Chapter 214 The Story That Ends with Prologue! Start talking about Final Level X Dorm? 【1_8】】!!

Countless people looked at that destructive power!

There is only one thought in everyone’s mind

Who can survive the destructive power of this horror? You know, just the moment when the Flame Messenger’s Killing Breath appeared! Everyone was vomiting blood as if they had been hit hard, and just the breath made everyone hurt hard!

If only it had come! Who can resist?

“Under the power of that horror……”

“Even if they are separated…”

“I feel like I just touch a little bit and I’m going to go away.”

At this time.

The knife opened its mouth wildly.

Knife crazy words.

Instantly made countless people change their looks! Knife madness!

Second on the gold list!

Combat Power Index 30,000 points!

Even if it is a knife madness, under the distance, it feels that the energy will disappear when it touches a trace…

“That is……”


“No doubt about dying?”

Some bastards opened their mouths, with heavy expressions and unwilling to believe it! But everyone knows!

The power of that flame messenger! Enough to destroy time and space! Destroy everything! Summer they……… How could it be alive?

Countless people were silent, with heavy expressions, unwilling to believe.


“If not alive…”

“How did the Final Level X Dormitory thing happen?”

There are mixed words who open their mouths, and the voice is very heavy.

Just the moment his voice fell! Airplanes!

The white expanse in front of your eyes, the nothingness in front of your eyes is scattered! After spreading out!

Everyone saw ahead!


Suddenly! Everyone was stunned! Ahead of that!

In the summer, the three people of the Moxibustion Dance and the Lanling King originally fell to the ground, but under the watching… But slowly get up!

They……… Still alive?!!

Under the watchful eyes of all

Summer, Moxibustion Dance, Lanling King, Dongcheng Wei, Xia Yu, Han Du – got up and looked blankly at the four 457 weeks.

Their breath is weak, but not fatal!


“What’s going on?”

The eyes of the bastards were wide open.

Just before everyone knows what’s going on!


The voice of the flame messenger sounded.

“It’s your almost stupid kindness……

“Let me take back my life and give Iron Time and Space another chance.”

“These wicked people who should have been destroyed, it was your courage that saved them.”

The Flame Messenger looked at the summer in front of him.

“I want them to understand.”

“So as not to…”

“I’ll come back.”

His words.

Instantly made the mixed word generation slightly stunned! Originally!

To the end!

Was it the Flame Messenger who left his hand? Listening.

Summer looked at the flame messenger with some concern: “Flames. ”

“You go back like this…”

“The one who sent you won’t punish you, will he?”

The Flame Messenger smiled slightly, “Thank you for taking into account my position.” ”

“If today’s result is good, then everything is worth it.

“As a flame messenger, I should have existed for justice and goodness, and even if I had to pay a price for you, I think it was worth it.”

He looked seriously at the summer in front of him.

Words although, don’t let Summer worry about them! The information that can be revealed has made countless people look slightly stunned!

After the words are finished.

He nodded to Summer and the figure disappeared into place.

“Above the Flame Messengers……”

“Who the hell is that?”

“How dare even the Flame Messenger punish?”

From the information revealed by the mixed word generation, they felt the mystery of this universe more and more.

“The deepest part of the universe……”

“What the hell is that?”

“Why is the existence of the Flame Messenger of this level not the strongest?”

“What’s the story in there?”

The bastards are full of curiosity about the deepest part of the universe!

This messenger of fire came from the deepest part of the universe and was in charge of the order of time and space! Once the order of time and space is chaotic, it will come out to destroy time and space, unify it, and completely make everything start all over again!

“I feel a little chilled.”

“It’s as if we’re just a small world that can be wiped out by people when we lift our hands.”

“In the deepest part of the universe, it seems to be the real big world.”

Some of the mixed characters shivered.


“The ending is not bad.”

“I didn’t expect that at the last moment, it was the flame messenger who stopped.”

The looked at the scene in front of them.

Everything real makes them understand if the flame messenger does not stop! In the summer, the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord, Lan Ling King and others were afraid that they would really be annihilated! There will be no more stories to follow!

“It can also be said that the courage and kindness of summer, which is close to stupidity, has impressed the flame messengers.”

“Although this is really stupid in the summer……”


“It’s really impressive.”

The bastards looked at that summer and sighed.

“It really feels very strange, maybe our concepts are different, I feel that these evil people have no need to save at all, there is a lot of evil, there must be retribution, isn’t the flame messenger their retribution?”

The knife ghost spoke.


“It can only be said that the level and concept that Summer stands on is different from ours, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, what he stands on is the level of iron time and space, what he guards is iron time and space, even in the face of evil people, he will still punish, he is now only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenager, where there is so much we think.” 」

“But often this kind of juvenile mentality, Fang is the root of becoming the ultimate Iron Man, treating the whole world with good thoughts, that is, the world itself has countless evil thoughts, but those who have made mistakes, if they can improve, are willing to pay for the mistakes they have made, perhaps, this is the goodness that the world needs.”

“After all…”

“Hell can’t accommodate so many wicked people.”

The knife opened slowly.

The vicissitudes of him.

You can see more.

“Don’t forget…”

“I once had the blood of many innocent people on my hands.”

“So the rest of my life is ultimately going to be spent in redemption.”

“And back then, I was also the ally of the Lord, who saved me.”

“It’s like summer saved these wicked people.”

He is the most perceptive.

Because —

His past experience can be said to be that of the most evil person, the supreme killer, the king of the killer, will there be less blood on his hands?

“He showed me what the allies looked like.”

“Good value for money”

It’s just that everyone’s concept is different, and what he did was indeed very stupid, and the knife laughed madly, but he didn’t deny anything. In countless ideas.

There are always different life experiences, see different ideas, some people can understand, some people find it difficult to understand, which is also the root of countless contradictions.

In the picture.

The flame messenger leaves.

In the summer, Xiu came to the Holy Mountain and began to play Tekko Wuji.

In that holy mountain.

Summer carries the iron Wuji on his back.

In the picture of this scene, there is a bgm.

“Split Pack One, Scatter Pack Two.”

“Spot 3 package, hear that this is usually the end of the day!”

“Oh, who’s in trouble again!”

“Oh what to do now.”

“Old Mother Darling has long said that the sealing of dragon stickers can not be played randomly——”

“The unicorn gloves are out, and who else dares to resist!”

“The ultimate family, who is the boss?”

“You can’t finish the cooked dishes, you try it!”

Mixed male and female voices!

In this dynamic music!

Summer directly began to play Tekko Wuji! Moment!

Tek’s infinite audio headed towards the Heavenly Dome! Causing a terrifying whirlpool, in that heaven and earth, the door of time and space emerged! The energy of the Nature, the Otherworld, and the Demon Realm that the Iron Infinite Pole Impulse instantly burst through the seal of the Gate of Time and Space! Head for eleven space-times!

A pale green glow fills the Gate of Time and Space! Through the boundaries of time and space, flowing through twelve time and space!

“Summer playing Tek–”

“The infinite audio urges the energy of nature, the otherworld, and the demon world to flow in the twelve time and space, and begins to reverse the decline of the good in the twelve time and space, and restore the balance of the good and evil order again——”

“This also blows a real offensive horn for the counter-attack of the Demon Realm.”

“It was also unveiled for us…”

“The Third Act of an Epic Story.”


Su Yu shook the folding fan.

“In the cracks between time and space…”

“Brother Xiong has finally returned to the Charan Zeid family.”

“The Story of the Ultimate Family.”

“I also arrived here and drew an end.”

“In this iron time and space, there are countless touching daily routines and stories, which is also the meaning of the existence of the ultimate family, the real prologue of the duel between the twelve time and space and the devil, which takes place in such a seemingly simple but complex family, countless people have their own stories, whether it is Brother Xiong, Ye Siren, Xia Tian, Xia Bao, Xia Mei, or Xia Liu.”

“When the Iron Pole Infinite Playing resounded through twelve times and spaces.”

“It also officially made this magnificent story really kick off.”

Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

The story of the ultimate family! It’s finally over!

Countless listened, all in a bit of a trance.


It’s over?

“How does it feel……”

“It’s so reluctant.”

A bastard spoke.

“Yes, I want to go into the iron time and space, and see Brother Xiong, Summer, Xia Yu, Xia Mei, the leader of the Dead Man, and Grandpa Xia Liu.”

“It feels so warm and funny, I really want to see their story for myself.”

“It always feels like it’s not over.”

There are mixed characters who are very reluctant and feel that they are still unfinished.

That story.

Seems too short.

At this moment, even countless people want to enter that iron time and space, to see where they live, to meet Summer and others.

It’s not just the who think so.

Even Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu and others are the same, when Mr. Su told “The Ultimate Class”, they did not feel this way, but at the moment it is “The Ultimate Family”, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar faces, they also experienced the mood of the mixed characters when they watched “The Ultimate Class”, when listening to the story and looking at the characters in the story

There always seems to be a kind of touch, so that they have a kind of admiration for this character in a moment, and it is always difficult to give up when facing the end of the story.

“After telling the story of the ultimate family……”

“Let’s go back to—”

“The Story of Final Level X Dorm.”

“The Future of Iron Time and Space.”

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