Chapter 213 They… Are they all dead? 【Supplement】!!

In the scene

Summer is playing Tek-Wuji!

His energy exploded to the extreme! Iron Infinity drives the energy of the entire heaven and earth, making the heavens and earth change color! Countless pale green rays of light rushed towards the flame messenger! Like countless rivers, gushing in!

The Flame Messenger stood quietly in place, he did not shoot, but quietly looked at the summer in front of him.

But suddenly.

He seemed to sense something, slightly moved: “Interesting.” ”

“The Ultimate Tekker…

“The energy index can not exceed 50,000 points at most.”

“But in this instant, soar your abilities beyond your limits… Now!

In the summer, there was a special energy index bar on his body!


【50000……… ]】

【52000……… ]】

“Whether you can stop me or not, your body will not be able to load, stop quickly.”

This moment.

The Flame Messengers were all a little moved! Countless are shocked! Summer!

How can you go beyond your limits? Or rather

Is the ultimate Tekken the limit?

“Oh my God…”

“That’s horrible, isn’t it?”

The bastards were stunned! 52,000 Energy Index!

This has surpassed the number one on the iron list! Beyond the number one in the gold list! It can even be said that it has reached an extremely terrifying height!

“Is this the ultimate Tekken?”

They are the first time to see the Ultimate Tekman shot!

The energy between heaven and earth allowed the Mixed Word Generation to see for the first time the unparalleled expressiveness of the Ultimate Iron Man!

It’s just that

Face the persuasion of the Flame Messenger!

“I must stop you!”

Summer’s firm opening, the sound of the guitar playing is more and more vibrating! Just when the are worried about hitting the stone with a pebble in the summer! Suddenly!


The Lord of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, Lan Ling King, instantly broke through Summer’s condensation technique and stood directly in front of Summer!

“And us.”

Two people speak directly!

The three of them looked at each other and all smiled slightly! Fight!

Never back down! This is the belief of the Trinity! And just then!

“Wait a minute!”

“And we…”

Airplanes! Airplanes!

A series of figures appeared behind Summer!

“Iron Time and Space Chief Battle Regiment—”

“Dongcheng Guard!”

Repair, a—chord, ordination, stirrups, and meditation appear at the same time!

“And me.”

The figure of the cold appears!

“Yeah, and me.”

Xia Yu’s figure appeared.

He looked at Summer.

“No matter how much I love to calculate……”

“Wouldn’t let my brother die alone.”


Countless watched one figure after another appear, and they were all shocked for a while.


“It’s all coming.”

Dongcheng Wei! Cold! Xia Yu! It’s all coming! See this scene! I don’t know why!

Everyone felt as if the blood in their hearts was boiling!

“Don’t give up…”

“Always work together.”

“Isn’t that what it is—”

“The ultimate one?”

The bastards muttered to themselves, their eyes looking forward excitedly! Ahead!

Summer is playing Iron Infinity, and Infinity Audio resounds throughout Iron Time and Space! After the crowd appeared


In the summer, the red glow of the fingertips surged and instantly rushed to the top of the Iron Pole! Meanwhile!

Rear! Dongcheng Wei!


Also instantly exploded the energy index!





The crowd spoke in unison! rumble

As the last word falls! Everyone played in unison!

A mighty surging music that rises in an instant! In an instant! Countless rays of light shine.


Xiu shouted angrily.


Xia Yu shouted, “Ray! ”

Cold sound opening.


Lan Ling King stopped the spirit and shook it!


The sound of moxibustion dance echoes in the sky! Five huge words! – Emerge! Rush to the sky in an instant! Boom~

Between heaven and earth!

The five in-situ attribute energies are condensed from all over the world! Over the Sky Dome!

Five energies form a terrifying vortex! rumble

In the whirlpool, countless thunder and lightning intertwined, and countless streams of energy like vines surged down in an instant! Gather around the crowd below!


Countless energies are intertwined and condensed around everyone! Form a huge blob of light! With the surging audio played by the crowd, countless energies were driven! Form an extremely terrifying attack, as if to crush everything! Rush forward!


“I’m going…”

“Burn up!”

When the mixed word generation saw this scene, they couldn’t help but speak loudly! I felt the blood boiling in my body!

The blood in my heart is burning!

“This is the iron space-time…

“This is the ultimate Tekker……”

“This is…”

“The ultimate one?”

There are bastards muttering to themselves, their eyes looking ahead, except shock is shock even though they have not participated in the war!

Although they did not enter!

But in this immersive scene, everything in front of you is like it is real! They saw summer grow with their own eyes! See the appearance of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord! See the loyalty of King Lanling! All the scenes of the story have happened in front of them! For this hilarious, warm and everyday ultimate family, the hearts of all the are very fond of it! Just like they like the ultimate class of hot blood, lecture spirits!

And the scene in front of you is the most boiling!

It’s not them fighting the Fire Messengers!

But even when they know that they will face the Flame Messenger, when they know that they will sacrifice and die, they will still choose to stand behind Summer without hesitation and play this epic surging music with Summer in the face of the Fire Messenger!

Instead, after Summer knew his mission, he desperately froze the Lanling King, moxibustion, and did not let the two participate, but with the strength of one person, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he would choose to stop the flame messenger!

The playing of this song! Heaven and earth change color! Great Shock!

Countless energies are condensed all around you!

Play an epic piece of music! Take time and space as the stage! Make enemies with the messengers of fire! With surging blood, with undefeated youth, with the will of youth! Play the energy that can destroy the world and fight for the faintest, the smallest possibility, hope!

Fight! Stop the war! Take the music! Take audio!

Drive the universe, space-time energy!

The multitude of abilities merges under that surging music! Erupted with an unprecedented power index!

This moment! The scene was silent!

That surging musical energy, that boiling blood, that indomitable music! It resounded through the scene, resounded throughout the space, reverberated in everyone’s ears, and landed in front of everyone! Whether it’s the bastard in front of the storyteller, Wang Dadong! Or the Xenomorph Walker under the Iron Time and Space, Moxibustion Dance and others!


Even the Flame Messenger couldn’t help but be moved.

“It looks like…”

“I was well worth the trip.”

“For the sake of perfecting others…”

“You can even ignore your own life and death.”

“It also gave me a glimpse of the incredible chaotic element of iron space-time.”

This moment.

The eyes of the flame messenger gradually became serious.

From the beginning!

He was very calm, very calm! But at the moment

In the face of the people in front of him, his eyes for the first time appeared a serious “look.” ”


“I just have to continue!”


The flames around him seemed to burn everything, and at the moment when his words fell, the flames around him boiled and burned! The surrounding space is all distorted and can burn one

Cut, burn everything and the flame energy soars into the sky! Straight up into the sky and break through the sky! Form a terrifying whirlpool storm! Condensed between heaven and earth!

He raised his hand “Yan.” ”




He looked ahead, and he didn’t know when countless paths, dense meteorites, had surfaced around him! Flames intertwined on that meteorite, and a terrifying firestorm completely formed! Seems to destroy everything!

“All things…”


Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! Strike!

“So hot!”

“What a terrifying energy!”

Countless in the space, at this moment, their bodies were trembling involuntarily! The energy of this flame messenger!

Penetrate time and space directly! Penetrate everything! Even if they are separated!

But it can make people feel the energy of destruction! Whether it’s Golden Time and Space!

Or iron space-time! All of them!

And just after that flame messenger formed the flame storm the heavens and earth were gloomy!

Like a precursor to destruction! Heaven and earth are hot! As if to burn everything! And ahead

Even the flame storm energy breath that erupted from the flame messenger made the Moxibustion Dance, Han, Xiu, Lanling King and others seem to have suffered a heavy blow, and the corners of their mouths vomited blood, even the summer of the ultimate Iron Man was difficult to bear!

Countless, strange walkers, saw this scene, and they all inhaled a cold breath, which was just breath!

Is it enough to make people unbearable? rumble

A firestorm swept everything in an instant! Rush forward! One

Powerful energy bursts! Now! A vast expanse!

In front of the countless mixed generations, at this moment, there is only a blank, a white expanse, everything seems to disappear, those energies, those music, all those things, all disappear, only everything in the white expanse, as if everything has returned to chaos.



There are mixed words to open their mouths. It was just that kill. Just that power. Just that energy.

Base……… No one can survive, right? Be aware! That’s it………

What a power that can destroy time and space!

Summer, Moxibustion Dance Lord, Lanling King, repair them……… Are they all dead?

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