their hearts had long been annihilated, and the emotions that had disappeared long ago were fluctuating faintly, and the feeling of being lost for a long time even made their goosebumps rise, their bodies trembled slightly, and their scalps were slightly numb

What a feeling………

They don’t know.

But this moment.

But they understand that today is a battle for time and space……… It’s worth it.

Yehenara’s old boss: “…”

His eyes were silent as he watched everything in front of him.

The eyes have a myriad of complex emotions.

To the end.

It turned into a sigh.

Maybe it was because of his own plan, maybe it was because of his own evil heart, but at this moment, he felt that the cloudy, dark, disgusting heart seemed to have been somewhat purified at this moment.

Golden Time and Space! Airplanes! Airplanes! Airplanes!

Summer plays Tekko Wuji!

The Heaven and Earth energies of the Nature, the Otherworld, and the Demon Realm condensed on him, and after he played, he instantly rushed to the flame messenger in front of him!

Time! The whole iron space-time!

Countless Strangers heard the play of Iron Infinite and all of them stood up and looked up at the Heavenly Dome!

Countless Strangers are cheering for the summer! And ahead of that summer!

It is countless, Wang Dadong, knife madness and others!

“What a powerful Xeno Index…”

They all sensed the powerful Abilities Index of Summer!



[35,000………] for a moment!

More than 35,000 points!

Reached a level of energy that they could not detect! At the very least, there are [45,000 points]! There are countless kinds of energies surging between heaven and earth, recognized in heaven and earth

Under! The energy of nature, the otherworld, and the demon world are all driven by summer! Powerful energy!

Let the heavens and the earth change color!

Let the countless mixed characters in front of you, the Iron Time and Space Strange Walkers all change color! But even so!

That flame messenger just glanced at it! Bang!

Summer, which is extremely powerful, seems to have suffered a heavy blow, instantly stopping the playing, and the body falls backwards! Half kneeling on the ground.

All the people who saw this scene had their eyes wide open!

The transcendent power index was directly shattered under the eyes of the flame messenger!

This……… How else to play this?


“This flame messenger is a monster!”

The voice of the mixed word generation trembled and opened his mouth!

This Flame Messenger…… How to play?

“As the ultimate Tekk, you have a more important mission, and there is no need to waste time and energy on this group of evil people.”

The Flame Messenger spoke again, not wanting to do anything to Xiatian.

“It’s not worth it.”

Summer was half kneeling on the ground, the corners of his mouth slightly bleeding, he raised his head, looked at the flame messenger, slowly stood up, and showed a firm smile: “Is it worth it…”

“It’s my own decision!”

“Come on!”

The Flame Messenger shook his head, “Obsessiveness. ”

Summer smiled and said, “It’s stubbornness!” ”

Flame Messenger: “… Is it good and stubborn? ”

Summer smiled and said, “Whatever! ”

Airplanes! Rumble! He played again! And just then! Airplanes!

Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord, Lan Ling King used the Mixed Element Energy to break through the condensation technique, instantly standing in front of Summer, condensing the Extraordinary Energy Index!

“And us!”

The two spoke.

Just when the Bastards, the Strangers, and the Flame Messengers were all stunned! Suddenly!


“And us.”

Another voice sounded!

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