Chapter 218: Brother Xiong’s Disappearance Crisis! Freewalker… Must die? 【5_8】!!


Mr. Su has already dug the pit! Whether it is the arrangement of the iron list!

Or in the third story, when the Yehenara family is mentioned, it has been mentioned! Ye Siren also has a younger brother, and the story of the third act is closely related to the Yehenara family!

Moreover! Also mentioned! The Story of Silver Time and Space!

It’s a magnificent war! There will be countless figures who stand tall in the sky!

Stop the war before dawn! End the cycle of reincarnation!

Whether it is the pit dug in front of you or the pit that has just been dug, it makes people full of anticipation for the story of the next act! I would like to know what kind of story can make Xiu the protagonist and give birth to a figure who stands tall in the sky! What a magnificent battlefield!

And what kind of war to stop the war!

Hot-blooded, youthful mixed-word generation, full of yearning for these four words! Just listening to it can make people feel like their blood is boiling! Full of anticipation for the next Silver Time and Space story!

“The story of the ultimate family is over.”

“Ultimate X Dorm is over for now.”


“There are still ten minutes of Q&A on the scene, and you can ask any questions.”

Su Yu smiled slightly.

The remixers below began to ask questions.

But for the most part.

It’s all about the future of Iron Time and Space, even the summer, Xia Yu, Lanling King, the future of Moxibustion Dance, and I want to know if the future Lanling King and Moxibustion Dance can get out of trouble from the battlefield! Will the story come out in the future!


These questions… There has never been an answer. With the arrival of ten minutes.


Su Yu smiled slightly: “Everyone. ”

“That’s the end of today’s lecture.”

“A month from now—”

“Tell me the story of Act III.”

“Foresee what will happen next—”

Su Yu folded a dozen fans in his hand and took them back.

“Please listen to the next breakdown—”

Su Yu’s figure left the storytelling desk. But the space around it has not dissipated.

But an exit has surfaced obviously!

It’s become a separate space! It does not exist in the golden space-time! It’s just that

After Su Yu left, countless remained where they were, discussing the fifth story of the ultimate family, the story of the final X dormitory, and the preview of the third act story!

Iron space-time.

With the disappearance of Su Yu!

The shadow gradually faded above the firmament.

The Freewalker sits hovering overhead.

Watching the disappearance of the shadow, his handsome expression was solemn!

Especially seeing the situation of the future Xenowalkers in Iron Time and Space, and watching the Xenowalkers like street rats, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of discomfort and heartache.

“The Stranger Who Used to Guard Iron Time and Space…”

“Do you have to end up in this situation after all?”

He was hard to accept.

A scene in front of you.

For the entire White Path Stranger, it makes people very angry, sad, and sad!

Wonder Strangers! A Stranger Who Guards Iron Time and Space! He was caught as a monster and transformed! Finally destroy the spirit! Let it not even dare to use its special abilities again! Completely reduced to Muggles!


The Strangers were stunned.

The message above………

One and a half minutes.

Make people unacceptable, accept!

“This is…”

“Fake, huh?”

There are strange walkers who open their mouths.

Unbelievable! Can’t believe it! Come on

They have only just experienced the day of the Polar Shadow! outcome

All at once to the Flame Messenger descends? And then!

All of a sudden, it’s the future of Iron Time and Space! And!

The future of iron space-time……… Still so miserable?

How could they be bullied so badly by the Muggles? Even Muggles began to catch Xenowalkers? The Xenomorph becomes a monster?

This……… How is this possible? This! How can it be?! At all costs!

From the bottom of their hearts, they didn’t want to believe everything around the shadow picture just now, including everything that the shadow said!

“Flame messengers…”

“Above the Flame Messengers……”

“The situation of the future Stranger Runners.”

“How is this possible?”

The Strangers shook their heads, unwilling to believe it.


The Strangers ——— left the spot, they had just experienced a big battle, they were already very interested in the shadow, especially the shadow was still fighting with the Nadiabro Demon Lord! Repelled the Deablo Demon Lord! So they were not seriously injured, they were all in the same place, wanting to see what the story of the shadow was telling! But the content of this story!

They think…… Not at all!

Maybe there is still a bit of credibility at first, but the story that follows…… For the Strangers, it was too difficult to accept, and even directly let them veto this possibility! This future! These stories!

Wait for the Xenowalker to leave.

Moxibustion Dance, Yehenara Old Leader, Xiu, Xia Liu Ah Gong and others also left the battlefield.

Iron space-time.

Tekken Union Conference Room.

Moxibustion Dance, Yehenara Old Master, Xiu, Xia, Xia Yu, Xia Liu Gong, Lan Ling Wang were all sitting here.


“Let me sum it up.”

Moxibustion dance slowly opens.

“The future that Mr. Su said……”

“The disappearance of Brother Xiong has led to the chaos of time and space.”

“Only the birth of the ultimate Iron Man, opening the door of time and space, and retrieving the male brother can save the iron time and space.”

“And my Master, the Freewalker, came to the rescue—

“As a result, even if Summer becomes the ultimate Iron Man, it is not recognized by Heaven, and once it is played, natural disasters will occur in iron space-time, landslides, tsunamis and earthquakes.”

The sound of moxibustion dance paused.

“And what caused all this was because my master Freewalker forcibly intervened in the progress of iron space-time, of course, because he was chaotic himself, and once he struck, it would cause the chaos of iron space-time to occur, so that the good and evil of iron space-time would be reversed, and the order of time-space would be chaotic.”


“My master has cut himself off and restored order in time and space.”

“The mission goal of the Flame Messenger has changed—” Moxibustion Dance slowly opened his mouth.

“And the future…”

“Summer should have been injured, leading to the appearance of the ghost dragon.”

“Xiu will also return from the battlefield of the Great War.”

“It’s just…”

“This future is still too far away for us.”

In the conference room.

There was silence.

All listening to the summary of the moxibustion dance.

The content of the last story involves a lot of information, and it can even be said that each one is like a king bombing! Those secrets that are so easy to appear have been revealed at this moment!

Especially Freewalker and the Gunslinger!

These two White Dao and Demon Dao Powerful Masters! In the end, it turned out to be the same person!


“Brother Xiong has disappeared and is involved in the rift of time and space.”

Moxibustion Dance looked solemnly at the people in front of him.


“The story that Mr. Su predicted.”

“It’s going to happen.”

“Brother Xiong’s involvement will involve the entire time and space, and at that time, as long as it is involved with Brother Xiong’s line, it will all disappear.”

The words of the moxibustion dance made the conference room more and more silent! Male Brother Line!

It is the line that implicates the male brother, countless lines will involve this line, such as Summer, Xia Yu, Xia Mei, will be intertwined with this line, and when the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family disappear, all the lines on the line of the three brothers and sisters of the Xia family will all disappear, and they will be implicated one after another! All the people in time and space will disappear! Everyone has been involved with others to a greater or lesser extent, and a thread will be formed!

Once pulled! Annihilate them all! Now the male brother is gone!

The crisis of iron space-time has appeared!


“We need the ultimate Tek.”

Repair the deep voice opening.


“Summer doesn’t have a way to become the ultimate Tek.”


“Freewalker seniors strike.”

The words of repair.

Silence everyone in an instant! Freewalker strikes! It means

The death of this Otherworldly Master of the Godswalker! At all costs!

To the end!

None of the Freewalkers could escape this catastrophe!

“Lanling King, okay?”

Summer spoke.


Hugh shook his head.

“We also saw it in the picture scene.”

“Although the Lanling King had already unlocked the Seven Star Spell Lock on the Polar Yin Day, even if he lost the Ice Heart, he would not be able to unlock the last spell lock.”

“This is…”


Xiu’s voice is heavy!

This is a great battle on a very dark day! King Lanling did not enter the war!

Instead, according to Mr. Su’s story, use spells to absorb the energy between heaven and earth and unlock the spell lock of the Bixing Charm!

But anyway! His destiny

All make it impossible for him to become the ultimate Iron Man!


Moxibustion dance face is silent.


Only the Freewalker has the shot! Only! Freewalker……… Die! to save time and space! This is inevitability! It is a must! unless

They can think of the answer to the current crisis! But obviously!

There was no way to unravel this at all, they had all deliberately let Brother Xiong leave the Xia family, thinking that this would change the story of the future, but they did not expect that even if Brother Xiong was no longer in the Xia family, he was still hit by that energy and fell into the crack of time and space! The crisis that should have occurred……… Still there!

“Isn’t it……”

“Is there no other way?”

Moxibustion Dance clenched his fists.

But that’s when “there is.” ”

A figure dressed in a white robe appeared! Freewalker!

Looking at the crowd, he grinned, and the extremely bright light instantly made everyone unable to open their eyes.

Looking at the people in front of him with sad faces, he smiled slightly, “That is…”

“I helped Summer become the ultimate Tek.”

Moxibustion Dance instantly stood up, “Master! ”

The Freewalker waved his hand, “Little dance.” ”

“This is my destiny.”

“Like you said…”

“It’s providence.”

He shook his head, “From the moment Charan Zende Xiong was hit by the energy, or the moment the day of the Polar Yin appeared, my limit has arrived.” ”

“Do you think…”

“Can I stand by and watch?”

“I want you to erect a monument and a statue for me in the future.”

He smiled slightly, but he was very indifferent.


He’s ready! Be a Freewalker!

He couldn’t stand idly by and watch the crisis of time and space! Even if!

Sacrifice your life! But that’s when it happened.



“There’s another way.”

Xiu suddenly raised his head and said seriously.


The crowd looked at Hugh.

“Tianji Pavilion……”

“Tenki Pavilion Bow!”

Xiu stood up, looked at the crowd and said…

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