Chapter 217 The Next Story… The Seminary plays the leading role? Will it also involve the future of Golden Time and Space?! 【4_8】!!

Everyone was very surprised!

Ghost Dragon……… How could it suddenly appear? Stage.

Su Yu shook the folding fan: “The appearance of the ghost dragon…”

“Actually, it has something to do with the situation on the battlefield.”

“It’s a pity—”

“Everything about the battlefield was sealed, and his return did not bring back any news.”

In the scene screen

The handsome, milk-drinking ghost dragon reappears, and this is the end of the ultimate family, and everyone sees the appearance of summer again! Or rather, it should be the appearance of the ghost dragon again!

It’s not the same as the Ghost Dragons of the past! The appearance and hairstyle of the ghost dragon have changed a lot, only the black jacket is still worn, it still looks so arrogant, and it thinks about opening a party all day.

“I didn’t think about it…”

“I was able to see the Ghost Dragon again in the future.”

“We all thought we wouldn’t see summer again.”

When the bastards saw the ghost dragon appear, they were very excited! For them!

Summer! Ghost Dragons!

The heart of the ultimate family!

The story that was originally not interesting became interesting with the appearance of the ghost dragon!

“It’s just…”

“How did the ghost dragon appear?”

“If he is in Summer’s body, can’t Summer suppress him anymore?”

But some have found that something is wrong! The appearance of the Ghost Dragon!

It means that something happened in the summer! It may not be possible to suppress the ghost dragon! But summer is the ultimate Iron Man, 52,000 points of the power index, how can there be no way to suppress the ghost dragon?

“Although it’s just a ghost dragon……”

“But hopefully, the Ghost Dragon will be able to discover the tragic situation of the Stranger of Iron Time and Space and deal with the members of the H Alliance and reverse the situation.”

“The Ghost Dragon’s Ability Index should not have been suppressed, right?” Otherwise, he alone would not be able to suppress those H League members, right? ”

The appearance of the ghost dragon.

Let the mixed generation see the hope of future change! Change the tragic situation of the Stranger!

It’s just that

After the ghost dragon appeared, it was still the same treasure as always, and even constantly provoked the male brother, Xia Liu Gong, and even pretended to be Summer, so angry that Xia Liu Ah Gong almost wanted to subdue the Ghost Dragon! But in the end, Grandpa Xia Liu was unable to do anything.

“What, old man, don’t you dare to shoot?”

The ghost dragon stood arrogantly in front of Grandpa Xia Liu.

It’s just that

Xia Liu did not pay attention to him, but sighed and looked at the male brother on the side.

“He always was…”

“It’s my grandson.”

In the scene picture, Xia Liu shook his head, looking old.

The male brother wiped his tears from the side.

The arrogant ghost dragon heard the words of Xia Liu’s grandfather at this moment, and became silent at this moment, as if touched by these words.

But soon!

His figure suddenly became transparent!

When the mixed generation saw this scene, they were all slightly shocked.

“What happened?”

“Could it be that Summer has regained control of the body?”

Seeing this scene, the mixed word generation was very nervous in their hearts, and they all wanted to know the story of the big war! I want to know, what kind of war it is, in the end, forcing Summer, Xia Yu sacrificed himself to win this tragic war!

In the picture scene.

The ghost dragon figure gradually dissipated, and finally, only the ghost dragon was left.

“But actually—”

“The appearance of the ghost dragon……”

“It’s just a conspiracy of the Demon Lord of Diablo.”

“The answer to all the puzzles—”

“It’s all in Ghost Dragon Crane.”

Su Yu slowly opened his mouth.

Countless bastards, Iron Time and Space Strangers, all looked at the Ghost Dragon Hammer.


Xia Liu’s brow furrowed.

“What’s wrong?”

The Lord of the Moxibustion Dance looked at Grandpa Xialiu.

“Pray to the Lords —

“What I’m curious about is the Ghost Dragon Hammer, and the Ghost Dragon Hammer only has the Sealed Dragon Card inside, it is reasonable to say that the future situation, the distribution map of the Strange Walkers in the Sealed Dragon Card should have known it long ago, then…”

“That’s all there is to it, but Mr. Su says the answer to the puzzle is inside.”

“What secrets are there in this dragon card?”

Grandpa Xia Liu was puzzled.

Ghost Dragon Hammer Kree only has the Sealed Dragon Card!

The Dragon Seal Card only has a map of the Alien Walker! What Mr. Kosu said………

Obviously, it is not a map of the distribution of Xenowalkers.

What a mad dragon carry!

And the secrets he didn’t know.

Think of this.

Xia Liu’s expression froze slightly.

That’s when it happened

Around the shadow screen in front of him, there seemed to be a voice sounding: “Mr. Su…”

“Isn’t that Ghost Dragon Dragon Seal Kerry only a sealed dragon card?”

“There are only the distribution maps and weaknesses of the Stranger Walkers in the Dragon Seal, is this the secret?”


There also seems to be people over there who are very confused.


Su Yu shook the folding fan: “The secret of sealing the dragon card——”

“It’s not just a map of the distribution of Xenowalkers.”

“Or rather, the distribution map of the Stranger is just one of them.”

“And the key to opening this is that Ren Pangguang, Xia Liu, and Brother Xiong need to open it together.”

“Of course…”

“These are all afterwords.”

Su Yu didn’t say much.

But the information revealed! But it’s enough to shock people! Especially the moxibustion dance of iron time and space, Xia Liu Ah Gong and others!

As the guardian of the Dragon Card! Xia Liu Gong believed that no one would know more about sealing dragon cards than himself! But now, Mr. Su said something they didn’t even know!

This Dragon Card……… What else is hidden?

The changes in the surrounding scene continue to change!

A new character appears again – Chen Wei, the boss of Meimi Medicine.

And his appearance, but it seems to be inextricably linked to the H Alliance, and even try every means to enter the Xia Ren apartment, originally Xiong, Xia Liu Agong did not want to recruit him, but Chen Wei used a trick to show weakness and successfully entered the Xia Ren apartment.

The story behind is the intersection of Chen Wei and everyone, at the same time, Chen Wei paid special attention to Ye Sheng, and liked Ye Sheng very much!

But what was unexpected!

This Chen Wei is indeed an undercover agent sent by the H Alliance! And the most unexpected thing is………

a—The advent of chord!

It was all arranged by the H League! Under the transformation of the H Alliance, a-chord completely lost its former spirit, leaving only a surviving life, and Chen Wei did not know where to take out the “Soul Search”, let a-chord give it to the male brother of Xia Ren’s apartment, and take it to save Ye Siren.


“That’s it.”

Su Yu’s voice sounded.

“Next story…”

“It involves the first appearance of cultivation, the lives of Chen Wei and Ye Sheng.”

“And the appearance of Xiu—”

“It also involves the battlefield situation of the Great War.”


The bastards were slightly stunned.

The Strange Walker of Iron Time and Space was slightly stunned.


It’s over? Obviously!

They haven’t seen it yet! Didn’t hear it!

Mixed: “…”

Stranger: “…”

: “Sure enough! The most exciting, sure enough, is the trailer! ”

Although they expected Su Yu’s broken chapter, they did not expect it! How cruel it would be! It’s almost scratching your ears, and your heart is itching to hear the story behind you!


“This Final X dormitory is also too watery, right?”

“It’s all everyday things we don’t like.”

“There are only a few clips that really appear, and the most favorite is the appearance of the ghost dragon.”

The mixed word generation expressed helplessness!

The story of this Final X dormitory is more of a trivial matter, completely a daily routine that they don’t like! The only main line is only one point at a time!

“Yes! I feel so sorry, in the future, I can still see the ghost dragon and summer, but I feel that he has changed so much, but I don’t know what the future summer, Xia Yu, Lanling King, and Moxibustion Dance Alliance Lord are like…

“I don’t know if they can still play.”

“I really don’t want to know their existence from other people.”

The bastards sighed.

So to speak

The highest point of the Final X dormitory, the most interesting to them! There is no doubt that the appearance of the ghost dragon!

Of course! There is also the appearance of Xiu!

“The appearance of Hugh……”

“It actually involved the situation of the Great War.”

“But he should be in battle, how could he suddenly return to Iron Time and Space?”

“Isn’t it……”

“Did the Great War speak out about anything?”

“Oh my God!”

“I want to know the next story right away!”

The mixed word generation only felt overwhelmed, looking at Su Yu in front of them, their eyes gradually became unkind!

Of course! These are all newcomers!

The mixed-word generation, who has heard many stories, said calmly: “Small scenes, completely small scenes, you don’t know, Mr. Su has dug many pits for us, until now they have not filled in, and said so slowly, if it were not for the bookwalk, we would have kidnapped Mr. Su to go back to the book.” ”

That being said.

There was still no way to hide everyone’s resentment against Su Yu.

After all………

That’s a terrible break!

Partial to a-chord into a betrayer, get “Soul Washing”, Chen

Wei is also an undercover sent by the H League, just as the main line is underway, and the result is over! And the trailer is also very excessive! People are looking forward to the follow-up story ——— Xiu’s appearance! The situation of the Great War!


“It’s the third act of a magnificent epic story.”

“It’s also the story of Silver Time and Space.”

“At the same time—”

Su Yu’s voice paused.

“It is also a story of the protagonist.”

In one simple word!

Instantly fill the anticipation of all the mixed characters below! Be aware

Previously, when arranging the iron time and space list, Su Yu had mentioned the deeds of Xiu, and even mentioned that Xiu Hui became the protagonist of a story! But no one expected it to be so fast!

It’s just that!

After knowing this information! In addition to the feeling of anticipation in everyone’s heart, it is curiosity! After all, Xiu is a supernatural walker of iron space-time, how can he become a supernatural walker of silver space-time?

“Silver space-time……”

“What kind of story is Silver Time and Space?”

“At that time, looking at Xiu’s future introduction, who was standing at his side, holding a weapon?”

“And the opening is so burning, the ruins, the girls, the darkness, the great war, even the BGM is so burning.”

The mixed generation is full of curiosity and has great expectations for the story of silver time and space.

And that’s when it happened.

Su Yu said again, “Well…”

“The story of silver time and space, connected to the future of gold time and space.”


“It involves the demonization of knife madness.”

Below the mixed word generation: “? ”

All the jerks have only one sentence in mind! Mr. Sue………

The pit you are digging now……… Not big enough isn’t it!!!

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