Chapter 215 Good Protoplasm Ye Sheng! The source of the battle between good and evil? The original power of the universe? 【2_8】】!!

“The book was picked up last time.”

“In the future of iron time and space, the Stranger is forced to sign 128 unequal rules, and once the Stranger uses the Ability, he will be arrested, at 1.28 million, and the punishment of 128 years of imprisonment, in the future, the Stranger Walker is like a street rat, everyone is in danger.”

“And the Charan Zend family was forced to move out of their original residence and open a Xia apartment.”


“From Ye Siren out of room 206, a-chord reappeared.”

Over the sky.

Su Yu’s shadow shook the folding fan, and in an instant, countless clouds scattered.

His words.

Directly let the strange person below be stunned in an instant!

Whether it’s a White Way Stranger Walker or a Demonized Stranger! All stunned!

The end

Strangers are like street rats?

They haven’t eased up from the Flame Messenger thing! Even the Xenopaths still have a certain skeptical attitude towards this matter, and now……… The shadow actually told them that the future Stranger Walker was like a street rat?


The first reaction of all Strangers is Impossible!

“Here it comes.”

Moxibustion dance expression slightly condensed.

He was full of worries about the future of this iron space-time, and he wanted to know what was going on.

Only by knowing what happened can it be stopped! Golden space-time.

Su Yu began to tell the plot of “Final X Dormitory”.

The picture is floating around!


The crowd saw a future scene around them! Very real! The scene starts to change!

The story of Final X Dorm is beginning to appear!

After a-chord was transformed into a Muggle, the reason why Ye Siren disappeared for countless years was gradually revealed!

“At the beginning—”

“Ye Siren followed Han out, but he didn’t expect that he had mistakenly boarded the time and space train.”

“And the reason he’s been missing for so many years…”

“It’s because I’ve been in the time train.”


Su Yu spoke slowly.

“Mr. Su, what is a time train?”

Some of the mixed characters immediately opened their mouths, very curious.

“Time and space trains…”

“It was a train of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign famous figures in twelve time and space, and this train was lined up wandering in the universe, not knowing the purpose, not knowing the direction, looking for those famous figures in the long river of time, and Ye Siren got on this time and space train, inside

The passage of time is countless times that of the outside world, and the vitality in his body will also flow in that time and space train, so…

“When he appears, he will age rapidly, and the only thing that can save him is ‘Soul Search.'”

Su Yu told about the time and space train.

This time and space train is a very mysterious train, with time, the universe as the node, is a car that shuttles through the long river of time, whether it is ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, all shuttled by it, just like a time machine, countless years, no one knows the origin of this time and space train.

“What a magical train…”

“Will there be contact with the deepest parts of the universe?”

Some of the mixed characters opened their mouths and felt that it might be related to the deepest part of the universe.

That is the deepest part of the universe

At this moment, it seems to have become a mysterious place that everyone yearns for, and they all want to unravel the mysterious veil in the deepest part of the universe to see what the truth is, what are the characters and identities that they cannot know.

A picture appeared around Su Yu

After Naye Siren knew that his life was short, he left the Xia Ren apartment, trying to find a place to die quietly, and Brother Xiong searched everywhere for him, so there was a picture in the iron list!

In the scene.

Brother Xiong looked around for Ye Siren’s whereabouts, but no matter how she searched, Ye Siren just disappeared.

In the end, her tears kept falling.

Countless people looked at this scene and were silent.

And in another scene.

The old Ye Siren emerged.


A sense of vicissitudes surged into everyone’s heart.

“Just finished watching the ending of the ultimate family……”

“Obviously so happy.”

“But this future……”

find it hard to accept!

In the ending just seen! Brother Xiong walked back from the rift of time and space, all the crises were lifted, and everyone gathered in the Xia Mansion, happily waiting for dinner, the Master of the Moxibustion Dance League, Xiu, Lanling King, A-chord, the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, Xia Liu

Ah Gong, Ye Siren, all sat at the dinner table, happily eating the dark dishes made by the male brother, which made people smile and was very warm.

But the future………

Ye Siren was old and unrecognizable, and seemed to be dying. In the summer, Xia Yu, the Lanling King, the master of the Moxibustion Dance League, Xiu participated in the war. Xia Liu’s grandfather, Brother Xiong, and other people’s abilities were suppressed and survived.

A-chord was transformed into a Muggle alive and his spirit was greatly damaged.


Right now.

The difference is so great that people don’t want to believe it! The surrounding scene is constantly changing.

Ye Siren was finally found and sealed into a titanium coffin, keeping him alive until he could find a way to save him.

Iron space-time.

Countless Strangers looked at this scene and were all a little surprised.

What happened in that picture……

The characters in that picture………

Especially the appearance of Brother Xiong and Grandpa Xia Liu made the inner doubts of these Xenopaths gradually change, after all, the structure of these scene pictures was completely beyond their imagination.

Moxibustion Dance looked at the picture of Mr. Tianqiongsu’s shadow.

Suddenly, he said, “Xiu, you say…”

“If we can really travel into the time and space of the story.”

“Can you change the situation?”


“Summer, the end of Xia Yu’s death?”

He looked at the picture of the Heavenly Dome and had an idea! Xiu Wei was stunned.

He did not expect that the Allied Lord would have such an idea.

“It’s just…”

“Probably not yet, right?”

Xiu hesitated for a moment and said.

If only it could be crossed

Then everyone will not hesitate to rush to the future of iron time and space to save those who have been transformed into Muggles! Go and deal with those H League guys! The scene in front of you, the future of Iron Time and Space, looks too angry, especially watching the Stranger Walkers being mutilated, while they are still fighting against the Demon World on the front line and fighting to protect Iron Time and Space! But iron space-time……… But he betrayed the Stranger!


He crossed his hands on his chest and seemed to be thinking about something.

Golden space-time.

The surrounding picture continues.

Many scenes are daily, such as the daily life of Natsumi and Ren Bianguang, accidentally obtaining a marriage license by mistake, Julia likes Huyan Jueluo Cangqiong, etc., which are the daily interactions of many people, including contradictions.

The crowd was not interested in these stories, but memorized their names and characteristics.

Huyan Jueluo Cangqiang – Xiu’s cousin.

Ren Bianguang – Ren Chenwen’s distant relative.

Ye Sheng——— had a gentle personality, and he was like a summer being, and he didn’t dare to take a knife, and it seemed that he would change his appearance at one point.

Julia ——— a shy girl who likes to call the sky.

For the emergence of these new characters, the do not want to see at all, and everyone wants to see the interactive daily life of the ultimate family, for these strange people, strange characters, there is always some inexplicable sense of rejection.

“Mr. Sue…”

“Will these characters who will appear in the future have anything to do with the Battle of the Demons?”

Some couldn’t help but ask.

Mainly in the future story, almost all are biased and everyday.

The only story line that appears is the appearance of Ye Siren, the appearance of a-chord, followed by a long daily life, a lot of trivial things, people

Quite helpless, of course, this is also because they are the ultimate family for the predecessor

The emotion is inside, there is some rejection of the daily life of the new character, and I don’t like it very much on stage.

Su Yu smiled slightly, “Guys…”

“Do you think that these characters who appear on the scene seem too ordinary?”

The people in the audience all nodded.

In an age when there are no powers!

Ye Sheng, Julia are too mediocre, completely do not feel the feeling similar to summer, Xia Mei.

“But actually……”

“These characters are closely related to the Battle of the Devils.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan: “Ye Sheng.” ”

“It is the good protozoa, and it is also the owner of the good source force, and the good and evil force is the original force of the universe, stronger than the mixed element, in situ power.”


Countless were slightly stunned!

Iron Time and Space Strangers, Moxibustion Dance and others are even more so!

“Good Source Force?”

“The Force of Good and Evil?”

The bastards couldn’t believe it.

“Actually beyond the in-situ power, the mixed element ability?”

In situ power!

Mixed element power!

This is the strongest power of iron time and space that Mr. Su once said, which is beyond ordinary powers!

But now! The Force of Good and Evil!

Is it the source of all the energy in the universe? Iron space-time.

“The origin of good and evil?”

Moxibustion Dance muttered to himself.

“I know, Lord, that the Shock Classic seems to have said that it is the most fundamental power of the universe.”

“I didn’t think about it…”

“What will happen in the future?”

Grandpa Xia Liu did not know when he came to the side of the Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord, and while he was hostile to the old leader of Yehenara standing next to the Moxibustion Dance Alliance, he opened his mouth with a solemn look.

“Feel this future…”

“It’s incredible.”

“Even people with this kind of origin power have appeared?”

Grandpa Xia Liu felt very incredible!

Those who possess the Force of Good and Evil……… All appeared? Golden space-time.

“Mr. Su……”

“Is this Force of Good and Evil really so terrifying?”

Some mixed characters couldn’t help but ask, feeling that the three views had been hit again! I thought that the in-situ abilities were very powerful!

Didn’t expect that!

Now there is the power of the origin of the universe! Stage.

Su Yu shook the folding fan and said, “The source power of good and evil.” ”


“In the very beginning, what the space-time of the universe cultivates is the Force, that is, the initial force, there is no distinction between good and evil, there is no distinction between the white path and the demon path.”


“The emergence of two forces of good and evil that are higher than the Force makes the difference between good and evil in the Otherworld, and the difference between the White Path and the Demon Path.”

“Countless people with extraordinary abilities have been contaminated with this source of good and evil, and thus began to distinguish between good and evil, white and demonic ways, and it is also the beginning of the great war between good and evil.”

Su Yu’s words.

Let the whole scene be silent again! Unexpectedly………

And this layer of information? Hundred million!

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