Chapter 216 Iron Time and Space Future, Ghost Dragon… Appeared?! 【3_8】!!

“I didn’t think about it…”

“Ye Sheng, who looks honest and good at bullying……”

“How can there be such an identity?!”

Golden Time and Space!

The bastards below were all wide-eyed, very shocked! The source of good and evil!

Good Protogen! It turned out to be Ye Sheng!

“Mr. Nasu…

“Wouldn’t the appearance of this Ye Sheng have a huge impact on the future?”

The mixed word generation felt that the appearance of this Ye Sheng was definitely not so simple!


“This good protozoa has appeared, and it feels like something big will happen in this future.”

“Maybe it all has something to do with the deepest side of the universe.”

Some mixed characters speculated that the emergence of this good protoplasm is certainly not so simple!


It may have something to do with the deepest part of the universe! Stage.

Su Yu took a sip of tea: “The Shanyuan body appeared.” ”

“Naturally, malignant bodies also appear.”

“And there is a great connection and involvement with it.”

“And he and the evil protobody are the targets of the Demon Lord of Diablo, once the good and evil protozoa is completely at war, the twelve time and space will enter the original good and evil war, when the good is in the upper hand, the white path of the strange practitioners can enhance the special ability, and at the same time remove the demonization of the demonization of the demonization of the demonization of the evil practitioner, but the evil is in the upper hand, there will be the white path of the strange walker will continue to demonize.”

“Of course…”

“It’s all an afterthought.”

Su Yu smiled slightly.

“And then…

“It’s Julia.”

Su Yu’s topic turned and came to Julia’s body.


Below the mixed word generation, the Iron Time and Space Strange Walkers were slightly stunned.

“Isn’t it……”

“What’s different about her?”

The bastards were a little hesitant.

After all.

From the picture, the story, this Julia is very ordinary, and still very shy, in the story, the face is very thin, and it looks a little stupid, like to extend the sky, but dare not say it, it seems, is an ordinary girl.


Su Yu shook the folding fan:


“Her existence is related to everything in the deepest part of the universe.”

“Her identity is one

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“It’s linked to space-time.”

“It’s called…”

“Space-time observer.”

One word!

In an instant, the people below were stunned, such as the Mixed Word Generation, the Iron Time and Space Stranger, and the Moxibustion Dance!

Spacetime……… Observer?

Although I don’t know what the identity is, listening to this name makes people feel its extraordinary!

“Space-time observers…”

“Isn’t it—”

Some took a breath of cold air!

“Are those beings in the deepest part of the universe sent out to observe space-time?”

“Like a flame messenger?”


“What is the purpose of them doing this?”

are speculating! Since it is a space-time observer!

Presumably, it must have a great relationship with the existence in the deepest part of the universe, and it may even be the deepest part of the universe, which was sent by the flame messenger! But what is the purpose of this?


Su Yu continued, “As you all said…”

“Julia’s appearance.”

“It is convenient that there is a relationship in the deepest part of the universe.”

“It’s just that these are all afterwords.”

Su Yu shook the folding fan.


“It is the heavens that stretch out.”

“The new generation of the Huyan Jueluo family, the cousin of Huyan Jueluo Xiu.”

“His extraordinary……”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

The in the audience instantly brought up their hearts! All nervous looking at Su Yu!

“What are you doing so nervously?”

There are new who don’t understand things, asked.

“I tell you, usually Mr. Su’s voice is a meal, it is to amplify the move.”

The who listened to the book before spoke directly.


Su Yu’s voice came out.

“It’s about his potential.”


“A physique far beyond the potential of the ultimate Iron Man.”

“It is also a new generation of warriors of the Huyan Jueluo family.”

At the moment when Su Yu’s words fell!

The whole scene was instantly silent!

Even iron space-time! So be it!

Much more than that…

The Ultimate Iron Man’s Physique?! Be aware!

The Ultimate Iron Man, that is the savior of the entire twelve time and space! Be the savior of the universe! It is the only one that can break through the 45,000 point limit to 50,000 points

Existence! It is the existence with the strongest potential in the world! Right now………

Is there even a existence that is far beyond the potential of the ultimate Iron Man?

The bastards below, as well as the Extraordinary Walkers of Iron Time and Space, were instantly stunned and felt incredulous!

“Also known as ———”

“Ultimate X-gram man.”

“What X represents is the unknown, which means that if he is biased towards good or evil, which side will gain a huge advantage, and the fixed number of the iron space-time future lies in the body of this ultimate X-gram, and at the same time, the whole scene of the goal of the Diablo Demon Lord is very silent!”


The appearance of the Ultimate X-Gram has subverted everyone’s perception of the Ultimate Iron Man.

“And Ren Yan finished with Pang Guang.”

“It is the last remaining high-level Alien Walker of the last generation of the Extraordinary Walker, of course, this also has a great relationship with his family, although the Ren Chuan Lang family is now in decline, but it was once…

“But it is the strongest physique family in iron time and space, and there have been ultra-high-level alien walkers with a million ability indexes.”

Su Yu spoke slowly, introducing the people in the final level X dormitory one by one.

Of course!

This is also because the final level X dormitories are almost all biased with the everyday, and there are not many real story lines.

The only thing that can be related to time and space is the identity of this group of tenants staying in the Xia Ren’s apartment, each of which is not simple, and is related to time and space and the universe.

“Million-level Ability Index?”

“My God, is this Ren Ren family so powerful?”

The following are all wide-eyed!

Even the Strangers of Iron Time and Space were very shocked! After all

There’s so much information involved! Whether it is the source of good or evil!

Or a space-time observer! Or the Ultimate X-Gram Man!

Or maybe it’s the Ren Gang family! Every message is king fried!

Originally, in the eyes of everyone, the daily life of the final level X dormitory was relatively boring! From the picture just seen, everyone is not very interested in the daily life of the Final X dormitory, and what they want to listen to is to know the end of the big war and whether the future of the Stranger Walker can be turned over! Defeat those H Leagues and Muggles! Reverse the status of the Xenowalker!

The only thing that is interesting is what Mr. Su once mentioned, the X dormitory has a great relationship with time and space! Of course! The characters told now also instantly made everyone interested in the story of Dormitory X!

The screen continues

The above continues to play everyday…

Ye Siren entered the titanium coffin, looking for a glimmer of life, in the face of Ye Siren’s departure, Brother Xiong was the most unbearable, waiting for Ye Siren’s return, and as a result, in the end, he actually had to lie in the coffin, unless he found a glimmer of life, otherwise there would be a moment, and his vitality would pass away very quickly!


After Ye Siren lay in the titanium coffin.

Xia Liu and Brother Xiong both found that the Xia Ren’s apartment had been installed with a monitor, and that the monitor was connected to a dark place, and it seemed that someone was watching them in that dark place!

After being discovered and surveilled, the male brother of Xia Liu, was like a great enemy, after all, with the current situation of the Extraordinary Walker, if he was caught with the handle, it would definitely be finished! But they don’t know who is behind this monitor!

“And just then…”

“The ghost dragon has appeared.”

Su Yu narrated.

Su Yu’s words fell!


The eyes of the bastards were wide open.

“Ghost Dragon?”

“The ghost dragon has appeared?!”

The mixed word generation’s eyes widened in disbelief! Be aware!

Ghost Dragon………

Not on a very cloudy day………

Was it absorbed by Yehenara’s old boss as dark energy? Of course!

According to speculation, the ghost dragon may be forced to sleep in the summer body because of the disappearance of dark energy, just like the ghost phoenix!

But the ghost dragon that disappeared for so long……… How did you suddenly appear?!

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